Jonathan’s Synagogue Dilemma | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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When I was growing up and I went to Hebrew school.
I saw film strips on the bible and the profits on David and God speaking and moving and and touching their lives and changing their lives.
But then I turned around and I saw the services in the synagogue.
And I didn’t see any evidence of the real, that same relationship that I read about, that I saw in the bible.
The rabbi never got up and said, Hey, God spoke to me today, or God touched me today.
Or oh, I love God so much.
It wasn’t like it was, it was liturgy which met much of religion is no, I didn’t see the presence of God.
Now, we’re not to be led by feeling, but we’re definitely to have feeling just as in a marriage, you’re not led by feeling your lead by a covenant.
But you should have you still have to have feeling, He asks you not just do you know me?
Do you follow me? Do you reference me? Do you honor me? Do you obey me?
But do you love me? It’s not just those things. It’s do you love him? Really love him?
Is it from your heart? And not only do you not only do you love me, but do you love me more than everything?
If anyone loves these things more than they’re not worthy? The greek word there.
If anyone loves me over this.
If someone loves this over me or beyond me, or instead of me, it also means, or superior to me or more them.
So not just loving God. It’s loving him more than the Bride in the Song of Solomon, this is my beloved is dazzling, The most outstanding.
She’s not just loving, she’s comparing him and saying, I love he’s greater than everything.
We need to deem him as greater than everything. It wasn’t just that Abraham loved God. Had to love God.
You have to love him more than to offer up Isaac. Do you have an Isaac?
Do you love God more than Isaac? You have to love God more than it’s in hebrews.
It says this of moses by faith moses when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to endure ill treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin.
Considering the reproach of messiah greater riches than all the treasures of Egypt.
For he was looking to the reward moses deemed God greater than all the riches of the world.
And so he was able to leave Egypt. My beloved is the greatest of 10,000 paul, wrote in Philippians three.
I was circumcised on the eighth day of the nation of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin, a hebrew of hebrews, as to the law of Pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the church as to righteousness, which is in the law found blameless, but whatever things were counted as gained to me.
These things. I have counted as garbage because of messiah or in view of messiah more than that.
I count all things to be rubbish.
In view of the surpassing value of knowing messiah, Yeshua jesus, my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of everything and count them as rubbish so that I might gain messiah.
He’s saying I had all these things that everybody, everybody in Israel or all these people are seeking after, but I count them as rubbish compared to knowing jesus, my Lord, all the joys of the world.
Yet God is better. God is better part of putting God first put God first.
Part of putting God first is s steaming him as God. You’re better. That’s part of putting him first.
If you don’t believe he’s better, you’re not gonna put him first. Hi, I’m Jonathan cahn.
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