Plant The Heavens – Revelation of Royalty | Dr Bill Winston Sermon
Plant The Heavens – Revelation of Royalty
When you have faith God can take you further than you imagine. You have the God factor inside of you!
The believer’s walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministries, partners and viewers.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
Oh, we have an exciting program for you today. Praise God. We’re still teaching on Revelation of royalty.
Revelation of royalty. You see the Bible says over in the Book of Revelation, it says is that Jesus is the king of kings.
Praise God that he is the Lord of Lords. Well, who do you think the kings and the Lord are?
It’s us the believer. Praise God in Psalm 1 15 and verse 16, it says the heavens, even the heavens of the Lord, but the earth has he given to the Children of men.
You see God has given this earth as our domain. He wants us to dominate in this earth.
And no king feels inferior in his own domain. That’s why Jesus didn’t feel inferior to anybody.
Anything, that devil disease, anything. Why? Because it’s his domain, it’s our domain were to dominate this earth.
Praise God, get your bibles and pencils and papers ready. Let’s find out how to do it.
Let’s go into it. It’s called revelation of Royalty.
You and I are going into these areas and we’re gonna break the powers of the spiritual foundations that have been occupying these areas with the power of God and those Principalities and powers maybe seem strong, but they break down in the presence of kingdom minded people.
Let’s go to Mark chapter four verse 35.
And the same day when evening was come, he said into them, let us pass over to the other side.
And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship.
And that was also with him, other little ships.
This is Jesus now and there arose a great storm of when the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and he was in the hind part of the ship and sleep on a pillow and they awake him and said to him, Master Carrot, thou not that we what perish?
And he arose and rebuked the wind said to the sea. Peace, be still.
And there was a great calm and he said to them, why are you so fearful?
How is it that you have no faith? And they feared exceedingly and said one to another.
What manner of man is this that even the wind and sea obey him?
Now, look at the next verse and they came over to the other side of the sea, into the country.
The gallery means and when he was come out of the ship immediately that met him out of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit and he had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him.
No, not would change because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, feathers.
You put on your feet, change, you put on your hand and the chains had been plucked asunder by him.
And the fetters broken in pieces. Neither could any man tame it. So no natural power could hold him.
And always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones.
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshiped him and put another thing and he fell at his feet and worshiped him.
He bowed before it. So no matter how powerful the kingdom of Darkness is, it bows in the presence of kingdom minded people.
So now this man bows but notice what happened verse seven and he cried with a loud voice and said, what have we to do with the Jesus, our son of the most high God.
I joined the by God that you torment me. What not for?
He said unto him, come out of the man, you unclean spirit. And he asked him, what is your name?
And he answered and said, my name is Legion for we are many.
Now, what do I believe?
I believe that this demon legion was the leader or the strong man that was holding that entire coastline that the enemy was channeling through a demon to actually stir up a weather pattern that could sink the boat of Jesus and his disciples.
Why? Because they were coming to the other side? Why they were invading? Why?
Because they were going to establish the kingdom of God. You got what I’m saying?
Now, this is a picture here because when that storm came up, Jesus rebuked it.
So right away, we can see that that storm wasn’t from God.
Now, you know how many things being put on God. God will kill you.
God will take your kids. God will make them deformed, all kinds, something put on God, that’s not God at all.
And what Jesus came to do is represent how God really was to the people.
And that’s what you’re supposed to be doing.
Because other than that, the devil gives them a distorted picture of what God is really like.
That’s why they don’t want to come to it.
So I’m saying here, this man, the enemy was using him to control weather, weather pattern and Jesus rebuked it.
Now, this is what we’re gonna talk about a little bit today, we’re gonna talk about taking charge, taking charge.
Now this is not, this is a kingdom message.
This is not no little old three points and a poem and something religious. This is not that at all.
It’s time for the church to take over. Got it.
And the one reason why is because they, the world are walking in darkness, darkness, total darkness.
They think they know what they’re doing. They don’t bit more know what they’re doing than, than anything.
And that’s why this Babylonian system has been so successful when I say that, I mean, this, I mean, Babylonian system has really tried to impoverish the church and has done a pretty good job at it.
Notice the gifts and the callings of God that are without repentance that come into the church.
Notice how many people of famous singers that you’ve heard about but they got their start where in the church singing in the choir and so forth and come on now.
But then Babylon snatches them out, put them over there and so wherever you put them.
No, I’m not talking about anybody now. But I’m saying notice how he’ll take the gift.
Look at the ball players, them ball players. Let me tell you something.
They most of those families of those ball players now listen, I’m talking, I’m not talking dirty or mad bad about anybody.
I’m talking about some realities here.
Most of them ball players, their parents pray for something to happen to break the cycle of poverty in their family.
Come on now, you know, and I know it and the next thing you know, this boy grew seven ft tall.
Are you follow what I’m saying? But notice how many of them are tithing.
How many of them come on now?
Because the Babylon’s job is to snatch the resources out of the church and use them for his benefit to build his kingdom and not yours.
I’m telling you now, we’re gonna be coming to take charge.
We’re coming to take over, we’re coming to take back.
We’re coming to release people who have been held by demon forces and they cannot cooperate with the plan of God because of a stronghold in their life.
And we’re coming to release them from captivity. That’s what we’re coming to do.
That’s what we’re coming to do.
And the thing about it is what the enemy wants to do with the rest of the people that are left in the church is get them so preoccupied with provisions, so preoccupied with my paycheck, so preoccupied with whatever so that their gifts and their talents will go undiscovered or undeveloped and they have no time to spend time with God to allow him to speak to them about Have real purpose in this earth and what he’s called them to do their vague about everything.
They can’t hear God’s voice on nothing, let alone pray. Ain’t no time to pray.
The only thing that do, it’s been 24/7 trying to find some money.
And the Bible says, seek ye 1st, the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the money you need will be added to you.
The priority is the kingdom.
If you’re born again, if you’re not, it’s not.
But if you are, and I’m saying that people who have a bunch of money, notice how many poor people, starving people and so forth that money don’t trickle down to them.
They don’t operate like that.
The only reason, the reason why I’m not blaming them, they’re being controlled, they’re being controlled and don’t even know it and watch this and can’t get out from under it.
That, that rich young ruler here here was Jesus.
And he came, the man slid up on them and said, hey, what must I do to inherit eternal life?
Jesus said, you know, the commandments don’t steal, don’t killed and so forth and so on.
And so I’ve done all that in my youth.
He said, okay, there’s one thing you like, just go your way, sell what you have now give it to the poor and you have treasure in heaven.
You come on, follow me, notice what the man did dropped his head back the way and went on.
You know why?
Because his money was his God, that idolatry and how the enemy has set it up, it ain’t trickling down.
So God needs you.
Why he’s gonna take you to take He’s gonna get you to take all of it.
You’re gonna be in control of the monetary system of the world.
Now, listen, I’m talking to himself. That’s another level. Say breakthrough.
I want you to break through in your thinking because God needs you because he’s got to solve some problems out there that you’re gonna be used to solve.
Say amen to that. They’re gonna take wisdom. All right. But they’re gonna also take some money.
Somebody gonna have to have some money, say amen to that.
So now we’re gonna take charge from this point forward. We’re gonna take charge, say amen to that.
And those demons are not gonna be holding God’s people are holding back the resources of God anymore because we’re gonna call money to come.
We’re going to make things happen in this earth through words that could not be made to happen any other way.
The Bible says over in job decree, a thing I said, decree effect.
You see Jesus came to bring a superior government, a superior kingdom.
The kingdom of Darkness is inferior to the Kingdom of God. Oh, it looks bright.
It looks like it can stand the test of time.
It looks like it’s got all that stuff built up but it doesn’t, it’s yet that God’s people have been trying to handle that on the lower level of thinking and you can’t do that.
You’re gonna have to come on up folks when you couldn’t bail no water out of the ship. Fast enough.
Watch this the natural way. What did Jesus do?
He just stood up and what spoke folks when nothing else will do the job, just speak right now.
Let me see where I am, say take charge.
So you are here to take charge and God wants you to take charge.
Amen. Now, let’s look at one more thing here. Praise God.
Let’s go to Isaiah chapter 51.
You and I our design to rest in the complete provision of the Father.
But that’s a mouthful right there.
Now, we are ambassadors for Christ, say that I am an ambassador for Christ and most of what is causing the problems in the earth is spiritual.
Same into this and what you and I have to do is leave the natural and go to the spiritual verse 16.
And I have put my words in thy mouth and I have covered the in the shadow of my hand protection that I may do what plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth and say desire, thou art my people.
No. What we’re talking about is breakthrough.
And you know, when you’re going to break through and I’m gonna just say this and I don’t mean any harm by it.
But how many, you know, I had to preach what I feel like it’s in my heart to give.
I talked about the law of association that all you gotta do is show me your friends and I’ll show you your future and I’m gonna tell you something, the devil is trying to talk you down out of the realm that God has called you to and he can’t be doing it suddenly with people who may be relatives.
I’m going to talk about it now. Who maybe other church folk?
Come on now, he’s not some, some rank center or some heathen.
This is folks who’s supposed to be saved Because if you remember 12 of them went to spy out the land, am I right about?
Come on, am I right about it?
And when they went to spot that land, they came back and 10 of them come on now had a what kind of report?
They had an evil report. Now the Bible says, how can they hear without a preacher?
And how can he preach? Except he be sent? Didn’t they say that? So they were all sent?
But some of them came back preaching something that God didn’t say.
Come on now, I’m finding out I’m gonna have to check my association because God talked to me on this trip.
He said, son, you still thinking billions. He said, I’m thinking trillion.
Listen man, listen, wait, I’m telling you, see, it’s hanging around with folks because when I mentioned billion, they go off when I mentioned millions, some of the saints start shaking folks.
Wait a minute. What do you think Keenan represents? It represents the wealth of the wicked.
How much wealth do you think they have folks?
I was looking at television and was talking about how much was traded over here in this certain market and it was $27 trillion.
They got, see the thing about it, you haven’t put it together.
You still think you gotta hold all of that. No, no, no.
You gotta take care of the poor of the earth.
You gotta build houses all over the world.
That’s when they’re gonna see the manifestation of the sons of God.
We’re coming to take, take over here. Amen.
You’ve got to enlarge your borders of your town because you got to plant the heavens.
I’m not asking for your brain to hold this because it can’t hold it.
This is for your spirit, your spirit came from God.
Your spirit is in the God class, your spirit, you can operate out of your spirit.
And I found out something I said, you know, I’ve been doing too much. I’ve been preaching too much.
I’ve been saying too much. I’ve been trying to get too much done and, and, and I start looking at this plant, the heavens, plant heaven, thy kingdom come and, and sister Sydney trim.
When you preach that thing, I said, whoa, I got that uh pray thy kingdom come, thy will be done.
Not on earth, in earth, on the earth as it is. Where in heaven.
See and, and, and so now I got this in me. See, it’s got to come in me first.
My wife went to the laundry and I had taken my shirts.
No, she took my shirts and she told the laundry guy that here’s my husband’s church.
There’s some years ago and he gave, and she gave him the church and then she asked, she said, where do you go to church?
He said, oh, I don’t go to church. She said, uh, you need to go to church.
Didn’t think anything about it left.
I came back to pick the church up next week.
The man saw me and look like I could see kind of fear on his face and he started look at my boxes and finally got my box of shirts and slammed him down on the counter.
Your wife told me I need to go to church. Now, wait a minute.
I called something, plant the heavens. You see what I’m saying? She just decreed something.
She didn’t have to do nothing else.
All I got to do is proclaim something I got to do nothing else.
It’s gonna come in earth. You better hear what I’m saying.
See, I gotta keep my faith on it when she spoke and she just released it in faith.
When Jesus spoke to the victory. What did he do? He just spoke it didn’t he?
He didn’t try to explain to the victory how this was gonna happen and so forth.
He just released the word, he proclaimed the gospel.
Well, today is offering day on the broadcast and we give you the viewing audience and our partners and friends and those who are being blessed by the ministry, an opportunity to sow a seed.
Now we of course, take what you’ve given us and we support the broadcast and pay for television, all the things that we do.
But what I’m saying to you is that it’s good soil, it soil where the word is coming forth.
And the Bible talks about four types of soil.
One was hard soil when the word is sown because the ground is so hard, the birds just come and take it away.
The next is a stony ground. Stony ground is ground that a planet. Some seed.
But when the Ritz begin to try to go down, they couldn’t.
And Because the stones were there, so the heat scorched the plants and it dried up.
The next was thorny ground. This is ground that soil has thorns in it.
And as the plants tried to grow the thorns choked it out. But the last was good soil.
And in that good soil, Jesus said will come for 30 60 a hundredfold.
Now that means that whatever is being sown can come back multiplied.
This is God’s way of meeting the needs of His people.
Somebody might be looking at me and say, well, I’m on fixed income, unfixed it. You can do that.
God can make it so that that government or that pension, whatever it is, it’s not your source, your source is God.
And he said that you do give, it’ll be given back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give into your bosom.
You see, we’ve got to come off of that notion that our job is our source or some people are our source or this government is our source.
Now, the government of the kingdom is our source. God himself wants to be our source.
Now, he says it’s over in Galatians chapter six and verse seven. He says, be not deceived.
Now, God is not mocked for whatsoever man. So’s that surely also reap.
You see, God guarantees us a harvest from our seed.
Look at me, we’ve been using it ever since I got here.
I don’t know whether you know the story or not, but we came here with $200.
Look at what God has done. Sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping sowing and reaping.
So it is not just a promise, it’s a covenant, it’s God’s promise and covenant to you.
That’s saying when you do so a seed, he then is obligated to measure that back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.
Now, you know, you’re trying to make God do something he doesn’t want to do. No, no, no.
God is the one that came up with the system. He is the one that wants to support his people.
So his people don’t have, don’t have to look to anybody else for support. How would you like your family?
Your wife, your husband, somebody to look to some other family for their support.
Uh Not God, you’re going to be supported by him and he’s gonna take care of you in style.
Praise God. So just so you see, get it ready and or just get in mind what you’d like to sell and we encourage you to sew and expect a miracle.
Expect something to happen. You might be sewing it for some debt relief or might be sewing it for a friend that needs to come into the kingdom and might be sewing it for some sickness or disease, need to be here but put something in mind.
Expect a miracle. Praise God. Let’s pray together. Father.
We come before you in the name of Jesus and we do thank you for all of our listening audience and those that are sowing seed into this ministry.
We pray lord that your word will prove to be true that you’ll measure it back to them.
Good measure pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give into their bosom or whatever they have sown the seed for that.
You will work a miracle in their lives. Father, we thank you for it.
We believe it’s done in jesus’ name. Amen. Well, praise God.
Thank you so much for your support of the ministry. Thank you for your prayers. We love you.
And until next time Bill Winston saying keep walking by faith.
Once you received Jesus as the Lord of your life, you were in grafted into God’s royal family.
You are a child of the king and the authority of the kingdom is within you before you can exercise your kingship.
You must have a revelation of your royalty.
You and I are getting to the promised land, but, but you can’t go into that land with the wrong image.
You gotta have the right image of who you are.
Watch this and who God is in this new series by Dr Bill Winston.
You’ll learn that you are seated in heavenly places with God because you are royalty.
There are certain things that would affect your behavior if you knew you were royalty, say amen to that God is a king.
You are his Children. You can’t help but have the same D N A in you as he has in Him.
Order revelation of royalty today.
And Dr Winston will explain why the Holy Spirit is the one who tutors you to act like a king.
Why royalty is not just a title but a manifestation of your redemption.
Why you need to speak only the word of God and much more before it got taken back, Satan still had the power but he doesn’t have it.
Now, Jesus stripped him of all his authority, everything that Adam lost.
Jesus got it back, watch this and gave it to you to order your copy of revelation of royalty.
Simply write to Bill Winston ministries P O box 947, Oak Park, Illinois 60303 by bank card at 1 807 1193 to 7 or online at www dot Bill Winston dot org.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
Oh, we have an exciting program for you today. Praise God. We’re still teaching on Revelation of royalty.
Revelation of royalty. You see the Bible says over in the Book of Revelation, it says is that Jesus is the king of kings.
Praise God that he is the Lord of Lords. Well, who do you think the kings and the Lord are?
It’s us the believer. Praise God in Psalm 1 15 and verse 16, it says the heavens, even the heavens of the Lord, but the earth has he given to the Children of men.
You see God has given this earth as our domain. He wants us to dominate in this earth.
And no king feels inferior in his own domain. That’s why Jesus didn’t feel inferior to anybody.
Anything, that devil disease, anything. Why? Because it’s his domain, it’s our domain were to dominate this earth.
Praise God, get your bibles and pencils and papers ready. Let’s find out how to do it.
Let’s go into it. It’s called revelation of Royalty.
You and I are going into these areas and we’re gonna break the powers of the spiritual foundations that have been occupying these areas with the power of God and those Principalities and powers maybe seem strong, but they break down in the presence of kingdom minded people.
Let’s go to Mark chapter four verse 35.
And the same day when evening was come, he said into them, let us pass over to the other side.
And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship.
And that was also with him, other little ships.
This is Jesus now and there arose a great storm of when the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and he was in the hind part of the ship and sleep on a pillow and they awake him and said to him, Master Carrot, thou not that we what perish?
And he arose and rebuked the wind said to the sea. Peace, be still.
And there was a great calm and he said to them, why are you so fearful?
How is it that you have no faith? And they feared exceedingly and said one to another.
What manner of man is this that even the wind and sea obey him?
Now, look at the next verse and they came over to the other side of the sea, into the country.
The gallery means and when he was come out of the ship immediately that met him out of the tombs, a man with an unclean spirit and he had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him.
No, not would change because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, feathers.
You put on your feet, change, you put on your hand and the chains had been plucked asunder by him.
And the fetters broken in pieces. Neither could any man tame it. So no natural power could hold him.
And always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones.
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshiped him and put another thing and he fell at his feet and worshiped him.
He bowed before it. So no matter how powerful the kingdom of Darkness is, it bows in the presence of kingdom minded people.
So now this man bows but notice what happened verse seven and he cried with a loud voice and said, what have we to do with the Jesus, our son of the most high God.
I joined the by God that you torment me. What not for?
He said unto him, come out of the man, you unclean spirit. And he asked him, what is your name?
And he answered and said, my name is Legion for we are many.
Now, what do I believe?
I believe that this demon legion was the leader or the strong man that was holding that entire coastline that the enemy was channeling through a demon to actually stir up a weather pattern that could sink the boat of Jesus and his disciples.
Why? Because they were coming to the other side? Why they were invading? Why?
Because they were going to establish the kingdom of God. You got what I’m saying?
Now, this is a picture here because when that storm came up, Jesus rebuked it.
So right away, we can see that that storm wasn’t from God.
Now, you know how many things being put on God. God will kill you.
God will take your kids. God will make them deformed, all kinds, something put on God, that’s not God at all.
And what Jesus came to do is represent how God really was to the people.
And that’s what you’re supposed to be doing.
Because other than that, the devil gives them a distorted picture of what God is really like.
That’s why they don’t want to come to it.
So I’m saying here, this man, the enemy was using him to control weather, weather pattern and Jesus rebuked it.
Now, this is what we’re gonna talk about a little bit today, we’re gonna talk about taking charge, taking charge.
Now this is not, this is a kingdom message.
This is not no little old three points and a poem and something religious. This is not that at all.
It’s time for the church to take over. Got it.
And the one reason why is because they, the world are walking in darkness, darkness, total darkness.
They think they know what they’re doing. They don’t bit more know what they’re doing than, than anything.
And that’s why this Babylonian system has been so successful when I say that, I mean, this, I mean, Babylonian system has really tried to impoverish the church and has done a pretty good job at it.
Notice the gifts and the callings of God that are without repentance that come into the church.
Notice how many people of famous singers that you’ve heard about but they got their start where in the church singing in the choir and so forth and come on now.
But then Babylon snatches them out, put them over there and so wherever you put them.
No, I’m not talking about anybody now. But I’m saying notice how he’ll take the gift.
Look at the ball players, them ball players. Let me tell you something.
They most of those families of those ball players now listen, I’m talking, I’m not talking dirty or mad bad about anybody.
I’m talking about some realities here.
Most of them ball players, their parents pray for something to happen to break the cycle of poverty in their family.
Come on now, you know, and I know it and the next thing you know, this boy grew seven ft tall.
Are you follow what I’m saying? But notice how many of them are tithing.
How many of them come on now?
Because the Babylon’s job is to snatch the resources out of the church and use them for his benefit to build his kingdom and not yours.
I’m telling you now, we’re gonna be coming to take charge.
We’re coming to take over, we’re coming to take back.
We’re coming to release people who have been held by demon forces and they cannot cooperate with the plan of God because of a stronghold in their life.
And we’re coming to release them from captivity. That’s what we’re coming to do.
That’s what we’re coming to do.
And the thing about it is what the enemy wants to do with the rest of the people that are left in the church is get them so preoccupied with provisions, so preoccupied with my paycheck, so preoccupied with whatever so that their gifts and their talents will go undiscovered or undeveloped and they have no time to spend time with God to allow him to speak to them about Have real purpose in this earth and what he’s called them to do their vague about everything.
They can’t hear God’s voice on nothing, let alone pray. Ain’t no time to pray.
The only thing that do, it’s been 24/7 trying to find some money.
And the Bible says, seek ye 1st, the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all the money you need will be added to you.
The priority is the kingdom.
If you’re born again, if you’re not, it’s not.
But if you are, and I’m saying that people who have a bunch of money, notice how many poor people, starving people and so forth that money don’t trickle down to them.
They don’t operate like that.
The only reason, the reason why I’m not blaming them, they’re being controlled, they’re being controlled and don’t even know it and watch this and can’t get out from under it.
That, that rich young ruler here here was Jesus.
And he came, the man slid up on them and said, hey, what must I do to inherit eternal life?
Jesus said, you know, the commandments don’t steal, don’t killed and so forth and so on.
And so I’ve done all that in my youth.
He said, okay, there’s one thing you like, just go your way, sell what you have now give it to the poor and you have treasure in heaven.
You come on, follow me, notice what the man did dropped his head back the way and went on.
You know why?
Because his money was his God, that idolatry and how the enemy has set it up, it ain’t trickling down.
So God needs you.
Why he’s gonna take you to take He’s gonna get you to take all of it.
You’re gonna be in control of the monetary system of the world.
Now, listen, I’m talking to himself. That’s another level. Say breakthrough.
I want you to break through in your thinking because God needs you because he’s got to solve some problems out there that you’re gonna be used to solve.
Say amen to that. They’re gonna take wisdom. All right. But they’re gonna also take some money.
Somebody gonna have to have some money, say amen to that.
So now we’re gonna take charge from this point forward. We’re gonna take charge, say amen to that.
And those demons are not gonna be holding God’s people are holding back the resources of God anymore because we’re gonna call money to come.
We’re going to make things happen in this earth through words that could not be made to happen any other way.
The Bible says over in job decree, a thing I said, decree effect.
You see Jesus came to bring a superior government, a superior kingdom.
The kingdom of Darkness is inferior to the Kingdom of God. Oh, it looks bright.
It looks like it can stand the test of time.
It looks like it’s got all that stuff built up but it doesn’t, it’s yet that God’s people have been trying to handle that on the lower level of thinking and you can’t do that.
You’re gonna have to come on up folks when you couldn’t bail no water out of the ship. Fast enough.
Watch this the natural way. What did Jesus do?
He just stood up and what spoke folks when nothing else will do the job, just speak right now.
Let me see where I am, say take charge.
So you are here to take charge and God wants you to take charge.
Amen. Now, let’s look at one more thing here. Praise God.
Let’s go to Isaiah chapter 51.
You and I our design to rest in the complete provision of the Father.
But that’s a mouthful right there.
Now, we are ambassadors for Christ, say that I am an ambassador for Christ and most of what is causing the problems in the earth is spiritual.
Same into this and what you and I have to do is leave the natural and go to the spiritual verse 16.
And I have put my words in thy mouth and I have covered the in the shadow of my hand protection that I may do what plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth and say desire, thou art my people.
No. What we’re talking about is breakthrough.
And you know, when you’re going to break through and I’m gonna just say this and I don’t mean any harm by it.
But how many, you know, I had to preach what I feel like it’s in my heart to give.
I talked about the law of association that all you gotta do is show me your friends and I’ll show you your future and I’m gonna tell you something, the devil is trying to talk you down out of the realm that God has called you to and he can’t be doing it suddenly with people who may be relatives.
I’m going to talk about it now. Who maybe other church folk?
Come on now, he’s not some, some rank center or some heathen.
This is folks who’s supposed to be saved Because if you remember 12 of them went to spy out the land, am I right about?
Come on, am I right about it?
And when they went to spot that land, they came back and 10 of them come on now had a what kind of report?
They had an evil report. Now the Bible says, how can they hear without a preacher?
And how can he preach? Except he be sent? Didn’t they say that? So they were all sent?
But some of them came back preaching something that God didn’t say.
Come on now, I’m finding out I’m gonna have to check my association because God talked to me on this trip.
He said, son, you still thinking billions. He said, I’m thinking trillion.
Listen man, listen, wait, I’m telling you, see, it’s hanging around with folks because when I mentioned billion, they go off when I mentioned millions, some of the saints start shaking folks.
Wait a minute. What do you think Keenan represents? It represents the wealth of the wicked.
How much wealth do you think they have folks?
I was looking at television and was talking about how much was traded over here in this certain market and it was $27 trillion.
They got, see the thing about it, you haven’t put it together.
You still think you gotta hold all of that. No, no, no.
You gotta take care of the poor of the earth.
You gotta build houses all over the world.
That’s when they’re gonna see the manifestation of the sons of God.
We’re coming to take, take over here. Amen.
You’ve got to enlarge your borders of your town because you got to plant the heavens.
I’m not asking for your brain to hold this because it can’t hold it.
This is for your spirit, your spirit came from God.
Your spirit is in the God class, your spirit, you can operate out of your spirit.
And I found out something I said, you know, I’ve been doing too much. I’ve been preaching too much.
I’ve been saying too much. I’ve been trying to get too much done and, and, and I start looking at this plant, the heavens, plant heaven, thy kingdom come and, and sister Sydney trim.
When you preach that thing, I said, whoa, I got that uh pray thy kingdom come, thy will be done.
Not on earth, in earth, on the earth as it is. Where in heaven.
See and, and, and so now I got this in me. See, it’s got to come in me first.
My wife went to the laundry and I had taken my shirts.
No, she took my shirts and she told the laundry guy that here’s my husband’s church.
There’s some years ago and he gave, and she gave him the church and then she asked, she said, where do you go to church?
He said, oh, I don’t go to church. She said, uh, you need to go to church.
Didn’t think anything about it left.
I came back to pick the church up next week.
The man saw me and look like I could see kind of fear on his face and he started look at my boxes and finally got my box of shirts and slammed him down on the counter.
Your wife told me I need to go to church. Now, wait a minute.
I called something, plant the heavens. You see what I’m saying? She just decreed something.
She didn’t have to do nothing else.
All I got to do is proclaim something I got to do nothing else.
It’s gonna come in earth. You better hear what I’m saying.
See, I gotta keep my faith on it when she spoke and she just released it in faith.
When Jesus spoke to the victory. What did he do? He just spoke it didn’t he?
He didn’t try to explain to the victory how this was gonna happen and so forth.
He just released the word, he proclaimed the gospel.
Well, today is offering day on the broadcast and we give you the viewing audience and our partners and friends and those who are being blessed by the ministry, an opportunity to sow a seed.
Now we of course, take what you’ve given us and we support the broadcast and pay for television, all the things that we do.
But what I’m saying to you is that it’s good soil, it soil where the word is coming forth.
And the Bible talks about four types of soil.
One was hard soil when the word is sown because the ground is so hard, the birds just come and take it away.
The next is a stony ground. Stony ground is ground that a planet. Some seed.
But when the Ritz begin to try to go down, they couldn’t.
And Because the stones were there, so the heat scorched the plants and it dried up.
The next was thorny ground. This is ground that soil has thorns in it.
And as the plants tried to grow the thorns choked it out. But the last was good soil.
And in that good soil, Jesus said will come for 30 60 a hundredfold.
Now that means that whatever is being sown can come back multiplied.
This is God’s way of meeting the needs of His people.
Somebody might be looking at me and say, well, I’m on fixed income, unfixed it. You can do that.
God can make it so that that government or that pension, whatever it is, it’s not your source, your source is God.
And he said that you do give, it’ll be given back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give into your bosom.
You see, we’ve got to come off of that notion that our job is our source or some people are our source or this government is our source.
Now, the government of the kingdom is our source. God himself wants to be our source.
Now, he says it’s over in Galatians chapter six and verse seven. He says, be not deceived.
Now, God is not mocked for whatsoever man. So’s that surely also reap.
You see, God guarantees us a harvest from our seed.
Look at me, we’ve been using it ever since I got here.
I don’t know whether you know the story or not, but we came here with $200.
Look at what God has done. Sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping sowing and reaping.
So it is not just a promise, it’s a covenant, it’s God’s promise and covenant to you.
That’s saying when you do so a seed, he then is obligated to measure that back to you.
Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.
Now, you know, you’re trying to make God do something he doesn’t want to do. No, no, no.
God is the one that came up with the system. He is the one that wants to support his people.
So his people don’t have, don’t have to look to anybody else for support. How would you like your family?
Your wife, your husband, somebody to look to some other family for their support.
Uh Not God, you’re going to be supported by him and he’s gonna take care of you in style.
Praise God. So just so you see, get it ready and or just get in mind what you’d like to sell and we encourage you to sew and expect a miracle.
Expect something to happen. You might be sewing it for some debt relief or might be sewing it for a friend that needs to come into the kingdom and might be sewing it for some sickness or disease, need to be here but put something in mind.
Expect a miracle. Praise God. Let’s pray together. Father.
We come before you in the name of Jesus and we do thank you for all of our listening audience and those that are sowing seed into this ministry.
We pray lord that your word will prove to be true that you’ll measure it back to them.
Good measure pressed down, shaken together, running over men shall give into their bosom or whatever they have sown the seed for that.
You will work a miracle in their lives. Father, we thank you for it.
We believe it’s done in jesus’ name. Amen. Well, praise God.
Thank you so much for your support of the ministry. Thank you for your prayers. We love you.
And until next time Bill Winston saying keep walking by faith.
Once you received Jesus as the Lord of your life, you were in grafted into God’s royal family.
You are a child of the king and the authority of the kingdom is within you before you can exercise your kingship.
You must have a revelation of your royalty.
You and I are getting to the promised land, but, but you can’t go into that land with the wrong image.
You gotta have the right image of who you are.
Watch this and who God is in this new series by Dr Bill Winston.
You’ll learn that you are seated in heavenly places with God because you are royalty.
There are certain things that would affect your behavior if you knew you were royalty, say amen to that God is a king.
You are his Children. You can’t help but have the same D N A in you as he has in Him.
Order revelation of royalty today.
And Dr Winston will explain why the Holy Spirit is the one who tutors you to act like a king.
Why royalty is not just a title but a manifestation of your redemption.
Why you need to speak only the word of God and much more before it got taken back, Satan still had the power but he doesn’t have it.
Now, Jesus stripped him of all his authority, everything that Adam lost.
Jesus got it back, watch this and gave it to you to order your copy of revelation of royalty.
Simply write to Bill Winston ministries P O box 947, Oak Park, Illinois 60303 by bank card at 1 807 1193 to 7 or online at www dot Bill Winston dot org.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston, ministries, partners and viewers remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.