Prayer Request

How can we pray for you? Submit your prayer request today!

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We Believe in the Power of Prayer

How can we pray for you? We believes that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. Submit your prayer request today.

Submitting a prayer to the Prayer Wall is simple:

  1. Write Your Prayer: Keep your submission concise and focused.
  2. Post It: Once you submit your prayer, it becomes a part of the wall for all to see and pray for.

Write Your Prayer

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Prayer Wall

Charles Lee - 2025-03-06 02:53:38

To continue to leave in the Spirit and be guided by His Holy Spirit. Pour out your wisdom and discernment on me and help me to use my Spiritual gifts for His Honor and Glory.

Buddy - 2025-03-05 19:13:58

I pray that God will keep him on angels wings, and see that his health and journey is safe in Jesus’s name I pray amen

Derrick - 2025-03-05 19:16:58

I am praying for buddy for immediate healing and blessing for he is my savior And I am nothing without him. Amen

Concordia Bentula Regado - 2025-03-05 19:11:46

Good health,respect love from my children and family,and I want to be closer to God wisdom to know His word understand so I can share his words. Pray for me for my guidance.
Lastly how I can subscribe I have no card?thank you Evangelist Pastor David Hernandez

Jackie - 2025-03-04 16:20:27

I\'ve been diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer. I just need every prayer anyone can offer 🙏. It would mean 🙏 the world to me.

John - 2025-03-05 12:37:05

Prayers for healing through the lord god Jesus Christ!

Robin - 2025-03-06 04:34:36

Prayers, Jackie, that God, our loving heavenly papa, will hold you in his bosom as you fight this terrible disease.

Adrienne - 2025-03-04 15:53:21

I am in desperate need of prayer for my 40-yr-old son. He made poor decisions in his twenties and is now feeling the consequences. He is angry all the time, slams doors, yells, and says hurtful things to us. He blames us for his life. I beg you to pray that Father God will give him the peace to become a new creation in Christ, that the Holy Spirit will fill his heart. In the name of Jesus.

Derrick - 2025-03-05 19:20:19


ELLA - 2025-03-04 14:52:29

Prayers for healing, guidance wisdom and a godly husband. Prayers for America

Rachel Coomer - 2025-03-03 20:52:04

I would like to find a peace and beauty in my struggles. I want to be able to turn my obstacles into opportunity! I was incarcerated for 92 days, and since my release in December, I have woke up a few mornings mad that I\'m not back there instead of free and struggling to find my footing my place and its harder to keep getting back up after each hit that never seem to cease

Adrienne - 2025-03-04 15:58:13

I am praying for you to find peace.

Robin - 2025-03-06 04:46:55

I pray that you find the strength to meet your demons where they dwell and to rise up renewed each time you are knocked down. Our strength is not measured by how many hits we can withstand but on our God-given ability to rise above them each time we take that hit. Going back to jail will not serve this purpose for you. Easy to slip down that slope back to incarceration but God has a plan for you. To make you prosper, to do good things in your life. Lean not to your own knowledge but in all things call upon Him and he will give you peace and understanding. Pray without ceasing. I’m praying for you. Gods peace be with you🫶🏻

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