The End-Time Return Of Messiah To The Jewish People | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The End-Time Return Of Messiah To The Jewish People | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn reveals the depth and beauty of being grafted in as a believer in Messiah and the calling of all his people.


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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

and the fact is if you’re Italian or German or African-American or Latin American or Asian you’re more Jewish than you ever were because you grafted in cuz what’s is more Jewish than following the Jewish Messiah he’s in you you’re a child of Israel God did reveal that the gospel had to go to the Gentiles Messiah said had to go to All Peoples and he didn’t say anything about circumcision he said go Make Disciples of all Nations so went to went to Jerusalem then Samaria the Samar Judea Samaritans then Antioch then
the world so sometimes he even leads by what he doesn’t say and that tells you something there see God never said anything about the circumcision I mean I mean nothing about saying you have to be in the New Testament in the New Covenant he actually says you don’t have to see see here’s a here’s an issue if God doesn’t dwell on something and he doesn’t dwell on something in the new test New Covenant scriptures then you don’t dwell on it either very simple even if you got points even if you’re right
about something if God’s not dwelling on it in our Salvation you don’t dwell on it if he doesn’t consider it crucial or the main thing you don’t either that kind of just puts all those things aside arguing over the Sabbath arguing over that don’t argue do what you want but don’t argue over it but the cool thing is they came to the right decision there’s nothing saying an angel came and said here this the right decision or there was Supernatural or there’s even a prophecy nothing we don’t know about
anything they just they just came to it so so what if they didn’t well the answer is they were they had to because God was going to make sure they did God works through the natural the Supernatural and the natural he’s not going to let his plan fall apart because we’re we’re flaking out he guided them he knew every detail he knew every atom in there being at that meeting and he was he was going to make sure everything was going to guide to that decision see sometimes it looks in your life that
things are hanging by a thread but that thread in God is an iron thread it do you know it might be look like a last thing but it’s going to go if you’re in God it’s going to go that way or a golden thread that cannot be broken it might be very thin and might say oh man everything is hanging on this thing but it’s God’s thread you know you know it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if you know God brings things about whether it’s by um you have you know by by the first minute or the last minute he has a way of doing
that usually it’s a last minute so he can build your faith cuz the first minute doesn’t build your faith the last minute does or whether it’s by Victory by many or by few whether it’s with the odds or totally against the odds it doesn’t matter to God it’s the same thread you know when I went to India on a mission there was death all around us and I’ve been to many places but nothing was as dangerous as that we were pursued and we had it and when we looked later on the film there’s at least 200 people
pursuing trying to get to me and at every moment we it could have ended but God kept giving this word that do not fear my right hand will hold you and nothing will happen but but it looked like every second we were we were so close in the natural it’s like you’re you’re staring down a lion a lion is breathing on you and God says don’t worry about it well you don’t have to cuz nothing’s going to come there but but it but it it doesn’t always look like it he knows your frame he knows
everything about you as long as you seek him he’ll guide you amen amen they end up doing the right thing why cuz they had the right theology no cuz they loved God they were they were open to God they were open Lord what is your will they were surrendered what you not what we think what do you think if you love God you follow him you’re surrendered to his will your will first you’re going to get there the the Magi didn’t know God they were off the wall they were astrologers they were into the occult but that was
all they knew but their hearts were seeking God so he made sure because their hearts were seeking God even though they had no knowledge of what I mean very little knowledge of what the right thing was they got right to the exact spot in Bethlehem that’s how it is with God if you’re following him if you’re truly seeking him your heart is right to seek him more you’re going to get there even if you don’t understand everything else you’re going to get there it’s amazing because today we’re living like in the
opposite of this or actually the the kind of the kind of sealing of this CU back then back then it was like now the big thing was the Gospel to go from the Jewish people to the world to the Gentile but now we’re at the time where the gospel is coming back to Israel coming back to the Jewish people coming back to the its roots the church is coming more and more back to its roots the true people of God so it’s actually the opposite now now Jewish people are coming in it’s funny because you know today well actually back then they would
they would be asking if they said I’m a gentile they’d say and you’re a follower of Jesus because this is a Jewish thing and yet you know today it’s it’s it’s really the opposite you know if you’re Jewish you know you say you’re Jewish you know and I believe in Jesus you believe in Jesus well so you’re a converted Jew well yeah but I didn’t convert from being Jewish I converted from being from being in sin you know it’s like saying I con I’m Italian and I converted from being Italian but people
don’t do that if you’re Italian they don’t say oh you’re a converted Italian am you know so that’s kind of weird it’s said you know I didn’t convert from that or okay you’re a completed je like I got to come up with some way to figure this thing out back then that’s it was the opposite it was that and if you weren’t if you weren’t Jewish they’d say well how could you be this well God is now opening the door going back going back the thing is it’s not only for me
that I can say to somebody I said not only I’m still Jewish I’m more Jewish than I ever was be back before I had Jesus Yeshua I was not nearly as Jewish as I am now and the fact is if you’re Italian or German or African-American or Latin American or Asian you’re more Jewish than you ever were because you’re grafted him cuz what is more Jewish than following the Jewish Messiah he’s in you you’re a child of Israel well someone say now you’re under the New Covenant you should eat
ham come on you’re not under the law come on yes I am free to eat ham but do not put me under the law of of ham the fact is we are free it is time for the well let me tell you I didn’t plan this let me I I should probably shouldn’t but I don’t know I’m like story is told of a Jewish man in it’s like in the Middle Ages and he comes in and to accept Jesus and the church says to him says okay you know they they sprinkle water on him water on him okay you’re not a Jew anymore you know you’re
a Christian you know so they say okay here it is and on Fridays you don’t eat meat anymore you eat fish so they’re all eating fish and they all they smell this this filet manang coming from Marty’s house and they said what’s going on what’s going you said remember you don’t eat you’re you’re a Christian you don’t eat you don’t eat steak and by the way this is not in the Bible but you don’t eat steak on Friday you Friday next day next week it’s again they’re spelling it
it’s fan they said what are you doing how can you eat this they said oh I didn’t I said well they said no I it’s not they said it’s the steak said no it’s not it’s a fish what do you mean say I took the fish I sprinkled water I said you’re not a fish you’re not a f Ste anymore you’re a fish you know okay it’s not in the Bible but that’s the point you don’t change that it is time now God is bringing back this what he did back then where like in the other side of it he’s
bringing back the the other branches coming back into the Olive Tree that’s what’s happening so it’s time now we’re on the reverse to receive back it’s on the church is turning back towards its Ro the true church is turning back all over the world there the Israel and the Jewish people have never been as when actually and the Christians and Israel have never been as joined together as they are this day to this day from the book of Acts that’s the first time when the two comes together what
will it be says Paul it will be life from the dead it will be Resurrection it will be blessings and Messiah will come is it possible that behind the events Transforming Our Nation and your life New York Times bestselling office Jonathan Khan reveals the stunning mystery and what it has to do with your life what does the future hold the Josiah Manifesto the ancient Myster and guide for the end times the book you can’t afford not to read available in wherever books are sold

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