A deeper meaning behind the name of Jesus | YESHUA | The Book of Mysteries
A deeper meaning behind the name of Jesus | YESHUA
Have you ever wondered the origins behind the most famous name on the planet? Jesus is to many a foreign word, lacking substance or meaning. But to others, the mysteries of Creation and the answer to life’s most urgent questions are contained within this name. To understand the name of Jesus, we must first understand the name of Yeshua. Though containing many descriptions and forms, the essence of His name is Salvation. Take every need you have to the name of the Messiah, and your life will be forever changed. Join Jonathan Cahn in mining the hidden depths of God’s Word and navigating the unceasing streams of history to unlock end-time mysteries and the secrets of abundant life. Discover a treasure chest with hidden ancient mysteries, revelations from heaven, secrets of the ages, the answers to man’s most enduring, age-old questions, and the hidden keys that can transform your life to joy, success, and blessing… This is The Book of Mysteries.
The mystery behind the most famous and amazing name in the world.
The name Jesus, it, there’s something about it.
It’s the most famous name in the planet Jesus.
For most Jewish people, it’s a foreign name and for many people, they just hear Jesus.
They don’t know what it is, what it means. What’s behind the name? What does the name Jesus mean?
What does it say? There’s a Hebrew word? Yasha in Hebrew.
That word means to rescue, to help, to defend, to preserve, to make free to attain victory, to bring, to safety, to heal, to save one word.
And it’s got everything in it. Ya, everything, one word, it’s the answer to everything.
It’s what we spend our lives seeking for safety help.
We all need it, whether we realize it or not freedom, victory, all those things in one way or the other we’re seeking for it.
That salvation in Hebrew from that word. Yaha comes the word salvation from that word comes the Hebrew word.
Yes and yes means salvation. And in Hebrew it becomes something amazing. It also becomes a name.
The name Jesus is really yes.
And in the scriptures, it says God has become my Yeshua or my salvation.
It says my salvation in English. But in Hebrew, it says God has become my Yeshua.
In other words, God is not only gonna be the creator of the universe.
He’s gonna one day become our Yeshua, our salvation. God’s gonna become our help.
He’s gonna become our defense, our freedom, our victory, our salvation.
God is gonna actually become the answer to every need we have. He’s not just the king way up there.
He’s gonna become the answer in Hebrew. God becomes Yeshua.
But if the word Yeshua means salvation, what’s the difference between saying God would become salvation?
Or God would become Yeshua from the Hebrew word Yeshua comes this name Yeshua.
And then Yeshua, when it was translated into Greek, it became yes.
And from Jesus into English became Jesus. Jesus is Yeshua. Yeshua is Jesus.
Yeshua is the real name of the one the world knows as Jesus.
He was never called Jesus by the people around Him, Mary and Joseph, they called him Yeshua.
It says there you shall name Him Jesus.
But really Yeshua because He will save his people from their sins because that’s what it means.
God will become Yeshua will become Jesus. That’s exactly what the name Yeshua Jesus reveals.
See the ancient hope was that one day God would become actually our answer to everything.
He will actually become our freedom. And that’s what Jesus means. It means God is your freedom. He’s your help.
He’s your healing. He’s your victory. He’s your everything. He’s the answer, whatever the need is, that’s what Yeshua means.
He’s the answer. The key is to take every need you have and bring it into that name.
You know, the Bible says that the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it.
Well, the name of the Lord is Yeshua.
And so take everything you are everything you have, bring it into that name.
I was at the western wall and the orthodox Jews were worshiping and, and I read the Hebrew, the big Hebrew book there and it actually said it was opened up to God has become and they don’t even realize it.
But you do, you have the actual need, whatever you’re struggling with, whatever you’re dealing with the want, the need, whatever it is, listen, whatever it is, it’s got an answer.
And that answer is a name in Hebrew. The answer is Yeshua.
He’s the answer to every single thing in your heart, every single thing in your life, every single thing you’re dealing with right now.
He’s not something else. He’s not just theological, he’s the answer to it.
So bring it all to Him for the Lord, your God is your strength and your song.
And he also, as it is written, he also has now become your Yes, he died for all.
He died. Many deaths.
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