Crazy Faith // Crazy Faith (Part 1)
Crazy Faith // Crazy Faith (Part 1)
Hello everyone, before we dive into today’s message, we have an exciting announcement about the Transformation Church Conference! That’s right, it’s almost here – from September 10th to 12th. Listen, you need to get your tickets now because this will be a wonderful time. This is the first edition of the Transformation Church Conference.
What do we mean by that? It means you can start right where you are. You’re experiencing the first version, the first run. Even if it’s tough or things aren’t perfectly aligned, we believe you will get something truly special from this conference. Head to our website, social media, or our app to get your tickets today because it’s going to be amazing. But for now, let’s dive into today’s message.
We’re thrilled to have you join us online. You are a huge part of what God is doing here, just like everyone at the church. If this is your first time at Transformation Church, we want to say: Welcome, we love you! I’m excited, and honestly, I don’t apologize for it because I’ve had a life-changing transformation, and if you stick around long enough, I’ll share all about it. Don’t worry about it. Wondering what’s going on with the pastor? He’ll tell you all about it in one of his sermons.
God changed my life, and we’re so glad you’re here. If you’ve ever felt judged in a church before, this is not that place. I don’t care how you smell, where you’ve been, or who you’ve been with. I’m just happy that you’re here today.
And I truly believe this – we’ve prayed for you, we’ve prepared for you, and we are genuinely thrilled to have you here. Some of you may have noticed, but this is my first week back after six weeks away. There’s no place like home, and I want to thank this church for allowing my family and me some time to rest, renew, and receive new revelations so I could bring back something fresh for all of us.
I’m telling you, the second half of this year is going to be beyond anything you’ve imagined. Whatever you thought Transformation Church was, throw it out the window, because where we’re headed next is at a completely different level. God has spoken to me and given me a word, so let’s dive in.
I hope you’ve got a fresh notebook ready, or at least opened a new note on your phone because God has given me some powerful things to share, and today’s message could change your destiny. If you’re ready for the Word of God, say, ‘I’m ready to receive!’
Alright, we’re kicking off a brand-new series called ‘Crazy Faith.’ Everyone say ‘Crazy Faith!’ Say it like you mean it – ‘Crazy Faith!’ Let me share how I came up with this title. During my break, many of you know I’m a music producer by trade. Before I became a pastor, I was into music, so I was listening to a bit of everything to see what’s out there. I went back to my old catalog and heard a song called ‘Crazy’ by Gnarls Barkley, or as they call him, CeeLo Green.
Some of you might be thinking, ‘Are you saying you’re crazy?’ Well, let me leave that there. We’ll talk and pray for you later. But I’ve always loved this song, especially the melody and the music. But there was a verse in this song that I had never noticed before, and it hit me hard while I was studying faith and praying. It sparked something inside of me. The third verse of the song is funny – it says, ‘My heroes have the heart to live their lives on the edge.’ And all I could think was, ‘I want to be like them.’
I’ve heard this song hundreds, maybe thousands of times, but I’d never noticed that verse before. It made me think about the heroes we talk about every Sunday in church. The reason we speak about them is that at some point in their journey, they had the faith to live boldly and vulnerably, doing things that seemed impossible. They did things that many would call ‘crazy,’ and I started thinking about my own life as a believer, as a Christian. Will I be remembered as someone who said they knew God, but was forgotten?