Free Speech (Romans 10:5-13) – Jack Hibbs

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Free Speech (Romans 10:5-13) – Jack Hibbs

Understand God’s perspective on free speech and how to confess Christ as Lord in a way that transforms your life.

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Book of Romans chapter 10 by God’s grace we’re going to try we won’t we won’t get all the way through but we’ll get close uh verses 5 to13 today Book of Romans and uh chapter 10 we are deliberately teaching chapters 9 10 and 11 we are taking on these chapters if you’re new to this church we go uh verse by verse through the scriptures and uh Romans 910 and 11 are the most controversial verses and or chapters and that shouldn’t be the case Romans chapters 910 11 should bring you profound security and comfort it all

depends and if you’re willing to know the truth or not and this is a very powerful powerful continuance to where we’ve been in this uh chapter and in this series uh today we’re looking at a message titled Free Speech Free Speech God style free speech Romans chapter 10 I’ll begin in verse 5 if you pick it up in the even numbered verses Romans 10:5 says for Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law and he quotes now the Old Testament the man who does those things shall live by them or who will descend into the ab

that is to bring Christ up from the dead heart word that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart One Believes unto rightousness and with the m is salvation for the scripture says whoever believes on him will not be put to shame there is no distinction between Jew and Greek for the same Lord over all is Rich to all who call upon him oh that’s powerful verse 13 will end here for whoever calls on the name of the

Lord shall be saved amen father we pray for the moving of your Holy Spirit In Our Lives Lord we ask and Trust of you even now you’re talking here you’re speaking about salvation Soul Saving discipl making Christian maturity eternal life and God we pray that we would leave this building today different because we have come that we might see Jesus we pray in his name and all God’s people said amen amen you may be seated Church free speech is what we are talking about Free Speech God style uh I I want to uh

just say this I I’ve always believed this uh but I do not believe free speech is something that is made up by our uh first amendment in the US Constitution I believe the US Constitution in its first amendment has free speech uh because it is a god-given thing I think our Founders recognize that in fact uh Amendment one and Amendment two uh our founding fathers concluded that one had to be one and two had to be two did you know that they deliberately decided we got to move these two up to the front of the

line because God made us they called it a natural law man will speak what he thinks and man will defend that which he loves and so you have the first and second commandments but today is not a history or a civics lesson it’s about the ultimate free speech and the ultimate free speech is found in the in the absolute Liberty of the Lord Jesus Christ how was that known how was that experienced and listen is that a new testament thing or is it a consistent Old and New Testament doctrine of the very will of God and I I think you you

already know the answer to that I think you’re going to be reminded that it is the will of God that you experience free speech in the sense that God has built you in such such a way for you to speak not only freely but listen to speak truth amen and all truth begins with God and it ends with God Amen and for us the great free speech that you and I ought to practice today many of you do uh is that you would confess Jesus Christ as Lord that you would confess and not just confess by saying so but you would say so because it’s true in

your life and so uh by way of introduction Galatians 5:1 says Stand Fast therefore in the Liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage that’s a beautiful verse I tell you that um if I was a politician and I was campaigning that would be my campaign slogan is uh be free be liberated do do not become entangled that’s right in what in the former things the things of the past the Yoke of what destroys Liberty freedom I mentioned I think it was Wednesday night I have to mention it

again in Leviticus chapter 10 or chapter 25 excuse me verse 10 there is the verse there in the Bible that is printed that is embossed uh on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia felia the great Liberty Bell that uh the British tried to destroy you it’s a 2 208b Bell and the British uh corn Wallace ordered it to be melted down and destroyed and so our founding fathers took it down from Independence Hall and they CED it over about 90 miles away to Allentown Pennsylvania and they hid it in the basement basement of the

Zion church and that’s where they hid the Liberty Bell why why what’s so important about a bell answer nothing what’s so important about that Bell it’s called the Liberty Bell and that verse is on that Bell the Liberty Bell says Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land and to all the inhabitants thereof it’s not political Liberty the true Liberty and freedom that you and I can experience is that which is brought to you by Christ that’s why the the government of God the doctrine of God the gospel of God is

something that is transcendent and envelops the entire world to all those who will listen and it’s incumbent upon us to listen and to accept and to receive God wants you free and as we go through the study today I want you to be asking yourself are you free the precursor to our study today is found in those open in verses of this chapter verse one says Brethren my heart’s desire says Paul and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved liberated free verse two for I bear them witness that they have a Zeal for God

very excited about God very committed and passionate about God but not according to knowledge they don’t get it verse three for they being ignorant of God’s righteous that’s the whole point we’ll be on it today what is how do you get God’s righteousness they go about seeking to establish their own righteousness we call that self-righteousness having not submitted to the righteousness of God and here’s the punchline for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes it doesn’t mean the law is

wrong the law is perfect but when the Bible says Christ is the end of the law it means watch it means that the law is hungry and almost like the the jaws of a Lion open waiting to be fed it’s starving the law is waiting to be satisfied but in all of the thousands of years since the giving of the law the law cannot be satisfied but how does the law come to an end it’s not abolished listen it’s not taken away in fact if you are not a Christian today if you’re not a Christ follower you’re under the law did you know that the law

is looking at you and the law is saying feed me I’m going to consume you my perfection The Ten Commandments will eat you up and it’s looking at you and you’ve got nothing to feed it and it’s coming after you Christ steps in and satisfies the law when the law so to speak feeds upon Christ it’s that the law looks at the perfect man when the law encounters the perfect man the law is then satisfied that’s why Jesus listen that’s why God became flesh he didn’t become an angel he didn’t visit us through some unicorn


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