Faith Sharing and What It Does For You with special guest Barry Meguiar

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Faith Sharing and What It Does For You with special guest Barry Meguiar

Pastor Jack’s guest today is Barry Meguiar, the President and third-generation leader of Meguiars Car Wax, the top-selling brand of car care products in America and most of the world. Beyond his enthusiasm for cars and car care products is his passion for sharing the love of Jesus with everyone he can. Be encouraged and excited today as you listen to Barry share about how YOU can “move everybody, every day, closer to Jesus”.

Hey, guys. We’re getting together with our friend, Barry Maguire. We’re gonna be talking about faith.
And, uh, what is the church’s role? What are we doing? And are we even doing it? Let’s find out.
Real life presents the Jack Gibbs podcast, with intention and boldness to proclaim truth equip the saints and impact our culture.
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Now open your hearts to what god’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Gibbs.
Hey, everybody. Welcome to this, uh, episode of the Jack Gibbs podcast and we’re gonna have some fun today.
And first of all, before we get going, you guys know the jingle, right, at the end of every program that we say it’s time for you to live out what you believe in.
It’s time for real life. That’s the whole essence of what we’re doing is living out your faith uh, in a real life setting.
And so our argument is to you as always.
It’s time for you and I to do that because, uh, the world is hurting. The world is in trouble.
And it needs you and I to be obedient. And I can’t think of a man.
I don’t know a man who’s been more obedient, longer, with the same message. Here’s what’s key.
The message hasn’t changed. Consistent, faithful, blessed, witness, remarkable.
I’m talking about our good friend and a precious man of god, Barry Maguire. And so very Hey.
Um, I would shake your hand and all that stuff, but we’re too we know each other too well.
Well, we do. Maybe maybe we’ll do
that. Alright. That works. That works.
The message is the same, but but the the poignancy of the message and the interest in the message is far greater.
That’s true. Explain why that’s
the greater. We’re worried about bad times.
God doesn’t doesn’t he looks at things entirely different to us.
When you and I look around the world, we know that, uh, Chris Sandy’s growing.
People are coming to the lord in in the highest of numbers where there’s persecution. Yeah.
This is true.
If we’re god, we look down and we say, okay. The persecution is working great. That that, uh yep.
All that prosperity stuff. That’s not that’s not working so good.
Just goes out the window. When when there is shakes, prosperity doctrine goes out the window.
And I dare say whether you’re a trump board or not.
If Trump had been reelected, uh, it would be easy to say we could have gone on with a with better times and economy, what everyone might say that.
And there’d be no rush to god. Yeah.
But the fact of the matter is for I I don’t wanna blame any points.
I’m just saying that times are bad right now. Uh, super naturally bad. The true.
The people are this is not natural. I hear it.
I’m I’m I’m amongst people that don’t know the lord all the time. I’m in car shows.
I’m with thousands of people. All I hear it. I hear it. And they’re coming up. What is going on?
They wanna know according to what it are. That’d be there to do.
So, um, I think the lord is allowing these hard times. To to bring revival.
And I I think I think the world is getting it faster than the church.
The church seems to be still asleep.
But the world, I mean, there’s this this, the the scripture, of course, the the harvest is white for harvest.
I think it’s white for it’s I think it’s already there.
Everybody’s asking. Everybody’s searching. They read it out.
I think because he said that 2000 years ago, it’s been in the Bible.
It’s been in the pages of the Bible ever since that it’s always the season.
I think every generation of every decade is every century of every millennia.
The harvest is is is massive and is ready. Isn’t amazing.
What a strange thing is who can figure that Jesus’ challenge is Pray to the lord of the harvest.
That’s the Holy Spirit. Pray and ask the spirit of god to send laborers into the harvest.
The lost are there. The need for us as believers to engage the culture for with the gospel is a command And yet, Barry, why, in your opinion, why why is there a deficit in in people sharing the gospel?
Well, that’s a there’s a long list. It it is it is re yeah. Send them god.
He didn’t send somebody to fix this guy.
Isn’t that what we pay our pastor do?
Exactly. If that’s the pastor’s job, not my job.
Um, uh, there’s there’s a whole lot of regions that we’ve talked about those a lot.
The fear is certainly one of them. You know, I I almost think not caring.
Is at the top of the
list. Epathy.
Epathy. I mean, if you really concentrate, if you really think about what hell is, and it’s eternal.
You don’t want your worst enemy to No. To go through that.
I mean, you just don’t And if you come to cognizance, but we don’t talk about how you do.
You share you have this balanced ministry, but most churches do not.
It’s not not popular talking about hell anymore. I push the people away.
They won’t come back if we can pay for my buildings.
You know, I get I need to get everybody back.
They won’t So the the way I look at the gospel is twofold.
The god is extraordinary, whatever he did.
He he was an extraordinary reward, and he gave us an extraordinary punishment.
And we and we have the choice, and he gave us free choice.
Because hell is so horrible, but he he makes that clear. But we’ve stopped talking about the other side.
So most Christians today don’t even think about hell
anymore. There’s no urgency.
There’s no urgency. And that’s the gospel. The gospel is very much.
He did Bible talk to him as much about hell. He does happened.
I mean, it’s it’s balanced there, and we need to know those 2 in the church, not not not Calvary Chapel, but but the church, and I would go to church all over the country.
That’s not talked about. And I’m finding fact studies even showing that most evangelicals now are not thinking about hell.
Right. I’m seeing that. And this is tragic at this moment in time.
When we could be at the end of time.
Um, that’s a huge motivator that we’re not even thinking about.
Well, you’ve got a great book that’s available, then everybody, we want you to get your hand on Berry’s book.
Ignite your life. This is an incredibly encouraging book, especially for it’s for it’s great for everybody, but for the person who says, Well, I don’t know if I I can share my faith.
You need this book, and I’m not just saying so, uh, for Berry to sell books.
This is is so extremely systematically helpful on how you being a believer.
You’ve been called by god to share the lord Uh, and the love of the lord among whoever you come in contact with to think every day.
And I know Barry, his wife, Karen, uh, we all think this way that today when I wake up, god’s got appointments for me that I’m not even aware of.
Yes. So whoever comes across, uh, our doorstep or or wherever we’re at, that this has been ordained by god.
I mean, can you live like that? Would you live like that to think, hey.
My life is under so much control.
If he’s controlling the waves and in the the Jupiter and the Mars and the sun moving, can’t he control my life right now so that when I’m at the store today, that person who our paths cross, could it be a divine appointment rather than sit around and figure out if it is or not, go for it.
Step out and say, hey. Can I pray for you about something or whatever it might be?
But show the love of god. It’s just not for a few.
But I think you hit the nail on the head.
I really do believe this as well that there is A neglect in the pulpit from teaching it.
No doubt that is heaven and hell. Repentance of sin, the glories of heaven.
But there’s there’s an empathy where, oh, you know what?
If heaven is just an add on to my life right now okay. I will sign up.
I got my Costco card, AAA card, uh, season ticket holder to this. I’ll get my Jesus card.
If you don’t realize that there’s a real hell that cost god his life on the cross that it is so real and it’s so bad that Jesus said it was prepared for the devil and his fallen angels.
So for us to fluff that off is to actually I this might be harsh, but it’s actually a form of unbelief.
Uh, oh, it really is. Of course, the law of USA God wouldn’t send me to hell.
I’m too good and
we’re you’re already on your way.
Uh, but they don’t understand you’re on your way.
They don’t
understand god doesn’t say any way to hell. It’s your choice. It’s your true. Yeah. You like your year.
If you could you could there’s only way one way to get to heaven.
Of course, Jesus Christ died for your sin. So when you recognize that, recognize you’re a sinner, we all are.
I mean, I Yep. I have a lot of friends that question that for migrations.
We we all were there in in our honesty.
And and to think that he died for us since the only way we can get to heaven, The only way there is no other way.
You look at it. There’s no other way god could have made a way for we could stand before a Holy god Mhmm.
In a pure environment can stand sin, and we can stand their face to face looking at him, clothed in his righteousness because he sent a son to die for us.
And and and that’s the essence of everything.
If you don’t if you don’t capture But more importantly, we only have a short time.
I think people don’t understand what face sharing does for them, for you.
That’s right.
Uh, because we’ve been taught all our lives that you gotta do all this and have training and you gotta recite all this stuff and find one person today and First off, with all the here we’re gonna see today, they’re going to hell.
How do you pick 1? And it’s usually the least likelihood that responds the fastest.
So we just say move everybody. Every day close to Jesus. Move everybody. Just make sure.
If nothing more than just a touch and god bless you, but make sure you move everybody.
Don’t miss a person. Including with your spouse on the warranty. Okay. You have that.
But then it just opens up the door and and and you just love on people And it’s it’s amazing what what takes plans in place there, but more importantly, the specifics of all that is god doesn’t want anybody to be lost.
He doesn’t want anybody to be lost. He came to seek and save the loss that none be lost.
He doesn’t want anybody to. But when he gave us free choice, he opens up the door for pity to be lost.
And quite frankly, more will be lost as as the scriptures described than
That’s what
he said. Say. He treasures Angels.
That’s why the angels rejoice when every every new person that comes to have received Jesus Christ.
It’s it’s just so huge in because we were losing most of them when we got 1, but there’s another piece.
The other piece is when when we normally receive our own salvation, what we realize is that the number one goal for god right now between now and whenever the time the incomes.
He wants to get as many percent to have it
as possible.
That’s his goal. That’s his goal.
He is what it’s not about how many we do this or this and all these good things.
Just how do we get people in heaven?
And when we sign on, we say we’re gonna help you do that. My gracious.
Then all the blessings come. So He really says there’s a wonderful scripture Isaiah 4310 where he says I appoint you as my witness so that you will believe I would think he’d say I point you to him, but I wouldn’t say they’ll believe.
But he said, so that you believe.
So the primary reason for sharing your faith is not what you think it is.
You’ve been thinking to reach the loss.
I need I need to go out there and do that, and that’s not my task. It’s about you.
Because when you share your faith, the whole dynamic in your life changes, I gotta tell you.
And when you feel god speaking to you without without preparation, and he gives you the word to say, you know, god not only orche orchestrates our lives, right, but the but the other person’s lives, right, brings us together in the most amazing ways and you know that’s happening in the midst of it.
And you know, god’s giving you words to say.
He gives you the words to say, well, you don’t have them. And then the first is changing.
In front of you, that’s an experience. You can’t have any other way.
Folks, if you’ve not experienced that, you’ve missed the joy of being here, Christian.
You have no idea how citeages to be a Christian. And about 90% around you are lost.
And so you have that opportunity every day.
And when you move the and and and don’t worry about getting him saved in the spot.
Just move them closer. Just be there and love on them with no agenda.
Barry, give us an example for somebody who’s asking Several times, Barry, you’ve mentioned move them closer.
Give us an example as to what would that look like moving them closer?
You’re granted you’re Uh, you may not lead them to the front of the altar at the moment.
Moving them closer. What does that look like? What would be something?
Well, first off, you do it with your own countenance.
You know, I mean, just you you you when when you’re doing it, he gives you joy.
He said when you bear fruit and you’ve talked about this just recently in his sermon, when you bear fruit, my germane with you and your germane full, if your if your countenance is heavy, nobody wants.
I don’t want what he You know?
Oh, boy. Come become a Christian.
Quite frankly, most Christians aren’t Christians because of Christians. I mean, it’s just the sad truth.
Were witnesses for the prosecution. Right? Yeah.
And so we’re we’re in full time ministry and just love Andrea when you’re looking and expecting to have conversation, just the presence of that.
People want to talk with you. They almost wanna say, why are you so happy? I want some of that.
So you already have credibility with them. And then you just mentioned, and and it can’t force feed it.
You know, god is so good to me. I did say, why are you so happy?
Why are you letting me know? I just God loves me and he likes to love people through me.
And then I changed the subject. I don’t wanna be heavy because I could push them away so quickly.
And they’re expecting
heavy. They’re expecting heavy, and then I just let it go. And I started, hey.
How about those Dodgers or whatever? And I’d leave it. And I want I wanna go back to it.
It’s in that setting.
That’s very wise because you’re trusting the spirit of god to take that little bit of that seed being planted.
And that the holy spirit’s orchestrating that. We’re not doing it on our own.
It’s a holy spirit. He he organized it. He organized it. And if they’re hungry, they’ll start asking you questions.
There you go.
So I say it’s it’s like throwing out chum.
When you go and eat some fish, it’s through, I’d chum, and that attracts the fish to come to catch the hook.
And so I have chum lines going out all over the place. That’s right. Everybody knows I’m a Christian.
I never overbearing. I never preach shadow. I never oh, get away from buried. Yeah.
I you’re just arguing with talking about god. No. I’m a regular person. I have all kinds of passions.
But I’m always in the middle of every conversation through. I got a little bit.
Just let you know, everybody knows I’m a Christian when they’re in need, when they’re hungry, the phone calls.
Yep. So let’s talk real quick just so you put this in perspective.
For some of you, you might be saying, well, this I love what this guy’s saying. Who is he again?
Barry Maguire Uh, some of you may not be familiar.
So, um, it’s almost impossible for me to, um, give an introduction into the world that he influences, but, uh, we’re talking about, uh, the Maguire car products that are global.
The car the car guy the car crazy, uh, programming. Uh, the listen, I can say this.
He’s a legend in the car world.
And those that are legends such as Jay Leno and others, uh, they know that they share the same passion with Berry, but what they’re learning about is a passion that is greater than that.
So for example, somebody like a J.
Leno or somebody like, uh, you know, fill in the blank, they know you.
They use their your products on their treasure
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Because
there’s some guys I would assume it’s all over the world, but in Southern California, there are people who have warehouses of of cars.
And all of their product, all of their cars are taken care of by your products.
Point being is that’s their treasure.
And then Barry comes along, talks car with them, but they know that Berry loves Jesus.
And so it would it be possible you can you can maybe not not name anybody to them, but could you share one of those moving someone closer to Jesus?
well, your world. I can know we’re one of the most famous guys. He’s passed away now, but, Yeah.
The the the car guy thing is the, uh, credibility.
They know they know that I’m I’m not just I don’t spend all day long in my Bible when praying and come out about to try to get somebody to capture.
I have a lot of patience. I’m a I am a car guy. I love making cars look perfect.
You know? But I have a sports and politics and food and places. I mean, and all that stuff.
So but you just always have this on your mind, but you’re always sharing.
So there the most the guy that uh, was it the head of hot rodding?
I’m going back to the forties now. We’re standing towards Paris. Yeah. Okay.
And, uh, he he he was called the, uh, a king of your customizers, and I knew him all my life.
And, uh, his his wife actually was going to church He had nothing to do with god.
He was he was a bit of a caricature. Okay? So, um, I’m always sharing with him.
I mean, for over the decades, always sharing with him.
I see then something comes along, and all of a sudden he has a brain tumor.
There you go. Crisis. I love crisis. That’s right. I’ve led so many
of the lord during a crisis. I thank god for crisis. That’s right. We think bad news is bad news.
It’s not. God uses these kind of things as a wake up call to us. That’s right.
And George Barris is in heaven today. He wasn’t his whole life.
He was he was pushing at your late eighties. And because of his tumor, then he wanted to talk.
That’s right. Wasn’t ready? I couldn’t push him. I could not push him. I loved on him.
I prayed for him. I shared with him. He wasn’t ready. Wow.
And at the end of his life, I had a brain tumor the last thing he said his son, his grandson, and his mom, they reported the last thing they did, they they walked through the nurse, and she says, um, do you know your name?
Yeah. George Barish. Uh, do you know your age? He gave his age.
Then she says, um, what are you most thankful for? The nurse asked him, what are you most thankful for?
He’s that Jesus is here saving me. Wow.
The last thing he said to his family, after after decades, I’m praying for George.
But I I I I I you can’t push. You push them move away.
That’s right.
And now there’s sometimes there’s sometimes when somebody you gotta just give you you need to be aggressive.
That’s so unusual.
It is unusual.
I mean, well, maybe three or four times it’s ever happened to me, but each time, boom, they’re rated They’re just they’re just waiting to pray.
They’re all ready. Yeah. But most of the time, it’s just you just let them take over the agenda.
So you’re not you don’t offend anything. Yeah. And I never are with anybody. And I know politics is wonderful.
I don’t do that. That’s right. I I don’t argue with them.
I’ve never had one conversation about politics in 50 years to share my faith.
The way he said, well, Was creation a 1000 years? No. No.
They’re digging into this.
Or what it always does God really love them? You tell somebody god loves them.
Most of the time, they can’t receive it. That’s right.
They can’t they they think of all the stuff they’ve done and all the stuff that’s had me that they think god’s beating up on them.
God must hate me. And when you tell him god loves you, no. He does love you. No.
He can love you. No. Actually, he loves all of us to say.
You know, he loves you as much as ever loved anybody. And they’re just speechless. They’re not arguing with you.
They just can’t hardly believe it. Mhmm. It’s it’s not hard to share the love of god.
You just love to share the love of
It’s awesome. What you’re saying, uh, where in my family, my my mom, my dad, and my sister, They they saw the transformation of my life when I became a Christian.
They watched it. Years went by, and then decades went by.
I had shared with them the gospel, then time comes for us to be doing a home bible study that turns into a a decent sized church.
They watched all this and I would share with them until there was a point where I remember the lord saying or impressing on my heart.
You don’t need to share it with them anymore. They know the way. Yeah.
And that was, like, you know, that’s quite of a shock in
all the holy
spirit. You commit
them to the the holy spirit. Do it. Right?
So what I could not do in evangelism, but I did plant the seed by god’s grace.
All three of them wound up coming to Christ eventually, be because of cancers.
It was them not being able to defeat cancer that proved to them they were weak, proved to them that they were mortals, and then proved to them that they were in trouble.
And that’s when they came and picked up the phone and said, can you tell me about Jesus again?
And my mom, my dad, and my sister, three people who are in heaven today, uh, because of suffering, the crisis.
I’m a you’ve heard me preach and speak before about how I’m a real one of the reasons why I’m a real big fan of AW Tozer as an author is because he speaks often about people needing a crisis of faith because it’s the crisis that drives this luxury of belief or not?
Yeah. Urgently down into your heart to faith where, hey, right now, if everything’s fine and cool with you and you’ve got the money and you got the health and the youth.
You don’t really care about trusting Christ for eternity because you think you’ve got the world by the tail.
I had a US army general tell me, notice that we send young men into battle first because they don’t think they’re gonna get shot.
It’s the old guy who’s way in the back. He knows how fragile life is.
But if you’re young and you’re just like, I got it. I got it. I don’t need to hear this.
I understand that. We all live that way. Uh, but eventually, uh, mortality is gonna catch up with you.
And when Barry talks about somebody hearing about god and they feel like they’re getting beat up, um, I do believe even if no one has beaten up on them, I do believe that there’s that flinch that people feel because Jesus says that the spirit of god would be convicting people of sin.
And that’s an important thing because people know that they’re not perfect.
Even the ones who tell you and I I don’t need you guys. I don’t need the message you’re preaching.
I’m good. They don’t know that we know that they’re lying about themselves.
It’s such true.
We can see right through that.
But listen, when suffering hits, then Then you start grabbing for things that are hopefully firm, and nothing’s firm except him.
And fear. I love Fear. When you find that a percent of Americans are living in fear.
That’s a that’s a invasion as a tool.
It’s a great motivator. It’s a great motivator. Like, if you’re how do I escape fear? Yeah.
And we have the answer. Yeah.
Because when when when you’re living with god, of course, we know god’s in control and and then all of his promises.
It’s just we live in peace. You and I live in
peace. Wow.
Yeah. Nothing can happen to us because it lets god allows it.
That’s right.
Because we’re we’re living for him.
So to to get and even for Christians, when you share your faith, when you share your faith, it opens the door to, like, Romans a 28 where he says, when you live for my purposes, purposes to seek and save the loss.
When you live your life to seek and save the loss, He says that’s when you live in my favor, and and I will make everything your life work together for good.
What? I get it. That’s right. So you start getting it at zone.
So if you’re a Christian today and you’re not shared your faith, uh, you you’re probably on your way to heaven, but you may not be enjoying yourself very much.
You may not be having joy.
And you may not be having the fun of having god speak through you and having this person relationship with you.
I gotta tell you, and it’ll organize your life. That’s the way this book that we’re talking about.
It’s 50 years We’ve been sharing and I’ve been sharing our faith for 50 years on a daily basis, and we have more stories in there in there, but it’s mostly scripture.
The most important part of that book, as you know, is the scriptures that lay it down and very clearly how god will speak through us and use us and bless us.
And we get the whole package, but it will ignite your life.
So if you’re going through life and you’re a Christian, but you don’t feel we’re all ignited right now and you’re wondering where god is and you you’re praying as much as you’re as you’re worrying.
There’s a way to escape all that effortlessly. The bottom line is defeat fear effortlessly. Yeah.
Because when you step into this zone, it it just it changes everything in your life, and it’s it’s a pretty good way to live in.
Karen, I’ve been married for 60 years of warehouse. Yep. We’re having the time of our lives.
Well, I love what you’re saying because if you think about it, if if if we could snap our fingers and we’re walking with Paul the Apostle right now somewhere, we’re in Macedonia, or we are somewhere in Syria.
If we were walking with Paul right now, guess what would would be on our mind because we’re walking with Paul?
Well, we’re gonna be watching Paul because he’s gonna be sharing Christ with people along the way.
Then that rubs off on you because you learn that by example.
And one of the things that you can do in this world, you may not be able to have Barry Maguire sit down and coach you through this, but you can get his book and more than this also in getting the book, which by the way, where can they get the book?
Oh,, but also you can tune in I know you can tune in to Barry Maguire’s programs at the Real Life Network, which is free for you to download.
It’s free. All of it’s free. Free for the broadcaster. Free for the subscriber.
Real life network, uh, app on your device.
But, Barry, you also also have an ongoing, uh, program podcast. What is it? You can you can be viewed
Yeah. Uh, and you’re on your network, actually, podcast. Yeah. Yes.
We do a lot of podcast, and I do it myself.
I do it with people that are that are incredible shares of their faith.
It’s not stories about how I gotta say, but people are having so much fun sharing their face.
It’s incredible.
It is it is it is, um, contagious. Yes. Yeah. And we’re just starting a new site down.
Uh, ignite your world where every time you share your faith, you put it on there, and we’re about to have a long list where you can just send your and when you’re when you’re to find something to occupy your time on your phone.
You go here. And you see one amazing exciting story after another.
Uh, people tell me how they’ve been sharing their faith. And when That’s what gets us in there. God stories?
That’s their stories.
That you’re you’re recording and archiving.
What they’re doing. They’re doing. They just record themselves. It’s it’s
like a public journal of that.
Exactly. So let’s just start it. We just launched that. That’s gonna be great fun.
That’s awesome. Well, you guys, um, it’s always a joy to be around Barry Maguire, and he’s like this on and off the camera.
I promise you this. And, um, it’s just absolutely precious what god is doing.
And so listen, like always, time for you to live out what it is that you believe in.
It’s time for real life. When we live our lives for real, for Christ, then he gets the glory, you get the thrill.
Because you’ll see the spirit of god show up.
You’ll see gifts that the Holy Spirit will bring up and out of you that you didn’t even think that you had.
Step out, watch what god does. And so until next time, uh, god bless you. Be bold. Step out.
Let the Holy Spirit ignite your life.
Get a copy of Berry’s book, read it, and then go out and do it because this book is full of scripture and full of great examples.
So God bless you. Thank you, Barry.
You bet. Thank you.
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