Achieve Financial Freedom: Management Tips By Myles Munroe To Become Debt-Free |

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Thank you for joining us for another powerful message from Dr. Miles Monroe, brought to you by Monroe Global Incorporated and We specialize in transforming followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change. We hope this message is a blessing to you as you advance in life and discover your purpose. Let’s dive into the message.

One of the most important Kingdom keys is the principle of management. Write that down. Today, we’ll discuss the principle of management. Management is likely the most neglected component in churches today. Most pastors in this city graduated from seminary or Bible school, but received no formal training in management. They were simply told, “You’re ready to start your ministry.” As a result, many churches struggle financially or attract people in similar financial hardship. This is why many churchgoers experience financial difficulties, despite quoting scriptures that promise prosperity.

For instance, they quote, “God owns the cattle on a thousand hills,” but are still renting. They claim that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous, yet for the last two thousand years, the wicked still hold it. The reason for this is that they have overlooked the most important principle of Kingdom life—management. The average pastor might not even know how to spell “management.”

If you asked me what you should study to prepare for ministry, my answer would be: study business management, not theology. A Kingdom is a government, and governments manage resources. The key to good governance is the effective management, delegation, and distribution of resources.

Religious people often believe that God operates based on emotions, and some mistakenly think that if they can make God feel sorry for them, they can get anything they want. This is why many remain financially stagnant. Let’s talk about the crisis we’re facing today, which everyone should take the time to understand. Please make sure to get a copy of this message, as you may not catch everything I say in one listen.

Analysts around the world point to greed as the root cause of this crisis. Greed is the mismanagement of resources for personal gain. A greedy person manipulates resources to ensure they are the sole beneficiary. Jesus warned about the dangers of greed. In Mark 7:22, He said that greed, along with malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly, destroys a person. These traits are often interrelated: a greedy person tends to be arrogant, and greed leads to foolishness.

Jesus reiterated this caution about greed in Luke 12, urging us to guard ourselves against it. He warned that life does not consist in the abundance of possessions. Take the case of Mr. Madoff—his greed led to the loss of everything he thought was important, leaving him with a small, concrete cell. Is this where you want to end up in pursuit of money?

Let’s now explore God’s dominion strategy, which serves as the foundation for becoming financially wise. In Genesis 2:4, we read: “When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth, and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord had not yet sent rain on the earth, because there was no man to work the ground.” This verse is key. It emphasizes that the Lord’s strategy for resource management begins with people taking responsibility and working the land.

This passage is foundational for understanding the principles of financial wisdom and Kingdom living.

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