Thankful Saturday Blessings October 05, 2024

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Thankful Saturday Blessings

Dear God, thank You for this day. Thank You for being the one I can lean on each and every day. Thank You for being my Shepherd. Through every moment, I know that with You, I lack nothing. I’m so grateful that I can trust You with all of my worries. I put my anxiety into Your hands and place my trust fully in You. I stand in faith, knowing that You hold all power in Your hands. Your grace is enough for me. Thank You for guiding me through every single chapter of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” -Psalm 91:2

Father, thank You for giving me every reason to believe You for above and beyond the natural. Thank You that nothing and no one is more powerful than You, and I can believe You for the extraordinary. I believe that You are going to show out in my life as You did with Joshua. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, thank you for this new day you have given me and for allowing me to witness the wonders you have created for me and all your beloved children. I feel blessed because you shower me with endless fruits of your love and mercy. Thank you for blessing me unconditionally, and I can feel the fatherly love you pour into my life.

May my life be a constant song of praise to you because you are my support, my strength, and my refuge at all times. I surrender this day to you, trusting that you will guide me along paths that draw me closer to you. I don’t want anything to divert my attention from the journey as I continue working on the holiness you have planned for me. Give me the humility to acknowledge my mistakes and the courage to correct them. Touch my heart, removing any negative emotions. Don’t let my fears and insecurities lead me away from your will.

Thank you for not abandoning me in the midst of my struggles. You are always with me, giving me the strength to keep going. Your presence in my life brings peace and serenity; when I feel you close, everything within me calms down. You are my shelter in storms, my comfort in sorrow, and my guide at life’s crossroads.

Fill me with kindness and joy, so that those who are with me may come closer and see in my life a reflection of you. Give me a happy day, and teach me to share happiness with others. Let my smile be a testimony of your love in me.

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Thank you, beloved Jesus, for being my faithful friend. I rely on you in every moment, in every breath, and with every step I take. There is nothing more beautiful than being in your presence. Take me each day, so I may become better. Help me nurture the seed of your word so that it grows and bears the fruit of your love.

Good Father, do not let me falter in my journey of following you. I cling to you because in you, I find my happiness and my salvation. Thank you for revealing yourself clearly in my life and giving me the wisdom to recognize your loving presence in my story.

Today, open my heart so you can restore and heal it, making it better every day. Help me to find you more, accept myself as I am, and above all, love myself so that I can live in peace and happiness with who I am and what I can do. Let my life be a living testimony of your presence, and may my actions reflect your love in every moment. I place all my plans in your hands and ask for your help in accomplishing them with the strength of your Holy Spirit.

Lord, this morning, I commit to living joyfully. Help me proclaim you in every action I take today.


During this day, I consecrate my efforts in daily work as a praise to God so that all my activities may be done in His name.
The heavens proclaim the glory of God; the skies display the work of His hands. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known.
(Psalm 19)

May the Lord bless us this day.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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