How To Use The Devil’s Secret Against Him & For Your Victory | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How To Use The Devil’s Secret Against Him & For Your Victory
There is a principle that guides much of human action, even yours. But if you can channel it for the Lord, it can revolutionize your life.
The Mirrors of God
I knew two great saints of God, Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand, leaders of the underground church in Romania. In Sabina’s last days, she was in great pain. Feeling overwhelmed, she asked the Lord, “How long?” He reminded her of how, as a young woman, she’d taken some jewelry to be worked on. The jeweler put her jewelry over a flame.Panicking, she’d cried, “You’re going to destroy it!” He turned up the fire and said, “Trust me, I know what I’m doing. I have to keep it on the fire until I can see my reflection on the metal. Then it’s finished.” She heard the Lord say, “Don’t panic, trust Me. I Am the Master Jeweler. You must go through the fire for a moment and when I can see My face reflected in you, it will be finished.” Soon after that, she peacefully went home to be with the Lord. When you go through trials, don’t fear. God’s purpose isn’t to hurt you, but to change you into the image of Messiah. God wants to see His reflection in you because you’re His jewel and He’s your Master Jeweler.
You are made to gravitate away from that which causes pain and toward that which causes pleasure.
That can be your greatest weakness. Or you can turn it around and make it your greatest strength.
And that’s what I’m gonna tell you.
See, the first thing is you’re not to live following after pleasure because then you’re in in in trouble.
But you can use the principle of pleasure for god. It can change your life. Same with pain.
You’re not to live your life trying to avoid any kind of pain, but if you use the principle, even pain.
For god, it can actually change your life.
For instance, we are to seek for righteousness, seek the kingdom of god and his righteousness, all these things will be added to you.
Now now the thing is If you make pleasure, a servant of that aim, it’ll change everything.
Let me tell you what I mean.
If you make pain a servant of that aim of the calling god, if you use the principle, if you associate something with pleasure and joy, It’s gonna be hard for you not to do it.
If you associate something with pain, it’s not pleasurable. It’s gonna be very hard for you to do it. Okay?
If you associate something with pleasure, it’s gonna be very hard for you to stop doing it.
So how do you do it? The first thing is to separate what has been joined together.
And that and that is or or you or, you know, that which the enemy put together separated for god.
Let me let me tell you what I mean here. The adulterous in the proverb looks like She’s alluring.
She’s it’s beautiful. Looks like pleasure, but the end is death. So listen to what Proverbs 5 says.
The lips of it adulterers, and again, it’s a altar, depending on who you are, drips honey, sweet.
The sweet is smoother than oil her speech. Okay. So it’s sweet.
But then it says, but the end is, see, it says bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword.
So the the end, it says she goes down to death. And so, therefore, it leads to something.
It goes on to say this. So don’t go that way. It says in in proverbs. Wisdom.
Otherwise, you’ll give your strength to others your years to the cruel one. Strangers will be filled with your strength.
If you give into adultery, you’ll lose you can lose your family, lose your house.
Someone else will be getting this, and you’ll be you’ll be consumed.
It’s saying what appears to be sweet is actually bitter So don’t so don’t get fooled by it.
Look to the end of that thing. The end is full of pain.
The key is when you’re being tempted, you need to look at the end of where it’s leading you.
With any sin, it’s like your enemy is presenting you with a bottle of poison, but he decorates it with flowers and puts a beautiful label on it, makes it smell good That’s what the enemy does.
That’s what the enemy’s presenting you.
And so and so you have to look at that and say, for see through the flowers, see through the the beautiful label and say this is poison, this is death.
I don’t want it no matter how good it looks. Man sees a beautiful woman.
He’s gonna be tempted if the man sees, though, a roadway to hell by if he falls in adultery, he’s gonna be able to resist that temptation.
Not just death, but the pain that sin brings you. You know what?
This, I I I I I began to touch on this on Sunday, but this is so important.
So important what I’m telling you here.
When you’re being tempted, feel the pain of where it’s gonna lead you.
Because the more you feel the pain of it, the less you’re gonna go through the pain of You see?
You see? You think about how am I gonna feel if I give into that temptation? I’m gonna feel terrible.
So feel terrible. Feel it now before you do it and you won’t do it.
Or think about this, you know, think of if I keep giving into that sin, Where am I gonna be in 10 years from now?
Where am I not gonna be 10 years from now? Because what because I hinder my life.
I never never went to the other level because I Do I still wanna be that?
Feel that pain of that 10 years later and you won’t do it.
When you’re tempted, you can turn down.
See, if you think something is joy, you’re not gonna turn it down.
If you see the pain, you’re gonna turn it down. Think of all the blessings I’m gonna forfeit.
I’m not knowing in my life, because I keep giving into that little stupid pleasure.
There is a famous celebrity. I won’t name his name. But he knowing that adultery was wrong.
He wasn’t a Christian, but he knew adultery was wrong. And he had a fear of god.
And that’s how he and so he com and he had done a lot of adultery.
So when he was tempted, He literally would take a match, hold it near his finger, and think of hell, and he would turn down adultery.
Now I’m not saying to do that, but the principle was the same.
Another man who’s known in many quarters didn’t want his children to fall into drugs.
So he took his children down to a drug rehab place.
To see the pain of it, see the ugliness of it.
And by that, they were inoculated because they associated the end from the beginning, the pain.
Whenever they thought of drugs, they remembered that trip. They said they will never know that pain. God willing.
Whatever sin or habit or action that is not good, if you wanna break it, associate it with a pain over and over again until it sticks, and then you won’t do it.
Apply the temptation. Why? It’s agossiping. Think of god’s pain when you gossip.
But also think of the think of how how how evil it is. Apply that to anything.
You’re tempted by a substance. You’re tempted by a drink. You’re tempted by whatever that is.
Look at the end and see it, feel it, you won’t do it. Sexual temptation, pornography.
Look at the death of it. That sexual sin. Think of the pain of it.
Think of the fire. That bad temper, that outburst of anger you’re doing it.
And yet yet think of how it’s damaging the people around you.
Is that what you want, or you’re being mean or cold?
Think of the think of where that’s gonna leave you in the end.
Or that little flirtation flirting, that indulgent in your thought life, maybe. It’s not what god’s will is.
Apply it. Keep thing. Where is that gonna lead me? Do I want destruction?
Do I want this in my walk? Do I want I walk to be destroyed?
My ministry to be destroyed, why do I want that? Ass associated see the end.
And then there’s the other side of this of the secret The things that are right and good that you know you should do, but you’re not doing.
You know our good. You know it’s that way.
Your call to it but you don’t do it because they don’t always feel good in the short term.
Anyway, you don’t feel anything. I don’t want I don’t want you know, I I have other things that I’d rather just sit back watch television because that gives me some cheap pleasure, but it’s easier than taking time to be praying in god’s presence.
But how do you feel at the end of watching hours of television?
How do you feel when you’re in god’s presence?
Example, You know, you should be spending more time with god, more time in prayer, but you don’t.
You know, you’re supposed to give, but you should be giving more generous person, but it it kinda hurts You know, you should be kinder to your loved ones, to your family, to your parents, to your children, to your wife, to your husband, but, you know, you know, you should be more in the word.
You know, you should be serving in ministry. You know, you should be doing the great commission.
You know, you should be fulfilling your calling. You should be worshipping and praising god, not just here.
The reason why we’re not always doing that is because you’re not associating it with the joy that it actually is.
You see, you’re just seeing the beginning. You’re you might be seeing the cross. You’re not seeing the resurrection.
What did he say about Jesus? For the joy set before him, he endured the cross.
He could endure anything because he saw the joy of your salvation.
The reason we are not doing it.
It’s hard to do something if you don’t think there’s anything of joy in it.
It’d be hard to do what you’re fighting against the wind.
The thing is the enemy has tried to the same way he tries to take the carrot and use it to get you to do things that are wrong and bad for you.
He tries to take the stick and use it with the things of god and make it feel like, hey.
There’s nothing there for you. But the things of god always lead to joy. Always.
The key is to link them back to joy in your life. Look down ahead.
How am I gonna feel if I’m if I become a real person of god’s presence, how am I gonna feel?
What will happen if I spend more time with god?
Look at the think about the blessings that’ll come in your life.
Picture yourself filled with the the presence of god. The joy of the lord.
The blessings of that What will happen if you get deeper in god?
You put off the old, put on the new, more of the new.
Think of all the joys and blessings you’re gonna have.
When you give, god says he promises he’s gonna bless you.
If you give, so instead of focusing on what you’re giving, look at the end of that.
Focus on god is gonna blow I don’t know what the blessing is, but he’s gonna bless me.
And that’s not a bad thing to do.
It’s a good thing to do because you’re gonna be a giving person. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Wednesday Blessings – Morning Blessings July 26, 2023!Tháng 7 26, 2023