Jack Hibbs : Ask Me Anything: Episode 02

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Hello, everyone! It’s time for another “Ask Me Anything” session, where we’ll explore some incredible questions directly from you. Welcome to Real Life Presents: The Jack Hibbs Podcast—a space for intentional, bold conversations aimed at proclaiming truth, equipping believers, and positively impacting today’s culture. If this podcast uplifts and encourages you to live a fuller life in Christ, please take a moment to give us a five-star rating. It’s like saying “Amen!” and it helps others discover this message. Now, let’s open our hearts to what God’s Word has in store. Here’s Jack Hibbs!

“Thank you, everyone! Just a few hours ago, I asked if you’d help me out by suggesting topics. When I’m asked to do a podcast, I sometimes feel like I’m thrown into it at the last minute, without much time to prepare. So, teaming up with you seemed like a fun twist! We got hundreds of responses, but for now, we’ll dive into three.

First, Evelyn sent us a question about prayer, referencing Proverbs 28:9, which says that if someone is not right with God, even their prayer is an abomination. Evelyn asks if our prayers can actually make God ‘sick’—and yes, they can. When we’re not in alignment with God, He doesn’t want to hear from us. It’s similar to when a child is out of line with a parent; the relationship needs repair first. God, in His love, deals with us in the same way.

For believers walking in the light, God hears our prayers, as shown in 1 John 1: ‘If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.’ Confessing our sins allows God to cleanse us from unrighteousness. But does God hear the prayer of an unbeliever? Only one— the prayer of repentance and faith to come to Christ.

Furthermore, the Bible warns against long, repetitive prayers, saying, ‘Do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.’ Effective prayer is about sincerity, not length.

Finally, Evelyn, Jesus also reminds us in Matthew 6 that if we don’t forgive others, our Father won’t forgive us. This doesn’t mean that struggling with forgiveness puts us at risk of damnation; rather, it breaks our fellowship with God. He calls us to forgive, though some wounds take time to heal. Our goal is to ask for God’s help, recognizing that withholding forgiveness creates a barrier with Him.

Let’s dive into these truths together and seek to walk closely with God, keeping our hearts open to His guidance.”

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