Day 180 of 365! God’s Messages 🔥💌

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Day 180 of 365!

God is saying to you today:
“Do not be defined by your mistakes. I offer forgiveness and a fresh start. I am the God who opens doors that no one can shut. Trust Me for new opportunities. Do not be discouraged by delays. My timing is perfect, and I am working behind the scenes.”


God is saying to you today:
“Do not be consumed by worry. Trust in My provision and care for your every need. I am the God who transforms your pain into purpose. Trust Me with your healing. I am the God who leads you beside still waters. Find rest in My peaceful presence.”


One of my most favorite Bible stories as a child was the story of the three Hebrew boys.
Their story is unveiled in the book of Daniel.
And it’s there that the story of Shadrack Meek and a is told, they along with Daniel were some of the Hebrews who had been taken into captivity to Babylon under King Zer.
Now, although they were captives, they had found favor with King Neer and they had all been appointed to serve at the king’s court.
However, there came a time when the king made a golden image and he sought to have everyone within the kingdom bow down to worship this idol.
But Shadrack and Abdi, they made the choice to deny the command of the king knowing full well that it would come with a sentence to be ushered into a fiery furnace.
Now, on this occasion, those three Hebrew men made a conscious decision to stand for their God, even though they knew that it would result in them being thrown into the furnace.
And the truth is many times in life, we end up being placed in a fiery furnace and it’s a result of no fault of our own.
We all find ourselves in situations where we feel the fiery flames of life that are closing in on us.
But we find that there is no way around it and no matter what the fire is, there’s no doubt that if we can avoid the fire, then our prayer is usually for God to get us through the fire unscathed.
Fortunately for us, shed Rami and Abin set a standard by which we can approach every fire in our lives.
First of all, the three men went into the furnace, completely trusting God about their outcome.
They told the king in Daniel three verse 17.
If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and He will deliver us from your hand.
O King. Now, don’t you desire to have that kind of faith, such strong belief to be able to say aloud that no matter what may happen, God will deliver me no matter who’s against me.
My God will deliver me.
Now, ultimately, the three Hebrew boys understood that the furnace was something they would have to face.
There was no choice about it.
Just as we should understand that fiery trials are an unavoidable part of our lives.
The Apostle Peter directed by the spirit of God said in first Peter four verse 12, dear friends do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you as though something strange were happening to you because you see my friend, the question is never, will we have to face a fiery trial?
But when will we have to face a fiery trial?
And if we face our fiery trials with strong and sturdy faith, then Daniel three verses 26 through 27 will also become a reality in our lives because the Bible says, then Neer went near the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and spoke saying shad me and a servants of the most high God come out and come here, then shed Rami and a bid came from the midst of the fire and the set traps, administrators, governors and the king’s counselors gathered together and they saw these men on whose bodies, the fire had no power.
The hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected and the smell of fire was not on them.
You see when you go into the fire with the Lord, this is what happens.
You’ll see the flames, but you won’t feel the heat with Jesus on your side.
You will not be burned.
Now with all this in mind, let us go to the Lord in prayer.
Lord, as we come to you today, we wanna thank you Father for being the God over the fire.
Lord. We thank you that no matter what we find ourselves in, you will be right there with us because in your word, you promise to never leave us nor forsake us.
And Lord Jesus right now, I pray that you would stand by each and every person who’s listening right now.
Lord make your presence known to them right now.
Lord let every person who is struggling know that you’re right there with them. Father.
May we always be close to you because in your presence, there is no fire that can destroy you in your presence, King Jesus, we’re set free from the chains that were intended to bind us.
Father. Though shed Misha and aid did not have any power to overcome the heat.
The fact that they were close to you, the fact that they believed in you so strongly, it all meant that no harm came to them.
Lord give us that kind of faith.
Give a strong faith, master, the three Hebrew boys, they had no power to protect themselves from the flames, but yet they came out unscathed and father, I pray that you would perform that kind of miracle in our lives as well.
May there be no evidence that we’ve even been in a fire because you’ve delivered us and made us new again.
God, I pray that there will not be a sign or a trace of our struggle because whom the sun sets free is free.
Indeed, Lord, your word says in Ephesians six verse 16, in addition to all this, take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
We lift our faith, Lord Jesus and I pray that you would extinguish all the fiery darts that the enemy has sent our way.
Deliver us from the darts intended to rob us of our joy.
Delivers from the enemy’s darts intended to destroy my marriage or my family.
Lord Jesus, deliver us from the darts thrown by the enemy with the intention of destroying our peace.
May you take all of these attacks that are meant for evil and turn them all into good?
I declared your word in Psalm 91 verses 16 through 18 which says because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him.
I will protect him for. He acknowledges my name.
He will call on me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble.
I will deliver him and honor him with long life. I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.
Lord, should you see fit for me to go through the fire?
I pray that you would strengthen me to endure.
I pray that you would use that fiery trial as a means to purify me.
Lord, let it burn away all the impurities in my life.
May you use that fiery trial to prepare me for service as a vessel for your kingdom?
Lord, your word says in Romans five verses three through five and not only that, but we also glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverance.
And perseverance, character, and character. Hope.
Now hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us Lord.
Though there will be times where we may feel distress and pressure, we will trust in you.
Father, we will hold on to you as our deliverer.
We have faith that you will deliver us from the fire. Lord, may you be honored and glorified?
Father? I thank you for listening to this prayer.
I bless your name and it’s in jesus’ name that I pray. This prayer.

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