Creflo A. Dollar – The Bloodless Savior

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The Bloodless Savior

Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding.

I call this the bloodless savior, the bloodless savior.
Uh, the, you know how we do.
The way we get into this thing is we just get in the word.
And the way I have to get into this is I just get in the word.
So get your Bibles ready. Get your pins. Let’s go through it.
We’re gonna dig, dig, dig until we hit a right. Matthew chapter 26 verse 28.
Matthew chapter 26 verse 28.
Now we’re talking about rightly dividing the word of truth correctly, analyzing the word of truth.
And you can’t do that. If you don’t see the contrast between the old and the new covenant, you see there is something worse than being blind.
It’s when you have sight and cannot see you have sight but have no vision and you can be right in the middle of the light and still can’t see it and still can’t recognize it.
Verse 28 says for this is my blood. Notice this of the New Testament.
Now he’s talking about communion and he says this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many, for the remission of sins.
Couple of things here. Number one, it took the blood of Jesus to get God to create the New Testament.
It took the blood of Jesus to get God to create the New Testament.
So the first thing I want you to see here is that the blood of Jesus is responsible for the New Testament.
So now let’s compare the blood that’s responsible for the New Testament versus the blood of animals that was responsible for the Old Testament.
So I say it like this, the blood of the Old Testament was the blood of an animal.
The blood of the New Testament is the blood of Jesus.
Now, I say it this way.
The Old Testament is a, a vow covenant, a promise to Jewish people sealed by the blood of an animal.
The New Testament is a promise, an irrevocable promise, vow, unconditional covenant sealed by the blood of Jesus.
So the Old Testament was that which came by the blood of animals.
The New Testament sealed and ratified and given birth to by the blood of Jesus.
Now, what’s the significance of this? I want you to hold on to what I just showed you.
Now, think about it for a moment.
How then can you dare compare the Old Testament to the New Testament?
To compare the Old Testament to the New Testament is to compare the blood of Jesus with the blood of an animal.
There is no comparison with the blood of Jesus versus the blood of an animal to have an argument or debate over the Old Testament versus the New Testament is having an argument or a debate over the blood of an animal versus the blood of Jesus.
Somehow that just seems dishonorable, wrong and almost despicable because they cannot compare to what the blood of Jesus has done.
Does everybody understand what I’ve said so far? Now go to second Corinthians chapter three and verse six.
Second Corinthians chapter three and verse six.
Now he says, who also had made us able ministers of the New Testament.
We’ve been made able ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter, but of the spirit for the letter Kille, but the spirit giveth life right now here.
First thing I want you to see out of this scripture.
We who are born again are all products of the New Testament and we are all able ministers of the New Testament.
Please think with me for a moment here, nobody was born again under the old covenant.
Who you are as a Christian is not a result of the old covenant.
There were zero Christians before the new covenant came into place by the blood of Jesus.
Please understand. So you’re fighting to have a right to an old covenant that has nothing to do with your Christianity and you being born again.
Nothing at all. We all benefit as a result of this new covenant.
Stick with me just for a moment. No new covenant. No born again.
Nobody could be born again under the old covenant.
There was no new nature under the old covenant compound.
Every born again Christian became born again as a result of the new covenant that came forth by the blood of Jesus.
And somebody ought to say, amen over there. Right? Amen.
Now, who also have made us. So now we’re able ministers of the New Testament.
We have this weird fantasy with the Old Testament that we need to break up with this weird thing we got with the Old Testament.
We go to the Old Testament and we get certain principles and, and we go to the Old and, and, and, and, and, and, and you do it without an understanding of the New Testament, you can’t even understand the Old Testament unless you understand the new covenant because the new covenant gives you the lens that are necessary to see what you couldn’t see in the Old Testament because everything in the Old Testament was a shadow and everything in the New Testament was the reality.
It was just a shadow in the Old Testament.
So the Old Testament could be properly renamed the Book of Shadows because it was nothing but a shadow.
The Sabbath was a day which was a shadow of Jesus.
And the manifestation of Jesus is the total fulfillment and object that’s responsible for everything prophetic that you see in the Old Testament.
And you’re trying to live by a Book of Shadows.
It’s good because it gives you some insight of who Jesus is.
But don’t you dare try to cause competition between Jesus and animals or Jesus in shadows because everything you find in the old covenant leads to one place or one person, Jesus right now.
Watch the rest of this now who also has made us able ministers of the New Testament. Say out loud.
I am a minister of the New Testament.
Everything about who we, how in the world are you gonna forget that you were born again by the New Testament and not tell nobody about the New Testament from which you were born again and, and become a old Testament preacher.
Uh Nobody’s gonna like what I’m saying because you know what I’m saying, I preach out of the Old Testament.
I read the Old Testament, but I do it with the lenses of the, of grace so that I can see what it’s about.
So I won’t pull out old stuff like God is gonna kill you and God is a judger and God.
God’s gonna destroy you and God’s condemning, you see, you, you can’t see properly to talk about it properly unless you understand this New Testament of grace.
I guarantee you to try to do anything in that old Testament without properly understanding the new covenant of grace by which the blood of Jesus was shed.
So you can have is gonna be off, it’s gonna, it’s gonna be warped in, it’s understanding and it’s gonna mislead people and it’ll show you a wrong nature of who God is.
I know this is radical.
And I told you, and this is, this series is grace two point oh is everything I wanted to say in grace one point?
But I couldn’t say it. Then I have lost the whole church.
I’m gonna say it on this one. Now.
He says, we’re the ministers of the New Testament, not of the letter but of the spirit.
Now, guess what? He was saying?
The letter here means and it is defined as performance based religion where you have to try to work and do something to get God to show you favor or to give you blessings.
He says, you’re not ministers of the letter or under the covenant where you have to perform to try to get God to do something.
You’re not been called to be a minister under that performance based Christianity where you’re trying to do something to get God to do something.
You are not a minister of that.
He says, but you’re a minister of the Spirit and the covenant of grace functions because you have the Holy Ghost who’s moved on the inside of you, the holy ghost who’s gonna lead and guide you and give you the desires and your heart and give you New Wonk tos and, and, and it’s no longer going to God, what do you want me to do?
But it’s going to God and say, I believe what you’ve already done. Amen.
If you’ll start doing more believing in what Jesus has already done and less.
What am I gonna do to try to get him to do that?
You’re gonna see more impact in your life than you’ve ever seen before.
We have become, we have become, we become Christians today.
Have, have taken on the, the, the letter performance base Christianity.
I, I, I wrote it down in my bible.
I knew it would be something that I always wanted to read.
When I got to this point, the, the phrase, the letter kills for us today is a system of performance based Christianity where we try to serve God and work to please Him in order to earn his blessing and his love.
That’s what that means. We’ve not been called to do that anymore.
And well, over 90% of the churches in this world are still trying to do that.
They’re being taught to do that. They tell you to fast for 30 more days to do that.
And there is no emphasis being put on rather focusing on what Jesus has done and believing in receiving that, you still try to focus on how much more do I need to do to see if I can get God to do that so I can get his favor.
I believe the Bible calls that in Hebrews chapter nine Dead works and you have not been called to dead works.
You’ve been called to be Ministers of this New Testament that came forth because Jesus poured his blood out and, and the spirit of God which gives you life.
Amen. Now, let’s move on down here just a little bit more.
Uh Luke 22 verse 20.
We’re still talking about the power of this blood before we locate it.
Luke 22 20.
Now, verse 22 to verse 20 says likewise, also the uh the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood.
Again, talking about communion, this cup is the New Testament in my blood and my blood was shed for you.
So again, the New Testament comes to us by the blood of Jesus.
It was for our sake that the blood of Jesus was shed.
So the New Testament comes as a result of the blood, but the blood was also shed for our sake.
Go to Hebrews 9 22 real quick.
The blood of Jesus was all was was also shed for our, our, our our sake.
Now Hebrews 9 22 tells you that certain things can’t happen without the shedding of blood.
And so it had to be happened.
If if, if his blood was poured out for our sake, then what was that reason that his blood was poured out?
And almost all things are by the law, by the law, they’re purged with, with blood.
But then he says, without shedding of blood, there is no remission.
Now, the blood of animals under the Old Testament, when it was shed, the blood of animals covered sin, but it could never get rid of it.
Roman, I mean, Hebrews 10 4. It could never get rid of sins.
It would cover it, but it would never rid, get rid of it.
So they would have to come back every year and bring another sacrifice to get the blood to cover the sins for the next year and, and then they could never ever get rid of it.
So Jesus knew that if he would shed his blood for your sins, oh my God, for the remission of your sins.
Now, uh to a, to cover or to a tone is one thing, but we’re talking about to remit, to remit your sin means to, to kick it out of its socket to get rid of it.
So Jesus said I had to shed my blood to get rid of your sins.
But if you’re being trained on the old testament, y you, you, every day you’re trying to get rid of your scene and then you, every day you’re carrying a sin consciousness.
You’re worried about getting rid of your sins, worrying about getting rid of your sins.
And I am telling you that the blood of Jesus did not fail your sins have been dealt with.
I said your sins have been dealt with, how have they been dealt with?
They’ve been dealt with because Jesus shed his blood has taken care of all of your sins and all of your sins are now charged to his body.
So they’ll never be charged to your account. Or I think the Bible uses the word.
It’s a accounting word. Um, in Romans chapter impute, he says he will not impute your sins into your account.
It won’t be done now for most people who are not saved, use that as a license to say, well, I’m just gonna go see it anyway, but you don’t even understand you, you, you got to be unsafe to keep doing that.
Well, I go to church. Yeah, but it didn’t take, you still gotta be unsafe to do that.
Because when you realize what Jesus has done, there is something on the inside of you that says I got to love him more because I cannot, cannot fathom how someone could die and to take the responsibility for every sin that I’ve ever committed that I will commit past present and future.
That’s powerful. I’m gonna try to convince you to stop struggling to try to deal with your sins when they’ve already been dealt with.
I said they’ve already been dealt with your sins from the past, handled your sins from today.
Handled your sins in the future.
Handled someone says, so if they already handled that means I can see now, you don’t even understand, bro.
You don’t even understand. That’s not what this life is about.
When the Holy Spirit is living on the inside of you.
He’s changing your desires, you assume that since the sins have been taken care of that you’re gonna desire to, to wanna keep doing them.
You don’t understand that he who took care of your sins is also he who’s gonna change your desires?
People always tell me. Yeah.
But uh you know what if uh what if they serve God now and now they, they serve Satan and involved in Satan worship?
That’s so off the page. That’s not in the equation you have.
You forgot to factor in the Holy Ghost.
And this covenant, this old Testament covenant is operating by the spirit which gives life here.
Mhm So all of Jesus’s blood was drained from his body for us to have the New Testament.
Now go to Hebrews chapter 10 verses nine through 19 through 20.
Well, you should taking your time.
Oh, yeah, because I’ve got some outrageous things to show you and you just go, you got to, you got to see what I’m saying here.
Mhm. Hebrews 10, 19 and 20 having their brethren, boldness under that word, boldness.
We will define it according to the, the king, James Bible, liberty, freedom, having therefore boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
So now because of the blood of Jesus, you now have the liberty to enter uh uh boldly into the Holy of Holies, verse 20 by a new and a living way underline that a new and a living way.
See now that the, the the, the New Testament has come by the blood.
There’s a new and a living way.
Isn’t it sad that some people are stuck in the old way of living according to the Testament?
And there’s a scripture right here that says now that Jesus blood has been shed, there is a new and a living way.
I mean, you know, as Christians, we’ve got to constantly discover the new and the living way which he had consecrated for who for us through the veil.
That means his flesh. Now under the Old Testament, the way to God was through the blood of animals.
If you understand, that’s say amen. Well, let me show it to you.
Uh It was just through the blood of animals, but the blood of animals could never take away sins.
Hebrews chapter 10 and four. I just want you to see it real quick.
The way to God under the old Testament was through the blood of animals.
That was the only way they could, could, could get to God was through the blood of animals.
But the blood of animals could never take away sin. It could never do it.
You go every year and you will still have to go year after year after year, the priest could never sit down.
He stood up all the time because he knew this was gonna be happening over and over and over again.
Verse four says for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sin, can’t do it on the old testament to live that way.
Your sins can’t be dealt with except to cover them up for a year and think about going in and taking your sacrifice, taking them to the priest.
And then as soon as you walk out, you and your wife get into it on the way home and you gotta carry that with you for the whole year until you can come back and get it taken care of.
So now you got sin consciousness the whole year.
And then Leviticus five says, and you’re gonna be responsible for your sin and you might, you might get in trouble and some something gonna happen to you for sin.
You don’t even know you did. Wow. Alright. Now watch this.
So uh the way to God under the old Testament, now this is gonna be heavy.
The way to God under the old testament was fear. Listen to me carefully.
It was fear R P 6 13. Someone says, what are you talking about?
I I never heard that before because in most churches they mix the old with the new and it kind of put things in that they want to.
But the way to God was fear, it was total fear. What’s this dude me?
6 13 He said, thou shalt fear the Lord thy God serve him and shall swear by his name.
Now I’m used to reading fear under the New Testament where it talks about reverence and respect.
And so I had to rightly divide and said, now hold on a minute.
Now, where are we, we are dealing with the law and when you deal with the law and you understand the consequences for breaking the law, people walked in fear of the curse that they would be stoned, that they would be killed.
And a lot of people died because they were walking in the fear of the punishment that comes from breaking the law.
That kind of fear brings what bondage, that kind of fear brings bondage.
So uh after Jesus came and shed his blood, a new and a living way to God was introduced, many believers have the wrong impression of God because they’re not rightly dividing the word between the old and new covenant.
A true understanding of what Jesus achieved on the cross will open your spiritual eyes to the power you now receive from God’s love, which is the foundation for deliverance in every area of your life.
Faith in the blood of Jesus is knowing what the blood has accomplished for you.
And so we’ve got to understand, we’ve got to know and then we’ve got to apply what the Bible teaches about the blood of Jesus.
And when you do this, then you’re gonna be free from sin, you’re gonna be free from fear, you’re gonna be free from sickness, you’re gonna be free from deception.
You’re gotta be free from the curses and you’re gonna be free from every negative work of the devil for $15 for cds or $25 for dvds.
You’ll receive the bloodless savior. A two message series to get yours today.
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Calling all world changers and those who have been changed by the message of grace.
It’s homecoming time. We’ve been on the road spreading the gospel and now it’s time to bring it home.
That’s right. Grace. Life 2023 homecoming is upon us and will be an experience like no other God just showed up one day in his mercy and his grace because he knew it concerns you.
We have a better covenant with better promises.
We are inviting the entire world Changers nation home for a three day weekend, July 13th through the 15th at the World Dome in College Park, Georgia.
When we get a revelation of who’s with us, we know that we are never alone because you know what I know that the Lord has my back, join us for life changing revelation during this soul stirring weekend, filled with all the excitement of the Lord.
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I open my heart. I open my mind. I open myself up to God possibilities to God happenings.
God encounters whatever he wants to do, however he wants to do it.
But I refuse to live in the past we’re in this together no matter where we are, we are world changers.
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Dollar Ministries.

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