Jack Hibbs : Comeback California 2024 (Psalm 33:12)

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Jack Hibbs : Comeback California 2024 (Psalm 33:12)

“Tonight marks a significant evening, as it kicks off a special week leading to this upcoming Sunday, always an exciting day for us. Following our activities this Sunday, we typically receive numerous letters from people, some of whom report us to the IRS and the Department of Justice. Interestingly, we annually send one sermon to these entities, under our attorney’s guidance, challenging the Johnson Amendment. Some pastors cite this amendment as a reason for their silence on issues, but we’ve discovered it often serves as a shield. Unlike them, we choose to speak truthfully.

To begin this evening, let’s reflect on Psalm 33:12, ‘Blessed is the nation…’ This verse, beloved by our founding fathers, extends its blessing not just to Israel but to any nation whose people honor the Lord. Our foundation lies in the unity found in Christ, where distinctions such as Jew or Gentile, male or female, slave or free, dissolve.

We are fortunate to reside in a constitutional republic, a gift from our forefathers and the Pilgrim Fathers, distinct from a democracy. Across the United States, voting is currently underway, breaking records as seen recently in Georgia with unprecedented voter turnout.

Before I continue, let me emphasize: we are not voting for personalities but policies. In early America, voting was a privilege tied to ownership or business ownership, ensuring voters had a stake in their nation’s future. Today, this principle remains relevant: voting should reflect informed choices about governance, not based on superficial factors like race or gender. Policy, not personality, should guide our decisions.

Stay tuned for more insights throughout the evening.”

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