Pregnant With Expectation – Jack Hibbs
Pregnant With Expectation – Jack Hibbs
All creation groans as it waits for full and final restoration and redemption. We may suffer now, but our heavenly reward is worth the wait! Anticipate the imminent return of Jesus Christ as Pastor Jack talks about our hope and expectation in today’s episode of Real Life TV.
This Real Life TV program is taken from a recent teaching by Pastor Jack. It has been formatted for TV and contains some additional material. We hope you gain new insights as you enjoy this message.
Well, listen, have you ever heard about this being pregnant with expectation? We know about pregnancy.
We know what it means, but Can a believer be pregnant with expectation? The answer to that question is yes.
Thank god. Yes. God wants us plump.
He wants us full with faith and hope enjoying what god has given for us and to us.
And so, we are, as believers, called to love other people.
And we are to love them, listen, with the gospel truth.
As a believer, you and I are pregnant with truth to give out to a world that’s in need that people might hear and think about the gospel and gospel truth, but when they hear it, they’re often offended.
Why would they be offended?
Because the gospel truth is we all needs salvation that has brought to us by our lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
Why do you think he died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead?
You see that is the gospel truth, but that causes people to be offended because it implies that we need a savior.
And yes, we do. So listen, grab your bibles. Let’s dive into this.
And I hope the message encourages you about being pregnant with expectation because there’s no greater excitement.
Than to have the hope, the assurance, and the guarantee of an eternal life in you because, listen, it doesn’t stay inside you for long.
It’s got to come out. That hope has got to be birth and given to those that live around you.
And you and I are the very vehicles by which we are to speak the gospel truth to them.
So let’s find out how we do Titus chapter 2 verse 13 says, looking for the blessed hope.
That that pregnant expectancy of us being transformed and going into his presence looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great god and savior Jesus Christ.
And the words, by the way, and the actions of the believer ought to define a great expectation in our lives.
Why? Paul did this. Old, aged scarred, imprisoned in Rome, in a Roman Sewer, the Mammothin prison, I’ve been there.
Maybe you’ve been there as well.
It’s a it’s a a a tourist site where you go in Rome, and he was in the belly of Rome underground.
And, uh, in that sewage canal.
And he wrote this One of his last few words, by the way, 2nd Timothy 4 verse 8.
Finally, listen to this man. He’s he’s looking down the barrel of Nero’s judgment.
He’s gonna have his head cut off.
Finally, there’s laid up for me, the crown of righteousness, which the lord, the righteous judge will give to me on that day.
And not to me only, but to all those who have loved his appearing.
Do you love the fact that Christ could appear at any moment?
There’s a crown of righteousness that awaits you. You you and I should be pregnant with this with this expectancy.
Colashians 3 verse forces, when Christ who has our life appears, suddenly appears without warning, by the way.
This is not the second coming he’s talking about. This is the rapture of the church. Very different.
The appearance of Christ, then you also will appear with him in glory. First, let’salonians.
This is how it’s gonna happen. If any of you are technical in here, you’re gonna wanna write this down.
See, what’s the mechanics of that? I don’t understand the physics of that.
Well, god knew you’re gonna ask that question. So he gave you this.
1st thessalonians 4 verse 13 starts by saying, but I do not want you to be ignorant, brother.
And the word ignorant here in the Greek word is do not be uninformed.
It means it’s information you can have, so don’t avoid it. Get it.
Concerning those who have fallen asleep or died in Jesus, believers are referred to as that.
They fell asleep in Christ. Speaking of the body. Lest you sorrows, others who have no hope.
For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, god will bring with him those who died in Jesus, verse 15, for this we say to you by the word of the lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are dead.
In other words, their dead body’s gonna pop out of the ground in the resurrection just nanoseconds before If you’re living in that generation, you’re walking down the street.
It’d be awesome if you’re I’ve told you guys before.
I wanna be doing a funeral that day at Forest lawn. Wouldn’t it be great?
And now we put, you know, brother Mike’s body in the ground. Mike’s not here.
Mike with the lord. And wait.
Can you imagine we just put the body down and then the body the the body’s gonna come up in resurrection, and the Bible says, we’ll read it in a second, is that Mike is gonna mean his body in the atmosphere those who are alive at that moment not dead but alive will be metamorphosed.
It’s that stuff. Listen, it’s that thing that you see in the movies. You know the left behind movies?
You ever seen those movies lift, mine? That’s what I’m talking about.
The pilots find the plane, and then he’s gone, or somebody. Okay.
That, listen, when that happens, only god knows when it’s gonna happen.
Don’t think it’s not gonna happen because it hasn’t happened. Hello. It means we’re 2000 years closer to it happening.
That makes this a very, very good day today. I’m ready. I hope you’re ready too. God’s god’s good.
And, uh, where was I? Anybody remember?
Verse 16, for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout.
That’s John 14 1. With the voice of the archangel, with the trumpet of god, and the dead in Christ will rise first, and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up.
That’s the word, uh, in Latin, uh, rapture or the, uh, Greek as harpazo caught up, violently removed, picked up quickly together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the lord verse 18, therefore comfort when another with these words.
And you say, well, I needed a little bit more, uh, technical instruction on that.
Well, look at 1st Corinthians 15 50.
Now, this I say brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god. You wanna know why?
This is so cool. We’re going Christian, we’re going to a an atmosphere where this skin cannot survive.
If you and I went down to the beach right now and we started diving down deep, even with scuba gear on, we can only stay down for so long and we gotta come up real slow.
Right? Why? Cause we were not built for that environment. Okay. We’re built for here.
And we’re not even technically built all that well to go too high because after about 10000, 11000 feet, you start to get a headache.
Walk in an atmosphere so thin of o two. Are you hearing me? Yes.
That you’re not built for that either.
You and I have been built for this earth and that is a scientific and a spiritual fact.
But what if we’re gonna go to heaven? Oh, god’s got that covered?
He’s gonna he’s got he’s gonna take your resurrected body He’s gonna rearrange, which I really appreciate this.
He’s gonna rearrange the molecules. That’s why we believe in resurrection. The Bible teaches resurrection.
Not reincarnation, not resuscitation, he’s gonna take, and those of you who’ve had even basic physics, he’s gonna take, for example, your cells and he’s gonna keep you, you, but he’s gonna rearrange them ever so slightly and he can change the entire environment or the theater in which you live.
He can do that. He’s the great physicist. It’s remarkable because we cannot in this body.
We’ve got to be change, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom. Of god, nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
That’s a very that’s another topic for another day, but it’s beautiful.
Verse 51, behold, I tell you a mystery.
The word misterion in Greek means it’s something that has always been, but it has not been revealed.
It’s not like a mystery like I’m gonna tell you a trick.
It means this is eternal truth that has always been, but now time that god has revealed it.
Oh, yeah? Well, what is that? We shall not all die, but we shall be changed.
And in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, 18 to 20, uh, 5th of a second, they debate about a twinkling of an eye.
The point is it’s gonna be fast at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound.
The dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruption must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on in in mortality.
Church Bailey, I just got my Social Security thing from the IRS.
So is that who it is? Who, uh, about, you know, you’re this age now.
You gotta you gotta plan for your, Wellfair, whatever the thing is called.
I look at all this stuff, and it’s so technical. And it’s like, what?
It makes you want to, like, die. It’s like, really? Wait.
If I have this and then that and a portion, 3% of this on top of this 21% of that.
And then you can only see that doctor for a certain amount of time.
Then you gotta go to and it’s like, no, this is killing me.
It’s all complicated, and you’re gonna get, you know, a dollar 50 a month after inflation.
All this stuff. It’s like, oh, boy.
Hallelujah, our retirement program, according to god, he said it is immortality with him versus 19 to 21 is the fact that we’re looking at a hope that is increasing and we, again, we touched on that as well for a moment and that was we are experiencing a hope that is not a wishful hope.
It’s a knowing hope. Uh, it’s a hope because the hope is a tough word for us to unpack as Western Earth.
When we hope, it’s like, oh, I hope I hope the sun comes out today.
You know, we’ve had 2 days of clouds here in California. Like, what do we do?
What what do we do? When summer coming back?
So whether people, they say something and then you hope or somebody goes somewhere, and they they hope that they get a room or you hope they reserved your car or whatever it is.
No. This is the word for hope is not that word.
The word for hope, the hope that god gives is, you know, we would say it in our modern tongue is a hope that you can take to the bank.
It’s a hope that when god says it, you can grab onto it and say, god, you said it.
So and by the way, that’s true faith. God, you said it in your bible. You said you love me.
I don’t feel very loved. This is happening. That’s happening.
This marital issue, this relational issue, this this family or corporate problem.
God, I don’t I don’t feel your nearness.
God’s listen, Don’t be surprised if you if you do not feel god brush up against you or pinch your little arm to let you know you’re here.
He’s there. He doesn’t do that stuff. What he does is he’ll remind you in your head.
What did I tell you? What what did I say to you?
Well, you said you that you’d never leave me or forsake me. That’s right, but I don’t feel it.
I didn’t say you would feel it. Did he? He didn’t say you’d feel it?
I didn’t say you’d feel it. Yeah. But I need your strength. You’ve got it.
I need your wisdom right in front of you. I need you to get me through this.
I will. The results you gotta leave with god.
The results we leave we live leave with him knowing that, um, even nature itself is waiting for the redemption of man.
Look at verse 19, for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits is kind of an interesting thing.
For the revealing of the sons of god. That’s us, children of god.
Um, it doesn’t it doesn’t personify nature. Nature’s not person, nature is not Gaia. Right?
It’s not a god. Uh, nature is god’s creation.
What got what the Bible is announcing is that nature suffers because man sinned in the garden.
And ever since then, the world has suffered.
And I think you know that just by observation and you even feel that.
You look around in this world and you realize, wow, things are wrong.
And I’m not talking about politics or social cultural things, just naturally.
You’d be looking outside like in my backyard. People it’s my backyard’s like a zoo.
That’s not true. That’s not true. No animals are in a cage. It’s like Jurassic Park.
You look out in the Becker and you go, look at that beautiful squirrel. It’s so beautiful.
And then a red tail hawk. He’s like, okay. Uh, kids look over there.
Isn’t that a nice snail? And there’s all kinds of things happening.
And, um, if I hadn’t if I had the time, I I would I could have showed you my backyard It was early on a Sunday morning, and I heard something out back.
And I looked out the window, and there was, uh, a cat, somebody’s cat, Just frozen because a skunk was walking right by him.
This is right outside my door.
And while that was going on, out in the yard was a possum eating an orange.
And it was like, we should sell tickets. Could sub subsidize the ministry. It’d be amazing.
Nature though dies. Nature gets hit by cars.
Nature is subject to, uh, all the things that plunge it into, destruction.
And the Bible says that that has resulted of of Adam and Eve and sin, and we’ll get more into this but it was almost like an epicenter happened in a shockwave went throughout all of god’s creation.
We saw in verse 20, that knowing that a plan is unfolding by the beautiful power of god to redeem.
So here it is. We look at verse 21, And it’s this that we know that there’s an ultimate makeover that is coming to this world.
This is in verse 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption.
This is good news for everybody. Just be a believer. Enjoy this. Will you? Don’t miss this.
In the glorious liberty of the children of god. He’s talking about the end game.
This might come as a shock to some of you, but when you read in the English Bible that when god comes back and judges the world, that he’s gonna implement his kingdom.
And part of the kingdom is that which follows the reign of Christ on earth.
The Bible says first that Jesus will politically rule from Jerusalem. It’s called the millennium. You’ve heard this before.
You’ve read about it. Uh, it’s one of the most documented things in the entire Bible that finally, the world is gonna get a political leader that is just holy and pure, and it’s gonna take none other than the son of god himself.
Okay. It’s not gonna happen. It’s not gonna happen in Sacramento.
It’s not gonna happen in Washington or at the Hague. It’s not gonna happen in the EU.
It’s gonna happen by god in Jerusalem. Let me tell thoughts about that. The millennial reign of Christ.
That’s where you’ve read the Hallmark cards and stuff where it says the lion will lay down with the lamb.
Right? That’s in that’s right out of the Bible. You think Walmart making that up?
They stole that. It’s plagiarism. They took it from the scriptures. God’s gonna restore things.
And what you might find shocking is the Bible says, be behold they saw a a new heavens space and a new earth.
That’s how you read it in English.
Both in the Greek and Hebrew, god is not gonna make a brand new heavens and a brand new earth, he’s gonna take the heavens that have been tainted by sin, And the earth that has been ravaged by sin, and he’s gonna restore or recreate.
You know this from the the great flood of NOAA.
The Bible says, NOAA, get in the boat. I’m gonna destroy the world. Did god destroy the world?
Or did he scrub the world? He scrubbed it? He said, Noah? I’ll never flood the earth again.
Next time I’ll burn it. That’s what he said? I won’t flood it anymore.
Next time I’ll fry it.
Because it needs to be purged, it needs to be cleansed, medical people in here.
God’s gonna autoclave the earth. He’s gonna purge it from all poisons, diseases, and he’s gonna he’s gonna recreate.
He’s gonna restore forests and rivers and lakes and mountains and animals, and it’s gonna be amazing.
I love reading the Bible. There’s so much hope But the Bible tells us, and we must agree that nature itself looks forward to that day.
It’s it’s remarkable. Also, uh, we we know this as well.
Is that when god does this beautiful work, it’s so, It’s so much like our nature.
Listen. Remember, we’ve been creating the image of god.
Now you and I, you go to church all the time.
You take that for granted, but You know how many little kids are growing up in this world today that do not know that?
They’re being told that they are nothing. They’re they’re an evolutionary byproduct. Hey, junior. Guess what?
You can do anything you wanna do because you’re not responsible for anything because you are just a result of primordial goop.
You’ve evolved to this point, And, you know, eventually, we’ll evolve into something else.
You’re just an animal, but you’re at the top of the food chain. That’s not exactly true, by the way.
We’re at the top we’re we’re at the ape we’re the apex of evolution. Really?
Why don’t you go go to Catalina swim around the island and see if you’re at the top of the apex of some of the biggest great whites in the world are on the uh, east or the west coast of Catalian Island.
You’re gonna go in and say, oh, excuse me. I’m the Evolutionaire Apex, and that that shark’s gonna say, what?
No, you’re not. Evolution is a religion. It’s not backed up by science.
It’s what people cling to when they don’t wanna believe in God.
I get convenient, but the fact of the matter is God said, I make creation, and I’m gonna fix it.
And part of god, listen, you down deep inside the little effervescent that’s left over from us being creating the image of god.
Don’t you like to restore things to some degree?
I mean, some of us just like to just get it over with and buy a new one, but some of you are amazing.
Some of you get a piece of junk car, and you actually look for it.
I wanna I want the biggest piece of junk I can find. Why are you thinking?
I’m gonna restore it. Why?
Cause you get such a deep satisfaction of taking something from destruction and put back to its former glory.
You know, god’s gonna do the same thing.
He’s gonna take what we crashed, right, so to speak, and he finds it in junk heap of the universe, and he’s gonna restore it to its former glory.
And a little bit of him is in us that way. So pregnant with expectation.
Here’s what I, and I hope you are pregnant with this truth is that we as believers, that is we who trust the lord Jesus Christ for all that he said and all that he did, and does, that we are actually, according to the Bible, citizens of heaven, and yet you and I live obviously here on Earth.
In fact, that’s one of the things that you can be rest assured of to find out or to know for sure.
Am I really a follower of Jesus? Here’s how you can know.
You will be pregnant with expectation with the hope of eternal life, with the hope of heaven.
I don’t know why we don’t talk about heaven more. It’s where we’re going.
I mean, think about the ultimate vacation. You can’t wait for it to arrive. You’re getting dressed for it.
You’re ready for it. You can’t wait for it to happen. Well, friends, we’re gonna go to heaven.
And we are pregnant with that hope, with that expectation. And so, listen, we possess eternal life now.
The Bible’s very clear. If you and I die right now, trust in Christ, we are with the lord immediately, but we are living out in these days this eternal life in our earthly bodies.
And sometimes friends, you know, you have an earthly body like I do.
Uh, sometimes we need medication, We need muscle rub, you know, ointment on this or that. Why? What’s going on?
The outward part of us, our bodies, they are dying. They need to be redeemed in resurrection, and that’s coming.
But the inside of you is being renewed daily.
We are children of the living god, but our bodies suffer in this world. Our joints are stiff and aching.
And so, you know, that’s why, um, um, big fans of of some, you know, uh, pill that might make me uh, get out of bed and and feel better.
You know, I need to take my anti inflammatory or eat something different. Why?
Because the inside of me is rejoicing about the expectation of heaven and eternal life.
The outward man is perishing, my body, but the great news is this, Jesus Christ died and rose again from the dead.
That’s the glorious liberty for us. So listen, we wanna help you in your walk with Jesus.
So you can simply go to, and you can find out so many more areas to connect with us and find out many more things that we’ve taught on to help you with your walk with Jesus Christ.
God bless you until next time. FC.
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