How To See Jesus In The Burnt Offering | Joseph Prince
How To See Jesus In The Burnt Offering
Would you like to experience a greater measure of God’s shalom—His all-encompassing peace, wholeness, and health—and live life with hope and security in these uncertain times? Follow Joseph Prince as he expounds on an exciting study of the burnt offering and the peace offering in the book of Leviticus, and discover God’s answers for your complete wellbeing. Learn how you can:
- Grow your capacity to receive God’s blessings when you grow in your revelation of Jesus and His finished work.
- Experience greater health and healing for your mind, emotions, and body when you stand on the unshakable foundation of your righteousness in Christ.
- Come boldly to God to receive all the good He has for you when you know how much He delights in you.
- Live life with peace and security despite the turmoil in the world when you are established in your identity in Christ.
Beloved, as your revelation of our Lord Jesus and His finished work increases in your life, so will His shalom and security for you and your family!
I want to share with you from Leviticus of all the books in the Bible, the Book of Leviticus usually are the ones that are still uh in most Christians Bible, right?
It is still stuck together. Uh People hardly teach on the book of Leviticus, but I want to teach from the book of Leviticus chapter one, right?
The very first chapter and the very first verse says, now the Lord called to Moses and spoke to him from the Tabernacle of meeting saying and this word now the Lord called the word called is the Hebrew word where the name of Levi is taken from.
Of course, the Leviticus means the tical priesthood.
But actually in the Hebrew, this book is called means called he called literally is the first word of Leviticus.
God called to Moses and spoke to him from the Tabernacle of meeting, saying, speak to the Children of Israel and say to them when any one of you brings an offering to the Lord, you shall bring your offering of the livestock of the herd.
And I have the flock. Now notice here, God is talking about the burn offering, the word offering in the Hebrew means to approach near an offering means to approach near.
So the offering causes you to approach God come near to God. Draw near to God.
The Bible says draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Now, this is the burn offering.
If his offering is a burn sacrifice of the hurt, let him offer a meal without blemish.
He shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the Tabernacle of meeting before the Lord.
Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burn offering and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.
So notice that, that the Bible says that his offering is a burn sacrifice of the her. Why?
Because in the same chapter, there are three categories of burn offering.
The first one is what we are reading here.
The hurt from the hurt, a bullock, a son of the herd in the Hebrew, a son of the herd and the son of the herd.
Usually the the this bullock is raised not to do any work in the fields.
They are not raised for labor, but they are raised for sacrifice.
Finally, second category is actually from the flock, right? From the sheep, ok? The sheep.
Now that’s the median, right, middle income people, those who are rich, those who are wealthy in those days, they’re able to bring the bullock like the father of the prodigal son those with the middle income, they probably bring in the lamb, ok?
Or a sheep. And that’s what the Bible says.
For second category, the third category is the smallest of all the burn offering.
God says you can’t afford to bring the bullock. You can’t afford to bring the lamb or a sheep.
You bring a dove, aura pigeon. Ok? A paradox of pigeon. And these are birds, right?
And they are small notice the decreasing sizes, a bullock, OK?
Then we have the uh a lamb or a sheep. OK. Then we have the bird notice the decreasing sizes.
It speaks of capacity, it speaks of our ability to see the work of Jesus at the cross.
And whether we are increasing in knowledge, if we are like we have a size revelation of Jesus and and his work at the cross, we we have that capacity, that strong capacity to receive from the Lord because our capacity to know Him has increased.
We have a block size revelation or we have a middle size revelation, right?
Which means uh this is where um most people live.
I believe that’s why the Bible reckons Jesus as the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, not the bullock there.
OK? But nonetheless, these are truths that God put in the word for the three categories of bird offering.
Then we have the bird. Now for the bird is the lowest, of course, in the natural back then, it was the poorest, the poorest will bring the a bird which is abundant everywhere.
The pigeon or the the and they will capture it. It’s easier for the poor people.
They know how to capture it. And then they can offer that as a burn offering to the Lord.
But nonetheless, even though they are decreasing sizes and all that, they all have the same effect.
They emit a fragrance to God that reminds God of his son because each of them represent the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen. The Bullock, of course strong to labor.
We see Him amen coming to earth with a, with a, a heart that’s ready to serve and to die for our sins on the cross.
And then the lamb, we see him, the lamb of God meek, gentle lowly though the bullock is like a king, right?
Strong, the lamb is gentle and lowly. Then the bird is a creature of the sky, the heavens. Amen.
We see Jesus coming from heaven. So each of them portrayed the Lord Jesus Christ in his own way.
So God does not say until your capacity to see my son becomes a bullock size revelation, then I accept your sacrifice.
Then I’ll impute righteousness. You. God doesn’t say that right. God accepts any capacity.
A little touch of the woman’s hand on the hem of his garment caused her to receive all that Jesus had just a little touch.
The Bible says, she said if I may touch but the hem of his garment, amen.
Just uh maybe 12 fingers touching the hem of his garment and she received all that he has so friend.
It is not so much. You know, you gotta have a great revelation but having a greater revelation of Jesus will cost you to receive more from the Lord.
Amen, but to be safe friend. Amen.
Many of the times we get safe, we don’t really know you know much about the Lord and we are afraid to go to hell.
Amen. We are, we, we know that we have sin.
We know we are sinners and we need a savior and that much we know, OK, but we increase and we continue to increase and we increase in knowledge of our Lord Jesus favor grace.
Shalom, peace. Well, being wholeness is multiplied to us. Amen. Praise the Lord.
So here we have the first one which is uh a burn sacrifice from the herd which is the bullock.
Notice that uh it says here he shall put his hand on the head of the burn offering and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.
Now, the word accepted is the word which actually has the meaning of delight and pleasure.
It’s not just accepted with God.
All that the is in its state of unblemished state, in its uh innocence, in its uh you know, it represents Jesus Christ.
I would say Jesus in his righteousness, all that he is as I, as I lay my hand, so to speak upon Jesus on the cross, like what this offer is doing, he put his hand on the head of the burn offering.
That is a picture of identification.
When you put your hand on the head of the animal, you actually identifying with the animal.
Now in those days, when they sin, they bring a burn offering, whether it is most of them bring a lamb.
Uh like I said, the middle income people, which most people are at, they will bring the lamb.
And Jesus is a picture of the lamb, but he’s also the bullock, Jesus, a picture of the bullock and here uh the hands are laid on the bullock.
Now, this is not mentioned in the other two burn offering, the the lamb as well as the bird, the pigeon or the dove.
These two categories do not mention about putting on of hands that tells us something that tells us that they are lacking, they are lacking in the uh capacity to understand their identification in Christ.
So to the extent that you lack, to that extent, you have that poverty of, of uh knowledge of the Lord.
To that extent you experience poverty uh of wisdom, to the extent you, you experience uh a lesser capacity to receive from the Lord.
Notice that this is only true laying hands on the bullock is only true of the first category of burn offering, which is the bullock.
And here it says, he put his hand on the head of the burn offering, identification, like I said just now.
So we see our, our place in this, it was our sins that put Jesus on the cross.
But the Bible tells us that God made Jesus to be sin.
Now, whose sin was that our sins, God made Jesus to be sin for us.
Who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
So there’s a divine exchange at the cross. Amen. He took our sins and we take his righteousness.
Let’s go on with what we can learn about the cross through chapter one.
The sons of Aaron, the priest shall put fire on the altar and lay the wood in order on the fire, then the priests, Aaron’s sons shall lay the parts, the head, say the head and the fat in order on the wood that is on the fire upon the altar, but he shall wash it and trails and its lakes with water.
Now all this, this is mentioned, right?
The order of all this is mentioned also in the offering of the lamb.
So what’s the head lakes and and trails, right? The head. Jesus don’t forget this offering is Jesus, right?
Jesus is this bullock. The head represents, he knew no sin. He knew no sin.
The entrails the inside the inside of the animal represents in Him is no sin.
And the lakes, the outward walk represents He did no sin.
So he knew no sin in Him is no sin. He did no sin.
And yet he died for us.
The Bible says, and the priest shall burn all on the altar as a burned sacrifice and offering made by fire.
A sweet aroma to the Lord. Notice a sweet aroma to the Lord.
All this reminds God of his son, the son that he loves.
When God smells a sweet aroma, just like He smells the burn offering of Noah.
The first thing Noah did up in the new world after the flood receded and he came out with his family out of the art with all the animals.
The Bible says, Noah offered to God a burn offering and God smelled the burn offering a sweet aroma and reminds God of his son.
And what did God say? I will no longer curse the earth ever again with a flood.
God says, and uh there’s always a blessing when God smells a sweet aroma.
The Bible says that we are unto God, a sweet aroma of Christ.
We are unto God, a sweet fragrance of Christ. Amen.
And, and the Hebrew word here, sweet aroma is actually uh a aroma of rest.
Literally the word there is aroma of rest to the Lord is the same word where Noah got is named from.
No is the word rest is a sweet aroma of rest to the Lord.
God finds his rest in the sacrifice of Christ. Amen. God is not mad at you.
God is not looking out to, to curse you or to condemn you.
God is looking forward with rest in his heart based on all that Jesus has done to justify you, to heal you, to provide for you to be good to you.
Hallelujah Amen. And now he has a righteous uh foundation to do all that because of the death of Jesus on your behalf.
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