You’re Going To Make It – Lysa TerKeurst Books

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You’re Going To Make It – Lysa TerKeurst

You’re Going to Make It: 50 Morning and Evening Devotions to Unrush Your Mind, Uncomplicate Your Heart, and Experience Healing Today (New Devotional)

You’re Going To Make It – Lysa TerKeurst
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(This title will be released on March 28, 2023)

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Everything broken doesn’t have to be completely fixed for us to be completely fine. We can be scared and brave and frail and unbelievably strong all in the same leap of faith.
And we can be hurt but we don’t have to live hurt. We can choose to believe in the epic goodness of God to completely surprise us with breathtakingly awesome possibilities.
Broken is what people are. Beautiful is what God makes them.

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Youre Going to Make It 50 Morning and Evening Devotions to Unrush Your Mind Uncomplicate Your Heart and Experience Healing Today New Devotional

When we pause to pray….
We step from the doorway of discouragement to the pathway of peace.
We trade worry for worship.
We magnify God and become less intimidated by our problems.
We hold up the banner of victory and lay down the label of victim.
We quicken what’s most alive in our spirit and quiet the chaos of living in a sin-soaked world.
Where do you need less of your brain power and more of His prayer power in your life right now, friend?
Take some time today to trade your worry for worship. Because thinking about, talking about and worrying about something is not the same as praying about it.




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