In Christ Alone
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
of god together and a message titled in Christ alone. And in that statement and in that was great liberty.
I wanna challenge you, and this is a biggie. So, listen up.
I’d like to give you these words for you to keep in your mind, if possible, please, for ever, and it’s this.
3 sub words. The Bible says.
The Bible says, when somebody comes to you in this life and says, this, that, or the other thing.
No matter what it is, your response ought to be, you know, the Bible says, when somebody comes and challenges your 8th.
You don’t have to grab some book off the shelf or talk louder.
You can say the Bible says, the Bible is the literal guidebook of life.
You and I need the word of god, like a roadmap like GPS, a guidance system, the word of god directs us and leads us along.
Listen, I have often said this in my opportunities to speak to many people. And it’s this.
I often view life rigged. Kinda see it as a rigged setting, meaning this.
There is not a situation that can happen in life without the Bible dealing with it. It’s rigged.
Are you battling against this, that, or they’re the thing? Hey, it’s rigged. Rig to how?
The Bible’s got the answer for it. Are you having these relational problems with somebody?
The Bible’s got the answer for it.
The Bible says, you know, it’s somebody has so wisely said, and it’s very, very cute.
It’s it’s a beautiful acronym, uh, when you take the word Bible. Bible, basic instructions before leaving earth.
Don’t you love that? Basic instruction before leaving earth. Do you have that instruction?
Do you have the Bible? God wants to give it to you? And in that sense it’s all rigged.
Whatever you’re experiencing, Christ has got the answer. So grab your bibles.
Let’s get into the study in Christ alone.
17 times in the Old Testament, the Bible says it is written.
17 times. Do you know how many times it appears in the new testament? 60 three times.
And I love that. Why? The old testament’s 17 times it is written.
You say, Jack, that doesn’t make any sense because the number should be the same.
No. No.
No. Uh, because the Bible, it is written, seventeen times old testament, 63 times new, is the new testament winds up quoting all 17 of it is written and all listen.
Listen. Are you listening? All of the other statements or quotations that are necessary for us in our salvation.
It’s brilliant You’ll see this so in a moment. How do I equate this? 1763.
Jesus soon, you’ll see.
Jesus said, that he came and taught or he came to fulfill Moses and the prophets.
So when you read the new testament’s account of what the old testament declared, you come to this conclusion that the old that the new testament was as though a bunch of reporters were watching the unfolding and the fulfillment of god’s prophesied word And what happened was god prophesied his word time and time again.
Why? Because god’s word is true, not like the news broadcast or the video of some guy trying to keep his body bag on.
I don’t know nothing anymore unless it’s in the Bible. I don’t believe anybody anymore.
Unless it’s in the Bible. That’s a good thing. I think that’s a good thing.
Quite remarkable. So watch this. Come in right along like this.
Listen up carefully, and then we’re gonna plug this together, just kinda blow you out. Genesys 17 4.
As for me, god is speaking. Behold, my covenant is with you, that is Abraham.
And you shall be a father of many. What’s the word? Nations. The Hebrew word is Goy.
No longer shall your name be called Abraham, but your name shall be called Abraham for I have made you a father of many Goy nations, plural.
Look at that verse. You should mark verse 5. That’s you. In me.
I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations goy of you.
And kings shall come from you.
I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants, after you in their generations.
Now watch what happens here. For an everlasting covenant to be god to you and your descendants, after you, I’m tracking everything right now with my Jewish brothers and sisters.
Are you with me? Because I know something here. Did you catch it? He’s the god of the nations.
But he has picked a special nation to be his witness. That nation is called Israel.
Abraham is the father of Israel, but when you read Genesis, Abraham is the father of all who believe, including the joy.
The nations. I get excited about this. Yeah. Listen us, gentiles. We’re not orphaned.
We’re not on the outside.
We’ve been grafted in to the very family of god by the blood of Christ Jesus has made us one with the father, and we, as the scripture says, have been brought into the commonwealth of Israel, All of the promises that have been given to Israel belong to us now, the book of colossians says, how beautiful is that?
And remember, the 1st century church only had the Old Testament, and it was enough.
The new testament was given to announce to the world that the Old Testament was true all along.
But I’m still reading. Where where did I leave off? Verse 8.
God says, look, listen to him. He said I made. I will make. I will make. I will establish.
Look at Versailles. I give to you.
And your descendants after the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of canan, which was renamed by god, Israel, as an everlasting position, and I will be their god.
What an awesome statement that is.
So the Buddha thing about all of this is remembering the fact that there’s no act. You know this.
There is no physical act that can make you right with god.
Abraham was a gentile called out of a pagan world by god’s own voice, and god declared him righteous.
You got that, everybody. Fundamental. Right? We need to repeat that over and over again.
400 years before Moses was born and the and the 10 commandments was given. Abraham was already declared righteous.
God declared him righteous before the practice of circumcision. God declared him righteous. Why?
Based on what Abraham believed god’s word.
In fact, listen to what FF Bruce, professor FF Bruce put it this way. It’s perfect.
Abraham simply took god at his word and acted accordingly. That’s a bum drop Right?
That’s a mic drop, a bum drop. I’m watching too much news. That’s a that’s a mic drop right there.
That sums it all up. It’s perfect. What’s the big deal with Abraham? That’s the big deal.
He simply took god at his word.
Man, do you know how healthy you and I would be in life?
If we just took god at his word, took god at his word, and he acted conducted himself.
You know, the word, it’s we don’t use his word anymore. An old English word, deportment. Deportment.
Abraham He heard god and then conducted himself in his deportment.
Accordingly, what does that mean?
He went from being a pig and worshiping bowing down to idol guy, gentile, to a believer confident in the promises of the god who got a hold of his life, who, no doubt, I would say, and I’m I’m just assuming here that somehow in some way, shape, or form, Abraham found his heart being strangely warmed.
You need to ask yourself, is god causing you right now and even in this message to start realizing, you know what?
I think I can I think I can maybe believe this that the god of heaven would do this for me?
That would be love. That’s right. Pretty sure I can’t save myself. You’re right.
My flesh usually gets me in trouble. True again.
So I think I’m gonna come running to the foot of the cross. Amen.
That happens as god awakens you. So watch. This is fun.
James chapter 2 verse 20. Some of you have been writing me and saying, what about this? Alright.
So what about this? Let’s remember something. Theologians in here. All of you are theologians, by the way.
Do you know that? It means you study the words of god. So watch.
The book of Romans summed up is the believer’s position in Christ in heaven.
In other words, from god’s vantage point, he looks at the he looks at your name. Let’s see. Okay.
There’s Mike, Mike, righteous.
Mike believed in my son on April 9th, 1941 or 2010, and declared righteous.
Isn’t that cool? That’s the book of Romans from god’s perspective.
The book of James, saying truth, from man’s perspective.
If I say I believe in god, guess who knows that immediately?
God does. You don’t. Do you? Let’s be honest.
If I were to ask all of you, do you guys all believe in Jesus?
You can all hands go up. I know something. I know this.
I don’t know if that’s true.
You know it’s true or not, but I don’t know if it’s true or not, unless we all move into the same house.
Imagine if we all went on a huge camping trip for a month.
You know, the 1st day would be wonderful. 1st night Wow.
Everyone’s singing song, it praise a lot. Look at the song. The scores are out.
And it’s all going so well. And the 3rd day, yeah, god is so great. Let’s do this.
9th day. Hey. Excuse me. That’s my site. Who’s in charge around here?
I wanna file a complaint. Aren’t we sick of eating this?
This has been even eating this every day since we got here tired of this. Mana.
You know what?
Over time, we would find out who’s really a believer.
Do you know what that’s called? The book of James.
What you want in your life, what I want in my life is the book of James and the book of Romans to do what we’re about to read.
Because it just goes right to our title. Does it not of this very message? So watch this.
James says, but do you want to know a foolish man that faith without works is dead?
Was not Abraham our father justified by works?
When he offered Isaac, his son, on the altar, he said, Jack, you just read in Romans.
He was justified by faith, by belief. That’s right. James just said he was justified by works. That’s right.
It’s true. In heaven, god saw his belief, god saw his faith.
On earth, Isaac two witnesses that Abraham took with him saw his works.
We’ll keep reading. Watch what happens. Do you see verse 22?
Do you see, I’m sorry, verse 21 was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar.
Do you see them that faith was working together with his works?
Of course, and by works faith was made perfect or complete.
And the scripture was fulfilled, which says, here we go. Listen church, everybody.
Abraham believed god, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. You see the close quote there?
And he was called the friend of god You see then that a man is justified by works and not by faith.
What? Say it again. Oh. Only. This is epic. Do you remember how I open this message?
What we see, right, ought to jive with what we hear from your mouth This is incredible.
And what’s awesome about this is god tells Abraham alone by himself, Abraham. He says, yes, lord.
He said, I want you to take now your only son.
And I want you to take him to a mountain that I will show you.
And I want you to offer him there to me as a burn offering.
Okay. Stop right there. Abraham’s mind.
Was that god? I recognized voice, but how can this possibly be?
Because I’m really old.
And he said earlier that we would have a son and that from him, the promise of the nations would be fulfilled that I would be a father of many nations.
And that from my life would eventually come the Messiah of the world.
How can this be? I’m sure he said not aware to Isaac.
This is all going on inside. Can you imagine if you were Abraham? And you obey god.
This makes no sense. The Bible tells us they went on a 3 day journey. I think that’s significant. No.
I don’t read too much into it. But Abraham was ordered to offer up his son on a hill.
He he walks for 3 days. 3 days.
In Abraham’s heart and mind, his son is dead for how many days? 3. 3 days.
He’s going with his son and with 2 servants.
Abraham gets to the base of Mount Mariah. Bible says Abraham turned, listen to this.
Abraham turns to the 2 servants and says, you guys stay here.
I and my son will go to that mountain top, and we’re gonna worship the lord.
And we will return back That’s faith.
God will keep his word. You know, god owns everything. You know?
What comes to my mind right now, our daughter was eight months old, and we didn’t know that inside of her blood was something called Stevens Johnson’s Syndrome.
We didn’t know she got sick.
So when the kid gets a cold, they get antibiotics, ear infection. Pediatrician gives the antibiotic.
Next thing, we know she’s bleeding from the inside out of her body.
Her blood cells begin to lice open throughout begins to swell shut and suffocation takes place.
She’s rushed to the hospital, Chocks Hospital.
And this unbelievable process quarantine because they don’t know what’s going on, whether she’s the only one there on that area of the floor.
Incredible love and attention and medical treatment.
Took them a while to find out what it was that she had because it’s not all that common.
Lisa and I went downstairs as we were doing.
We’d go downstairs of the cafeteria and just try to get something to eat and catch up to this.
You know, the amazing thing is, have you ever had this happen?
Eight month old baby girl, And god says, do you believe she’s mine?
Do you believe that she’s mine? Did I give her to you? Yes. And she’s mine.
Yes, sir. Yes.
Humanly speaking, lord, can you have her stick around a little bit longer?
Second thought, but heaven’s awesome.
And we get in the way of And then when, you know, our god is alive, you know, so that’s why when we’re in situations like the he shows up.
It’s a Saturday morning mid f mid morning.
And Lisa and I were in the cafeteria.
We saw Chuck Smith walk by We got up and ran. Pastor Chuck. Pastor Chuck.
I don’t know if you know, but Ashley is here. Oh, no. I know. I I know she’s here.
I was just up in the room, praying with her. Excuse me.
He said, yeah, the office told me that Ashley is here at Chocks, and I’m in between weddings.
Truly. He did 4 weddings a day on Saturdays.
I mean, between a wedding, so I thought I’d come and pray for her.
And, uh, he said she’s gonna be great. He doesn’t say things like that.
He didn’t say things. He didn’t give false hope. It wasn’t even him speaking, I’m sure of it.
It was a lord saying this. Now that you gave her back to me, she’s gonna be fine.
He said that’s exactly what happened with Abraham. Isaac got on the way.
God loved Isaac. God loved Abraham.
God was gonna fulfill his word, but, listen, god does things in life, my dear friend.
That causes faith to take action. You can’t talk about faith.
Without living it. That’s where Christianity goes from theory to reality.
And we end in verse 5, salvation is a radical transformer.
But to him who does not work, but believes on him justifies the ungodly.
Don’t raise your hand, but are you ungodly? God wants to justify you, friend.
His faith is accounted for righteousness. Do you believe that you need a savior? Bible says you’re ungodly.
If you believe that Jesus died in the cross for your and rose again from the dead.
He’ll give you a new life. So, listen, there’s no better verse than for
you to hear this from the Bible.
The Bible says In 2nd Corinthians 517, listen, therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He’s a new creation.
All things have passed away. Behold all things have become new. Friend, listen.
You can be a full blown atheist You gotta admit. That’s awesome talk. But it’s not just man speaking.
That’s the word of god to us. That’s what the Bible says.
So more than any other time in your life, you must agree with me that you need to start life over again.
Listen, when your computer acts up, we are told in our instruction manual, restart the computer.
You’re either supposed to take out the battery or unplug it or, uh, whatever it might be, but somehow disconnect it from the noise of life and its normal power source, give it a break, and reboot.
If you can do that to a computer, If you can do that to a a rocket ship that’s about ready to go into space, if you can do that to any device, any car, anything, don’t you think that god has given you the ability to reset your life through Jesus Christ?
Don’t you think that if you can do those things with inanimate objects with things that don’t matter with things that are just really nothing in the long run.
What about god offering the same thing? When god says, I want you to reboot your life.
This is how you do it. Make sure that you trust my son Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior.
I’ll wash away your past starting today. I’ll give you a brand new life starting today.
And I will do an amazing new work in your life. Why not?
Why can’t the god of all create do perfectly what Apple or Android or whoever else would say restart your device.
Oh, my friend. Listen. More than ever. More than ever.
We wanna help you with your walk with Jesus Christ. Simply going to jack kim.com. Why there?
Because there’s tons of teaching, there’s tons of helps, there’s a lot there for you to stay connected with us, and for us to know and to pray on your progress.
So please go there. God bless you guys until next time.
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Welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s word, whomever will return void. God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effects.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the salt of the earth. How does that happen?
Jack Gibbs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history.
Which brings some great opportunities to this generation who are searching for answers and truth.
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