Beautiful Night Bedtime Prayer For Peaceful Relaxation Before You Sleep (With Bible Reading)
Beautiful Night Bedtime Prayer For Peaceful Relaxation Before You Sleep
A powerful evening prayer before you sleep. Invite the presence of God into your room and in your dreams
As we lay down to sleep, we ask for your protection and guidance throughout the night. We pray that you would watch over us and keep us safe, that we may wake up refreshed and renewed in the morning. We trust in your promises to be with us always, and we know that you will never leave us nor forsake us.
As we think about tomorrow, we ask that you would bless us with your guidance and provision. We know that your plans for us are for good, and we trust in your wisdom and your goodness. We pray that you would open doors for us, and that you would lead us on a path of righteousness. We ask for your blessings to be upon our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
Matthew six verse 34. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow.
For tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Psalm four verse eight in peace, I will lie down and sleep for you alone.
Lord make me dwell in safety. Proverbs three verse 24.
When you lie down, you will not be afraid. When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Psalm three verse five, I lie down and sleep.
I wake again because the Lord sustains me. Psalm 121 verse 1 to 4.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip. He who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed.
He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
Matthew 11 verse 28 to 29 come to me.
All you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
And now let us pray. Father.
I thank you for your word, your word that gives us comfort.
And I thank you for this day.
And Lord, I thank you for your protection throughout this day.
And as I go to sleep, father, I look to you tonight in agreement with the person listening.
We look to you tonight. We reach towards you, Lord, holy Spirit. I invite you into this place.
Remove everything that is not of God.
Minister to my soul and my spirit protect me as I sleep tonight. Lord.
Although I may get tired and weary, you never slumber nor sleep, you never get tired or weary.
So I ask that you watch over me, the shepherd of my soul, everything that is good, everything that is pure comes from you.
Lord. You are the God of all blessings, the giver of life.
And I want to thank you father for the gift of life and for the breath that sustains life in my body.
I thank you for being my provider. I thank you that you are my healer.
I thank you that you are my redeemer and you have made me your own.
You have done great things for me. Lord. And I give you praise and honor.
May your name be glorified and may your name be lifted higher than every other name.
Lord, we commit all that we are to you, Jesus.
May your mercy and grace fall upon us.
Your word says that you give your beloved rest.
And father, I am asking that you give me rest and peaceful sleep tonight.
Holy spirit, quiet my heart.
As I submit to you, even minister to me, to my soul and through my dreams, holy spirit and Holy Spirit.
I ask that you continue to minister to me through my dreams.
And even as I sleep tonight, help me to quiet my mind.
And may your grace be revealed to me?
Lord, your word in Psalm four verse eight says in peace, I will lie down and sleep for you alone.
Lord make me dwell in safety.
And in this moment, I am believing for a heavenly calmness to come upon me in the midst of my troubles, quiet my spirit.
Lord, may my soul know that it is well with you.
I thank you for your faithfulness today because you are with me.
Lord, I can rejoice and say every day is always a good day, even when things don’t go the way that I plan.
And Lord, I want you to know that I am grateful for all of the times that I was aware of your help today.
I am grateful for all of the times that your shield protected me against the attacks of the devil.
I know you hear my cry, Lord and I agree with your word in number six.
And I declare it upon my own life tonight. I pray that you bless me.
I pray that you keep me, Lord. May your face shine on me.
May your face turn towards me and give me peace.
Tomorrow is in your hands and I will trust in you. May your presence never leave me.
May it surround me? May it be within me and be all around me?
And even in this moment, Lord, I invite your presence into this room.
I welcome you holy spirit, change this atmosphere so that it may be an atmosphere filled with the holy presence of King Jesus Heavenly Father.
I want to thank you for your protection.
I am grateful for your angels that watch over me, for your presence that encamps around me.
I am confident that as a child of God, I am safe in your arms and that my life is hidden by the blood of Jesus, the blood that never loses its power.
And as I fall asleep, Lord, I plead the blood of Jesus, upon my mind, my body and my soul.
I plead the blood of Jesus upon the door post of my home.
And I am confident that since I am hidden in the blood of Jesus Christ, there is nothing that can pluck me out of your hand.
There is no evil, no darkness, no peril that walks in the middle of the night that can harm me because Jehovah is my fortress and my shield.
You are my stronghold and my protector, the lion of the tribe of Judah watches over me and Lord, I am grateful for all of the times that you work behind the scenes.
All of the times that you moved things that were against me and changed them to be in my favor.
Lord, I am grateful for that.
Help me to never forget that you have promised to be with me.
Even in the darkest times, you have promised to be my shepherd as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
And I will fear nothing for your rod and your staff. They comfort me, they lead me and direct me.
Lord. Help me not to be worried by worldly things, things that may make my mind restless, like finances, work, family issues, or even the state of the world that surrounds me.
I want to place my trust in you with all of those things, Lord, which are out of my control, keep me from dwelling on anxious thoughts and help me to hand over all of my cares and cast my burdens to you Jesus your word in Proverbs three verse 24 tells me that when you lie down, you will not be afraid.
When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet, meaning that my sleep will be free from disturbing cares and terror because of your presence.
I pray that I will learn to take every thought captive to Christ and reflect on your love and grace.
I pray that I never take your love and grace for granted in my mind or through my actions.
And father, as I pray, I ask for heavenly dreams, I ask that you pour out your spirit upon me dreams that will lead me to wake up, refreshed in both my body and my soul dreams that will renew my spirit and quicken me.
Speak to me. Father, even as I sleep, holy spirit, I invite you to minister to me.
Lord, I pray that my thoughts are filled with Godly things, things that are excellent according to your will.
Things that give you all the glory and all the praise I come against any fear or bad dreams.
I come against any attacks from the enemy in the form of nightmares or interrupted sleep.
Father, in agreement with everyone listening.
Lord, we ask that you keep us safe in the night, keep us from any dangers or any perils and lighten the darkness with your perfect peace and grace.
Lord, we are undeserving of the love and grace and mercy that you show to us.
I thank you for your amazing power and for the work that you do in our lives.
I thank you God for all of your blessings to me and to my family and even to my loved ones.
Thank you for the strength that you give me each day and for all of the people around me who make life more meaningful.
I am grateful that even when I am weak, you are strong, Lord.
The devil may be scheming against me.
But I believe that I have victory through the blood of Jesus.
Give me a measure of your strength so that I may not be discouraged.
Give me a measure of your strength, Lord, so that I may be able to stand and fight, helped me not to be discouraged, open my eyes and fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I may not be deceived.
I desire to honor you in all of my ways.
Lord, I thank you for your faithfulness.
Lord, even during the times when I am not faithful, I praise your name for your abundant grace.
And I ask you to give us peace, peace in our hearts, peace in our minds, in our bodies and in our souls, take away everything that is causing us grief or stress or sorrow in our lives.
Grant me peace of mind, calm, my troubled heart.
And Lord Jesus by your glorious passion, conquer the hardness of my heart and help me to remove everything that is not of you, help me to remove all the sin that’s in my life.
And Lord I invite your glorious light.
I pray that I am filled with your holy light, help me to walk in your light and live my life in faith.
And so father, I thank you for hearing our prayer.
I ask that you watch over me. I invite your holy spirit to be with me.
May the blood of Jesus, cover me and surround me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Our risen king. Amen.
- Day 94 – God’s MessagesTháng 4 4, 2023