Emotions | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Emotions | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

Joyce Meyer discusses how to manage emotions and align them with God’s word. She emphasizes that while everyone has emotions, they shouldn’t dictate our actions but instead be guided by the Holy Spirit. Joyce also shares insights on aging gracefully and how maintaining a deep relationship with God can help us stay strong and purposeful in every season of life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

[Music] welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be teaching from her series how to age without getting old if we want to look and feel our best no matter our age we must learn to take good care of our bodies and pay attention to God’s voice speaking to our hearts he wants to help us be strong in every season of life now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching all right now here’s one of the symptoms of being a baby Christian a carnal

unspiritual Christian as long as there is envy and jealousy and wranglings and factions which is Strife among you are you not unspiritual and of the flesh behaving yourselves after a mere human standard like unchanged men do you know how much Strife there is in the church how many people go to church and listen to some or some woman preach every week and then leave and go to lunch with their friends and do nothing but gossip about him come on don’t look at me like [Applause] that there can be Strife on the worship

team Strife among the nursery staff Strife on the church staff and see where there’s Strife God can’t bless us but we to agree about anything and everything whatever they ask for God can do it there’s power in agreement and that’s exactly why I say Satan tries so hard to stir up Strife I wonder how many people are sitting in here today and you’re mad at somebody well you I don’t know you guys are looking too innocent For Me Maybe maybe you don’t have these problems in Seattle maybe you’re too busy worrying

about the weather I don’t know you know AB Simpson who’s a man I was telling you about that wrote the things that I said about how easily our feelings change he said he always lives by this Formula First in importance is the fact of God’s word this is the standard the next thing is I choose to put my faith in the facts of God’s word and the last thing that we pay attention to is our feelings feelings are fickle they’re everchanging and boy how quick they can change how suddenly they can change how

many of you have ever gotten excited and bought something and boy you spent the next 10 years wishing you wouldn’t [Applause] have Watchman neee who’s a great Christian writer said that emotions are the believer’s number one enemy they keep people walking in the flesh they keep people out of the will of God I think it’s just good good to take a little time this afternoon just to remember how easily we’re let around by our feelings do you know how much we tell other people what we think what we want

and how we feel well Joyce will you pray for me I feel like God doesn’t love me well Joyce will you pray for me I don’t I don’t feel like God hears my prayers well Jo will will you pray for me I just don’t feel like that I can go on you listen to How often people tell you how they feel now feelings are real and we don’t need to deny that we have them but we do need to deny them the right to manipulate us and control us [Applause] right is there anybody here today who believes that if you would control your

emotions a little bit more and not let them control you as much that your life would get a whole lot better amen so like I said I need this even if you don’t I’ll be happy to listen to myself all right we cannot always control how we feel but believe it or not we can control what we do amen you know I’ll I’ll just give you an example um my dad abused me my mother knew it and let him uh I went to one of my aunts and uncles for help and they didn’t want to get involved now here I’m this child being sexually

abused and all these people that are supposed to love me were hurting me now it was easy to hate them and resent them until I wanted to go deeper in God and when I made that decision then I kept coming up against walls of things that hindrances in my life that like we said this morning the Chief Slinger the devil had slung at me and in order for me to then go on to a next level with God that thing had to be submitted to God and had to be moved out of my way does anybody know what I’m talking about you you cannot have a

right relationship with God and be angry with people and have bitterness and resentment in your heart it just will not work and because there’s so many people that hurt us and so many people that don’t seem to care about us I can tell you forgiveness is something you’re going to have to practice probably almost every single day of your life in some way shape or form if you’re around people you’re going to have an opportunity to need to forgive people okay so fast forward all these years I worked through what I the best I

knew how to to forgive but you know I wanted it more to just be like okay I forgive you I’m not mad but please pleas stay out of my life you know there’s forgiveness at a distance and then there’s forgiveness that gets real close and intimate and that’s a whole different story so I don’t want to take a long time on this but ultimately my dad my mother and my aunt because my aunt and uncle never had any children and my aunt was my mother’s sister and my uncle was my dad’s brother so there was a very close relationship

there spent a lot of time with my aunt and uncle when I was young I only have one brother and he well he’s deceased now but he was he couldn’t even take care of himself I needed to take care of him too so he couldn’t help me so long story short I came down to all three of them my dad my mom and my aunt all three of them needed to be taken care of because they all lived a really long time let me tell you we have a lot of longevity in our blood line I’m likely to be around a long [Applause] time so then I see this scripture in

Timothy that says if you have relatives that are in need and you won’t take care of them then you’re worse than an Infidel it doesn’t say do it if you feel like it it doesn’t say do it if they’ve been nice to you it doesn’t say do it if they deserve it it just says do it well I really wish somebody else some remote cousin or member of the family somewhere would have stepped up but nobody did now I’m already so busy in my life the last thing I have time to do now is take care of three elderly people cuz it


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