How Prince of Persia Hinders The Purposes of God In Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How Prince of Persia Hinders The Purposes of God In Your Life
Message Of The Week – A mysterious principality who appeared in ancient times, the question of its appearance in modern times, even behind current events, and the revelation of what it has to do with your life, spiritual warfare, and attacks. What it reveals, and how to turn it all around for victory.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023 – The Sound of Silence
God told Zechariah that because of his disbelief, he was going to be silent until the birth of his son Yochanan; John. The silence was a sign. The prophet Ezekiel was told he would be silent yet he was God’s mouthpiece. It was a prophetic silence and a sign. God was speaking through the silence. Have you sought to hear from God and it seems He’s quiet; not speaking? Realize that He is, because He speaks eloquently in silence. He might be saying, “I’ll take care of it,” or “You already know the answer,” or “Do what I told you to do, what I’ve already revealed to you and I’ll lead you further,” or “I want you to seek Me more; come nearer than you ever have,” or “I want you to persevere,” or “I don’t want you to go by signs.” The Lord spoke to Israel not just by speaking, but by not speaking, by speaking in the silence of the prophet. The Lord will answer you as well, but sometimes the most powerful thing you can ever hear from God is nothing.
The enemy attacks the purposes of god. Even now, you’re in god’s will, you’re in god’s purposes.
He’ll attack you. Go to the Temple Mount today, and you will find on the Temple Mount is a dome of Iraq, a Muslim right on where the Holy Boys may have been right on there.
Why? Cause you can’t build with that thing on there?
On the eastern side of the temple mount, the golden gate through which Messiah is going to enter in the you have a reproduction of it right in that corner there.
It’s all walled up. Why? Because a Muslim ruler said, who’s told that Messiah is coming, we’re gonna wall it up.
When you go to the Temple Mount, they don’t they they they’re getting a little looser, but they they don’t don’t even allow you to pray there.
Like, why is it getting me? So why is it so much? Why? Can’t pray?
Can’t open up a Bible? I always try to nevertheless get the Iranian blessing in without them arresting me.
One time, I thought, you know, because they’re we got kicked off once, you know, but one time I was there, I this not in the notes.
You’re I get a little looser on the second service.
Uh, one time, I was gonna I was gonna pray, and and and and and, also, because usually they’re watching all over everything you do.
And They’re all gone. All the Islamic authorities are gone, and we didn’t know what happened.
Took out somebody from our group, a lady, one in one of the buses, uh, ran up the Temple Mount waving an Israeli flag.
They all got distracted. I gave the blessing.
So he said from now on, we gotta have somebody running up with that. No.
Why is the enemy so sensitive about that temple mount? Because of what is coming?
Coming And so all this that happened was triggered by the temple mount.
It triggered all this hell fury against Israel linked to Iran.
The war funded by but linked to the temple now by Iran here.
You see, the enemy will always seek to attack the purposes of god, to prevent it, stop them, hinder them, Now think about what happened in Daniel 10.
Think about what happened in one chapter before it, Daniel Nine.
Daniel had just received the great the great prophecy of the 70 sevens, the coming of messiah, with the exact countdown to when messiah’s gonna come mathematically.
And when the temples come in and and all the end times right there in dangle 9.
He got it got in the end.
There was no we don’t know if there was any resistance that he was praying.
The angel came, gave it to him, but it’s almost like the forces of hell said that one got through and look what happened.
So now we’re gonna stop the next one.
The enemy does seeks that And this and and the the revelation now so it comes with a lot of fighting from Daniel 10 all the way to the end of the book comes from this that was fought over by the principality.
And here now, Israel is back and all hell is against the ends, particularly Persia.
And here’s the thing.
It’s not just that that the enemy is against Israel, The enemy is against you.
The enemy has against you. Not only is does god have a purpose for Israel?
That’s why the enemy is against it. but god has a purpose for your life.
So the enemy is against god has a purpose behind your life ahead of your life from the time you were conceived, even before that he knew it, And the enemy knows about it.
He doesn’t know everything, but he knows about it, and he’ll do anything he can to stop god’s purposes from happening in your life.
He’ll seek to delay them, hinder them, preempt them, prevent them distract from them.
Not only will he, he has done it. He has already been doing it.
god says I know the plans I have for you. The enemy also has an idea of those plans.
He knew god’s plan for Moses, at least for That’s why he tried to kill him as a baby before it can happen.
He knew god’s plan for Joseph. That’s why he tried to have brothers kill him before it could happen.
He knew god’s plan for Jeremiah to its degree. He had him arrested.
Could’ve had tried to have him killed.
He knew god’s plan for the Messiah to a degree, tried to have Harriet kill him when he was a baby, so he could stop it all.
He knew god’s plan for Israel.
And so for 2000 years and more, he’s been trying to have them wiped off the earth.
He’s been trying to nullify them.
Now he tried to do it with you before you knew the lord if you have we were not brought up with a he tried to do it.
He tried to keep you from the lord so that your purposes can never be fulfilled.
He for some of you, he literally tried to kill you.
For me, I was hit by a train.
Now I knew god was in that, but the enemy’s all gone, you know, could be the same thing.
Anyway, if he could have wiped me out, wiped you out, he would have done it.
Some of you, he had you become self destructive so you could do it.
Some of you, he had you addicted.
addicted to substances, drugs, alcohol, pornography, sexual immorality.
Some of you He wounded, tried to wound you, break you as a child so you could not fulfill the purposes.
Some of you, he tried to defile taint. You make you bitter.
make you in doubt, make you ashamed so you couldn’t even believe that god could ever use you.
Some of you, he sought to misdirect you.
give you idols instead of god so you could redirect the gift that god had for you and use it for something else.
And most likely, you had no idea at the time. You just took it as your life. That’s what happened.
This is my life. You didn’t realize it was the enemy trying to stop you.
trying to stop all those plans that god knew he had for you.
It was your own prince of Persia.
number of years ago, I was talking to Eric Stackelbeck, who’s a good brother. He’s on TBN.
He was here. Journalists who’s been used to tell the world about what’s happening in the Middle East.
He told me before he came to the lord, he was shot, a gunshot in his in in in in in his side, he was hospitalized.
And he was at the low was the low point of his life, and he said, I just never, uh, I know the lord now, but I never understood why this happened, why.
I said, Eric, you were you were called to be used of god’s purposes.
You were called to, as a journalist, to touch all these lives of people.
The enemy was trying to stop it before it happened. I just saw him recently.
He was interviewing me on TVN. he told me more.
He said it was within 12 hours of him getting shot that he got the phone call giving him his first job to become a journalist.
He said 12 hours. And he said the bullet was right next to a critical vein.
It would have easily killed him. It was the prince of Persia in his life.
He didn’t realize it then. He realizes it now.
You may not have realized it when those things were happening, but that’s what it was.
See, god will work all things in your life out for good.
The enemy will try to work out all things in your life for bad. God will use it all.
The enemy attacks the purposes of god. Even now, you’re in god’s will, you’re in god’s purposes.
He’ll attack you It doesn’t, you know, just because you’re gonna it doesn’t mean it’s not.
You could it can mean that you are. The enemy uses obstacles for you.
The enemy tries to block the plans, tries to wall up the golden gate in your life.
Put put the dome of the rock or up substitute right on where god wants you to be or what he has for you.
When the angel came to Daniel, he mentioned he he mentioned what the principality tried to do saying this is why I’m late.
You know, when you’re late, you wanna It’s the hinges list. I’m sorry. I’m late, but traffic jam.
It was a principality, you know, but then he would got right on with the purposes. So remember that.
It’s not about the attacks on your life. It’s about the plans on your life.
Let the attacks focus you all the more on the plans. Get on with it.
The enemy is okay if you wanna focus on him your whole life. We are to be aware of him.
That’s what Paul said. But we’re not to be dwelling on him.
because when you’re dwelling on him, you’re not fulfilling the plans. So get on with it.
Even in the middle of an attack, Get on with the plans. Don’t just focus on the attack.
Get on with the plans. The the attack is about the plans.
I I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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