Five Conditions of a Worthy Walk

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Discover the transformative power of God’s grace with the Changing Your World podcast! Today’s message reminds us of a timeless truth: You are continuously cleansed and made whole because you are in Christ Jesus. Living in His light means that darkness can no longer claim you. Once you’ve entered the light, you’ll never walk in darkness again. [Applause]

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God’s Grace Calls Us to Live in Harmony with His Work

The core of God’s appeal to us is rooted in His completed work of grace. He reminds us of all He has done before making any request for godly conduct. In Romans 12:1, Paul writes, “I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice.” This plea is based on what God has already accomplished through grace.

For example, God asks us to forgive one another and to rid our hearts of bitterness—not out of obligation, but as a response to the grace we’ve received. Every appeal God makes for righteous living stems from His prior acts of love and mercy.

Understanding God’s Grace in Three Key Points:

  1. God’s Grace Comes First: Before God asks anything of us, He demonstrates His unconditional love. He saved us, adopted us into His family, and gave us an eternal inheritance—all before we ever took a step toward Him.
  2. God’s Appeals Are Based on Grace: When God calls us to live godly lives, His requests are always founded on the grace He has already extended. His appeals—such as forgiving others or honoring our bodies—are never demands made without basis. Instead, they are loving invitations to align our lives with His grace.
  3. God’s Appeals Lose Power Without Grace: If we overlook God’s mercy and grace, His requests will feel burdensome or ineffective. It’s essential to recognize that His grace was given before the foundation of the world. He saved us, gave us an inheritance, and adopted us into His family—all without us earning it. Understanding this truth makes it easier to respond to His call with gratitude and a desire to live in alignment with His will.

Living as Children of Grace

The moment we are born again, we become part of God’s family. Just as members of a royal family are born into their status, we are spiritually born into God’s Kingdom. We didn’t earn this position—it’s a gift of grace. Like the royal family, we must choose to live in harmony with our birthright. Even those who initially resist their royal identity eventually realize the significance of embracing their role.

Similarly, we are called to embrace our identity in Christ. God’s grace is so magnificent that it compels us to live lives that reflect His goodness. We are not trying to earn God’s favor—it has already been given. Instead, we live in response to His grace, striving to harmonize our actions with the love we’ve received.

Ephesians 4:1 – A Call to Walk Worthy

In Ephesians 4:1, Paul writes, “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called.” The word “therefore” points back to the foundational truths laid out in the first three chapters of Ephesians. In those chapters, Paul explains the incredible work of grace that God has accomplished:

  • Inheritance in Christ: We are heirs to God’s promises.
  • Adoption into God’s Family: We are sons and daughters of the Most High.
  • Union with Christ: We are baptized into Jesus, sharing in all that He has.

All of these blessings were given to us before the foundation of the world. Since God has done all of this for us through His grace, Paul urges us to walk in a way that reflects our calling. We are to live lives that harmonize with God’s work of grace.

The Royal Family Analogy

Think of the royal family in England. They do nothing to earn their status—they are born into it. However, some members may struggle to accept their role. Despite this, their birthright remains unchanged. Eventually, many choose to embrace their identity and live in a way that reflects their royal status.

Similarly, we are born into God’s family through grace. Our spiritual birthright is secure, but we must choose to live in alignment with it. Recognizing the magnitude of God’s grace should inspire us to live lives that honor Him.

Living in Response to Grace

God’s approach is simple: He blesses us first, then invites us to respond. He doesn’t require us to earn His favor. Instead, He pours out His grace and mercy, hoping that we will be motivated to live in alignment with His love.

Today, let’s embrace the fullness of God’s grace and commit to living lives that reflect His goodness. Let every action, word, and thought be a response to the incredible work of grace He has accomplished in us. Let’s walk worthy of our calling, forgiving others, letting go of bitterness, and honoring God with our lives.

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Don’t miss out on the life-changing wisdom shared through the Changing Your World podcast. Download episodes today on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred platform. Let God’s grace guide you as you walk in the light and live a life that harmonizes with His work of grace.

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