You’re Still Covered | Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
You’re Still Covered | Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Freedom isn’t free. It requires trust in God, especially during uncertain times. In moments like these, you may feel exposed and vulnerable — similar to how the Israelites felt in the wilderness after their Egyptian exodus. But through it all, God is still with you! His expression just might look different. He is the God of breakthrough and the God of follow-through that will sustain you in uncharted territory. He provided bread from heaven for the hungry Israelites, teaching them to rely on Him daily. So stay connected, and let His presence be your source of strength in times of struggle.
[Music] I’m in Exodus chapter 16 verses 3 through eight my husband and I we got back from South Africa on Tuesday and I have to tell you I’d never been to South Africa before and there was such a desperation such a hunger for the presence of God that I ask God not can you help me match the hunger as in fill it but God help me to receive whatever it is you have decided to pour out in South Africa it could be so easy to walk into environments and think to yourself that I’m coming to bring something but God told me very.
specifically do not go to South Africa thinking that you’re coming to bring something I want you to go ready to receive when you go into New Opportunities don’t always think about what you bring to the table think about what you can receive and there was this moment when we were in Ministry there in South Africa and the worship was powerful and PT and I tag teamed preach and PT did his part and PT preached everything from Genesis to Revelation I said now Lord what am I going to say I mean what am I going to say and.
they didn’t gave me 45 minutes and he didn’t preach Genesis to Revelation and God said just surrender to the flow just surrender to the flow and what I learned while in South Africa ministering is that there is a frequency I wish I could say this the right way that is always available to us that we cannot always tap into because we’re so worried about bringing our own sound but if you dare to wait on God to wait on the sound God says you can catch his frequency and his frequency is always going to be better than your.
frequency and when I tell you I literally left so much more full than when I went and it actually made me so excited for woman evolve because I know what happens when hunger gets in the room and surrender gets in the room and I just want you to know if you have not registered for woman evolve I am telling you right now that God has already assigned an opportunity for encounter that is going to radically change the way that you show up in the world when God gave me the theme for woman evolved this year you know I my book was called.
power moves I usually like words that kind of like Get You motivated and encouraged and God gave me the the word surrender and believe it or not people are afraid of the word surrender because for them they think surrender is defeat and surrender when you’ve already experience loss and grief sounds like a price that you cannot pay but one thing that I learned in South Africa that I want you to understand about surrender is that surrender in God is never defe defeat surrender in God is an exchange that leads to Victory and if we are.
willing to lay down our plans and lay down our will we get to tap into what God knows about us sometimes we cannot step into God’s identity we can’t step into God’s vision for who we are because we are not willing to surrender what we thought our life should look like I believe God gave me the word surrender because there is something that he wants to give specifically a generation of women women and he wants them to be willing to lay it all down so that he can show them how to be raised up with.
strength and courage and insight and wisdom and Clarity and vision and so I want you to know that there is no time like the present to tap into what God is doing in the earth I want to invite you and every woman you know to come to woman evolve and they’re running a special right now you can get $25 off I’m going to give you the real you can give $50 off if you use surrender 50 50 I know they’re going to update the system right now even as I’m speaking you can get $50 off registration if you.
register for woman evolved conference I am telling you God has never failed to make his presence evident if you’ve been to woman evolved can you just make some noise If you experience I am telling you don’t be afraid to come on your own there are women who said I came by myself and I left with a prayer partner I came by myself and I never felt like I was alone because God allowed me to be in the presence of God with such intensity that it felt like it was just me and God and so I want to make sure that you all know.
about this special but most importantly that you’re beginning to position your heart for what God wants to do in the area of surrender as it relates to you if you don’t remember anything else that I said please remember this surrender in God is never defeat never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging for bread it doesn’t mean that the righteous never had to surrender urer it just means they never lost when they surrendered and it is not until we’re willing to lay it all down that we.
get an impartation that allows us to stand up to whatever God has for us I want to make sure that you all have that information Exodus chapter 16 verses 3-8 the hardest part of speaking for me is coming up with the title so I’m not going to give one God told me at first you’re still covered was the topic you’re still covered we’ll see what happens context when we enter this part of the Bible in Exodus Moses has successfully delivered the children of Hebrew from Egypt and as they have been delivered from Egypt they.
find themselves in the Wilderness at this point in the text they are exactly one month out of captivity and as they are one month out of captivity they’re having to learn what all freedom is going to look like they had an idea of what Liberation would look like and now they’re living with the reality of it one of those realities is that they don’t have food as easily accessible to them as they had before and the children of Israel said to them this is to Moses and Aaron oh that we had died by the hand of the Lord.
in the land of Egypt when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the fool for you have brought us into this Wilderness to kill this whole assembly with Hunger then the Lord said to Moses behold I will reain bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day that I may test them whether they will walk in my law or not and it shall be on the sixth day that they shall prepare what they bring in and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily then Moses and Aaron said to all the children of.
Israel at evening you shall know that the Lord has brought you out of the land of Egypt and in the morning you shall see the glory of the Lord for he hears your complaints against the Lord but what are we that you complain against us also Moses said this shall be seen when the Lord gives you meat to eat in the evening and in the morning bread for the fool for the Lord hears your complaints which you make against him and what are we your complaints are not against us but against the Lord Spirit of the Living God I need.
you clear my mind open my heart give me your pace your wisdom I’m I’m asking you God for wisdom insight for prophecy I’m asking that you would fill me with love first that I may be rooted in the consciousness of Your Love second that your love would overflow through me and into the hearts of those in this room into those watching online and even into those who will watch this later thank you God for being mindful of us thank you for sending this word now help me to release it and for this word to land on good fertile ground that it.
would take root and produce fruit in Jesus name I pray amen amen can you all help me thank Nia cotton for her worship today thank you so much for being here we love you we honor you you can tell when someone’s just performing and when someone came to literally show us the heart of God and we thank you so much for letting us sit at the feet of Jesus we don’t take it lightly and we don’t take it for granted thank you for the price you paid outside of this moment to lead us into this moment we honor you and thank you can.
you guys help me again just thank NAA it is not uncommon When We’re Young to romanticize adulthood we think to ourselves when I get grown when I become an adult I’m going to be free I’m going to be free from restrictions nobody’s going to tell me what to do I’m not going to have no curfew doesn’t take very long if I may borrow from a country song to realize that freedom ain’t free baby Freedom that freedom comes at a real price that mortgage comes every month freedom I couldn’t wait to become an adult so.
that I could stay up all night now if I don’t go to bed by 8:00 I can’t even adult properly I need to be home and in the bed okay it’s just not it didn’t give what it was supposed to give and we try to tell children all the time just wait for it eventually you’re going to have all of these responsibilities it’s going to be worth them but we don’t listen and then we all find ourselves in the same situation wishing that we could just go back back to school they don’t even let you off I’m G to stop complaining but I.
just want you to know that like I don’t think kids should have summer off because it does not prepare you for the real world baby cuz this job don’t care nothing about July August or September they want me to come and I’m trying to be on summer break I think they don’t care talking about PTO I never heard of her who is she I don’t know what’s more traumatic the frequency of the bills and the responsibilities or this reality that I feel like no one ever talks about and that is that as you become an adult it.
also changes the lens in which you look at your heroes from a certain vantage point when you’re a child and you look at your Heroes you see them as perfect and without flaws and you think they have all of the answers and they never struggle and they never have insecurities and then you become an adult and you begin to realize because you’re struggling as an adult to figure out what the answers are that the people who raised you must have been trying to figure things out on their own as well you learned that not only did.
adults not always have all the answers sometimes they didn’t even know what the questions were not only were they tucking you into SLE they were probably crying themselves as sleep at night while they were making sure that you were provided for there were some people who were still nursing their own emptiness and their own voids I think one of the most difficult parts of adulthood is seeing the humanity and your Heroes and if you survive this clearing of the lens if you survive this expanded perspective and and you can do it and
still maintain some element of honor and respect and a healthy Discord what you learn is that it’s not necessarily all bad that you see the humanity in Your Heroes it changes who you contact sometimes you are just calling your mother then other times you’re calling a woman who knows what it’s like to go through a breakthrough breakup you’re not just calling your father sometimes you’re calling someone who who will finally let you into grown folks business and you’re talking like friends.
and you realize that it’s the same person they just have a different expression I wish I could unpack that better I think the same thing happens I have an adult children now and it has been difficult and challenging for me to not just see them as my child to recognize that they’re now Partners in relationships I just knew them as one way but I’ve had to expand my perspective to make room for all of who they are they’re building their careers they’re talking about starting families and it takes a renewing of my mind to.
not keep them limited to that one expression of who they are I believe that the friendships that have the most longevity are the friendships that were flexible enough to make room for new expanded versions of who you are that I’m not just your best friend but I’m also a professional and you can respect who I am as a professional without allowing it to take away from who I am as your friend when you have someone who has the flexibility to meet you no matter where you are you have a relationship that you can cherish.
because you don’t just see them in one lane same person expanded expression I feel like this has been part of what I have learned in my relationship with the Lord often times when we have an encounter with God we meet God and we limit God to that one initial expression and when we limit God to that one initial expression we feel uncovered when we move into New Seasons wish I could say that better I’ll tell you when I was studying I started imagining imagine if Adam and Eve had only seen him as Creator God.
if they only knew him as Creator God they would think that they had to hide and cover themselves when they ate from the fruit but because he’s not just Creator God he is Redeemer God they had to recognize based on their situation that it is the same God he just has many expressions in Scripture it often talks to us about unlocking the mysteries of who God is that means that the god that saved you the god that delivered you may be a different there may be a different expression for the god that you need in.
this season of your life I wish I could break this down the way God gave it to me but as I was studying for this message God was showing me that there are layers to who he is and there is someone who’s in a season right now where they’re questioning whether or not they are covered because they knew God as deliverer but they didn’t know God as sustainer and now they think that God’s power is only reserved for deliverance not recognizing that I’m not just the god of breakthrough I’m also the god.
that wants to sustain you and I’m not just The God Who sustains you I am the god who wants to heal you and I’m not just The God Who heals you I’m also The God Who will defend you and I’m not just the God who will defend you I’m also The God Who Will Comfort you and if you do not know the layers of God you will begin to convince yourself that you are in a situation on your own not recognizing that this new situation is an opportunity for a new introduction I got a prophetic word for you Potter’s.
House I know you’re in a new season of your life and you don’t know exactly who you are and you don’t know exactly how you should expect God to show up and I hear God saying to expect the unexpected to not limit God to the way you saw him showing up before because God said for this new season I’ve got a new expression oh I feel my help coming I’ll prove it to you time and time again in the Bible we see people who knew God also naming God based off of how he showed up in a particular situation Abraham knew him as a covenant.
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