Embarrassing Moments, God’s Grace, & Your Calling | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Embarrassing Moments, God’s Grace, & Your Calling
Message Of The Week – The most overlooked of the priestly garments and what it reveals about your walk, your calling, your ministry, and your life.
Thursday, October 12, 2023 – Two Women A Pastor And A Gun
In Red China, a pastor and two Christian girls were sentenced to death. They promised the pastor his freedom if he would shoot the girls. The girls waited in the prison yard, only to discover that their executioner was their pastor. He explained the situation. They said, “Before you shoot us, we wish to thank you for what you’ve meant to us. You taught us the way of eternal life. May God bless you for all the good you’ve done to us. You also taught us that Christians are sometimes weak and commit terrible sins, but they can be forgiven. When you regret what you’ve done, don’t despair like Judas, but repent like Peter and God be with you. Remember that our last thought was not one of anger against your failure. Everyone passes through hours of darkness. We die with gratitude.” The pastor shot them and was then shot by the Communists. A powerful and deep lesson from the kingdom. Whatever betrayal, hurt, disappointment, or injustice people have done against you isn’t anything in comparison. In this case, learn not from the pastor, but from his congregants.
God knows your frame. He knows your dust. We’re dust. He knows your weak.
We’re all we all have weaknesses in him. We’re strong without him or not. He knows your week this is?
I was shot I was food shopping, know, as at a supermarket, I do that.
Um, and sometimes. And so I’m there and I’m online.
And I’m at the thing, and you know, when you’re at the shoes, you’re at you’re on the line there, they have all these magazines.
You know, right? So there’s this, you know, typical tabloid celebrity thing. You know, I looked at something.
I said, of one, you know, I said, oh, that looks let me just let me just see what that is, you know, Now now I’m not saying it’s in to look at the thing, but it’s not a great spiritual moment either, you know.
And and I’m, you know, looking at the thing, and a woman comes to my left an African American woman says, you.
The city says, you’re on television.
Pastor, I listened to you, and I have this gossip magazine in my hand.
I just wanna shake your hand. I’m saying, no. Here, take the left one. Take the left one.
She said, it says, Oh, I can feel the anointing right now, and she’s shaking.
Literally, I got that thing in my hand.
You know, you know, God is not shocked by anything you did. Give it to him.
Cover it up. Couldn’t let anything hinder you, cover it up. God doesn’t want anything that shameful.
And the word, uh, also means blemish.
So it’s like the priest will cover because blemishes can cover too, meaning meaning thin wounds in your life.
And it’s you will forget the shame of your you.
Don’t let what happen to you affect what you are doing in the lord now.
Messiah says it says he will he will present the church as a bride without blemish.
That’s what he does. You know, the Bible says in in in, uh, in Exodus, it says he’s the lamb who is the without blemish.
Right? He’s a lamb without blemish, and he’s got the power to take away blemishes.
That’s the power of the lamb.
He even has the power to get the stains out of your life from the past.
So even though your sins are a scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.
You know, so god wants you. Deal with a blemish. Deal with a shame.
Deal with whatever that is. Deal with the hidden things. Deal with a low and dark thing. Deal with it.
And and then have gone deal with it and then get past it. Get past the shameful thing.
Get past the shame of it. Paul could say, I am not ashamed. I saw him at the gospel.
But it’s the gospel that defines my life, not my past sins. I am not ashamed.
In fact, I boast in the gospel because it cleans me. I am clean, and I am free.
The blood of Messiah that cleanses, you got nothing to hide anymore. Bring it to god.
You have nothing to hide. The undergarments of the priest.
You know, it seemed to be the the least important thing, but it really think about it.
It was the actual part that’s covering up the flesh. The priest needs to be completely covered up.
So, you know, so so in Romans 13, 14, it says, put on the lord Yashua, Jesus, the Messiah, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust.
Thus, those who would enter into the holy presence of god You gotta have the flesh totally covered by god.
Those who would fulfill the calling, you know, and you may go somewhere, but you don’t wanna be tripped up down the line and have it all collapse.
Put away the flesh covered up, deal with it. Don’t worry about. God is not shocked.
Just give it to him. Be finished with.
I don’t want, you know, and you’re always gonna deal with something, but lord, I wanna be finished with it.
Somebody finished by the I don’t wanna live by the flesh.
I wanna live by the spirit because the living by the spirit is life. You know?
And also in this very description of the garments and that it goes to the undergarments, is amazing because it says something god knows every detail of your life.
God knows your frame. He knows your dust. We’re dust. He knows your weak.
We’re all we all have weaknesses in him. We’re strong without him. We’re not. He knows your weaknesses.
And you that’s a good that you may be thinking, well, that disqualifies me, you know, because I did this and this and this.
The point here is god’s ministers all have weakness. We are weak, but he’s strong in him. We’re strong.
The point is don’t let the weakness disqualify your calling. Don’t let The sin disqualify your calling.
Let your calling disqualify the sin. Add the weakness. Let it overwhelm it. Don’t pretend it’s not there.
Take account. Deal with it. You know, Isaiah remember Isaiah is calling. Guysiah, he says, I saw the lord.
I saw him. And then the train of his robe filled the temple.
And and and this glory filled and the and the foundation was shaking and the the heavenly beings were crying out to each other.
Holy, holy, holy, holy, and he cries out woe was me because I’m unclean.
And I dwelled with unclean people, and I’m on coming on clean man.
And yet god had to have him come to that point where he could see that.
But then it then god says I will cleanse you now. And then he says whom shall I send?
And Isaiah says, me, send me.
Because god dealt with it, but god had to deal with it so Isaiah could feel to say send me.
God wants you to be able to say, here I am. Send me.
I I and you know me, lord, but you’re gonna deal with all of it.
You’ve washed it all, and I am bringing it to you and I’m gonna live for you, send me.
Bring all things in your life under subjection, thought life, emotional life, private life, sexuality, secret life, everything, take it all, every fault.
Take a captive. Remember when Peter solve the miracle of god.
Actually, it’s one of the scriptures I got for the year about go out again, go out again in your boat and you will reap, you will, and they the the fish come in that.
Well, well, he sees it and he said and he tells Jesus, leave me. Because I’m why?
Cause I’m a sinful man. And Peter fell big, and he wept.
Remember when the lord says, do you love me, Peter? Do you love me, Peter?
Three times and it hurt Peter, but Messiah was dealing with it. He was covering it up.
He w when I say covering up, he was dealing with that shame. So, hey, listen, I saw it.
I know it, but now you’re gonna redeem that, Peter. The rest of your life, you’re gonna live redeeming that.
You’re gonna show the world how much you love me.
God is saying, you know, sometimes you you felt you’re on, um, you’re disqualified because of something in your life, from your call, from the high things of god, and god is saying, no, I am not finished with you.
I have not disqualified you In fact, I made provision for that.
I made provision for that weakness for the shame for the thing that happened. I made provision for it.
Use it. Whatever it is, people, my brothers and sisters, god says, I’ve called you to be a priest, bring it to god.
It says, whatever it is, You know, it says in Philipp, whatever you’re dealing with, whatever it is, bring it to god.
Let god touch every part. That’s the thing.
There’s no sin that can’t be finished if you let him touch it.
Doesn’t matter how big it is, it’s finished, but there’s no it is small, it’ll hinder you if you don’t let god touch it.
Bring every part to god. Bring every part of god to you.
It says in every part, it says in Zechariah, in that day in the kingdom of god, even the cooking pot, You know, even your the Betty Crocker things and the and the the Tupperware, all that will have on it, the words kadojla Donai holy to the lord.
The same words that are on the high priest’s crown is gonna be in everybody’s cooking pots. What’s that saying?
It’s saying in that day, everything’s gonna be holy. Everywhere your home is gonna be like the holy of holies.
Every part got in but we’re in the kingdom now.
And so god wants every part of your life to be right, holy pure, and he can do it.
It’s not saying it is now. It’s saying he will do it. You gotta let him. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Good Night Blessings!Tháng 5 25, 2023