How Messiah Threw His Mantle On You | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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How Messiah Threw His Mantle On You | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Like a cloak, the mantle of Messiah falls on those in Him. Not temporary as in the days of old but now a lasting anointing. Tune in to learn this and more from Jonathan Cahn.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

but messiah’s anointing power is so great Messiah is so great it can’t come on just one person not going to come on one Prophet or one Apostle or one quote Pope it’s going to come on all his people who receive [Music] it when the Lord opened the Nations and he did amazing things the first major thing was India a man from India Dr job came here evangelist that weekend he was here and he he speaks to me from the pulpit he says Jonathan says I am inviting you come to India with me and the reason he asked is that he wanted a

Jewish believer to come to India because by tradition Thomas Jewish believer gave the gospel to India they all they all Trac themselves to him so so he wanted a Jewish believer to walk in his footsteps but he had asked Richard worm brand who was Jewish Richard wett was in his 80s he said I can’t do it but Richard worm said go to Jonathan ask him to go and so that’s what he did because so so he was in bed he couldn’t but but he asked me to walk in the footsteps of what he was asking Richard worm and

which was the footsteps of Thomas but that and I didn’t feel adequate I had no idea what we were doing you know we’re walking through India and they’re greeting us like Thomas it was crazy I mean and and and we don’t know what we’re just walking and but from that came the M the the journey to Cuba Fidel Castro Niger all these things open up but it started by someone saying Go have this one go in my house we have a manora made of wood carved by the by the persecuted Believers in the underground Church of

Eastern Europe under communist they carved this manur it was sent to me it belonged to Richard and Sabina worrad and they sent it to me a year before they died and they died around the same time and and a friend of mine actually gave him gave and I’m not saying I have the thing I’m just saying it’s an encouragement that gave me his shirt you know he had a collar you know they had this thing I have that and and and his wife his wife Sabina was just as amazing before they died she said Jonathan you you’re called

to write you have to write books you have to write now this is years before I ever wrote it came true now now that’s just a personal now now still you’re saying I don’t have anything like that in my life nobody has ever given me a blessing like that would be amazing but I don’t have that well here’s the thing here’s the thing with it you do have it amen actually it happened to you in fact what happened to you is greater than what I just described and it’s greater than even that what happened to Joshua

and Elisha acts 2:2 now sorry when the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place suddenly I’ll tell you about this in a moment but I want you to first read this a sudden noise like a violent Mighty rushing wind came from heaven filled the whole place they were they were sitting in tongues of as of fire Distributing themselves above them they were filled with the rues the Holy Spirit they began to speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance what’s this about I mean this is Pentecost of course you all know it

but I want you to see it today in a new way Moses think about it Moses was going up the mountain he’s going to die his hand the the anointing goes on Joshua Elijah was going up to heaven the anointing goes on Elisha their Ministry is ending what’s happening Messiah is departing going up to the father as Moses went up the mountain Messiah is going up to heaven as Elijah went in the Chariot Messiah is going up so what happens when he goes up if moses’ Ministry had to continue Elijah’s Ministry had to continue certainly the

ministry of messiah’s got to continue so what is Pentecost it is Messiah throwing his cloak on you spirit that was Moses came on Joshua the spirit of Elijah came on Elisha now the spirit itself the rues in in in in massive form the holy spirit is coming upon the Disciples of Messiah as a mighty rushing wind what’s happening it is the transference amen it is the commissioning it is the anointing it is the mantle of Messiah amen amen why is Pentecost so awesome why so powerful because it’s the anointing of Messiah

it’s not just the spirit Came Upon David or the spirit Came Upon Joshua it’s that the Spirit came as a mighty rushing wind because Messiah is so great and so anointed that his anointing comes with that power that’s why he spoke of it he said I must depart but I must go but I will send you he had to all linked together his Earthly Ministry in in the flesh is coming to an end it must go forward Elijah spoke to Elisha Messiah tells us now he is giving us his own Spirit his anointing in the in the Hebrew

scriptures the anointing you know came they laid on hands so they put on the cloak but the spirit came so now it comes that the ministry the the anointing of Messiah his you see back then you know the anointing would come on a person but messiah’s anointing power is so great Messiah is so great it can’t come on just one person not going to come on one Prophet or one Apostle or one quote Pope it’s going to come on all his people who receive it it’s so big we each get aart the rues comes like a mighty rushing wind

just like in the in Genesis it’s wind the spirit means wind Ru wind coming upon not only is it coming on the on them it now comes upon those who they touch they lay hands on and now the spirit comes even to the the Nations the the spirit that came on Kings and Prophets is coming to people all over the world man wom child messiah’s anointing so big but we get it he is the anointed one now think about this if he’s the anointed one and you are called by his name which you are they may call you Christian means little

little Messiah they are Christ or Messianic means the same thing Messiah well think about that Messiah what does messiah mean what does the word Christ mean it means the anointed one so you’re a little anointed one so if you are following him you can’t just say hey Christian is a religion means you’re anointed cuz that’s what it means I’m anointed so I’m following him who’s anointed I have to be anointed as well imagine imagine if you received the if you were Elisha and you receive the

actual the cloak of Elijah or Moses but you have a greater mantle than that of Moses on you imagine if you were the you know you’re the only one in the world so you’re sitting back there saying okay for everybody but imagine you were the only one in the world the Messiah said okay I’m putting my mantle on you whoa but the fact is it’s just as great the fact we’re not the only one he gives it every but it’s just as great as if you were the only one that is just that is amazing and if you don’t feel you don’t

feel adequate nobody feels adequate if they’re if they’re humble you know people who feel adequate are the people who are not adequate those who are not adequate are the ones who could say who could become adequate well do you think Joshua felt adequate I got Moses’s thing on me what am I going to do probably told his wife I don’t know what to do you know Elisha do you think he felt adequate no do we feel adequate no but we don’t just have his mantle in in the way we think about it we have his

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