Joyce Meyer – Navigating Emotions and Embracing God’s Higher Ways

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Pressing Past the Pain of Feelings

God’s ways are higher than ours. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, learn how to lean in to His Word when your emotions try to blow you off course.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

I mean, I can honestly tell you when God started with me, I didn’t have anything but everywhere you looked, it was a mess.
My mind was a mess.
The way I talked, the way I felt about myself, how I treated other people.
I mean, everything was just a mess. I was selfish, self centered, rebellious. I mean, it was awful.
I don’t know how in the world or why God would have chosen to use me.
But the only thing I had going for me was I really did love God.
I didn’t know much about him.
But what I did know I loved and I wanted to have a relationship with God from the time I was a little girl, even when I was married to my first husband who was very abusive, too, not physically, but he ran around with other women all the time.
Wouldn’t work and was always stealing what little bit I did have and I woke up one night and caught him trying to get my wedding ring off my finger.
He go sell it and it probably wasn’t worth 10 cents anyway. Oh, no.
So, I mean, I, I, I had a lot of, a lot of pain going on in my life.
I had a lot of things, a lot of messes in my life.
A lot of hurt, bad attitude.
I mean, I just, I want you to understand that when I look at what God has done in my life, I am passionate about what God can do in yours.
I mean, I really do believe that with God, all things are possible.
Amen. I just dare you to turn yourself over to God.
Stop trying to get God to give you what you want and tell God you want what he wants.
I’m gonna have to say that again.
Stop trying to get God to give you what you want and tell him to give you what he wants.
God, your will be done in my life. I’m saying yes to whatever you want.
And I don’t even know what it is now. You’re making a commitment.
See a lot of people, they don’t want to get married, they just want to live together.
You know why they don’t want to make a commitment?
They want to have an easy out if things don’t go right or we need to get committed, right?
We need to be faithful. We need to be loyal.
We need to endure difficulties and come out on the other side. Joyful.
None of the junk that I went through in my life has been wasted.
You’ve heard me today use lots of it to encourage you.
Nothing in your life will be wasted if you’ll give it to God.
Now, let’s talk about emotions for a few minutes.
Anybody up for that?
I got 25 minutes left to tell you about your feelings.
First of all, let’s talk about the nature of feelings and emotions.
By the way, we’ll just take a praise break. 823 people gave their life to the Lord last night.
Crazy, right?
823 new babies to train up.
First of all, feelings are fickle.
They are ever changing. You cannot depend on them.
They’re there when you don’t want them and gone. When you do want them.
Amen. Don’t let your emotions vote when you’re making decisions, especially important decisions.
Don’t go get married on a goose bump because they will go away.
Well, I could say some stuff but I won’t, emotions can’t be trusted.
You can’t make your decisions based on how you feel.
You’ve got to look beyond that to what does the word of God say?
Thank you.
Learn to talk back to the devil when he tells you, nobody loves you, open your mouth and say, God loves me.
When the devil says you’re never going to get over this, your life is ruined.
Now, say liar, God’s gonna take this and he’s gonna do something great with it.
Why? Because He works all things together.
You can take anything and make good out of it.
We have to learn to do what’s right when it still feels wrong as far as I’m concerned.
That’s one of the best statements God has ever given me.
If we keep, we keep waiting for everything to feel right before we do, right.
The enemy is always gonna be in control.
Bad feelings come when we don’t want them and good ones leave when we do want them.
You know, you got to learn to press past the pain of feelings.
You hurt my feelings, I feel offended.
I feel, I feel we’ve all been hurt.
There’s not a person in here that hasn’t been hurt by somebody and more than likely it will be again.
I’m not trying to just prophesy doom and gloom.
But if you’re going to deal with people, you know, we don’t know what to do with them and we can’t seem to do without them.
They are absolutely everywhere you go.
Someone or something has hurt all of us abuse, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, disappointment, judgment, criticism.
We all have to start making right choices while we are still hurting.
And so you may be here today and you may be wounded and you’re hurting and you just, you just wanted me to preach some nice message about.
I don’t know, something that would comfort you and just make you feel warm and fuzzy all over.
And here I am telling you no matter how you feel, do what’s right.
Well, you’re hurting too much. Right.
I’m telling you that because I know by the word of God and by experience that if you ever want to get over, come on, somebody agreed.
I got you. How many of you have gone through some terrible stuff in your life and you now have victory.
Well, look at you. Awesome.
You’re welcome.
We have to start making right choices while we are still hurting.
Hm. It doesn’t feel good now.
But all later on Hebrews 12 11 says for the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant.
But later does anybody in here care anything about later?
Because you know, later will come.
Uh, you know, you’re 20 now.
I love what the psalmist said once I was young and now I’m old and I thought, yeah, it happens to everybody no matter how young you are now, later on is gonna come and listen to me later on, you’re gonna have to reap the seeds that you sow.
Now, so today is the day for a turnaround.
Today is the day to make a decision and if it feels like it’s gonna rip your flesh in apart, do what God is asking you to do if you’re in some kind of a wrong ridiculous relationship that, you know, is wrong for you.
Get out of it and I’m not talking about walking away from a marriage.
So don’t go home and say I’m leaving you because Joyce told me to, that is not what I’m talking about.
I mean, there are people in here today.
You are romantically involved with other people that, you know, are poisoning your life.
Come on, don’t slink down under your seat.
Well, I’m just trusting God to change him.
Oh, honey, I’m not saying it can happen, but you might want to see a little bit of evidence before you.
Yeah. You know, just even a little bit of evidence, we make up all kinds of excuses, tell ourselves all kinds of things so we can do what we want to do.
Don’t do things that, you know, are poisoning you.
You’ve only got one life to live and you have to make right choices for yourself.
I invite you to join me in the Joyce Meyer app or at Joyce Meyer dot org today.
For more on this topic and other teachings.
I believe God will use these to help you in your everyday life.
I look forward to seeing you there.

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