Unshakeable Trust Part 1| Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer

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Unshakeable Trust Part 1| Radio Podcast | Joyce Meyer

Join Joyce Meyer in part 1 of her series “Unshakeable Trust,” where she teaches how faith enables us to trust God through life’s most difficult moments. Discover how to let go of bitterness, embrace God’s justice, and experience peace even when things are out of your control. Learn to rely on God as your Vindicator and receive double blessings for your troubles.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

[Music] welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life with New York Times bestselling author Joyce Meyer on today’s program Joyce will be teaching from her series what is Faith and how does it work faith is how we’re able to trust what we cannot see when we put our faith in God and choose to believe his word as Truth for our daily lives it means we are trusting his will for us faith is what allows God’s power to work in our lives now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching well how many of you are going through
something pretty difficult right now in your life something that you are really needing to trust God about amen you know we trust God for things that we want which we all do but we also trust God when we’re going through things and it’s that trusting him that allows us to go ahead and enjoy our lives even while we don’t yet have everything that we would like to have see part of the beauty of being a Believer is that you can have a problem and still enjoy your life you can have a problem and still have
peace Jesus said my peace I leave with you not as the world gives do I give unto you but my own special peace I give to you and then he says so stop allowing yourselves to be upset and Disturbed well he has a responsibility and we have a responsibility first Peter chap 2: 23 I actually have this scripture on a sign and it’s hanging on my office wall that’s how much I like it when he was reviled and insulted he did not revile or offer insult in return when he was abused and suffered he made no threats of Vengeance but he
trusted himself and everything to him who judges fairly just imagine how amazing life would be if we could trust God all the time in everything all the time in every thing well Jesus was probably mistreated more than any person on Earth has ever been mistreated and yet he didn’t really trouble himself about it because he trusted God to be his Vindicator and to bring Justice in his life one of the character traits about God that I love the most is that the Bible says is a God of Justice you know what that means he
makes every wrong thing right have you ever been mistreated by somebody ever been oh maybe maybe you’re working real hard at work but you’re the one that always gets looked over for the promotion you don’t get the pay raises that you should get and maybe somebody else that’s not working nearly as hard as you seems to get all the things that you feel like you deserves that ever happened to anybody no happened to me you know what those are the great times to say God I’m going to trust you to be my Vindicator if we can trust God
to get to us what he wants us to have instead of looking to people to give us what we want life is going to get a lot better if you’ve got your eyes on somebody else and you’re expecting them to give you what you want you need to get them off that person day and you need to get them on God because God is the only one that can give us true promotion in our lives when he was reviled and insulted did not revile or offer insults in return when he was mistreated when he was abused when people treated him wrong
instead of getting all upset and trying to get them back and making his own plan about how he was going to handle things he trusted himself and everything to him who judges fairly now if you watched my TV program or have you read many of my books or any of my books you know that I was abused by my dad when I was a child and although my mother knew about it because one time she caught him one time I told her she didn’t do anything about it because she lived in absolute fear so I was abused by my dad abandoned by my
mother and really really mistreated in the early years of my life nobody should have to go through the kinds of things that many of us do go through in our lives and I married the first guy that came along because I thought nobody would ever want me and then he ran around with other women and he was a petty thief and so the first 23 years of my life I didn’t know much but pain and mistreatment well I came out of that bitter and resentful and blaming and although I was a Christian you know you can be a Christian and still have all
those bad attitudes and all those things rolling around in you that don’t need to be rolling around in you so we don’t want to just trust God to Go to Heaven someday when we die Christianity is about a lot more than that we want to trust God for everything in our lives all the time amen trust him for everything all the time and one of the things that we want to trust God for is to be our Vindicator to take wrong things and make them right well when I finally found that out and I started really trusting God to vindicate me I
don’t have time to tell you all the stories but it’s amazing the things that God has done for me and my life and the positions that he has put me in the influence he has allowed me to have and I know that I know that only God could do it and I tell you if you will now listen what I’m going to say if you will stop trying so hard to take care of yourself and stop trying so hard to make sure that you get what’s do you and stop being mad at everybody who’s not giving you what you want and you give God a
chance you will be amazed at what God will will do in your life let me tell you something God can give you favor and put you places where no man can ever put you and where you certainly could not put you right so anytime that somebody mistreats you the first thing you want to do is say God I refuse to be mad at them because that’s only going to steal my life but I am going to trust you to bring Justice into my life in Isaiah 61: 7 and 8 some of the scriptures that I held on to for many years that really brought me through a
lot of the things that I went through instead of your farmer shame you’ll have a two-fold reward instead of Dishonor and reproach your people shall rejoice in their portion therefore in their land they shall possess double what they forfeited and everlasting Joy shall be theirs you know when the enemy comes against you one way the the Bible says he has to flee before you seven ways what man takes away from you God will give you back double and more if you put your trust in him is there anybody in the building today that would like to have
double for your [Applause] trouble God is a rewarder he’s not a Punisher God is a rewarder the rewarder of those who diligently seek him so when you get your eyes off of what everybody has done to you and you get your eyes on what God can do for you he becomes your rewarder and you will be amazed at all the things that God will do for you God has he’s he’s given me a position many times in the midst of men I was the first and the only woman that ever sat on the board of our church and this was when I was in a large
denominational Church where women didn’t really do those kinds of things and i’ found that over and over in my life I I’ll be doing these things where I’m the only woman doing it and I asked God one time how do I end up in these positions all the time and you know what he put in my heart men abused you and I will always give you a place of honor among [Applause] men and see I’m glad you’re happy for me but I want the same thing to happen to you I’m not here today just to tell you
my great story of success but I I want you to know that God is no respector of persons and what he does for one person he will do for another but it’s not going to happen if we don’t trust him trust him and trusting God means that we stop trying to make things happen ourselves and we wait on God how many love waiting we wait on God it’s a painful word even to say it and God doesn’t do it when we’d like him to or the way we’d like him to but I can promise you today if you will keep your eyes on God and
trust him to be your recompense and to be your reward and to be your Vindicator you will get double blessings for your farmer trouble amen how many of you feel like that let’s put it like this you know when you’ve been hurt there’s a feeling there that well somebody owes me I’m do something I want to be paid back you ever felt that it’s like and so if we’re not careful we can go through life with this little chip on our shoulder they’re like well the world owes me something but the thing that we do that is a
mistake many times is we’re trying to collect from people that can’t pay us I did that for a long time because men had mistreated me I was trying to collect from all the rest of the men in the world and so I had an attitude toward men that wasn’t healthy and even when Dave and I got married and was a wonderful husband I had been hurt by so many men that I just had an attitude and I was trying to get Dave to pay me back for what somebody else had taken away from me and Matthew 18 says that when the when the guy was trying to get the
person who owed them the money to pay him back the Bible says and he could not pay and he could not pay and boy when I got a hold of that I thought people can’t pay me back nobody can pay me back for the childhood that my father stole from me I can never go back and do that childhood over but you know what God can make me have such a wonderful life in my 40s and 50s and 60s and 70s while I’m at [Applause] now is anybody here ready to let God pay you back all right well you know what then you have to do things God’s way and not
man’s way listen to this scripture Psalm 1473 he heals the Brokenhearted and he binds up their wounds curing their pains and their sorrows you know broken hearts do mend bodies do heal disappointment turns into new dreams and the end of one thing can open the door for something new if we will just put our trust in God you know what if you’re still here on the planet God’s got a plan for you I said if you’re still here you’re breathing God got a plan for you he’s not finished with you yet now many of
you go to this church and so you know Pastor Charles of course amen I can tell you guys really love him and so that tells me that he’s pretty good at what he’s doing amen and I know from personal conversations how committed he is to this church and and just how meaningful it is to him and I’ve had the bless thing of knowing him for a few years we don’t get to spend a lot of time together but I I do know him to some degree and I was around when the terrible tragedy happened where his beautiful young wife died with cancer
and I asked him if it was right for me to talk about this a little bit and he said that it was because he said something to me after that happened that I thought was absolutely amazing and I would like it to be something that you think about as we go through this message today she was what happened to her should not have happened you’re not going to find a reason for that you’re not going to find a place to put it in some neat little package where we can all understand it and feel okay about it it just was a
terrible thing she was a woman of Faith a Godly woman helping other people they’re pastoring a church she gets sick everybody prays expecting Miracles and God takes her home by the way I do want to tell you that she is healed today because the minute that you pass into heaven I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately you know so often when we pray for a healing and we don’t get it or we pray for somebody else to be healed and they don’t get it that’s really not accurate they do get it they do because the minute that you
pass from here to your heavenly home everything is made perfect in the twinkling of an eye in a moment everything is made perfect and I don’t know what is the best that I have ever looked or the best condition I’ve ever been in but whatever it is that’s the way I’m going to live for eternity when I get to heaven no wrinkles no fat no cellulites nothing like that it’s all just going to be good stuff amen everyone will go through hard times in life but God works good out of everything if we trust him today we’re
offering unshakable trust for a gift of any amount in this book Joyce encourages readers to believe that regardless of the past God has a great plan in store for our future request your copy now at Joyce meyer.org or call tollfree at800 78989 your gift today and your partnership with Joyce Meer Ministries allows us to share the love of Christ around the world thank you for listening to Enjoying Everyday Life have a blessed day have you been looking for a 365-day devotional well look no further than the promises for your everyday life
devotional from Joyce Meyer there’s a focus verse for all 365 days of the year along with a prayer starter get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at Joy me.org 365 devvo the biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of verses in
this beautiful hard cover book by Joyce Meyer discover the transformative power of His word words to live by from Joyce Meyer get your YouTube exclusive offer today go to joy.org sords and the number two have you ever been trapped in a never-ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur leaving you gasping for a chance to pause and catch your breath in her insightful book pursuing peace Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs this beautiful hard cover Edition is filled with meaningful scriptures and
uplifting quotes from Joyce providing valuable guidance for living a peaceful lifestyle so grab a cup of coffee find a comfortable spot and embark on your journey to find peace remember this limited time YouTube offer won’t last long go to Joy me.org pursuit to get your copy today and start your Pursuit Of [Music] Peace the Mind actually is the battlefield that’s where we win or lose the war with Satan he said all he gets to say rest of the day is mine you start asking God to heal you and he will restore he the God of all comfort and I
am so grateful that I know how to call on God [Music]
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