Adrian Rogers: Jesus the Son of God

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Adrian Rogers: Jesus the Son of God

Do you believe the Babe of Bethlehem is the God of Genesis One? Adrian Rogers acknowledges the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and examines Scripture to explain how Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God… He is God the Son.

Behold. A virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his Emmanuel, which being interpreted, is god with us.
I love that the description. Now who was this child born that day?
Who is this one that we call all Jesus. There’s one right answer. There are many wrong answers.
We better understand just who this Jesus is. Let me tell you out.
Without any stutter, spam, or apology, quibble, Jesus is god. In human flesh.
That’s who the lord Jesus is. God manifests in the flesh.
Not only is he the son of god, he is god the son.
That brings us to a doctrine that we need to emphasize more these days than ever before, and that is the doctrine of the Trinity.
ProFound Truth simply stated. This is love worth finding with pastor, teacher, and author, Adrian Rogers.
I wish that you would take god’s precious word and Turn with me, please, to Matthew chapter 1.
There again, we’re going to find the Christmas story.
We have been talking about the lord Jesus Christ. Under the heading, come let us adore him.
And we’ve talked about his unequal birth.
1 Sunday, we talked about why Jesus was born of a virgin.
Then we talked about his unblemished life.
Nobody, nobody ever lived the life that the lord Jesus Christ live.
Today, we’re gonna be talking about his undiminished deity.
We’re gonna be talking about the fact that this baby This baby born so long ago was god in human flesh.
That’s who the lord Jesus is. God manifest in the flesh.
Not only is he the son of god, he is god the son.
That brings us to a doctrine that we need to emphasize more these days than ever before, and that is the doctrine of the holy trinity.
For example, if you look here at Matt to chapter 1 and verse 20.
Uh, fear not to take unto thee Mary, thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of now underscore this, if you don’t mind marking your bibles, the Holy Ghost, underscore that.
The Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son underscore that, a son.
Thou shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from the sins.
Now all this was done that might be fulfilled, which was spoken of, uh, the lord by the prophet underscore the lord.
And there you have the trinity. Father, sons, and holy spirit. God in three persons.
Look up here. Let me tell you something. We’re gonna, uh, be a little deeper than normal this morning.
The doctrine of the Trinity is the great Christian distinctive.
The great Christian distinctive. One god in three persons.
Now to misunderstand this is to lead to Harrison, whether it be the heresy of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Whether it be the heresy of Islam, whether it be the heresy of Unitarianism, or whether it be the heresy of, uh, some other group If you miss the trinity, you have missed the meaning, the message of the Bible, that god is a god, of 3 in 1 and 1 in 3.
Our Jewish friends, and this church loves this right.
Our Jewish friends miss the message, and they’re emphasizing the unity of god They failed to understand that even the Hebrew Bible teaches that this god, the god of the Bible, is a triune god.
And we’re going to show you that from the word of god.
Now our Jewish friends believe that Yahweh jehovah is god the one god, the lord, and they are right.
He is god the father. But in the Bible, There’s also god’s son.
Now let me show you how god the fathers described in the Bible.
What is the most holy name for god in the old testament. It is the great I am.
If you don’t mind putting something in your margin, put, uh, Exodus chapter 3 in verse 14.
And god said unto Moses. Now Moses is saying, lord, if I’ve got to introduce you to these people, whom shall I say Who shall I say that you are?
Who are you? And the and god said unto Moses, I am that I am. I am that I am.
Not I was, not I will be.
I am the great I am that never was a time when I was not.
I am that I am. That is the holy mystical, wonderful name of jehovah god.
Now remember, That’s how god showed himself to Moses. Have you got it?
Now the pharisees had Jesus on the grill.
These Pharaces in whom the milk of human kindness had curdled.
These Pharaces who were envious of the lord Jesus Christ actually sneered at Jesus, they insinuated that he was born of fornication.
And, Jesus had spoken of Abraham, and here’s what they said and put this down in John chapter 8, versus 58, uh, 56 in following.
Jesus is speaking to those Jewish Pharaces, and here’s what he said to them, your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad that said to choose from him.
Thou, not yet fifty years old, And has thou seen Abraham?
Now, listen to this and don’t miss it. Jesus said unto them, verily, verily.
Now, folks, when Jesus says verily, verily, you listen, listen, Jesus said, verily, verily, I say to you, before Abraham was I am.
Did you catch that? What is the great holy name of god in the Old Testament?
He is the great I am. They said, have you seen Abraham?
He said before every Abraham ever got here, I am There were never lots of time when he was not.
Jesus, the son of god. After this, the Bible says they took up stones to stone him. Because why?
They didn’t miss the message. It was blasphemous to them that he would so identify himself.
With the great I am. God, the father is god.
God, the son is god. And god, the Holy Spirit is God.
Now in this Christmas story, we see the Holy Spirit who overshadows Mary.
He was the one who caused the pregnancy in Mary.
He also has got because Jesus is the son of god according to the Flash.
Pastor Rogers, don’t you agree with others that the Holy Spirit is just an influence M and from god?
No. The Holy Spirit is a person. Never speak of the Holy Spirit as it.
Don’t talk about me and say it wore a dark suit this morning.
The Holy Spirit is a person.
Who feels who will, who acts, who lives, who can be abused, The Bible says, grieve not the spirit of god whereby you’re sealed until the day of redemption.
You can’t grieve an influence. You can only grieve a person. And you only grieve a person who loves you.
The neighbor’s kids will vex you. Your own children will grieve you. Amen?
Three things we’re gonna notice this morning.
First of all, I want us to think about the unfathomable mystery, the unfathomable mystery of the Trinity.
Now we’ve already shown you, uh, the trinity, uh, in the Christmas story.
Uh, but look, if you will, in 1st Timothy 3 verse 16, we referenced this last Sunday, And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness.
God was manifested in the flesh. You say Pastor Rogers, I don’t understand it. Will hip hip hooray?
I’m glad you don’t understand it. I’m glad I don’t understand it.
I’m glad nobody understands it because it cannot be understood, it must be believed.
I wouldn’t have any confidence in a god that I could understand.
Uh, we don’t try to prove the Trinity. You will never prove the Trinity.
Throw away, uh, your test tubes Put away your computer and your slide rules, bow down in the dust, open the Bible and say, I believe it because god settles it in his word.
This is an unfathomable mystery, but it is nonetheless true.
Uh, we don’t have to understand everything.
You know, people race their theological motors to try to illustrate the anything.
And they say it’s like this. It’s like that. We try to compare god to something.
There’s only one god, so there’s nothing to compare him to.
A girl had a boyfriend, but she went out with another boy one night, and she confessed to her boyfriend.
I went out with Henry. And Henry kiss me. He said he did.
I’ll teach him She said, you could teach Henry anything.
You can compare one kiss with another kiss, but you can’t compare god with anything because there is no other god.
Let me give you a verse.
Put it down Isaiah 40 verse 18 to whom then will you like in god?
Don’t ever make the the mistake of saying god is life is to who?
Where you like in god? One kiss may be different or like another kiss, but there’s only one god.
One god. Now we see reflections of his trinity in everything. Reflections, but not proofs.
Time and space. That makes our universe. Time is what? Past present future.
Space is height, width, and depth. All belong together, each is distinguishable, but all are inseparable.
You can have a past without present.
You can’t have a present without a future, and you can’t have a future without a past.
Each are distinguishable, all are part of 1, and yet they are distinguishable. And yet they are inseparable.
Not a proof of the trinity, only a reflection.
Space, height, width, and You can’t have height without width. You can’t have width without depth.
You can’t have depth without height. Each is distinguishable. All are inseparable. Why?
Because they’re reflections of the great god who made everything god in three persons.
And this is the unfathomable mystery.
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Now here’s the second thing I want you to see.
I want you to see not only, uh, the unfathomable mystery, but I want you to see the unfolded manifestation of the tragedy.
If god is a, uh, a triune god, then you would expect him to manifest himself, which indeed he has done.
You see, again, in our scripture, Matthew 1 verses 2223.
Now all of this was done that it might be, uh, fulfilled, which was spoken of the lord by the prophet.
Now god has given us the Old Testament prophecies. And there, he he unfolds these things.
We see them. Now, uh, Muslims claimed to believe the Old Testament. Jews believe the Old Testament.
Jehovah’s witnesses claimed to believe the Old Testament.
Why don’t we go to the Old Testament and see if we can find the 20 there?
What we do? Home the front door in the first verse, Genesis 11.
In the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth. You say, pastor, I see no trinity there.
Well, stay with me. The Hebrew word for god there is elohim. Elohim.
And it is a plural noun.
L is the singular a pelleted for god, the singular name for god, l.
And then if you add the I’m to it and make it Elohim, then that pluralizes it.
For a seraph is one angel, seraphim, angels. A cherub is one angel, cherubim, more angels.
It is the plural noun But this plural noun could be translated in the beginning gods.
Well, we know there’s only one god, but yet The Holy Spirit inspired Moses to write down Elohim, god’s plural.
But then Almost in bad grammar, except for divine inspiration, he uses a singular purr.
God’s Elohim created the heavens and the earth.
Now what is this? It is god acting as a unity, the triune god.
With that in mind, remember that the baby of Bethlehem was the one who created the manger and the the very, stable in which he was born.
John 1, verses 1 through 3.
Remember it said now in the beginning, beginning god created the heavens in the earth? God’s Now listen to this.
John 1, 1 through 3. In the beginning was the word.
That’s the Bible, uh, name or description of Jesus.
In the beginning was the word and the word was with god. Okay. Now wait a minute.
And the word was god. The same was in the beginning with god. All things were made by him.
And without him, without whom, without Jesus was not anything made. That was made.
Do you see it? Not your head. Just let me know. Are you waiting? Hello? Okay.
Now listen. What I’m what I’m trying to say is this that the babe of Bethlehem is the mighty god of Genesis 1.
Nothing was made without him. You see it in the creation of the world?
You see it in the great commandment that god gave Israel.
There is a commandment that god gave Israel. Every orthodox june knows it by heart.
It’s called the Shamah. Here it is. Deuteronomy 6 verses 45.
Here O Israel, the lord our god is one Lord.
The Jews use this as the prime proof text for the unity of god.
The lord our god is one lord.
And thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart, with all thy soul, with all thy might.
The word lord is a translation of the word Yahweh or jehovel.
Jehovelah is one Lord. Uh, the lord our Elohim is one lord.
Jehovah Our gods is one lord.
Yahweh, our elohim. Don’t drop out on me now.
What I’m trying to show you is this.
That even in this great confession of Israel, here we have the tree the trinity, we have reflections of the trinity here.
Now when he says, jehovah, our Elohim, is one lord. He uses a word for one Etcha.
These echAD if we would anglicize it, which means one, not a singular one, but a plural one.
You say, how can you have a plural one?
Well, let me give you other places where this word is used. In Genesis chapter 2 to verse 24.
When the Bible speaks of husband and wife coming together, the Bible says they too shall be at one flesh.
Now are they 2 or 1? The answer is yes. Alright.
Let me give it to you again. In Genesis 11 in verse 6, the at the tower of babble.
God says the people is 1. All of these Yes.
But one, the same word that’s used here, the lord our god is one lord.
Look at it here in numbers chapter 13 in verse 23. 1 cluster of grapes.
Many grapes yet one cluster. What it is is a plural unity.
And when Hebrew Israel, the lord our god is one Lord.
Jehovah, our Elohim, is 1 jehovah. Is that got you scratching your head? Good.
I’m happy. Now let’s move to the 3rd and final thing.
I want you to see the unchanging ministry of the Trinity.
Now it is a mystery Our mystery manifested.
But why all of this fuss about it? Past to what difference does it make?
Well, your destiny rides on it. Your destiny rides on it. Listen again. Matthew chapter 1 verses 2023.
But while he thought on these things, the angel of the lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take under thee, married thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost, and she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call his name Jesus, for he, shall save his people from the sands.
The holy trinity father, son, and Holy Ghost, works together in your salvation.
You are selected by the father.
He loved you before you were ever born.
You were saved by the sun, You are sealed by the spirit.
Altogether, this is the way you’re saved.
Of Paul said in 2nd Corinthians 13 verse 14, the grace of the lord Jesus Christ and the love of god and the communion of the Holy Ghost, uh, be with you all.
God loves you. Jesus saved you, the Holy Spirit. Empowers you. That was the blessed Benediction.
That Paul gave to that church.
My time is gone, but George Duncan of England told a story to a friend who passed it on to me.
He said back in the 2nd World War, there was a man, a British, very wealthy, had a son.
That son got in the Royal Air Force, the RAF.
He was shot down in flames and died.
Left this man whose wife had previously died immensely wealthy with no relatives, no other descendants, This boy was lost in the battle for Britain.
There came a time when the man himself died, and he wrote a will.
And his will said that his estate was to be sold and given to various charities.
And he said my art collection is to be auctioned off.
He had an incredible art collection. Sotheby’s was going to do the auctioning.
The people came from all over art collectors because it was a fie a valuable collection.
They were salivating with the opportunity to bid on it.
And the auctioneer, the executor said, first of all, we’re going to auction 1 painting.
It was there on the tripod. They unveiled it and it was a painting of a man.
It was the wealthy man’s son, the one who died.
Few, if any, out there, knew the boy. It was not a well known artist.
To them, it was more or less value less. And nobody did.
But one man who was an old friend of the family who knew the boy and had seen him grow up, thought it would be nice to have a painting of that lad.
I knew him. I watched him. I loved him. And he did on it. There was no other bed.
The auction has said, don’t hang any other beds. Very well.
It is sold to this individual.
And then he said, the auction is over. They said, no.
The other other painting. He said, no.
Said I was forbidden to tell you this, but it has been written in the will.
That whoever buys this picture gets with the picture, the entire collection, Whoever gets the sun gets all the rest.
Brent, I won’t tell you. God has a son.
And when you get Jesus, you get it all. Get it all.
When you receive Jesus, I’ve tried in vain a 1000 ways.
My fears to quell my hopes to raise.
When all I need the Bible says, is Jesus. My soul is night.
My heart is still I cannot see. I cannot feel for light in life.
I must appeal. To Jesus. He dies. He lives.
He reigns. He pleads. His love and all his words and deeds, all all the guilty center needs.
Is Jesus. Though some will mock and some will blame.
In spite of sin, in spite of shame, how go to him.
Because his name is what? Jesus. Thou shall call his name Jesus. Jesus.
For he shall save his people from the same, the god man, El Gevo.
Don’t you love him? Well, to save you.
Not your hips in prayer.

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