Change Your Mind – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

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Change Your Mind – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

If you don’t like change, you might need to change your mind, because God is the only thing in life that doesn’t change. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses embracing change and so much more.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

How many of you could use an attitude adjustment today? You know what?
Your attitude belongs to you and nobody can make you have a bad one if you don’t want to.
Come on. I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I lead that god can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Isn’t it marvelous how god changes us. It is phenomenal.
He changes us. I mean, I’m I can honestly say that I am not even like the same person that I was 40 years ago when I first got I was I was in church a long time, and David and I’ve been married 56 years, so we were we were in church before that, but 45 years ago, God touched me and I got real serious about studying the word.
Started getting my mind renewed.
And, I my mind was so messed up because of being sexually abused by my father and my mother knew what he was doing and let him do and then I married the first guy that came along, because I thought nobody would ever want me.
And that was another 5 years of misery on top of that.
Not only did my dad abused me, but my grandfather tried my 2 of my uncles.
I mean, there was just a spirit of incest in that family.
And I won’t get into all the details of that, but many of you know by the time you go through something like that, you’re pretty messed up.
And so my life was rooted in fear and fear invaded all of my thinking, although I came across as bold, I had a lot of unusual fears in my life.
And I had to have my mind renewed. I had to learn, so you cannot have.
You cannot have the life that God sent Jesus, he he sent Jesus to die for you to have a wonderful life, not just to go to heaven someday, but to have a wonderful life.
I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.
John 1010 says the thief, the devil comes only to kill, to steal, and destroy.
But I came that you might have and enjoy your life.
Enjoy your life. I can tell you I didn’t know how to enjoy anything.
You know, I never I mean, when I was in my twenties, I couldn’t remember ever really having fun or being relaxed.
I was always afraid and tense and concerned about what was gonna happen next.
And it was already giving me health problems because you can’t live under that kind of stress and not have health problems.
Now maybe you weren’t sexually abused, but many of you grew up in a dysfunctional family.
There’s very few people that grow up in the leave it to beaver kind of family, you know, where mom and dad are great and they, you know, I mean, it some of you do, and I want to tell you, you have no idea what kind of a blessing it is.
To grow up like that.
But most of us grow up with some kind of dysfunction, and we we learn the devil starts lying to us from the time we’re little.
And one of the things the devil had me convinced of is that because I had been abused, I could never have a really good life.
It would always have to be 2nd rate. And so what you believe is what you settle for.
You know, that you’re not ever gonna get beyond what you believe no matter what Jesus died to do for you, you’re not ever gonna get beyond what you believe.
That’s why we have to study this book I don’t even like to say read the Bible anymore.
Everybody says, read your Bible. I think you need to study your Bible.
I don’t you know, we can quickly read something and not get very much out of it.
But when you study it, when you go over and over and over it, the measure Mark IV says the measure of thought and study that you give to the truth that you hear is the measure of virtue and knowledge that will come back to you again.
It’s not all of my study and me preaching one sermon that’s gonna change you.
It’s you taking what you hear this weekend and going home and meditating on it and thinking about it and seeing how does this apply to my life.
You know, is there something you want me to change?
Is there am I doing something in a way that you don’t want me to do it?
One of the girls who travels with us said I her last night.
She had to get on the phone and call her husband and apologize.
So, you know, after being here this weekend, you may have to go do some things might have to undo some things that you’ve done the wrong way.
But the renewal of the mind, Romans 12two says it and says it very plainly.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world.
But be transformed which means entirely changed by the renewing of the mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what god’s will is, his good, pleasing, and perfect will.
So it’s basically saying the only way you can prove out or live in this wonderful life that God has for you is to learn how to think the way God thinks.
Amen? How many of you have a ways to go in learning how to think the way God thinks?
So we could just start by saying, I mean, I could just say go home and learn how to be positive and That would probably take you a long time.
Do you know how it would change our life just to be positive instead of negative?
Just how about just believing the best of everybody like 1st Corinthians 13¢?
What happens if you believe the best instead of believing the worst? Come on.
Stay with me today. Uh, apply this to you. I’m not here just talking for my health.
Like I said, I turned 80 this year, you know, I I don’t have to be doing this.
I’m doing this because I love you and I believe that there’s a wonderful life for all of us through Christ.
But so many people are missing it because they’re waiting.
They they want god to do all this stuff, but they’re not doing their part.
We pray for god to do everything, but are we doing what god’s telling us to do?
Make time in your schedule to study the word.
Make time in your schedule. Spend some time with god every day.
It doesn’t even really matter what you do.
I mean, you can listen to music, you can sit there and cry, you can pray, you can Read a book by somebody.
Joyce Myers got a lot of good books.
I’ve heard Listen to teachings, podcasts, whatever, but get the word in you.
Every chance you have get the word in you and keep renewing your mind. The devil is real.
He is working very hard to destroy you, and he is a genius, but only at evil.
The devil is a genius at evil.
And I think we forget how real he is.
Now he’s always around the devil roams around like a lion roaring and fierce hunger seeking whom he may devour all the time.
He’s just roaming around. And you know where he’s always at where something good is happening?
The moment you decide you’re gonna get up and start praying every morning, I mean, literally all hell will break loose.
Your phone will ring. Your kids will cry. The doorbell will ring. You’ll itch.
You’ll have to go to the bathroom. You get it’s like Come on.
You’ll get sleepy. You know what I’m talking about?
And so if you want, how many of you really wanna have a life Jesus died to give you?
Okay. Then I’m gonna tell you, you’re gonna have to fight for it.
You gotta fight the good fight of faith, and you can’t be wimpy, you can’t give up easy.
When you make a decision to do something good, and the devil comes against you, just say, do your best.
I’m not giving up. I don’t care how many times you knock me down?
I’m gonna get up and I’m gonna do it again. And I’m gonna do it again.
And I’m gonna do it again and I’m gonna do it again until I have the victory.
I did not get from where I was to where I am today.
By just waiting for god to do everything for me. Amen?
I have put 1000 and 1000 of hours into studying the word.
Don’t be confined to this world, but have your mind renewed according to the word of god.
We don’t even know how messed up our thinking is. Until we start learning the word.
The Bible says that the word is like a mirror.
You look into it and you see how Jesus is and you see how far you have to go.
You know, it’s like you can have dirt all over your face and not even know it till you look in a mirror.
And that, you know, I didn’t I didn’t know how messed up I was, So I started studying the word, I thought all my problems was somebody else’s fault.
And I used the excuse of my abuse. Well, I was abused.
I was abused. I was abused. Well, yeah, I was. But god was willing to heal me.
You can’t use the things that people have done to you are your unfair whatever in your life as an excuse to have bad behavior the rest of your life.
You gotta let go of that stuff.
Draw the line in the sand and say that is what happened.
But you know what you can do? You can use all that as good education to help somebody else.
That’s really what I’m doing. I’m using everything that happened to me to help you.
And to tell you you can overcome anything the devil has done to you and god has always had a good plan for you and he has not changed his mind.
He still has a good plan for you.
And you you should be full of hope and believe that good things are gonna happen in your life.
You say, well, Joyce, you don’t know. What a mess I’ve got in my life. It doesn’t really matter.
God is able. You know, it may take some time to undo it, but you don’t have a you don’t have anything better to do.
Well, I mean, what do you have to do that’s any better than spending the rest of your life getting yourself straightened out?
You don’t have anybody anything better to do.
I used to hate myself, and now I just I like myself And that may sound strange, but you know how important it is to like yourself?
I mean, you, you don’t ever get away from yourself.
You can’t even go to the bathroom without you.
You know, you know how miserable it is to even spend the afternoon with a relative you don’t like?
Well, I mean, you’re with you all the time.
And if you don’t like yourself, man, you are in for trouble. You gotta like yourself.
Quit thinking about everything that’s wrong with you, and just think about the awesome wonder of what God has created when he created you.
I mean, just what it takes for our body to function for one day is mind blowing.
It’s just amazing.
I watch some of these health programs that I just, I think. My gosh.
What God has done. I mean, when you think of the universe, all the different solar systems the stars, the sun, how the earth rotates.
It’s just, it’s like, god upholds everything. Wow. Alright.
If you want your behavior to change, which I think we all do.
You probably wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t.
Maybe a few of you came just to see what I look like in person but You know, if you were here last night and you came back today, then you

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