How To Get A Life Vision from God….by Sarah Jakes Roberts
How To Get A Life Vision from God….
Our mission is to foster a global community of strong, confident, and compassionate women who support each other on their unique paths. Through this videos, we aim to inspire you to embrace your authentic self, overcome challenges, and embrace new opportunities fearlessly.
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
That doesn’t give us the full detail on the plan that he has for our lives.
God only gives us hints. He only gives us clues. Sometimes God only gives us enough
to get it started because if he gave us the full details, we would say no and never get moving, but sometimes he says, I’m just gonna give you enough to get you in position so that you’re too far ahead of where you used to be to go back and you can’t stay stuck there because he’s created an appetite for transformation.
You see, there are some people in this room who are in this room because they have an appetite for transformation
I got a taste of what god could do.
I got a taste of what can happen when I let god use me.
I got a taste of what could happen when I surrendered myself and so now I can’t go back.
Now I’m hanging on every word that proceeds out of his now because every word that proceeds out of his mouth is my instruction for what I need to do next.
Peter’s further out than he ever thought he would be.
And for him, that is promotion. for him, that is growth.
Oh god, there’s somebody in this room.
And you’re already further than any member of your family has ever been.
And for someone you should be satisfied with where you are, but god keeps giving you vision that there’s something else left.
There’s something more connected to who you are.
I know everyone else would be satisfied if they made it this far, but I’m crazy enough to believe that god left me in this world because there is yet more for me to do, and I would give up, but I keep giving vision every time I close my eyes, I have another vision of who I can become.
Every time god allows me to be connected to somebody. I don’t just apply for them.
I see it as a vision of what god can do in my life.
You see, I shout when other people get blessed because it’s assigned to me that god is still in the blessing business.
I didn’t have vision until saw you walk through that door.
But now that I’ve seen you walk through the door, I know that it’s possible.
You better be careful when you’re connected to some who has vision.
When you’re connected to someone who has vision, they start thinking crazy things.
And you start saying, how did you see that?
Oh, I saw it in my sleep I saw it when I went into prayer.
I saw it not because I saw it on television. I didn’t see it on social media.
deposited something in my spirit that made me crazy enough to believe that the vision was meant to become a reality.
I don’t know who you are but I want you to know you’re not crazy.
I want you to know that you’re seeing things, but you’re not crazy.
I want you to know that you’re seeing things, but you’re alone that there are some other people in this room who are seeing things.
If god’s showing you something, I want you to some noise.
If he’s showing you something that doesn’t make any sense. God, you’re showing me something that doesn’t make any sense.
It challenges everything I’ve ever known.
It makes me believe that I could be going crazy, but god every time I close my eyes, I still see it.
What is it that you wanna do with this vision, what am
I that I should have access
to what you wanna see happen? Oh god.
You think it’s just a vision I hear god saying it’s access.
When I gave you vision, I gave you access.
I gave you access to what cannot be seen in this time, but what is coming in time.
You can’t see it right here. But if I gave you a vision, it’s because it’s to be manifested.
Vision. Vision. God, vision.
When Peter receives this vision, he’s in a posture of prayer.
He doesn’t just receive this vision while he’s out being random.
There is a pasture that we must assume if we wanna tap into god’s vision.
Some people use prayer as their opportunity to let god know his job roles and responsibilities.
other people, and sometimes they, the same people, depending on the season, use prayer as an opportunity to ask god for his insight.
If our prayer is just where we go to let god know what we need, then we miss the opportunity to really be in connection to see what god needs from us.
We miss the opportunity to be in connection to receive the insight for what this season is.
Cause sometimes we’re just praying because we want relief from what’s happening.
But it takes something powerful to say, God, you don’t have to relieve me from what’s happening if you will give me insight into how to show up into what’s happening.
See, I must be the only one raising children in this season.
I must be the only one trying to break down some chains and some barriers some strongholds.
I must be the only one in this room up against some opposition that is making me wanna quit, but when I go into my prayer closet, instead of asking God back that battle up off of me.
I’ve been learning that my greatest weapon is to say, god, help me to understand what the battle is trying to bring out of me.
help me to understand who I need to be to show up in this marriage, help me to see who I need to be in order to write this book, in order to build this business, in order to break this generational curse, god give me insight into why you chose me.
Give me insight into why you keep opening these doors. God give me insight insight.
God, I wanna see
it the way you see it.
I don’t wanna be so caught up in my hindsight that I can’t get insight.
I don’t wanna be so caught up on foresight that I can’t get insight.
The only thing that matters is now. I know you’re worried about yesterday, but yesterday is over.
I know you’re worried about tomorrow, but tomorrow is not promised. The only thing that matters just right now.
So, god, who do I need to be in this moment? Who do I need to be right now?
didn’t get a chance to be her yesterday, but, god, you woke me up this morning.
God, what is it that you see about me?
That I don’t see about myself God, why would you allow me to be up against this giant unless this giant has my name on it?
Show me where my stones are. Show me where my sling shot is. Show me where the power is.
Show me where the peace is in the middle of the storm.
show me where the joy is in the middle of this grief.
God, if you put me in it, you’ve got insight into how I can show up help me see it, god.
Help me believe it, god. Help me to rise up to it. Help me to step into it. God.
Give me
insight insight insight in in insight. God. What’s in me? God.
What’s in me for what’s happening outside of me? in me
for what you wanna do through me, god, what gifts, what talents, what words, what memories, what experience will release your glory.
You know why you need insight because insight is the clue that releases glory. You know why you need glory.
because the only way that we’re gonna go up against what’s happening in this world is if we get a few crazy people who are willing to Elise Glory.
No, I don’t look like a glory carrier after all that I’ve been through.
But if I’m stealing this earth god says there’s glory connected to your name, so god show me where the glory is.
Show me where you’re moving. Show me how you’re speaking in this season. Show me. Show me.
Show me. And
God shows Peter something that not even Peter understands.
I don’t even understand why god would show me something that requires me to venture into Forbidden territory.
Forbidden territory as a Jewish man, Peter, had certain stipulations on how he eats food on how animals are treated.
And yet, god gives him this vision that goes up again the identity that he has held onto.
God, wants to know will you be more loyal to the identity you’ve known than the destiny he’s calling you to?
That’s I’ve only known I’ve only known myself one way.
I’ve only seen myself one way, but god, you’re showing me something that will require me to abandon what I have held as my identity.
I don’t know who’s in this room, but I hear saying that if you would let yourself go, you could receive what god really has for you.
If you would let yourself go, you could receive what god has already always known about who you are, and Peter is gonna have to be willing to let himself go.
God is calling Peter into Forbidden territory.
You know what I love about this, is that because the way that it is presented to Peter, it shows us how god allows us to not just receive insight, but to understand his timing.
because in this text, at the same time that Peter is receiving a revelation that will require him to move into Forbidden territory, there’s also a need being rise risen up for Peter to meet.
God, I gotta I gotta get this thing right because if I mess around and get this thing right, there are gonna be some people in this room who start moving into forbidden territory.
I mean, the
kind of territory that the enemy said your feet could never be on, the kind of territory where you say people in my family say we don’t do things like that, but god has given someone permission to move into some forbidden territory I’m giving you permission to move in
the industry in a different way. I’m giving you permission to change the
way things have always been done. I’m giving you permission to raise a new standard.
I don’t know who you are, but I hear god saying there are some change agents in this room.
And god has given you permission to go into some forbidden territory.
I mean, forbidden territory within your own heart where god says, I don’t want you to talk about what you do and do not do any any longer.
I want you to start laying hold of the liberty and the freedom that says that when I grace you and I annoy you.
There was nothing forbidden. I wanna rebuke every trick and lie of the enemy that has made you believe there is a limit to who you can become.
I hear god saying there is no limit.
I hear god saying all you need is a word and you can ride in forbidden territory with a word.
A word is all that you need in order to kick down every stronghold in order to break every chain.
There is some forbidden territory that’s had your family chained up for years.
There is some forbidden territory that has kept your family from experience and breakthrough.
There is some forbidden territory that has changed the way you show up in the world, and I hear the saying that if you dare to take you one step into that forbidden territory, you’re gonna do it with me backing you up, that if you take one step away from the identity that everyone else has known that you will break up the culture of the industry.
You will break up the culture of your family.
don’t know about you, but I am not here to keep status quo.
I am here to go into some forbidden territory.
We are having a meeting soldiers because when you leave this place, you’ve got some forbidden territory to take hold of.
You’ve got some forbidden territory to reclaim for the kingdom of god. I won’t give up. I won’t back town.
If I got a vision for it, it’s because I’m anointed for it.
if I’m anointed for it, there is no devil in hell that can come up against what god has placed in my spirit at this need about 1 or 2 of you to start acting like you know what this is, that you know that god is backing you up.
And there communities depending on your yes that your family is depending on your breakthrough.
And your yes means that you gotta break out of your for bidding territories.
Break out of the way that you think. Break out of the way that you speak.
I know I haven’t been speaking like that, but I’m speaking differently because there’s a language connected to the territory.
I know I
haven’t been moving like that, but I’m moving differently because there’s a different way that they move in forbidden territory.
I wouldn’t expect the unexpected unless I serve a god who does the unexpected.
So if you tell me it’s forbidden, but god tells me to walk through it, I’m gonna take all of my raggedy, all of my inadequacy, all of my fear, and I’m gonna step and do it anyway.
I’m gonna move and do it. Anyway,
- A Bold Move – Pastor Sarah Jakes RobertsTháng 6 1, 2023