Greater Works Vol. 1 Part 1 – Back to the Basics

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Greater Works Vol. 1 Part 1 – Back to the Basics

Do you have faith in the Anointing of God on your life? In this four-part teaching series The Greater Works Dr. Bill Winston equips you with the knowledge and understanding of your unlimited potential through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today

Bill Winston Ministries (BWM) is a partnership-based outreach ministry to take the uncompromised Word of God to the whole world, starting with the major cities of our nation. To learn more about BWM partnership, visit

the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers this summer embark on a transformative Journey with the believer’s Walk of Faith as we dive into the foundational teachings of Faith join Dr Bill Winston in our powerful summer series back to the basics where will’ll unlock the Timeless wisdom and Revelation for walking by Faith from his extensive Library we’re going back to Old School say amen amen we going back to the oldies but goodies these are things that’ll work for you I don’t care

what season you’re in I don’t care whether you got a PhD or no D I don’t care whether you’re in Africa or in Asia this will work for you any time any place get ready for the basic fundamentals for every believer to live a Victorious Life as a kingdom citizen don’t miss out tune in every week to gain understanding Revelation and reignite your commitment of Faith watch every week on Believers walk of faith and spread the word hello Bill Winston here and welcome to the believer’s Walk of Faith where we

walk by faith and not by sight prise god well it doesn’t matter how impossible a situation is in your life it it it it just doesn’t matter when the anointing is present when it is on you and moving it will destroy every yoke it will remove every burden and every problem that you have can be fixed doesn’t make any difference how impossible it seems the anointing will fix anything well let’s go into today’s message we’re going to build our faith for that anointing it’s called the Greater

[Music] Works we supposed to be advancing until Jesus comes now what are we doing we are invading darkness and we’re taking back people and property boy I’m preaching now now here here’s the thing about it this power that has been given us to advance God wants you to know that when you have confidence in this power the power flows the power of God does not flow with a victim mentality I’m I’m I’m just I’m I’m saying something now you’re going to have to change your mindset to get

because you got to have the mind of Christ you got to have this mind that was in him to be in you confidence triggers the anointing watch this and the anointing guarantees Victory well I’m going say that one more time confidence triggers the anointing and the anointing guarantees Victory I got to do it one more time confidence put up there Hebrews chapter chapter 10 and verse uh 35 confidence triggers the anointing and the anointing guarantees Victory so you don’t win some of them you win them all do you hear what I’m telling you so it

doesn’t make any difference what you’re up against greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world say Amen to that so you’ve got situations like you got David over in the uh 1st Samuel chapter 17 you’ve got David over there and David is up against a man named Goliath then David said to the Philistine you comeing to me with a sword and with a spear with a shield but I’m coming to you in the name of the Lord of hosts watch this the god of the armies of Israel who you have defied for

this day shall the Lord deliver you into my hand I will Smite you I’m going take your head from you and I will give the carcasses of the whole armies that are behind you this day until the F of the air and to the wild beast of the field of the earth that all the Earth may know that there’s a God watch this in Israel and in me see you got to talk big to let him out cuz he not coming out if you don’t talk big this this is the power of this thing you you got to think big and talk big and so forth if you’re talking according

to human reason and what you can do in your own strength and no Anon but when you get to the place where now you’re talking big watch this and acting big and you going to see big results now you’re going to be on the level of your Creator and that’s where he wants you and that’s why the scripture says didn’t not say you are gods and all of you are children of the most high and all the assemblies shall know that the Lord saveth not with a sword and spear here for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give you into our

hands so notice David is selling big wolf tickets and uh he’s letting everybody know this is she’s talking in front of everybody he’s not going to try to hide something here he’s telling you what’s going to happen and it came to pass when the Philistine arose and came and Drew n to meet David that David hastened and ran toward the Army to meet the Philistine now he didn’t have to run he didn’t have to run he’s already in the fight but I’m telling you when that same mind that is on Christ is in

you you going to run to that to that problem you are not going to try to run away from it when that doctor gives you or if he gives you a bad report you’re going to come right back say greater is he that is in me than he that is in world I’m not saying he’s not doing his job but I’m going to do my job I am not going to let him talk me out of my anointing because if the anointing will heal a woman who has been sick for 12 years and couldn’t get better because of the Physicians I’m telling you that same

anointing is in me and I can make that anointing serve my body just like it serve him you better say Amen your body was designed to repair itself the only thing I can can give to now I might use itpr somebody might not like it he going the movies I the movie DET Terminator and how this new uh uh automaton came in the Earth and he was after swazer neeger and he was he was after him and he shot him and he the bullet went and split his head open then his head just came right back and I’m just saying as quick as the devil will

put up on you that anointing can repair that thing right back man that anointing man that thing is strong strong but you got to talk with conf it doesn’t make any difference how impossible it is the anointing was there to heal the whole earth the anointing was there with the father in the beginning the anointing is the most powerful thing in this earth Jesus took that anointing and heal the M heal those who had no organs heal those who had never walked heal the ones who had pieces in their eyes that were missing

and Jesus healed them all that same anointing it says in Romans 8 and verse 11 if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you that same Spirit shall Quicken make aive repair your mortal body that anointing will run cancer right out of your body watch this and destroy the the genes that caused it to happen it’ll reorganize your whole body now give God a praise and a [Music] shout but to get there you going to have to talk big the God that I serve that’s what he said in Daniel the God that I serve he

will Deliver Us he didn’t have confidence in his own intellectual academic ability that won’t get the anointing to flow you got to have confidence in God and release it by faith and you will see God work in your life the same as he did this oh yes that’s why them single mothers man they that boy talk back to you and you can say something you said wait a minute wait a minute when I say you’re not going out you’re not going out watch this I have seen it when a rebellious boy was brought to a man that

was preaching and he was preaching over another church here in in uh in Chicago land and he was preaching and this man had a miracle ministry powerful Ministry the anointing was on this man if I call his name many of you know it but I saw this man bring his son he brought his son to the meeting because his son was real rebellious so forth and so on and he told he said uh I want to introduce you uh to my son he said he’s really been having a lot of difficulties and problems I’ve been having problems handling in him he said he said oh is

that right he said yes he said uh uh to him he said well uh well how you doing and here’s what the son did he said don’t no just tell me how you doing he said come on you you can tell me how you doing God had shut his mouth watch this he broke down and started crying and gave his life to the Lord don’t you tell me a mother can’t do the same thing see we haven’t accounted the anointing we haven’t had faith in that anointing man you are Supernatural Bible say in Daniel 11 they that know their God shall be strong and

do exploits it didn’t say if you know him and you a woman or a man there anybody that’s got that anointing on them and in them and he is on you in you right now what you have to do is have confidence in that anointing you have to have teaching to know what you loaded with says you have a treasure in Earth and vessels and you are worth so much toot all the money in Fort Knox can’t get you you got a problem solver up in you and that problem solver will promote you cu the Bible says in Psalm 75 promotion doesn’t come from the east or

the West it comes from God say amen amen and that anointing is on you and well they not hiring folk down there wait till they have a problem and you got the answer come on they going to hide let they Prejudice down there they ain’t going to be Prejudice long because if it’s a choice between them going out of business and getting you I guarantee you they going to get you see I don’t need you to like me see I I’m not hung up on how many people people like me if you hung up on that you can be manipulated I’m told you your cousin

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