Thankful Monday Blessings August 26, 2024
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Thankful Monday Blessings!
Dear God, it’s a beautiful day, and I thank You for another day of life. You put air in my lungs. You covered and protected me as I slept last night. I’m so thankful that Your mercies are new every morning. As I step into this day, I will put You first before everything that happens. Your word in Matthew 6:33 says, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you. God, I seek You first. I’m tired of trying to do things my way. I surrender my heart, my dreams, and my will into Your hands. I love You, and I thank You for simply being who You are. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. -Psalm 34:4
The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace. – Numbers 6:24-26
Heavenly Father, as I read Numbers 6, I ask that this Monday Your beautiful face would shine upon me. That You O’ Lord would give me peace and favor. Help me to draw closer to You today. In Jesus name, amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
On this beautiful morning, dear Father, I feel blessed to witness the beauty you bring to my day. In the golden rays of sunlight streaming through my window, I see your watchful gaze, ensuring my well-being. Lord, I ask you to guide me throughout this day, helping me overcome any challenges that come my way. Please stay by my side, so that evil has no power over me, and nothing can cause me to stumble.
I trust completely that no matter what happens today, you will never abandon me. Thank you for being present in every circumstance, lifting me from distress. This morning, I offer you my life; purify it from anything that displeases you. Grant me a renewed mind, filled solely with thoughts of you, and guide me by your will. You heal my soul, mind, and spirit, and with the gifts you bestow upon me, may you dwell within me.
Remove all negative thoughts from my mind, and let me always focus on your love and power. You are my shepherd, my guide, my sustenance, and my protector, and I am certain that I lack nothing. I ask you to fill my heart with love and wisdom, so I may act according to your plan for my life. Loving Father, do not let me falter on the path of following you.
Today, I offer you this prayer because I know my day will be filled with blessings, and I trust that you will fulfill my requests. I am confident that the presence of your Holy Spirit encourages me to fight bravely. Remove the vanity of superficial things from my heart, and make me humble, recognizing that without you, I am nothing and have nothing.
Prayer of the Day: 365 Days of Prayer for Life: Daily Prayer Devotional
I want my trust to always be placed in you, for you never fail and never abandon me. I need your help to take control of all my problems and give me the strength to let go of things that do not serve me. Eliminate all feelings that chain me, rob me of peace, steal my freedom, and take away my friendship with you.
I ask you to keep my family and friends in your loving arms so they can solve their problems and achieve their goals. Bless all the decisions I make today. Take my heart and fill it with your peace, serenity, and love.
Beloved God, on this beautiful morning, I ask you to be my guide throughout this new day, so I may always fulfill your will. Amen.
Thank you, God, for my family and friends. I pray for their well-being and protection throughout their lives. “In danger, I called upon the Lord, and He heard me, placing me in safety. The Lord is my strength and my energy; He is my salvation.” (Psalm 117)