Only Believe – Episode 2

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Only Believe – Episode 2

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this program is brought to you in part by the partners and Friends of Klo Dollar Ministries coming up next on changing your world see we believe that Jesus heals sometimes we just don’t believe he can heal me we believe that Jesus can deliver sometimes we just struggle with believing can he deliver me and God saying I already know your heart so since I already know let’s talk about it look no further for encouragement to walk in the grace of God the crlo Dollar Ministries TV app provides rewarding content that is sure to nourish your
mind and soul treat yourself to enriching messages from Pastor Dollar on Grace and walking in the likeness of Christ download the crlo Dollar Ministries TV app to stream messages of Hope Grace and understanding when you need them most this is your world so let’s vow to make it a better place let every heart than me to know you love is here to say oh it’s time we live a new life oh let us love sh right in you we’re saved by his grace so we Embrace Your Love today we are [Music] change people who are not born again
people who don’t believe in Jesus Christ they are already in condemnation they already feel like they’re not enough they already feel guilty they that let me tell you something when PE people are not born again they feel guilty they feel guilty they feel you know like condemned they feel like they’re not enough they got issues they go see a therapist he tries to talk them out of it it does pretty good for a minute but then the only way you’re going to be able to get out of this condemnation is
Jesus is the only way to deal with it and and you feel inferior and you go and you you you you take some medication to try to help you not feel inferior but you you there is only one there’s only one antidote for inferiority and condemnation and that’s Jesus so he’s talking about those who believe not they’re condemned already but could it also mean the believer who for some reason no longer believes cuz I’m telling you when when you say I’m a Christian you say I believe and then something comes up
something happens and for some reason you don’t believe you know what’s going to come your way condemnation I’m not enough I’m not enough for God to bless I don’t have enough faith I’m not praying enough because you’re not believing just simply believing in Jesus are you focused on you focused on what you got to do focus on your performance are you is all the attention all the attention given to you and in fact in a moment we’re going to find out if you have been walking in condemnation even as a Christian
amen Jesus has delivered you from being condemned because of what you do so even when you do something crazy because you believe Jesus you say father I believe that you have Set Me Free from my sins and I believe that I have the the the the free gift of no condemnation and you keep walking but what has the devil been doing has that become harder to do I don’t he I’m not hearing a message of Grace like I need to be hearing it it’s kind of hard I messed up and and and I and I know Jesus has forgiven me
but some devil done got in my head making me think that he hadn’t forgiven me and I have fallen from Grace back into trying to make it happen on my own I’m a Christian and I wake up feeling condemned I go to church I go to the grace life conference and I just I don’t feel like I’m worthy are you serious I just don’t feel like God want to you know he won’t bless me like he blessed you do you see what religion is doing you it’s trying to rob you of the greatest gift that heaven’s ever given
you and that’s Jesus the grace and truth wrapped up in flesh but he that believeth not is condemned already why is this dude condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God he literally says because he will not depend on who Jesus is and what Jesus did when he was in the earth he won’t believe it he does not he he you know to we we we say all these little words okay I believe and then it be just just becomes a uh an an a way to articulate something well I believe and
how how how far does that translate I believe cuz when you say you believe something you you you you you can rely on it you know you believe that that chair that you’re sitting in right now you believe it could support you so you sat down right you didn’t just stand that a whole service saying I believe that it can support me I believe it can support me I believe it can support me and and and you’re not going to ever move to depend on it supporting you I have to address what Christians do so much we do
this and it doesn’t translate here we are good talkers we run our mouth and we talk and we preach and we do all of that and in the booth in the back in the corner of dark when no other Christians are around and you have a chance to stand on all that all that yaking you’ve been doing all that sponti forting that you’ve been doing and on the inside of your heart you say it but you just won’t sit in the [Applause] chair that stunned me I said I gotta I got to I got to do a quick check over my life God I need you to help me show
me areas where I’m not believing and I said better than that show me where I feel condemned because if I can see where I’ve been condemned then I can see the fear that’s there the stress that’s there and the curse that shows up in my life I thought this was just for save people but what I do is I look at myself for real I don’t have to ask five people in for a focus group I can be honest with myself how you going to lie in front of God it’s like God show me myself are there areas in my life where
I’m I’ve rejected you and your promise have I really been keeping up with pride and ego I know it’s sitting at the table it’s sitting at all of our tables whether you want to believe it or not have I allowed pride and ego to take the seat the first seat the front seat cuz I think I’m so I’m so I’m so I’m such a Christian now you know I don’t have to I I know I’m not prideful and I know I don’t have ego and now you a liar that’s right I don’t have time and you don’t
have time to be playing church anymore I’m trying to dig into this things because it’s our everyday living that we encounter God it is when we wake up we encounter God when we go to work we encounter God when we when we’re facing trials we encounter God when somebody bother you and how you respond you encounter God when somebody lied on you when somebody hurt you it’s all of that it’s life it’s life that’s happening and I just don’t want it to happen to you I’d rather you happen to it but that’s
not going to happen until you learn how to get real with yourself and and be honest with yourself Taff and I were talking yesterday I’m we were talking about this just so unbelievable of the fables that exist among Christian people we have so many assumed fables stuff we just made up that ain’t nowhere in the Bible I can’t do that man life is difficult enough without a bunch of madeup Christian religious fables how you doing today well I don’t feel too good you all not say that that ain’t Faith listen listen bro I don’t
need you to be point at me talking about I’ll not do that in his faith you ask me how I’m doing and I’m telling you how I’m doing right now I ain’t doing too good I don’t feel too good and not you got on my nerves that’s how I’m doing right now but God is the one I depend on to make sure I don’t stay in this situation and train me as I mature so I’ll tell you how you feel today oh I don’t feel too good but if you let me finish before you interrupted me with your religious policing I would
have told you I don’t feel good right now but I’m trusting [Applause] God but you don’t think you can do that because you think it’s against the religion for you to you call that doubt and unbelief I I ain’t I ain’t doubting I’m I’m hurting aren’t you tired of phoniness and the body of Christ has perfected phoning aren’t you tired of the phoniness some people aren’t some people find their security in their Fable religious life right that’s right I don’t I just
want to I just want to live my life the way God want me to live my life and when it’s done it’s done I I want to do the will of God and go I don’t want to have to go back into approval addiction I don’t want to have to go back into trying to get validated about you I want to live my life the way God want me to live my life and I want to keep growing and I want to realize that a baby does doesn’t grow up in 3 months it it it takes time to grow we are all still growing and we’re all still maturing and
we’re all still learning and that’s why you’re here today to get some more so you can continue to grow to get some more so you can it’s like eating food it’s spiritual food and I’m the chef and I’m feeding you some spiritual food so it can provide some nourishment for your emotions nourishment for your hard times nourishment for your bad days nourishment so we can show you that you don’t have to be condemned to show you that you are enough [Applause] they We Wrong B down no more nothing
dude I’m excited that we can believe God and so the truth that condemnation is because of unbelief in the Son of God Jesus reaffirms it in again and again let let me show show you him saying in different ways in John chapter 8 look what he said John 8 24 because condemnation because of unbelief before it was condemnation because of what I did or didn’t do now it’s condemnation because of unbelief so what is Jesus going to do about the condemnation that comes because you don’t believe you’re a free moral agent
what is he going to do because of that verse 24 he says I said therefore unto you that you shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am he you shall die in your sins so imagine the guy we’re just talking about belief amongst us who believe in Jesus Christ we don’t have it all down perfect not a bad deal we’re going to grow into it we’re going to be all right but think about the guy who’s not born again who doesn’t believe in Jesus at all he lives his life in condemnation he
dies in his sin and Jesus said I already had everything you need I’d already forgiven you I’ve already made a way for you I’ve already cleansed you I was just needing you to believe it and sign for the package so I can get you free from this condemnation and and and the world’s living in condemnation money is not the answer to condemnation I’m telling you I don’t care how rich they are how famous they are I know some of these people that call me in a midnight hour and say I’m about to kill myself
and I just won two gramys what happened you’re already in condemnation and he kept he kept warning and you don’t think you need to still witness to people there’s so many sad people in this world who have perfected phoniness to smileing your face and look like ain’t nothing wrong miserable couples getting up looking like they all in love about to cut each other to Pieces when they get home I’m telling you these United States of America filled with phoniness and filled with Mammon where everything is done
motivated by Mammoth and where the where the light that ain’t got time to shine now now let me make sure I correct that Jesus is the light amen but he lives on the inside of us so we can release that light you got it and then look at this John 12:48 John 12:48 he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judges him Jesus said the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last days so he’s still talking about this guy who won’t receive Jesus this guy that won’t make Jesus the Lord of
his life and then John 16 and9 so how do we fit into this I mean brother brother do we’re saved we we made Jesus Lord of our life we believe in Jesus John 16 and9 um go to verse eight let’s read through this verse 8 to to nine and when it when he is come the holy Spirit now now now here’s the deal we are living today hopefully you’re depending on the Holy Spirit to be your God through life you know the Holy Spirit somebody does something crazy to you the Holy Spirit say keep your mouth closed don’t
say nothing yeah doing you need to listen to him now he’s your guide if if you didn’t need a guide he would not have sent the Holy Ghost so obviously you need some help the holy spirit is your ezer he’s your helper you need some help see see that’s first thing you got to do you got to recognize Lord I need some help come on join me Lord I need some help now you might not need no help right now but you going to need some help you going to need some help life is a path it’s a journey you need the Holy
Spirit to be with you through that Journey so you don’t hurt nobody you need some help cuz sometimes you need to learn the vocabulary of Silence sometimes you talk too much sometimes you need the Holy Spirit to tell you shh yeah but holy ghost that just talked about my mom don’t nobody talking my mom shut your mouth up the Holy Spirit wants to lead and guide you and talk to you in everyday lives not just when it’s time to give a word the Holy Ghost just said to me thus sayith the Lord he’ll do that but he
also talks to you about uh don’t don’t go this way this morning go this way let lero go lero got some stuff you you know you you don’t know about let lero go yeah but he got curly hair my baby going to have good hair let Leroy go he know something about Leroy you don’t know right now see some of these dudes think they can play you but when you when you a holy ghost fied woman it’s hard to be played when you got the helper on the inside of you and when you don’t want to hook up with a woman that’s trying to use you
just for her own Financial benefit the Holy Ghost will let you know she don’t love you she loves love this house she love that paycheck that she saw you [Applause] deposit let Freda go on I apologize if your name is Freda I’m no I’m [Applause] not yeah glory to God you need some help you’re a student taking a test in college you need some help Holy Ghost I know this in here but I I can’t recall it right now and help us show up and say it’s a circle a I don’t know about you but I don’t
want to deny help when I know I need help I don’t know everything I I don’t understand everything I need help Hallelujah I need help and you shouldn’t feel bad for needing help you got a very present help inside information help the Holy Ghost thought the Holy Ghost was just I was scared of the Holy Ghost all I knew about the Holy Ghost folks get to screaming in church you ever y’all ever some of y’all I came from a church that used to get they call it get the shouting and that was when they were
singing a song and somebody close their eyes and they get to moveing getting them moving and then it was an explosion yes sir bam knock that Usher that way yes sir bam knock that Usher that way and then they like they in a convulsion and stuff like that and then right after that they say you want the Holy Ghost no no I’m good I thought that’s all that he was going to do you’re going to talk in a weird language spit and and and have and that’s that’s all I knew until I got to KN him myself and I found out that the First
Act of the Holy Spirit was to pour love in my heart Supernatural love to help me to love what was hard to love what was ugly to love and I found out the Holy Spirit wants to lead and guide me he wants to be my guide he wants to be my leader all I needed to make my mind up is to follow him you see what I’m saying so these religious ideas and fables it it it stole some of your life from you because you were you were you were you were relating to God based on these false fables because you didn’t know it
well it was in the Bible yeah but you didn’t read it preacher was’t trying to read no Bible we trying to make a sermon to get you to hoop and holl and give it a 10 and that’s why I don’t mind reading scripture and going through scripture I ain’t up here trying to see if you bored or not you should have went to bed it ain’t my fault you falling asleep in church you went to bed too late you come to World changes you ain’t go to bed okay let me get back I’m tripping big time let me
[Applause] just and when he has come he will reprove correct the world of sin and correct righteousness and judgment so check it out of sin because they believe not on me notice what he say is these people that are not born again it’s the reason why they don’t believe on me and I all I related it all to people who were were were not born again people who were not saved and these thoughts kept coming up are there Christians that have stopped Believing on him son talking to me are there are is that you stop believing on
him see you got the Christian lingo now but have you stop believing him like you used to believe him have you stopped sitting in the chair because you don’t think it can support you no more do you holler trust but afraid to lean on what you say you trust I was like God I I uh I’m not trying to preach condemnation to anybody I and I know we live under grace so I know this is I just want to be a better a better Christian that maybe I’m examining this CU I I don’t I want to be a better Christian I want to be I want this to be

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