Goodnight Blessing For Family and Friends

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Goodnight Blessing For Family and Friends

God of heaven, here I am once again in prayer to thank you for a new month beginning in your presence. At this moment, I ask you to fill me with your peace so that I may be in your presence with an attitude of introspection and praise for you. I am fully ready to clear my mind before entering into the rest of this night.

Lord, allow me to eliminate any distractions that may prevent me from enjoying your presence. I glorify and adore you forever, Father, for all that you are to me, for your goodness, your love, and your nobility. Thank you for the forgiveness you offer me daily, and for how you heal my wounds with your immense love.

I praise you, God of love, because tonight you rebuild me, shelter me, and embrace me in your arms to rest with tranquility. Father, when I respond to your call, I know that I can rest in confidence, for you guard my dreams. My Father, simply feeling loved, protected, and guided by you gives me the strength to live with the certainty that everything that happens is for my good.

Thank you, Father, because I know that you are listening to me at this moment and that you are acting in my favor. I know that you have begun to heal me and prepare me to move forward in my life. God of love, fill me with yourself, for I want to enjoy your presence to see life with new eyes and discover what you have reserved for me. Let me open the doors of my life to you, from today and forever.

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Prayer of Blessing in the Night

Lord Jesus, thank You for this night. Thank You for the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate our bodies. We ask that You would bless us as we sleep and fill us with Your presence. Help us to wake up feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to face another day. We love You, Jesus! In Your name we pray, Amen.

Father, I need You to help me sleep deep tonight. I am so exhausted, and I need rest for tomorrow. I give You all my fears and worries and ask that You would guard my heart and mind while I sleep. Help me to dream sweet dreams of hope and Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May all your family have a splendid evening and a peaceful night.

May the Lord surround your family with His angels to protect and watch over them. Many Blessings.

Precious Jesus, let this family sleep in peace and awake with peace in their hearts and minds.

Blessings tonight! May God keep your family in perfect peace.

Family and friends praying that all have a wonderful night, full of God’s presence and rest. Many Blessings!

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Prayer for Peace as I Rest

Heavenly Father, You are the God of peace. Thank You that in Christ Jesus we have been given His peace which passes all understanding. Help me to rest in Him now and know His perfect peace in my heart, mind and body as I lie down to sleep. You are truly good, Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Restoration and Rest

Lord Jesus, You are the Lord who restores our souls and gives us His peace. Thank You that in You we find rest for our weary hearts and minds. I pray that as I sleep Your Spirit would bring restoration to every area of my life that needs it. You are so good, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, I need You. I am struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. I surrender my sleep to You and ask that You would give me the grace I need. Help me to find rest in You so that I can function well tomorrow. Thank You for being a God who hears and answers prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Good Night Blessing Quotes

Good night dear one, may the Lord bless you and keep you always.

May the Lord bless you with peaceful sleep and sweet dreams.

May you have a sweet night, full of peaceful rest in the Lord.

Jesus said, “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” I pray that tonight you will experience His supernatural rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Good night, may the Lord give rest and peace of mind as you sleep.

May the Lord lie you down in peace and sleep, for He alone, makes you dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8)

God bless you as you go to bed tonight. May you dream of His goodness and love.

Many many blessings for He grants sleep to those He loves. (Psalm 127:2)

As the day ends, I pray that the Lord richly blesses you. That all your worries and cares would be left at the feet of Jesus so that you may walk in God’s peace.

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