Secrets of The Dynamic Believer | Jonathan Cahn
Secrets of The Dynamic Believer
Monday, May 15, 2023
The Mona Lisa, the Sistine Chapel, Beethoven’s Fifth and Ninth symphonies are each considered a masterpiece. How do you make a masterpiece unless you are a master? A masterpiece is the work of a master. So what about your life? Did you ever think that your life can become a masterpiece? Eph. 2:10 says “We are His workmanship.” The Greek word “poiema”, is where we get the word poem from. We are to be God’s poem, God’s piece–that’s a masterpiece. If you want your life to become a masterpiece, you have to let your life be molded by the hand of the Master. You can’t make yourself by yourself. Only the Maker can make you. Stop focusing on your works. Start becoming a work of God. Stop getting wrapped up in your good or bad works. Start learning how to become the work of God. By your work, you can only make what is imperfect, but ALL His works are perfect. When you become His work, then your life becomes a work of the Master, and thus you become a masterpiece.
Let’s go to the other scripture.
Now, Matthew 13 verse 44 I I read it but let’s now look at it.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field which a man found and hit again and from joy over it, he goes out sells everything he has and buys that field again.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls upon finding a pearl of great price.
He goes out sells everything he has and buys it. This is a parable.
Now, there’s a few ways of taking this.
Some have seen in this a parable of Messiah and his love for us and giving up everything for us.
And that that can be applied.
But also it is clearly also for us as believers, for us, salvation, God and salvation is our treasure.
So did the man pay for the treasure? Did he pay for the treasure?
The answer is he did not, he paid for the field. I’m talking about the, the one on the field.
He paid for the field, that one. But he didn’t pay for the treasure in the field.
And that’s, that’s giving you one side of salvation. The other one’s giving you another one.
Now, the thing is the treasure is free but because that treasure was free, but because it was free, he still is so joyous over it that he sells everything.
He has to get that treasure. Now, somebody says, well, the treasure is free.
So I don’t have to do anything here. I’ll just sit here. They’re not gonna open up that, that box.
They’re not gonna have that because they really didn’t receive it.
The treasure is so good and it’s so free that, that, that, that I wanna go full blast with it.
In other words, salvation is so great that I, I have to go with it.
I have to let it change things. I have to move with it.
I have to, I have to do with all my heart and soul and my, because it is so good.
So I don’t say well, because it’s a gift.
I don’t do anything that doesn’t make any because it’s a gift.
It’s so awesome that I have to move with it. It’s so great.
And if you say, well, well, we don’t have to do anything. Well, did you really even receive it?
Then if you’re not, you, you don’t have that zeal for it.
You know, I wanna take God’s love and I want to apply it to my life.
I wanna spread it all over my life and all over around me.
I wanna take God’s awesomeness and put it in every part of my life, his holiness, it’s so good.
I wanna run with it. If somebody gives you a treasure and you don’t really value it, you’re not gonna do anything with it.
But if you do value it, you’re gonna treasure the treasure.
And one of the things the Lord has is calling us to do is to treasure the treasure.
Salvation is a treasure. But if you don’t treasure it, you’re gonna take it for granted and you’re gonna, you’re gonna, you’re not gonna be blessed, you’re gonna, but a treasure that you treasure is gonna change your life.
So it says labor to enter his wrestle again.
You’ve got something that’s a blessing to enter and then you’ve got yet, we, we need God calls us to do, you know, in it.
You know, there are times that the Lord gave miracles to people and sometimes he just says the word or just it’s done.
Other times he said you have to do this and it’s gonna happen now.
It’s not that they did it to earn it.
But there are times you have to do something to open up that gate.
And so the, the blind man has to go down to the pool. If he says, well, it’s grace.
I don’t have to do this. It’s a gift. He’s not gonna get healed. God told him to do it.
There might be something in your life that you are God is saying you need to do this, you need to get this right and it’s gonna open up the, the, the flood of blessings, but you have to do it.
If you say I’m not gonna do his will and you expect to be blessed, labor into, to go and to, to get into the presence of God that takes work.
You know, I mean, because you’re running around so something you gotta put things away, you gotta choose, you gotta mark out the time.
I’m not gonna do other things.
I’m gonna fight off all the other impulses to go online to do this, to do that to watch.
So I’m laboring to get in.
But, but once I get in, then it’s just the treasure but I gotta get in.
There is a cost, there is a price, not the, the, the, the, the blessing is free, but there’s a cost to open it up to open up for that the blessing of the righteous there.
You know, it means it means that, that if you really wanna be blessed of God, you want to, you have to be willing to put away anything in your life that is hindering that blessing and anything that God says no to yet.
When you do that, you’re opening the door, you know, the, the Joshua generation, they, they had the promised land now.
Was that a blessing from God of? Yes. Was it a gift from God? Yes.
Was it given to them freely? Yes. Could they just say, ok, it’s ours.
No, they had a fight, they had a fight even though it was a blessing, even though it was given to them, they still had to fight for him.
And so, and, but God said basically, if you do wherever you walk, I’m gonna give it to you.
So it’s gonna, as you walk, it’s gonna come to you, but you gotta step out, you have to step out of me and it’s gonna come to you.
So the blessing is free. So one of the keys of a dynamic walk is not that you have faith that makes you say I don’t do anything.
It’s faith that said that that allows you to do more than you ever did.
The blessings God has for your life, they’re free.
But there are fights in the world, there are fights in the flesh, there’s fights, there’s a fight of faith, there’s a fight of love, there’s a fight of joy.
You gotta persevere for that and to put other things aside. Salvation is free.
Not because it’s worthless, but because it’s priceless and that and so with that, because it is worth so much, we are called to pay a price because it is sometimes if we don’t, we never appreciate something, the things of God are worth more than anything in this world, more than any billionaire in this world.
What you have makes you richer than Bill Gates staved out all, all that or the, the guy, I don’t even know how to say the name.
Uh the Amazon guy Bezos. Uh But you, you are richer than they if they don’t have the gift that you have.
And, and so it is more close to the problem is, but sometimes when you get something that’s free, human nature is ok.
You know, I don’t value it so much but it is so much beyond all that, what you have is something that you would.
If you real, if we realize what we had, we’d be so joyous every day because it’s beyond having a billion dollars to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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