Faith That Conquers – Occupy Till I Come Vol. 1
Faith That Conquers – Occupy Till I Come Vol. 1
Did you know as the righteousness of God, you are a world changer with supernatural ability to turn around anything that is out of alignment with Kingdom order?’ ‘Occupy Till I Come’ is a present-truth teaching and Dr. Bill Winston shares strategies to expand your thinking and equips you to understand the meaning of the mandate to advance and hold in the land!
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believer’s walk of faith.
How hidden the target is called the God that asks for.
He’s going direct. Tell me no, between the armor of Satan spiritual power will remove all evidence of something being done in your life.
Spiritual power will remove all evidence of something being done to you in your life.
And that’s why the devil hates it because it’s harder for Him to remind you of what you lost.
See, see, but He God wants all trace of the devil’s work to be removed.
Look at first Samuels first Samuel chapter 30 and David inquired of the Lord saying, shall I pursue after this troop?
Shall I overtake them? Now, this is when they David and his men were out fighting while they were fighting all of a sudden, the enemy came in and stole their families, stole food, stole the goods, stole everything, wiped the camp out.
He said, shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them?
And he answered to him, pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them, watch this and without fail. Recover.
Oh, everything that you lost is going to be recovered with spiritual power.
Now, what’s the enemy job? Keep your coronel, keep your coronel.
Keep you mad at them while they talk about me.
Well, so what they can’t do nothing to stop you, let them talk if they want to.
So they, they can’t do anything.
So, so my point to you is somehow I told you that because church has been colonel that the most segregated plea placed in the week is Sunday morning because everybody is looking for the same color and now the people are and I’m saying we’re getting over that.
The Bible says God tells us where to go and why does he tell you where to go?
Because that person is gonna teach something that’s gonna be key for what God is telling you to possess.
Yeah. So I’m saying he’s gonna tell you where to go. Why?
Because you’re gonna get food, you need to get your spiritual power so that you can be, possess your possessions.
Say amen to that. All right.
Now, here’s one other thing, God telling us to possess things is not a suggestion.
It is not a suggestion. Alright, let’s look at a couple of verses of possession.
This is you now that we’re talking about, what did God said to Abraham? He’s saying to you.
Look what it said in Psalm one oh five and verse 44.
All right, they’re coming out of Egypt, now he gave them the land of the heathens and they inherited the labor, the people.
Let’s look at that in another translation and see, can we just cut that up a little bit ce V the Lord gave them the land and everything else the nation had worked for.
Now, how many of, you know, the Bible tells us what’s true.
The word of God is true. Do you believe the Word of God folks? It is true.
Now understand how can he give it to you and they work for it because Jesus did all the work and you get all the goodies.
Isn’t that something? The resurrection is symbolic of him defeating Satan.
Watch this and stripping him of everything. He stole. Colossus. Please. Chapter two verse 14. Now listen, wait a minute.
This may not be for everybody that’s listening to me.
I’m preaching mainly to those who will occupy till he comes. That means advance.
Come on at home. All right. Look what it says.
Now, blotting out the handwriting of the ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us.
He took it out of the way and nail it to the cross.
So I had and played a tape for you. I showed you.
But one of the people who was here at that particular time heard a lady testify and he heard her testify that she got her credit score changed.
And the reason why credit score was bad is because her credit was so bad because she owed all this money.
But she took this verse right here and changed some of everything.
Now, I’m gonna show you where you can take things like this verse and wipe out bad credit.
Watch this, wipe out all credit. Just, just stay with me, stay with me.
Look at the next verse and having spoiled Principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly triumphing over him in it.
Glory to God. Jesus rose from the dead.
You Mount Mount words, did it mark chapter 10 and verse 34.
And they shall mock him and shall scourge him and shall spit upon him and shall kill him.
And the third day, what rise again? Who’s talking? Who’s he talking about Jesus himself?
He had released words because after he’s dead words gonna still work.
You got what I’m saying?
Some of y’all are here right now because your grandmama who’s going on to be with the Lord spoke you in here.
He was thinking of himself. He died.
But the word got him up and the word caused God’s power to move.
And the same spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you resurrection power.
Not only will it raise you up and get you saved. It will heal your moral body.
Are y’all with me here?
Now, I’m talking about words because you’re a king of a king speaks and you are royalty.
You’ve got angels backing you up.
Jesus said, if I want to, I can say something and 12 legions of angels will come here and tear this place up.
But he said, what God did for me? He’ll do for you, man.
This good preacher. Now I’m getting happy. I think I’ll buy this myself. Yes.
But I’m telling you now, see the enemy wants first to affect your desire.
He doesn’t want you to desire this. Can I show you something here? All right. Numbers chapter 13.
He came back those 12 spies and they brought something with them.
Do you remember what they brought with them? They brought fruit, gigantic grapes as big as grapefruit.
Got it. That was the kind of things if you will, that was in that land.
It was the best, right? What was that fruit supposed to do?
It was supposed to build a desire because God gives you what the desires of your heart.
The desire is not take it or leave it. Desire is not come, see, come star.
Oh If I got time, I’ll do it. Desire is a craving drug addicts have a desire.
What’s this that’s met every day?
And I’m telling you, you need to get the desire for the promises of God and they’ll be met every day.
Now, let me show you this, this is spiritual power.
Now this is in First Kings chapter 22.
Now what’s happening here is getting together with Ahab because now they what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna ahab wants him to fight a battle with him.
Now, both of them are kings and is a little leery about this.
So a brought all his prophets out, said prophesy and all of them said, go up at once and fight it bla bla you’re gonna win and then said, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Something’s wrong with these prophets. So, is there not a prophet from God?
He said, well, there’s another man named he’s a prophet, but I hate it because he doesn’t ever tell me things good.
He always telling me something bad. So what does he do?
He go gets him said, ok, well, what did I say? He said, well, they said, go up.
He said, well, let’s go up. He said, no, no. He I said, tell us the truth.
He said, ok, here’s the truth. When you went up there, all Israel got scattered.
They ran you all the way down the hill and so forth and so on.
And the king ahab got mad and slapped the prophet and put him in jail. All right.
You know, folks don’t like to hear some bad news, some stuff that could correct them. All right.
So what happened is now here is a to make sure he doesn’t get hurt.
He takes off his kingly role and puts on the role of just a soldier or, or armor and he’s gonna sneak in there because if he gets hurt, he’s, he doesn’t want them to zero in on him as a king.
So he’s gonna just be in the crowd. Well, look what happened. Watch this.
And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat.
Uh I will disguise myself and I’ll enter into the battle. Ok. Go on down, please.
However, during the fight, a soldier shot an arrow without even aiming and it hit a where two pieces of his arm are joined together the white section.
So this soldier, you know, he, he wasn’t thinking about what he was doing.
He said, well, I’m a shoe and he got it and shot it.
This arrow comes, finds a finds Ahab and Ahab’s armor comes together right in the center, but it doesn’t come completely together because the likelihood of something coming between there is almost nil, you know, a billion to one.
But this arrow finds that little place and penetrates him and kills him.
Now, can I keep talking?
So now if you’ve got a sword, the sword, the Bible calls it in Ephesians, the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
See, so I can take the word of God and fight. But the sword is for, for close combat.
It’s for close combat. But suppose I don’t want a sword. Suppose I wanna do it from a distance.
I get in my prayer closet.
No, I’m not concerned about how hidden the target is because the God that I serve, he’s gonna direct my arrow right between the armor of Satan.
So I don’t need to ask, I don’t need to, I get in my prayer closet.
So I’m getting in my prayer closet. I’m down at father in the name of Jesus.
Notice what I’m doing maybe in New York and I’m in California.
But if I’m in my prayer closet and I’m spiritually minded, I can launch this arrow and not even look at where it’s going.
Chapter 36 verse 33.
Thus sayeth the Lord God in the day that I shall have clinched you from all your iniquities.
And I also cause you to dwell in the cities and the ways shall be built it and the desolate land shall be tilled where it lay desolate in the sight of all that pass by.
And this, they shall say this land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden and the waste are desolate and ruined cities have become like the are inhabited.
And the heathen that are left around about you shall know that I, the Lord will ruin places.
I plant that, that was desolate.
I the Lord have spoken it and what had happened and I will do it.
Look at Isaiah if you will and chapter 44 verse 25.
Now this is God speaking, I’ve that frustrate the tokens of liars. I’ll make diviners mad.
I’ll turn wise men backwards. And I’ll make their knowledge foolish.
I will confirm the word of my servant and perform the counsel of my messengers.
Now, what am I saying to you? I’m saying?
And Satan uses the same tactic because he trains his sorcerers and those who shoot out curses, he trains them the same way.
He, he, because they get spiritually minded, they know they don’t have to be there, but they get up at three o’clock in the morning and send out curses.
Now I’m saying God has a last thing for you.
Psalm 91 look at Psalm 91 see what it says here.
He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wing.
Shall you trust his truth is your shield in Buckler. Watch this.
You shall not be afraid of the what terrible night or what else?
That’s that arrow that Satan saves, but don’t be afraid of it nor for the pestilence that walking in darkness, nor for the destruction that waste at noonday.
Check it out. 4000 may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come.
You only with your eyes, shall you behold to see the reward of the wicked? Why?
Because the Lord has made the Lord, you’ve made the Lord which is your refuge.
Even the most high your habitation. Watch it.
There shall no, shall know, shall know, shall, shall know, shall know, shall know, shall know, shall no evil befall you.
Neither shall any come. Now you’re dwelling. Why?
Because I’m gonna give my angels charge over you and they’re gonna keep you in how many all your ways?
But they gonna bear you up in their hands.
Let you even dash your foot against a stone for thou shalt trot upon the lion, the, the young lion and dragon.
You’re gonna trample on the feet. Why? Because he set his love upon you. Therefore, he will deliver you.
He’ll set you on high because you have known his name. What’s it?
He shall call upon you shall call upon him and he will answer you. He’ll be with you in trouble.
He will deliver you. He will honor you.
And with long life, he’s going to satisfy you and show you his south face it.
You don’t even need to be across town.
Do you hear what I’m saying? See, you got the spiritual power to stop drug dealers.
You got the spiritual power. You gotta hear me. You can stop every gang, you can break every gang up.
It’s just the demons that are running it. You can stop every devil.
No, these murders have got to cease in the name of Jesus.
Now let me give you the last part.
No, I understand. Without a dear sister. She wrote me.
She said, Pastor, I’m working. What you said. I said, I’m right. I’m right. Go ahead.
She said I got proof. I said, oh, ok.
So the member sent me proof and sent me pictures of the apartment building that she got.
I said alright. Ok. And in this apartment building that she got, she got it with no money.
Now wait a minute she said you told me I’m supposed to own some stuff.
You told me I’m an owner.
You told me over in uh Deuteronomy chapter six verse 10 and 11 that God has given me houses.
How’s that means I got apartments for rent that you said in Philippians 4 19 that my God shells apply all my need.
I’m talking, she put down the scriptures for it.
And she said over in Psalm chapter 37 verse four, that God would give me the desires of my heart.
And you said in Isaiah 55 verse one that I can come and buy with no money.
You said in first Corinthians chapter two and verse 12 that He’s freely given me all things and pastor, I believe it.
And here’s the proof of it.
Now, I’m just saying to you, I’m saying it’s been paid for, see, it’s hard for you because you’ve been, we’ve been trained as slaves.
Folks. Come on, you’re an owner and you’re not an owner because of what you did.
You’re an owner because of what Jesus did. Look at Hebrews chapter one, verse one.
He said, God, who is at 100 times in diverse manners.
Speaking time pass unto the fathers by the prophets watch this had in these last days, spoken unto us by his son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds heir of all things.
There’s another translation says, Jesus is a lawful owner of everything. How did he get it?
He took it all back from the devil. But look what he says about you and me.
Romans chapter eight verse 14. And this is what he said about that.
He said for as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear.
But you’ve received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry of a father for the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the Children of God.
And if Children, then heirs, heirs of God and joined heirs with Christ, well, wait a minute.
He owns everything and I’m a joint heir and I’m an heir of God.
I just happen to get a person who believed that and they went out and got some property.
Now, I’m telling you right now, the church should be the biggest landowners in every city.
I’m gonna say it over here. The church should be the biggest landowners in every city.
I’m saying the days of you just barely making it.
And with that little paycheck, you gonna have seven streams of income.
Who knew that lawful owner of everything see, there’s a whole system built, it’s called Babylon.
He made laws, but they’re not the true laws.
God is gonna have you operate on a higher system and they can legally transfer into your hands.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by today’s message.
And now here’s a point in today’s message that you want to meditate on spiritual power will remove all evidence of the curse in your life.
And what is the curse, poverty, sickness and spiritual death. I’m talking about spiritual power.
Now it’ll remove all evidence of the curse in your life. Now, how do you get spiritual power?
You get it through the word of God and releasing it by words.
When you speak words, they’re more than sound. They’re spiritual power. Remember how Jesus cursed that fig tree? Alright.
Notice it dried up from the roots in less than 24 hours. I’m talking about spiritual power.
Spiritual power controls all natural things. You got problems in your neighborhood.
I I I I I’ll, I’ll tell you this, this, this is me.
Now you get some time about three times a week and go down the street releasing words, its release words.
It’ll start shifting the atmosphere because think about it, God released words and it shifted the whole earth.
You don’t think you can shift that atmosphere. The Bible says, imitate God and get results. Praise God.
Well, that’s all we have for this time.
This is Bill Winton saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Today’s series occupy till I come is available in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four to order in the US call 1 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada.
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One additional resources to help you grow.
Order image of truth special bundle, which includes occupied till I come four part series and do Winston’s mini book, Imitate God and get results.
This powerful teaching bundle will awaken you to present day truths of God’s plan for you to think, talk, walk and believe like him even amid perilous times, get this enlightening series occupy till I come today.
Hello, my name is Bill Winston.
I am here to tell you about this exciting book is called The Vengeance of the Lord.
Now this is a topic that a lot of Christians never understood. It’s not revenge. That’s, that’s a human concept.
This is vengeance. God says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 vengeance is mine and I will recompense say the Lord, what does it mean?
It means justice. It means that God is the one that’s gonna justify you when we were trying to buy our first shopping mall.
The people didn’t want us to have it.
But the vengeance of the Lord stepped in and the next thing you know, we’ve got the ball, not only that they tried to keep us from having services and we’ve got that too.
My point to you is there are places that you can’t go without the vengeance of the Lord and just like anything else that a provision of God, you have to do it by faith.
Well, how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word, the vengeance of the Lord?
Get this book, build your faith. And I’m telling you, it will make you unstoppable.
I’m talking about in the education area, changing educational laws back to be under the the the order of the Kingdom of God, a economic a government.
It everything, this vengeance of the Lord will open the pathway.
One man said this because God’s people have not known vengeance.
Many have been victims, not you praise God because here’s the book called the Vengeance of the Lord.
Get it today. You’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
How hidden the target is called the God that asks for.
He’s going direct. Tell me no, between the armor of Satan spiritual power will remove all evidence of something being done in your life.
Spiritual power will remove all evidence of something being done to you in your life.
And that’s why the devil hates it because it’s harder for Him to remind you of what you lost.
See, see, but He God wants all trace of the devil’s work to be removed.
Look at first Samuels first Samuel chapter 30 and David inquired of the Lord saying, shall I pursue after this troop?
Shall I overtake them? Now, this is when they David and his men were out fighting while they were fighting all of a sudden, the enemy came in and stole their families, stole food, stole the goods, stole everything, wiped the camp out.
He said, shall I pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them?
And he answered to him, pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them, watch this and without fail. Recover.
Oh, everything that you lost is going to be recovered with spiritual power.
Now, what’s the enemy job? Keep your coronel, keep your coronel.
Keep you mad at them while they talk about me.
Well, so what they can’t do nothing to stop you, let them talk if they want to.
So they, they can’t do anything.
So, so my point to you is somehow I told you that because church has been colonel that the most segregated plea placed in the week is Sunday morning because everybody is looking for the same color and now the people are and I’m saying we’re getting over that.
The Bible says God tells us where to go and why does he tell you where to go?
Because that person is gonna teach something that’s gonna be key for what God is telling you to possess.
Yeah. So I’m saying he’s gonna tell you where to go. Why?
Because you’re gonna get food, you need to get your spiritual power so that you can be, possess your possessions.
Say amen to that. All right.
Now, here’s one other thing, God telling us to possess things is not a suggestion.
It is not a suggestion. Alright, let’s look at a couple of verses of possession.
This is you now that we’re talking about, what did God said to Abraham? He’s saying to you.
Look what it said in Psalm one oh five and verse 44.
All right, they’re coming out of Egypt, now he gave them the land of the heathens and they inherited the labor, the people.
Let’s look at that in another translation and see, can we just cut that up a little bit ce V the Lord gave them the land and everything else the nation had worked for.
Now, how many of, you know, the Bible tells us what’s true.
The word of God is true. Do you believe the Word of God folks? It is true.
Now understand how can he give it to you and they work for it because Jesus did all the work and you get all the goodies.
Isn’t that something? The resurrection is symbolic of him defeating Satan.
Watch this and stripping him of everything. He stole. Colossus. Please. Chapter two verse 14. Now listen, wait a minute.
This may not be for everybody that’s listening to me.
I’m preaching mainly to those who will occupy till he comes. That means advance.
Come on at home. All right. Look what it says.
Now, blotting out the handwriting of the ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us.
He took it out of the way and nail it to the cross.
So I had and played a tape for you. I showed you.
But one of the people who was here at that particular time heard a lady testify and he heard her testify that she got her credit score changed.
And the reason why credit score was bad is because her credit was so bad because she owed all this money.
But she took this verse right here and changed some of everything.
Now, I’m gonna show you where you can take things like this verse and wipe out bad credit.
Watch this, wipe out all credit. Just, just stay with me, stay with me.
Look at the next verse and having spoiled Principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly triumphing over him in it.
Glory to God. Jesus rose from the dead.
You Mount Mount words, did it mark chapter 10 and verse 34.
And they shall mock him and shall scourge him and shall spit upon him and shall kill him.
And the third day, what rise again? Who’s talking? Who’s he talking about Jesus himself?
He had released words because after he’s dead words gonna still work.
You got what I’m saying?
Some of y’all are here right now because your grandmama who’s going on to be with the Lord spoke you in here.
He was thinking of himself. He died.
But the word got him up and the word caused God’s power to move.
And the same spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you resurrection power.
Not only will it raise you up and get you saved. It will heal your moral body.
Are y’all with me here?
Now, I’m talking about words because you’re a king of a king speaks and you are royalty.
You’ve got angels backing you up.
Jesus said, if I want to, I can say something and 12 legions of angels will come here and tear this place up.
But he said, what God did for me? He’ll do for you, man.
This good preacher. Now I’m getting happy. I think I’ll buy this myself. Yes.
But I’m telling you now, see the enemy wants first to affect your desire.
He doesn’t want you to desire this. Can I show you something here? All right. Numbers chapter 13.
He came back those 12 spies and they brought something with them.
Do you remember what they brought with them? They brought fruit, gigantic grapes as big as grapefruit.
Got it. That was the kind of things if you will, that was in that land.
It was the best, right? What was that fruit supposed to do?
It was supposed to build a desire because God gives you what the desires of your heart.
The desire is not take it or leave it. Desire is not come, see, come star.
Oh If I got time, I’ll do it. Desire is a craving drug addicts have a desire.
What’s this that’s met every day?
And I’m telling you, you need to get the desire for the promises of God and they’ll be met every day.
Now, let me show you this, this is spiritual power.
Now this is in First Kings chapter 22.
Now what’s happening here is getting together with Ahab because now they what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna ahab wants him to fight a battle with him.
Now, both of them are kings and is a little leery about this.
So a brought all his prophets out, said prophesy and all of them said, go up at once and fight it bla bla you’re gonna win and then said, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Something’s wrong with these prophets. So, is there not a prophet from God?
He said, well, there’s another man named he’s a prophet, but I hate it because he doesn’t ever tell me things good.
He always telling me something bad. So what does he do?
He go gets him said, ok, well, what did I say? He said, well, they said, go up.
He said, well, let’s go up. He said, no, no. He I said, tell us the truth.
He said, ok, here’s the truth. When you went up there, all Israel got scattered.
They ran you all the way down the hill and so forth and so on.
And the king ahab got mad and slapped the prophet and put him in jail. All right.
You know, folks don’t like to hear some bad news, some stuff that could correct them. All right.
So what happened is now here is a to make sure he doesn’t get hurt.
He takes off his kingly role and puts on the role of just a soldier or, or armor and he’s gonna sneak in there because if he gets hurt, he’s, he doesn’t want them to zero in on him as a king.
So he’s gonna just be in the crowd. Well, look what happened. Watch this.
And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat.
Uh I will disguise myself and I’ll enter into the battle. Ok. Go on down, please.
However, during the fight, a soldier shot an arrow without even aiming and it hit a where two pieces of his arm are joined together the white section.
So this soldier, you know, he, he wasn’t thinking about what he was doing.
He said, well, I’m a shoe and he got it and shot it.
This arrow comes, finds a finds Ahab and Ahab’s armor comes together right in the center, but it doesn’t come completely together because the likelihood of something coming between there is almost nil, you know, a billion to one.
But this arrow finds that little place and penetrates him and kills him.
Now, can I keep talking?
So now if you’ve got a sword, the sword, the Bible calls it in Ephesians, the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
See, so I can take the word of God and fight. But the sword is for, for close combat.
It’s for close combat. But suppose I don’t want a sword. Suppose I wanna do it from a distance.
I get in my prayer closet.
No, I’m not concerned about how hidden the target is because the God that I serve, he’s gonna direct my arrow right between the armor of Satan.
So I don’t need to ask, I don’t need to, I get in my prayer closet.
So I’m getting in my prayer closet. I’m down at father in the name of Jesus.
Notice what I’m doing maybe in New York and I’m in California.
But if I’m in my prayer closet and I’m spiritually minded, I can launch this arrow and not even look at where it’s going.
Chapter 36 verse 33.
Thus sayeth the Lord God in the day that I shall have clinched you from all your iniquities.
And I also cause you to dwell in the cities and the ways shall be built it and the desolate land shall be tilled where it lay desolate in the sight of all that pass by.
And this, they shall say this land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden and the waste are desolate and ruined cities have become like the are inhabited.
And the heathen that are left around about you shall know that I, the Lord will ruin places.
I plant that, that was desolate.
I the Lord have spoken it and what had happened and I will do it.
Look at Isaiah if you will and chapter 44 verse 25.
Now this is God speaking, I’ve that frustrate the tokens of liars. I’ll make diviners mad.
I’ll turn wise men backwards. And I’ll make their knowledge foolish.
I will confirm the word of my servant and perform the counsel of my messengers.
Now, what am I saying to you? I’m saying?
And Satan uses the same tactic because he trains his sorcerers and those who shoot out curses, he trains them the same way.
He, he, because they get spiritually minded, they know they don’t have to be there, but they get up at three o’clock in the morning and send out curses.
Now I’m saying God has a last thing for you.
Psalm 91 look at Psalm 91 see what it says here.
He shall cover you with his feathers and under his wing.
Shall you trust his truth is your shield in Buckler. Watch this.
You shall not be afraid of the what terrible night or what else?
That’s that arrow that Satan saves, but don’t be afraid of it nor for the pestilence that walking in darkness, nor for the destruction that waste at noonday.
Check it out. 4000 may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but it shall not come.
You only with your eyes, shall you behold to see the reward of the wicked? Why?
Because the Lord has made the Lord, you’ve made the Lord which is your refuge.
Even the most high your habitation. Watch it.
There shall no, shall know, shall know, shall, shall know, shall know, shall know, shall know, shall no evil befall you.
Neither shall any come. Now you’re dwelling. Why?
Because I’m gonna give my angels charge over you and they’re gonna keep you in how many all your ways?
But they gonna bear you up in their hands.
Let you even dash your foot against a stone for thou shalt trot upon the lion, the, the young lion and dragon.
You’re gonna trample on the feet. Why? Because he set his love upon you. Therefore, he will deliver you.
He’ll set you on high because you have known his name. What’s it?
He shall call upon you shall call upon him and he will answer you. He’ll be with you in trouble.
He will deliver you. He will honor you.
And with long life, he’s going to satisfy you and show you his south face it.
You don’t even need to be across town.
Do you hear what I’m saying? See, you got the spiritual power to stop drug dealers.
You got the spiritual power. You gotta hear me. You can stop every gang, you can break every gang up.
It’s just the demons that are running it. You can stop every devil.
No, these murders have got to cease in the name of Jesus.
Now let me give you the last part.
No, I understand. Without a dear sister. She wrote me.
She said, Pastor, I’m working. What you said. I said, I’m right. I’m right. Go ahead.
She said I got proof. I said, oh, ok.
So the member sent me proof and sent me pictures of the apartment building that she got.
I said alright. Ok. And in this apartment building that she got, she got it with no money.
Now wait a minute she said you told me I’m supposed to own some stuff.
You told me I’m an owner.
You told me over in uh Deuteronomy chapter six verse 10 and 11 that God has given me houses.
How’s that means I got apartments for rent that you said in Philippians 4 19 that my God shells apply all my need.
I’m talking, she put down the scriptures for it.
And she said over in Psalm chapter 37 verse four, that God would give me the desires of my heart.
And you said in Isaiah 55 verse one that I can come and buy with no money.
You said in first Corinthians chapter two and verse 12 that He’s freely given me all things and pastor, I believe it.
And here’s the proof of it.
Now, I’m just saying to you, I’m saying it’s been paid for, see, it’s hard for you because you’ve been, we’ve been trained as slaves.
Folks. Come on, you’re an owner and you’re not an owner because of what you did.
You’re an owner because of what Jesus did. Look at Hebrews chapter one, verse one.
He said, God, who is at 100 times in diverse manners.
Speaking time pass unto the fathers by the prophets watch this had in these last days, spoken unto us by his son, whom he has appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds heir of all things.
There’s another translation says, Jesus is a lawful owner of everything. How did he get it?
He took it all back from the devil. But look what he says about you and me.
Romans chapter eight verse 14. And this is what he said about that.
He said for as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear.
But you’ve received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry of a father for the spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are the Children of God.
And if Children, then heirs, heirs of God and joined heirs with Christ, well, wait a minute.
He owns everything and I’m a joint heir and I’m an heir of God.
I just happen to get a person who believed that and they went out and got some property.
Now, I’m telling you right now, the church should be the biggest landowners in every city.
I’m gonna say it over here. The church should be the biggest landowners in every city.
I’m saying the days of you just barely making it.
And with that little paycheck, you gonna have seven streams of income.
Who knew that lawful owner of everything see, there’s a whole system built, it’s called Babylon.
He made laws, but they’re not the true laws.
God is gonna have you operate on a higher system and they can legally transfer into your hands.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by today’s message.
And now here’s a point in today’s message that you want to meditate on spiritual power will remove all evidence of the curse in your life.
And what is the curse, poverty, sickness and spiritual death. I’m talking about spiritual power.
Now it’ll remove all evidence of the curse in your life. Now, how do you get spiritual power?
You get it through the word of God and releasing it by words.
When you speak words, they’re more than sound. They’re spiritual power. Remember how Jesus cursed that fig tree? Alright.
Notice it dried up from the roots in less than 24 hours. I’m talking about spiritual power.
Spiritual power controls all natural things. You got problems in your neighborhood.
I I I I I’ll, I’ll tell you this, this, this is me.
Now you get some time about three times a week and go down the street releasing words, its release words.
It’ll start shifting the atmosphere because think about it, God released words and it shifted the whole earth.
You don’t think you can shift that atmosphere. The Bible says, imitate God and get results. Praise God.
Well, that’s all we have for this time.
This is Bill Winton saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Today’s series occupy till I come is available in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four to order in the US call 1 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada.
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One additional resources to help you grow.
Order image of truth special bundle, which includes occupied till I come four part series and do Winston’s mini book, Imitate God and get results.
This powerful teaching bundle will awaken you to present day truths of God’s plan for you to think, talk, walk and believe like him even amid perilous times, get this enlightening series occupy till I come today.
Hello, my name is Bill Winston.
I am here to tell you about this exciting book is called The Vengeance of the Lord.
Now this is a topic that a lot of Christians never understood. It’s not revenge. That’s, that’s a human concept.
This is vengeance. God says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 vengeance is mine and I will recompense say the Lord, what does it mean?
It means justice. It means that God is the one that’s gonna justify you when we were trying to buy our first shopping mall.
The people didn’t want us to have it.
But the vengeance of the Lord stepped in and the next thing you know, we’ve got the ball, not only that they tried to keep us from having services and we’ve got that too.
My point to you is there are places that you can’t go without the vengeance of the Lord and just like anything else that a provision of God, you have to do it by faith.
Well, how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word, the vengeance of the Lord?
Get this book, build your faith. And I’m telling you, it will make you unstoppable.
I’m talking about in the education area, changing educational laws back to be under the the the order of the Kingdom of God, a economic a government.
It everything, this vengeance of the Lord will open the pathway.
One man said this because God’s people have not known vengeance.
Many have been victims, not you praise God because here’s the book called the Vengeance of the Lord.
Get it today. You’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
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We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.