Boundaries And Becoming – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Boundaries And Becoming
Hey You! This month is all about “Revolutionary Boundaries”. Join us as we dig in deep about both the cost and rewards of becoming a woman who has clear boundaries for herself and those around her.
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
I have to tell you, I am a fan of us writing these letters to the women in the Bible.
You know, the thing is that when you’re reading these stories, it can often be very challenging to figure out how you connect with what’s happening in that moment.
And yet through these letters, they are quite literally becoming our home girl.
And I just want you to know that you may not have the friendship circle that you’re looking for.
You may still be searching for your community.
But at woman evolve, I want you to know that everything we do, we do with you in mind, we wanna help you to understand what’s happening in scripture.
But we also want you to understand what’s happening with you and that happens through community.
You are in the room right now with your sisters and you don’t even know it.
There are so many of us who have shared similar journeys, similar past but also similar hopes and similar futures for restoration and for renewal.
And so I’m just excited that we get to come together under the guide of community so that we can just be seen, heard, poured into and filled up a new, we’ve been talking all month at woman evolve about revolutionary boundaries.
And if you get our monthly newsletter, first of all, if you get our weekly letter, but if you don’t get our weekly letter, like you need to get your life together.
Ok? I want you to go to woman evolve dot com slash connect is 3 99 because I know somebody already grabbed their wallet is 3 99.
Get this weekly newsletter, there’s a scripture, there’s devotion and then there’s practical tools to help you for our emphasis of each month.
But this month we have been focusing on and revolutionary boundaries and I believe God gave me something worthy of sharing with you.
Now, you know what we do with you is a little bit different from time to time.
Sometimes it is purely a message.
Other times it’s just a moment of intimate connection and I wanna share with you some things that I’ve never really talked publicly about when it relates to my own journey, but I hope it’s gonna be helpful for you.
And I can already sense that I got my girls backing me up.
So I’m not even gonna be nervous about it.
I’m gonna just stand flat footed in it and share my story with you. First.
I wanna give you a scripture to consider. This scripture is in Esther 22 through four.
This is after the Queen Vashti has decided to refuse the king’s request.
The king requested that she come out and put her crown on in the middle of this week long celebration and show off her beauty to his friends.
Doesn’t seem like a big request.
But as I was studying this moment in scripture, I learned that most rabbis and Jewish theologians believe that the king was actually asking her to come out wearing nothing but her crown sh refuses the king’s request.
This is an action that is worthy of death.
And yet her boundaries were so strong and so tough that she was willing to put that on the line.
In order to preserve herself in Esther two, the king’s servants believe something should be done about this.
And it begins, then the king servants who attended him said, let beautiful young virgins be sought for the king and let the king appoint officers and all the provinces of his kingdom that they may gather all of the beautiful young virgins to on the citadel into the women’s quarters under the custody of ha the eu custodian of the women and let beauty preparations be given to them.
Then let the young woman who pleases the king be queen instead of a this thing pleased the king and he did so God, I just wanna thank you that you continue to pour out your word, your knowledge, your love, your wisdom.
And when you pour it out, it has this unique way of making each of us feel seen.
What kind of God is that, that you could touch thousands, even millions with the same word.
And yet each of us received something different. I thank you God for your goodness.
I thank you that no woman connected to this message is a woman who was here by accident.
And so God, my prayer is that this message would meet every woman who needs it the most so that no woman would be left behind.
And each of us would continue to reach for purpose, for power, for peace and for the ultimate fulfillment that comes with collaborating with you and all that we do in Jesus name.
I pray. Amen. Amen. Uh You have to type in men in the comments or my whole prayer just didn’t happen.
It’s just like erased if you don’t type in men.
You know what’s interesting is I was thinking about this moment, thinking about revolutionary boundaries.
I had to think about times when I didn’t have boundaries.
So I know most of us are working on boundaries and relationships and friendships and how do we show up in the world?
And yet I had to think about a time before I had all of these different things.
I was juggling before I was enlightened before I had had all of these experiences that allowed me to encounter God.
I had to take it back. OK, like back to the 99 to the two thousands.
No, a little bit earlier than that. I’m talking like 2005, 2006. Let me see. I’m 2682.
I’m talking about 18 to about 23.
Ok when I was 18 to 23 which is like literally 10 years ago that when I was 23 I was in a series of unfortunate relationships.
Let that be a testimony to somebody. You’re in your twenties and your life is raggedy.
It ain’t about nothing girl. For the most part, most of our lives weren’t about nothing in our twenties.
But listen, I was in my 18 to twenties stage and my life was raggedy as raggedy could be.
And I found myself in a series of different relationships where the person I was dating had a girlfriend.
Yes. Let that sink in your spirit. We don’t like to talk about this.
But the truth is that many of us though, we vilify the other woman on social media.
We vilify the other woman in media and in books.
If we’re honest, there are many of us who know exactly what it’s like to be the other woman.
I know this all too well because when I was in college, it’s not that I would go after someone who uh whose partner was already in, whose I didn’t go after guys who were already in a relationship.
But I would fall for a guy and then find out through snooping or discovering someone out that they had a girlfriend that should have been the moment when things ended.
But because I was in such a space of my own Brokenness of my own pain, of my own insecurity.
That wasn’t the end because the attention from half a man was better than attention from no man at all.
You see, for the most part, I’m not talking about the women who just don’t care if a man is in a relationship or not, who hunt out men who are in relationships.
I wanna talk to the women who have found themselves settling for less than their morals, things that they should deserve.
Because at the end of the day, they are so desperate for connection, they are so desperate for validation that it doesn’t matter the person’s circumstance.
As a matter of fact, it would be validating for you.
If that person would choose you, it would say to your low self esteem, it would say to your insecurities that because he chose me, then I must be worthy because he chose me then maybe just maybe there’s not something wrong with me.
Maybe I am better than other women.
Maybe I am the one who should be chosen when it’s all said and done.
So as most of us do when we’re being raggedy and dating other people’s men, we have to exchange words, right?
Because what they say about how you get them is how you lose them is the same thing. It happens.
It’s consistent. It’s true. They’re not lying about that. So I’m dating someone else’s boyfriend.
I managed to get them to break up. Now, he’s my boyfriend now. He dating somebody else.
It’s this vicious cycle. And so instead of attacking the man, what do we do?
We gotta attack the other woman, right? The man is not the issue, it’s hers. She is the issue.
And I cannot tell you how many times I found myself going word for word back and forth, verbal abuse to verbal abuse with a woman.
I’d never even met a woman whose voice I only heard because I called her private and then hung up the phone, then called back to get her together.
I used to hate these moments but I used to low key love them.
I’m just gonna be honest, you can call it the even me.
You don’t even have to call it the Mary and me. I’m not even your pastor tonight.
It’s hey, you, we having girl time.
I used to hate love when it was time to go back and forth with the woman because I knew that we were gonna go back and forth.
And honey, when I tell you when I got finished, I was gonna be talking about her great grandfather.
I was gonna be talking about her degree. I was gonna be talking about her teeth.
I was gonna talk about her edges with no edges myself.
I was still gonna handle her because that’s what we do.
We go back and forth and there is something about releasing our anger and our tension towards another woman that keeps us from having to deal with ourselves.
And yet never failed that at some point in these various different circumstances and relationships, I would always find the one woman who would not engage.
Those were the ones who stuck with me the most, not the women who would stoop down to the level of disagreement and arguing that was beneath both of us.
But the woman who would not engage at all because that is the woman that forced me to sit with myself.
That is the woman that said, I’m too good for this.
I have too much dignity to even be in a situation like this.
And they say things like girl, you can have them. I don’t want them.
And it’s in that moment I had to ask myself, well, why are you fighting for something that is so dishonoring and disrespectful?
That idea of having boundaries, that level of boundaries. It was also very enticing to me.
I just didn’t feel like I could access them because I didn’t feel like I could access them.
I became envious of these women.
And yet I realized that that woman was making a decision to not allow life to change who she was.
We often think that boundaries are for other people that the boundaries are to keep other people at bay.
That the boundaries are to help us navigate our time and our work life balance.
But the truth is boundaries at their core boundaries are when we make a decision to ourselves.
This is my personal choice. My personal decision will not allow me to move beyond this level of conversation.
I can’t go any lower than this. Boundaries are not a out people. Boundaries are for you.
Boundaries are when you make a decision within yourself that I cannot do this because this would require me to sacrifice who I believe I am becoming.
This would require me to sacrifice my morals to sacrifice my integrity to become someone I don’t want to be.
And because I am not going to become someone that I don’t wanna be my boundaries, help me to remember who I am.
My boundaries have someone’s watching right now and I wanna give you some homework for you.
Your homework is to make an identity statement, not who you are now.
But what are the boundaries in which you want your identity to dwell in? I wanna have integrity.
I wanna be honest, I wanna advocate for myself.
I wanna make sure that I’m showing up for other people because when we have an identity statement, we can build our boundaries around that.
You cannot create boundaries. If you do not know what you are protecting, that’s why so many of us struggle to have boundaries because we don’t know ourselves well, enough to understand what is it.
I am trying to protect when we build homes and we see communities that have boundaries between each land.
They don’t just decide where the boundaries are gonna go after they build the house, they create the boundaries and then they build the house.
My question for you is what are you building and what boundaries are gonna be necessary in order for you to become that person, you have a vision of who you wanna be.
But that vision without boundaries can never happen because you’ll continue to sacrifice yourself your time, your money, your resources because you didn’t create boundaries for the vision.
When God created the heavens and the earth, he didn’t just create it and allow everything to run together.
Scripture shows us looking outside, shows us that when God created the heavens and the earth that he created them with boundaries in mind, I haven’t walked outside yet today, but I don’t think the sun has fallen out of the sky.
God created the sun. He had a vision for where the sun was gonna live.
He had a vision for how the sun was gonna rotate and the sun has stayed within the back boundaries that God created.
The earth is still here. The ocean doesn’t move beyond where God placed it. Everything God creates has boundaries.
And if you’re gonna be made in the image of God, then you have to have boundaries too.
God gave himself a boundary when he says, I’m not gonna impose my will onto my creation because I want my creation to create their own boundaries.
God wants more than anything for us to be in relationship with Him.
But at the end of the day, God respects boundaries.
I love that because so many of us wonder sometimes where is God in the midst of it all?
And the truth is that God is always there. But we need to invite God into our circumstances.
We need to invite God into our flawed thinking.
You can accept Jesus as your savior, all you want to.
But until you begin to get specific about where you need salvation, you may not really reap the full benefit of being in relationship with Jesus.
But to be able to say Jesus, I invite you into the shame that I’ve been carrying since I was a little girl.
Until then we may come to church every Sunday and we may watch all the messages that we want.
But at the end of the day, because we didn’t invite Jesus into that part of our lives.
We may not experience true deliverance.
I love this moment in Bash’s life because this moment is her choosing a boundary, a boundary that could cost her everything.
The reason why I wanted to talk about specifically this month is because this is the month of love, right?
Valentine’s day is literally right around the corner depending on when you’re watching this and yet love without boundaries can create so much heartbreaking trauma.
Love without boundaries will have you in relationship with someone who speaks negatively towards you because that love didn’t have boundaries.
If you’re gonna get to a place where you can truly allow your life to be revolutionary, you’re gonna be forced into a circumstance that makes a demand on boundaries you haven’t created yet finds herself in a moment that is making a demand on a woman.
She didn’t even know she would have to be.
And because she sees so clearly that she’s standing at a crossroads where either she can allow the lack of boundaries to keep her in position or decide to have boundaries and risk being removed out of position.
That is exactly the moment she finds herself in, in the moment that we are going to find ourselves in from time to time.
And I wanted to talk to some women tonight who struggle with boundaries because they’re afraid of losing position.
You struggle with boundaries because you’re afraid that people are gonna see you differently.
You struggle with boundaries because at the end of the day, you’re gonna have to become another woman in order to enforce them.
But I really feel prophetically that this is a year where God is trying to make a demand on the other woman that he placed down on the inside of you.
We talked about the other women that I used to engage with.
But the only reason why I engaged with those other women is because I wasn’t doing my own work.
Because the moment I started doing my own work, I started realizing that I was so busy, focused on the other women around me that I never took the, the time to really cultivate the other woman that was down on the inside of me.
You’re watching this and I want you to understand that there is another woman down on the inside of you that the things that God is asking of you may not be possible for who you are now.
And that’s why you feel stuck and that’s why it feels like a stretch.
But at the end of the day, God is making that demand, not on you, but on the other woman that is down on the inside of you, the king didn’t know it but had another woman down on the inside of her.
There were people in your life right now who you will no longer be able to be in relationship with when that other woman is risen up inside of you.
But God is making a demand on that woman based on the circumstances you’re in man.
I wish I could say this the way that I feel it.
But I feel like someone needs to understand that this is the season for you to pull out that other woman.
This is the circumstance where you need to pull out that other woman, that other woman says no, that other woman stands flat footed in her ministry.
That other woman applies for the promotion that other woman leaves that toxic relationship.
That other woman decides that she does have dignity in spite of whatever she’s gone through, in spite of whatever the role says that at the end of the day, that other woman is down on the inside of me and that other woman is dying for respect, that other woman is dying to have her worth restored.
Oh my gosh, I just got this vision in my head of a woman somewhere who doesn’t feel like she has any worth.
She doesn’t feel like she has any value.
And part of the reason she feels that way is because she hasn’t embraced the other woman yet, man, I feel this so strongly for somebody.
There’s another woman down on the inside of you and that other woman is waiting to show you the rest of your worth.
She’s carrying the rest of your value. She’s carrying the rest of your strength.
How do you access this other woman? How do I create an environment for this other woman to come forth?
I hear God saying that you’re gonna do it with boundaries. It’s not how much you give.
It’s how much you keep that is gonna help you to cultivate this other woman.
You’re gonna have to keep some of that love that you keep pouring out to other people hoping that someone will validate you.
You’re gonna have to keep some of that respect that you keep giving to people who don’t even deserve it until that respect begins to pull out that other woman and your boundaries create the other woman and you’re gonna need another woman for what God has for you.
You’re gonna need another woman for where God wants to take you.
You’re gonna need another woman for that relationship, another woman to raise that child.
You can’t do it from your place of Brokenness. You can’t do it from your place of bitterness.
You can’t do it from your place of fear and anxiety. You’re gonna need another woman.
I’m not telling you to discard who you are. I’m telling you to embrace all of who you are.
That’s is the queen. But she realizes what very few of us fail.
She realizes what very few of us fail to understand that shall realize this, that there are some things that are not worthy of having a crown for.
If we make our goal just to be in position just to have a crown, then we’re gonna find ourselves the queen of Ros that make us worse instead of better.
I don’t wanna be the queen of fear.
I don’t wanna be the queen of just telling it like it is no matter how the other person feels.
I don’t want to be the queen of shame just because you have a crown doesn’t mean that your crown is worthy of honor.
You have to be willing to ask yourself, is it worth it having this crown where I just say whatever needs to be said?
And I’m brutally honest or do I wanna have a crown that is worthy of honor is willing to lay down her crown to live from a space of honor.
There are many of us who have crowns now, but they’re based off of false images of who we are.
I was the queen of reading somebody for filth. I loved it. I prided myself on it.
It made me feel good and yet that feeling was only temporary because the truth is I was reading myself for filth and you cannot expect to receive honor from others if you don’t know how to give honor to others.
So I started shifting my boundaries.
I started shifting how I wanted to show up in the world because I wanted the type of crown that heaven could honor.
This world is handing out all kinds of crowns, crowns for this and crowns for that.
But is heaven honoring the crowns that this earth is giving out?
Or do you want the kind of crown that you can only get when you make it through those pearly gates?
The beautiful thing about our relationship with the Lord is that you can always lay down the crown of who you used to be no matter how powerful it was in your previous life, if it’s not one that you can carry into the next life, you’ve got to be willing to lay it down this stage of your marriage.
This stage of parenting, this stage of friendship may mean that you have to lay down your previous crown.
A crown of bitterness, a crown of secrecy, a crown of pride, a crown of ego.
Where are your revolutionary boundaries? Do they include making boundaries?
So that that other woman that God placed in, you can come forth because if you aren’t creating boundaries so that that woman can come forth, you’re gonna find yourself confined to a version of you that heaven may not be able to bless.
Vashti is a very short portion of this book of Esther.
She’s not necessarily one of the heroes of the women’s Hall of Faith and yet she exemplifies for us just how willing we must be to maintain our boundaries.
I was writing about in preparation to speak with you and I couldn’t help but realize that she was willing to lose her seat at the table because for her, the boundaries were not about keeping her position.
They were about keeping herself.
How many of us can relate to a lack of boundaries because we don’t want to lose a love or we don’t want to lose a friend.
We don’t want to lose the family relationship that we once had.
And yet the truth is that a lack of boundaries may keep you in position, but it also keeps you from growth.
You’re really gonna tap into having boundaries.
You have to do so with the mindset that I may not be able to engage on the way that I used to engage.
And that’s gonna be OK for me. I’m willing to lose the seat at the table.
Everyone’s got this defining moment when they leave a toxic relationship.
Insist if you haven’t left yours yet, I’m praying for you.
I’m praying that relationship, that addiction, that insecurity that is drawing you all together.
I am praying that thing up off of you.
You may wanna turn, hey, you off if you’re not ready to leave because as long as you’re connected with me, I’m gonna be praying that you become the very best version of yourself and that you carry yourself with dignity and respect because I have been your child and I know how much it hurts.
But we all have this moment and our toxic relationships where we’re like, I don’t wanna leave because if I leave, he gonna be better for the girl to come after me.
But to have boundaries is to say I will relinquish my seat at the table because it is more important that I preserve myself than it is for me to try and wait and see what’s gonna happen here.
Are you willing and can you be willing to create boundaries?
Even if it means it’s gonna change your life.
What’s so powerful about this story with is that we never hear anything else about vash outside of this moment, which means that she was willing to give up being relevant in order to be authentic.
Sometimes in order for us to stay relevant, we have to do things that are inauthentic to who we are.
And yet when relevancy is the goal, sabotage will ultimately be the finished in.
But when we choose to be authentic in every season, it doesn’t matter if you know my name or if they know my name.
The only thing that matters is I know who I am.
That’s how drew a line in the sand and she risks being relevant so that she could have real power.
Your real power is gonna come from authenticity.
Your real power is gonna come from having boundaries and because you don’t have boundaries right now, God can’t give you power because that power would be diluted because there’s no boundaries to keep it concentrated.
But when you have revolutionary boundaries, the power is concentrated and the power is not so that you can become famous and the power is not so you can become relevant.
The power is so that you can become you.
The greatest gift that God wants to give you is not something that everyone else sees.
It’s something that only, you know, there is a knowing that is coming to you.
There is a knowing that is developing down on the inside of you where you can say yourself.
I put a boundary on that anger. I put a boundary on that unforgiveness.
I started going to therapy because I had to put a boundary on how I was talking to myself.
I have to put boundaries so that I can become myself because I’m not just gonna be on this earth living randomly and I’m not just gonna be on this earth helping other people to is their purpose while going home and crying to sleep myself.
I need the boundaries so that I can see God. Why did you place me in this earth, God?
What is it that you wanna do through me? God, who am I?
When no one else is looking God, that’s what I want the answer to.
I don’t wanna just play the role.
I don’t wanna just play the part I lay down the crown that other people have given me and God.
I wanna pick up your crown. I wanna pick up your identity. I wanna know who I am.
When you see me, God, I don’t wanna be who I’ve always been. God.
I need boundaries, boundaries so that I can become.
We don’t see again, not in this moment of the text, but here we are thousands of years later, which spoke to me that she may have lost relevancy in that one person’s eyes.
But it was only so that God can make her relevant in our eyes.
That means that the person who you create that boundary for and maybe they disconnect from you like we see the king doing, maybe they judge you.
Maybe they forget about you all together at the end of the day, they cannot stop what God wants to do in your life.
There are very few women written about in the Bible, even fewer who are named.
And yet for Esther one and Esther two, God felt like we needed to know about a woman who had boundaries.
Maybe we needed to know about a woman who had boundaries so that we could become another woman who has boundaries.
I want you to take a minute and think about the areas of your life where you could benefit from having better boundaries.
Is it in the way that you communicate?
Is it in the way that you engage with others?
Maybe it’s in your time management most of the time, it’s easy for us to identify the areas where we need boundaries.
But it is challenging for us to connect the dots as to why we need the boundary.
So your homework for a year is to think about that area where you need a boundary.
But then I want you to also connect that boundary to becoming boundaries, then becoming what will this boundary produce on the inside of me?
It could be as simple as I need to go to bed.
I need to stop staying up like it’s summer break and I don’t have bills to pay.
Maybe if I need to get up earlier so that I have more time in the day and I don’t feel like time is constantly slipping through my hands.
Maybe I need to have better boundaries on how I take care of my body.
What I put into my body, maybe I need to have better boundaries in my thought life.
What is that boundary going to help you become the road to becoming revolutionary, has everything to do with boundaries and becoming, I wanna say one more thing because I hear this so often, especially as a woman who is building and and creating this environment for other women.
I hear this all the time when people are saying that women can’t get along.
One of the most powerful things that I thought happened in this text is that was willing to implement her boundaries.
Even if it meant another woman would take her place.
She was so committed to becoming so committed to maintaining her dignity that she wasn’t threatened by the idea of another woman coming along.
There’s somebody here watching this and you’re like me the way I used to be and you saw every woman as a threat and maybe you have good reason to feel that way.
Maybe you didn’t have the best relationship with your mother.
Perhaps even you had some experiences with your partner that made you distrustful of women.
I want you to know that the other woman doesn’t have to be a threat to your worth and your value.
If another woman upsets you, if another woman violates you in some way, it is not a reflection of you.
It is a reflection of her own pain, her own process, her own healing that she hasn’t yet tapped into.
But we cannot be so threatened by other women that we keep women from experiencing a position that they’re called to.
Because the truth is that if God is calling you away from something, it means that there is another woman better suited for where he is calling you from.
And so when we leave relationships and we leave opportunities and we leave places and we look back and we hating on the woman that’s sitting where we used to sit.
That is an immature way of thinking what we must consider instead is that God needed her there for that season.
God needed her there instead of us.
And that doesn’t mean that I wasn’t good enough and that doesn’t mean that I didn’t have worth and it doesn’t mean that I didn’t have value.
I’m thinking about sisters like me who have been divorced and then had to see their partner be with someone else.
And all you can think about is how she’s different from you or I’m thinking about women who got picked, who didn’t get the promotion because someone else got picked over them.
I want you to understand that God choosing a different woman other than you does not mean that God doesn’t see you as valuable.
It doesn’t mean that God doesn’t see you as worthy. It doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have plan for you.
It simply means that that woman was anointed for that role and that season for such a time as this.
And so the question we have to ask ourselves is God help me to put a, a boundary on my own mind so that I can see clearly where I’m supposed to be positioned, where I’m supposed to be rooted, planted and flourishing so that I don’t miss the revolution you wanna to do inside of me?
I wanna pray with you.
I wanna pray for you who you’re making some new boundaries.
I’ve been making a lot of new boundaries in my life this year. Y’all already know.
I said it on social media. I’ve got a new therapist. She is all in my business.
She is all up in my business. OK?
And it is making me have a, a more rich rewarding relationship with God.
And I’ve got some boundaries, some boundaries that are challenging me to not live from a place of fear, to not live from a place of loss, to not live from a place of inadequacy.
And I still feel my mind slipping from time to time where I start to think to myself, it’s so much easier to be the queen of keeping everything cool and not causing any conflict.
It’s so much easier to put on the crown where I serve other people but don’t serve uh but don’t serve myself.
Those crowns are so much easier to put on, but those are not the crowns that God is honoring in this season right now, God is honoring the crown of my own growth.
My own confrontation with shame, my own need to serve my wounded inner child.
I wanna be the queen of taking care of my relationship with God.
I wanna be the queen of creating boundaries so that I can experience who God is calling me to become.
I wanna pray with you.
You’re watching this and man, the thought that God even has a version of you that hasn’t been unearthed yet sounds so intriguing and honestly, a little impossible because you’ve become someone so different than you thought you would be.
You don’t have the strength to reach for more and you don’t have the thought process to try and even discover and imagine who you could be because of everything that you’re carrying.
I believe that as we’re praying that God is gonna help you come to a place of boundaries that helps you to no longer see yourself as the girl or the woman who was abandoned, rejected.
But instead to create a boundary that says, I can’t keep seeing myself that way.
Can’t keep thinking that way. God, I’m creating a boundary but there’s a gate and that’s where the uh the Holy Spirit is gonna enter Heavenly Father.
What a gracious God. You are God. I thank you that.
You know exactly why we don’t have boundaries.
You know that for some of us, we never saw it demonstrated for others of us, we’ve been so abused God that to build boundaries, feels like we would risk isolation and God yet it, it’s through isolation that we have encounters with here.
And so God, I’m praying right now that you would begin to create a boundary in the heart of my sister and boundary where her relationship with you can begin to really become one.
God. Please give every woman watching first piece that there be no more war inside of her.
No more fear, no more shame, no more anger.
God, I built a boundary of love and I call my sister to live in the space of love.
God create a boundary where love doesn’t just flow, but it overflows and touches every part of her.
God. I thank you that you have already purposed to do revolutions through us.
And so God, I pray that you would begin to highlight areas where boundaries can help us to get closer and closer to who we need to be with you.
God, may we keep our sin at bay because we created boundaries.
May we repent for not having boundaries where we once had them. God, you make all things new.
And so we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice and we say build your church, not four walls, not a podium and a stage.
But let us become an extension of you on the earth.
We are your church and yet we are often glorious ruins.
So God, we offer you our ruins in exchange for glory.
Show us how to build, show us how to be structured and show us how to not be moved by any attention or any opportunity that comes our way.
But to qualify everything through divine boundaries.
Thank you that we’re on the road to becoming and as we become, we’re bringing every woman with us so that there will be no woman left behind in Jesus name.
I pray amen. If you’re believing that that is your testimony too. I want you to say amen.
I want you to type it in the comments.
I want you to tell me that’s me, that’s me, that’s me.
I’m so excited about what God is doing in my life because I know that as I share what God is doing in my life, that it’s also an opportunity for us to create an echo effect.
So if you’re connected to this movement, you’re connected through the to the grace of God that flows through my life.
I want you to know that I’m about to drag you through the finish line, but you may have to drag me next month.
So we gotta be in this thing together.
I got a tweet the other day from Lullaby House and I wanted to let you all know about Lula by House Lullaby House is a home that helps teen mothers who are hoping to take care of their Children and build a future for themselves to really have a safe space.
They’re creating a boundary for becoming for these women and because of your support for woman evolve, check out this tweet that they tweeted the other day.
We are helping so many of their mothers.
And I just wanna thank you for your continued support and making sure that we leave no woman left behind.
I wanna offer you the opportunity to sow into what God is doing through woman evolve.
Let me tell you something. We wanna continue to create spaces and to go into places that are already doing the work because when we sew into those places and we create those spaces, we ensure that women have a shot.
I don’t know about you, but I wanna be a woman who gives another woman a shot.
If I can spend time in years tearing another woman down, then surely I can sew into movements that are building other women up.
And so I wanna offer you the opportunity to partner with.
If you know of some organizations that we should know about, we’re constantly doing our research, constantly making sure that we’re supporting others.
This month, I’m having a conversation with mothers, helping mothers.
They’ve got a home in Atlanta that literally is based in Atlanta.
But they help mothers from all over the world, even in the South Africa.
But I wanna know about organizations that you feel we should know about so that we can sell into them.
The instructions are on the screen.
I wanna pray over the seed that you’re sowing into woman evolve because I wanted to grow and grow and grow until we have our own homes and own houses and are still pouring into other women who are doing the work.
God, thank you for the gift of sisterhood and community and awareness because when there is sisterhood and community and awareness, Lord, there will be change.
And so God, I thank you. That woman evolve is hoping to create change for as many decades as possible.
And we’re able to do it through the gracious partnership of the women who are connected to this movement.
God help us to allow these resources to reach the women who need it the most.
If there’s a girl worried about college, let her know health is on the way.
If there’s a woman right now worried how she’s gonna feed her Children, let her know that help is on the way because we here at woman evolve are gonna make it our mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
For every single woman, we can wrap our arms around.
Thank you God for this seed place it in the earth, allow it to produce fruit and allow that fruit to be generational in Jesus name.
I pray amen. I love you all so much. February is just getting started.
We’re halfway through this thing and uh make sure you’re plugged in, get your emails.
We’re gonna be doing this all year long.
We are focusing on different areas where the revolution needs to take place.
You can plug in with us every month. Make sure you subscribe, put on your notifications.
You don’t wanna miss anything that God is doing through us. See you soon.
- Wednesday Blessings – Morning Blessings September 20, 2023Tháng chín 20, 2023