Answer with GOD’s WORD – Speak the WORD Only
Answer with GOD’s WORD – Speak the WORD Only
There is nothing in this earth that is so great and powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue. ‘Your tongue and the Words that you use could potentially cause a breach in the spirit.’ It is your responsibility to speak God’s Words only so that He can continue to give the spirit (power) without measure.
God is saying to you today,
“In case no one told you today: You are beautiful. You are loved. You are stronger than you think. Your life is valuable. You have so much
ahead of you. You are not amistake. You are important. I am with you always.”
“In case no one told you today: You are beautiful. You are loved. You are stronger than you think. Your life is valuable. You have so much
ahead of you. You are not amistake. You are important. I am with you always.”
The believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In The Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, we’ve thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business, in economic anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book, powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston.
Welcome to another program. The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight or we have another exciting teaching.
We’re still teaching on this law of confession.
Now, we’re entitling this particular part of the series, speak the word only. Now in Ephesians chapter five.
And verse one, the Bible tells us the b Y imitators of God.
Now, the Bible says that God lives on the inside of the believer.
Well, if that’s the case and you want God to move in your life and he’s inside of you, you’re gonna have to speak like Him.
You’re gonna have to act like Him.
You’re gonna have to say what God says so that God can do what he’s wanted to do all the time.
This is a powerful thing. You do.
You realize that if you speak like God, I’m telling you, then you speak His word.
If you speak His word, you will be speaking like Him. Oh You’re just trying to be God.
No, I’m a child of God. Praise the Lord and I’m saying what God says.
If you speak God’s word, God watches over His word and makes it good.
I’m talking about it is time for you to do the impossible. Get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready.
Let’s learn how let’s go into it. It’s called speak the word.
Only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe and speak it.
My point to you is is that God has the very best for us and many times what is keeping us from it is what we say and sometimes we don’t even know what we say is, is causing that because many times what we say and when it happens, it’s, it’s see, spiritual things are, are, are um they move in to, in such a way that um sometimes you forgot what you said or you don’t relate that to what happened.
Oh, you follow what I’m saying? Let me show you an example of that.
Turn back to Genesis and Genesis chapter 31 please.
Right now, this is when um had Jacob working for him and was getting rich because he had Jacob on salary.
And every time Jacob, you know, looked like he was increasing, would deceive him some somehow in that salary or steal some of them whatever have you.
But Jacob just couldn’t get ahead. But then he got a word from the Lord.
Next thing you know, he made a different arrangement with, with uh with, with the and stopped living from payday to payday and start living by his faith and then he got ahead and so forth and so on.
Then as soon as he got enough money accumulated everything, then he left town but took his two wives to all them kids.
Boom, left town. Now when he did that, he kind of stole away if you will.
Now wakes up realize that everybody’s gone. He goes after him catches up with him verse 30.
And now though thou wet needs be gone because thou sore longest after thy father’s house yet, where has thou stolen my Gods?
Now, wait a minute. I know you’re going home to your daddy. But why did you steal my property?
You stole my false gods. Now, I understand was uh uh uh yeah, he, he, he was a maker of false gods.
He was a, he was a uh a witchcraft man.
Uh Obie man, you know, and look what it says in verse 31.
And Jacob Ancient said to Lehman, I was afraid for, I said per adventure.
Thou would it take by force thy daughters from me?
I thought if I told you I was leaving you, go take your daughters, make me stay there.
Look what he said in verse 32 with whomsoever thou find thy gods. Let him not live before our brethren.
Uh Yeah, live before our brethren.
Discern thou what is in the is with me and take it to the for Jacob knew not that Rachel had what stolen them.
He didn’t know his wife stole the Gods. Now, Rachel only had no business stealing them. Gods.
Are you follow what I’m saying that she had, she now they’re gonna leave town.
They got a bunch of money because it took everything that they had. Now gonna leave town.
She gonna go back and steal one is God say amen to that.
So I’m just telling you don’t bring your past into your future.
Let that stuff say in the past, say amen to that.
Now then let’s go on over to 35 please. Genesis chapter 35.
Look what it says in Genesis chapter 35. Have you got it?
Look at verse 16 and they journeyed from Bethel and there was but a little way to come to if and Rachel Treva and she had hard labor.
Rachel was giving birth and it came to pass when she was in hard labor that the midwife said to her fear, not thou shalt have this son also.
And it came to pass as her soul was in departing for she died, that she called his name.
But his father called him.
Who Benjamin and Rachel, what died and was buried in the ways of which is Bethlehem.
Now, what happened to Rachel to that?
What do you think contributed to her death? She sold him God.
But because she stole the Gods, what pronouncement did Jacob make whoever sold them Gods let them die?
Now, that’s when they believe what they spoke.
She died.
Let’s go over to job job chapter one.
Oh, tell me your mouth. Don’t have something to do with your family.
You speaking negative words over your marriage. No wonder you got trouble.
Speak the word only God didn’t ask your opinion as a believer.
You’re on the biblical mandate to say what God says.
What you’re supposed to say is yes sir and no sir and no excuse sir.
I will you get that word in your system and start speaking his word only.
And the Bible talks about God gave Jesus a spirit without measure.
I mean power without measure because he always spoke the words of God and that’s what you want, you want it.
So when you say something is gonna come to pass and got to get right involved in it, God is hard for God to use somebody who can’t control their mouth.
Come on, I’m pulling the slack out of some rope here.
Lord, I gotta do, I gotta purge that out of your heart.
See, because somehow you think words don’t have nothing to do with it.
But see those two are linked even though they’re several chapters apart.
Look what it says here in Joe’s book in, in the book of Joe verse two.
And there was a man and, and, and there were born unto him, seven sons and three daughters and his substance was also uh 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 asses and a very great household.
So that this man was the greatest of all the men in the East though he was the richest man uh in that part of the country.
He was it. Let’s come on down to verse nine.
Then Satan answered the Lord and said, does job fear you for not.
Now, what did the Lord do? Let’s look at verse eight.
And the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant job?
You got your eyes on job that there’s no like him in all this earth. He’s perfect and upright.
He feared me and that stays away from, from, from, I put that in there myself.
That ain’t in there. But I put that in there myself.
I’m reading somebody’s mail, huh? Verse nine.
Then say the Lord and said, does Joe fear you for not?
Has thou not made, has thou has not thou made a what about it? A hedge about him?
Keep going and about His what house? Keep going about all that he has come on on every side.
Now, look at that. This is a marvelous truth.
God makes a hedge around you.
Not only around you around, what else your house. Come on, not all around that.
Come on around everything you owe.
He’s made it so that the devil can’t touch none of it.
And he did that with Jo and guess what? He did it with Adam.
Thank you. Now what happened to the hedge?
There was a breach in the spirit.
I read that out of Proverbs last time talking about a breach caused by the tongue.
You can cause a breach in the spirit. Why?
Because your tongue is connected to your spirit and it can cause a breach in the spirit.
Natural things can’t cause a breach spiritual.
So what happens is your tongue, your mouth and get that mouth running the wrong way, contrary to God’s word because you have authority and you got a free will to pick your words.
See, you can pick your words on that’s freedom, isn’t it?
I can pick the words I want to speak and God wants you to be just like Him.
He can pick his word. You’ll notice. Job.
And next thing you know, the Bible says in chapter three of Job, the thing that I feared most what has come upon me?
See, and who comes to bring imaginations in your mind? Contrary to God’s work, it’s the devil.
He, it’s called fiery. What darts? It’s like an arrow. He shoots an arrow through your mind.
And that arrow is a thought.
But what will happen if one they’re trying to steal my car?
I even put a hedge around you. They put a hedge around your car. Yes.
So are y’all, are y’all following me here? You see, we gotta go back to the world.
We gotta stop listening to them.
They don’t know if they ain’t been in here and been hearing the word of confession.
They just been singing. Please don’t pass me by. And Jesus said, I’ll never leave you all for sake anyway.
So that song is unbelief. Yeah.
What we need to do is say what God says, speak the word only.
He said he’ll never leave me nor forsake me.
That means he’ll never depart from you and he’ll never let you down any time you need him.
He’s right there to deliver you coming over to job, job chapter six, please glory to God.
Say, I’ll have another, I’ll never have another down day.
I’ll never be broke another day in my life. Let’s go further.
I’ll never be sick another day in my life in Jesus name.
Oh, that’s the Bible. I don’t care what they taught you. And what said grandma said?
Big mama said, I’m telling you what the Lord said and speak his word.
Only let’s run up all that other stuff that ain’t got nothing to do with God.
Look at Job chapter six and verse 23 oh, deliver me from the enemy’s hand his job.
Now he’s waking up now. Or redeem me.
Come on from the hand of the mighty Job chapter six verse 24 teach me, keep going and I will hold my what tongue?
Keep going. Cause me to understand where I have error coming over to James James chapter one, please.
So you can put words in motion or people can put them in motion in your life if you allow it.
See when David was coming, I’m preaching out of the Holy ghost. Now, I’m feeling it in my spirit.
I’m flowing out of a river.
And when David came up to the Liath, notice the Liath cursed David by his gods but notice David came right back with what thus sayeth the Lord.
You know what that did with that curse. Cut it off. What? Cause no weapon formed against you.
Come on now he’s made himself a shield.
He called David names.
He called him a uh what am I dog? You little runt that you think you can come here.
Don’t fuck the song. See, they might have called you names, but you don’t need to answer, answer with the word of God.
Say yeah. OK. I’m on top. I’m not beneath and I, I, I reverse that curse.
Y’all still with me.
David said this day he didn’t say next Tuesday.
See, you don’t need to stay with a problem more than a day that came out of the holy ghost that came out of the holy ghost that came out of the holy goat.
You don’t need to stay with a problem more than 24 hours man that came out of the holy ghost.
I told you I’m flowing out of the river.
Now, boy that y’all better write that down.
Don’t let the devil steal level. You don’t have to stay with any problem.
More than 24 hours this day.
Shall the Lord deliver you into my hands?
I’m gonna cut your head off and I’m going to feed your army to the foul of the air, you with me.
Now let me show you why David could say that.
Come on over to First Peter if you will.
Now put something right there, first James, first James because because I’m going, I’m still dealing with with this, this word that’s that you can put things in motion and because you put them in motion, uh, they’re, they’re trying to come to be come on over the first Peter and chapter four, please.
Are you with me?
I said, are you with me now?
Where, where, where is God? Where is God? He’s in me? See, he’s in me.
Is he the same? Come on yesterday today and forever.
Well, if he’s in me and he’s the same what he did yesterday he doing today, but he’s doing it through me.
So if I want him to move, I got to talk like him.
Are you follow what I’m saying? Look what it says here. First Peter chapter four.
Have you got it? Verse 11. I’m just gonna read that verse.
If any man what speak, let him speak.
Keep going as the calls of God, Rick Brenner, a Jewish uh uh a uh Greek.
He’s a Jewish, he’s Greek. He knows Jewish. Uh He, he knows Hebrew, but he’s a Greek scholar.
Rick said this interpretation is if any man, any man speak, let him speak like God.
And that’s why he said that. He said, hey, wait a second.
He said, I’m gonna cut your head off, then I’m gonna feed your army to the buzzards.
Now, if that ain’t talking like God, I don’t know what’s talking like God.
See, he’s not saying something he will do. He’s saying something inside of Him will do.
See God can do that. God can stop a whole army with one man’s mouth.
Come on, folks. Come on do me right now.
You don’t follow what I’m saying.
I’m saying, don’t be so quick to try to live out of your own ability.
Here’s what the scripture says in Psalms chapter 27. Verse one, the Lord is my light and my salvation.
Come on whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
What is it saying? It’s saying that whatever belongs to Him, he’s sharing it with you.
So he’s saying he’s giving you his ability. So watch this.
I’m gonna say it and you don’t argue with me until you revelate it.
Whatever he can do, I can do it. Praise God. I’m uh you follow what I’m saying.
I didn’t say I’m, I didn’t say I was at, I said he’s the king of who kings.
He’s the Lord of who Lord. He’s acting. He wants me to act just like him.
The Bible says that he teaches 51 B e imitators of God as dear Children. You got a father.
You wanna imitate a good father who he’s our father. Well, let’s imitate him. Well, where is he in us?
Well, why don’t we let him show out?
Why don’t we let him come on out of us now, stop looking at the situation and thinking you got to solve it.
All you’ve got to do is speak to it. Don’t be asking God to move the mountain.
He said for you to move the mountain. Praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoy that teaching. Now, let me tell you, I enjoy teaching on speaking the word only.
You know, because this is a key teaching for many Christians to get beyond where they are right now.
You see, unless you change your tongue, your your speech, you can’t change your direction.
You’ve got to say something different.
I mean, it’s kind of foolish just plant the same seed and expect a different harvest. Words are seeds.
If you speak them, you’re gonna get the harvest off of them.
Well, if you don’t like what you’re receiving change what you’re planting.
Praise God, you see the very finest of God can be yours and you’ll believe it and just speak it.
Now as a believer, we’re under a biblical mandate to save what God says.
Now, I don’t care how it looks. I don’t care what the report you just got.
I don’t care what just happened and circumstances we must speak the word only and when we do, you’ll see the impossible done in your life.
This is a powerful teaching. Now, the address and phone number again are on your screen.
You need to get into it right away.
You see, because part of our problem has been one inch below our nose, it’s been our mouth and we’ve got to change it.
So this teaching gives you a revelation of the words that we speak and the value of those words so that you’ll know and understand how to change your speech.
I tell you, change your speech, you’ll change your life.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying that’s all we have for this time. We’ll see you next time until then.
Keep walking by faith. How should you handle the challenges in your relationship?
Insufficiencies in your finances or even attacks against your health?
Your victory is guaranteed when you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe and speak it.
In this third installment of the law confession series entitled to speak the word only.
Doctor Winston provides a road map to victory for every situation in your life.
There is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Order, speak the word only today.
And Doctor Winston will explain what God does to perform His word, how to activate God’s participation in your circumstances.
Why there’s nothing more powerful than the word of God and much, much more promise it, I believe it and do it to order your copy of this powerful message, speak the word only on CD or MP three on DVD or P four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
No matter how difficult the circumstance, victory is yours.
When you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word. Only.
Order your copy of speak the word only today. Hello, Bill Winston here.
Now, I trust that you’ve been blessed by the day’s message.
I’d like to take a moment to share a couple of testimonies with you that they have come from our prayer call center.
We have a call center that’s set up to pray with people who would call in.
We created this center for you, the partners, the viewers, those who would call in need prayer for any matter, it doesn’t make any difference.
We want to pray with you, stand and agree with you whatever we need to believe God for you, for the thing that you need God to do in your life.
Now, here is a testimony that was given to me. This came in from Florida.
This particular person had a family member that was in a coma.
They had been in a coma for two weeks and that this family member was, the family was being challenged as to whether to take the person off of life support or just leave them on.
Well, this one person decided to call the prayer center here at Bill Winston ministries and that prayer minister prayed with them and believe God for that person’s deliverance or that person to come out of that coma.
Well, shortly after the family called this person and reported that the sister, the dear sister that was in a coma, opened her eyes and woke up and then ask for a drink of water.
Now they ask what time that this sister called the person? What time did they pray for?
This dear sister in the hospital? They prayed at 11 16 AM in the morning.
And that is the exact time the sister woke up from a coma that she had been in for two weeks.
Praise God, let me give you another one.
This type of testimony comes from Illinois, this particular person called for prayer, uh for their godmother.
Now, she had stage four cancer and was going to have surgery.
Now, after they had, he had received prayer from the prayer call center, the doctor started the surgery but could not any longer find cancer in this person’s body.
Now, these are actual testimonies that have been coming in.
So I’m just saying here that if you need prayer, if you need somebody to agree with you, we’ve got people that know how to get hold of God.
I’m totally, you see God’s plan is that we all be healed God’s plan that we all be delivered.
God’s plan that we all have enough abundance or whatever have you.
So if you’re going through something that isn’t God’s plan.
In other words, there’s something in your situation there that you know is not God’s will for your life, call that prayer center.
They’re standing by these folk, know how to pray and as you pray with them and they agree with you, we gonna believe God that every need of your life is gonna be met.
Well, remember we’re here for you and the prayer call center is available. We love you.
And this is Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life, contact us by phone at 18775439443 or submit your prayer request online at Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
Thank you, Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In The Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, we’ve thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business, in economic anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book, powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston.
Welcome to another program. The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight or we have another exciting teaching.
We’re still teaching on this law of confession.
Now, we’re entitling this particular part of the series, speak the word only. Now in Ephesians chapter five.
And verse one, the Bible tells us the b Y imitators of God.
Now, the Bible says that God lives on the inside of the believer.
Well, if that’s the case and you want God to move in your life and he’s inside of you, you’re gonna have to speak like Him.
You’re gonna have to act like Him.
You’re gonna have to say what God says so that God can do what he’s wanted to do all the time.
This is a powerful thing. You do.
You realize that if you speak like God, I’m telling you, then you speak His word.
If you speak His word, you will be speaking like Him. Oh You’re just trying to be God.
No, I’m a child of God. Praise the Lord and I’m saying what God says.
If you speak God’s word, God watches over His word and makes it good.
I’m talking about it is time for you to do the impossible. Get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready.
Let’s learn how let’s go into it. It’s called speak the word.
Only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe and speak it.
My point to you is is that God has the very best for us and many times what is keeping us from it is what we say and sometimes we don’t even know what we say is, is causing that because many times what we say and when it happens, it’s, it’s see, spiritual things are, are, are um they move in to, in such a way that um sometimes you forgot what you said or you don’t relate that to what happened.
Oh, you follow what I’m saying? Let me show you an example of that.
Turn back to Genesis and Genesis chapter 31 please.
Right now, this is when um had Jacob working for him and was getting rich because he had Jacob on salary.
And every time Jacob, you know, looked like he was increasing, would deceive him some somehow in that salary or steal some of them whatever have you.
But Jacob just couldn’t get ahead. But then he got a word from the Lord.
Next thing you know, he made a different arrangement with, with uh with, with the and stopped living from payday to payday and start living by his faith and then he got ahead and so forth and so on.
Then as soon as he got enough money accumulated everything, then he left town but took his two wives to all them kids.
Boom, left town. Now when he did that, he kind of stole away if you will.
Now wakes up realize that everybody’s gone. He goes after him catches up with him verse 30.
And now though thou wet needs be gone because thou sore longest after thy father’s house yet, where has thou stolen my Gods?
Now, wait a minute. I know you’re going home to your daddy. But why did you steal my property?
You stole my false gods. Now, I understand was uh uh uh yeah, he, he, he was a maker of false gods.
He was a, he was a uh a witchcraft man.
Uh Obie man, you know, and look what it says in verse 31.
And Jacob Ancient said to Lehman, I was afraid for, I said per adventure.
Thou would it take by force thy daughters from me?
I thought if I told you I was leaving you, go take your daughters, make me stay there.
Look what he said in verse 32 with whomsoever thou find thy gods. Let him not live before our brethren.
Uh Yeah, live before our brethren.
Discern thou what is in the is with me and take it to the for Jacob knew not that Rachel had what stolen them.
He didn’t know his wife stole the Gods. Now, Rachel only had no business stealing them. Gods.
Are you follow what I’m saying that she had, she now they’re gonna leave town.
They got a bunch of money because it took everything that they had. Now gonna leave town.
She gonna go back and steal one is God say amen to that.
So I’m just telling you don’t bring your past into your future.
Let that stuff say in the past, say amen to that.
Now then let’s go on over to 35 please. Genesis chapter 35.
Look what it says in Genesis chapter 35. Have you got it?
Look at verse 16 and they journeyed from Bethel and there was but a little way to come to if and Rachel Treva and she had hard labor.
Rachel was giving birth and it came to pass when she was in hard labor that the midwife said to her fear, not thou shalt have this son also.
And it came to pass as her soul was in departing for she died, that she called his name.
But his father called him.
Who Benjamin and Rachel, what died and was buried in the ways of which is Bethlehem.
Now, what happened to Rachel to that?
What do you think contributed to her death? She sold him God.
But because she stole the Gods, what pronouncement did Jacob make whoever sold them Gods let them die?
Now, that’s when they believe what they spoke.
She died.
Let’s go over to job job chapter one.
Oh, tell me your mouth. Don’t have something to do with your family.
You speaking negative words over your marriage. No wonder you got trouble.
Speak the word only God didn’t ask your opinion as a believer.
You’re on the biblical mandate to say what God says.
What you’re supposed to say is yes sir and no sir and no excuse sir.
I will you get that word in your system and start speaking his word only.
And the Bible talks about God gave Jesus a spirit without measure.
I mean power without measure because he always spoke the words of God and that’s what you want, you want it.
So when you say something is gonna come to pass and got to get right involved in it, God is hard for God to use somebody who can’t control their mouth.
Come on, I’m pulling the slack out of some rope here.
Lord, I gotta do, I gotta purge that out of your heart.
See, because somehow you think words don’t have nothing to do with it.
But see those two are linked even though they’re several chapters apart.
Look what it says here in Joe’s book in, in the book of Joe verse two.
And there was a man and, and, and there were born unto him, seven sons and three daughters and his substance was also uh 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 asses and a very great household.
So that this man was the greatest of all the men in the East though he was the richest man uh in that part of the country.
He was it. Let’s come on down to verse nine.
Then Satan answered the Lord and said, does job fear you for not.
Now, what did the Lord do? Let’s look at verse eight.
And the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant job?
You got your eyes on job that there’s no like him in all this earth. He’s perfect and upright.
He feared me and that stays away from, from, from, I put that in there myself.
That ain’t in there. But I put that in there myself.
I’m reading somebody’s mail, huh? Verse nine.
Then say the Lord and said, does Joe fear you for not?
Has thou not made, has thou has not thou made a what about it? A hedge about him?
Keep going and about His what house? Keep going about all that he has come on on every side.
Now, look at that. This is a marvelous truth.
God makes a hedge around you.
Not only around you around, what else your house. Come on, not all around that.
Come on around everything you owe.
He’s made it so that the devil can’t touch none of it.
And he did that with Jo and guess what? He did it with Adam.
Thank you. Now what happened to the hedge?
There was a breach in the spirit.
I read that out of Proverbs last time talking about a breach caused by the tongue.
You can cause a breach in the spirit. Why?
Because your tongue is connected to your spirit and it can cause a breach in the spirit.
Natural things can’t cause a breach spiritual.
So what happens is your tongue, your mouth and get that mouth running the wrong way, contrary to God’s word because you have authority and you got a free will to pick your words.
See, you can pick your words on that’s freedom, isn’t it?
I can pick the words I want to speak and God wants you to be just like Him.
He can pick his word. You’ll notice. Job.
And next thing you know, the Bible says in chapter three of Job, the thing that I feared most what has come upon me?
See, and who comes to bring imaginations in your mind? Contrary to God’s work, it’s the devil.
He, it’s called fiery. What darts? It’s like an arrow. He shoots an arrow through your mind.
And that arrow is a thought.
But what will happen if one they’re trying to steal my car?
I even put a hedge around you. They put a hedge around your car. Yes.
So are y’all, are y’all following me here? You see, we gotta go back to the world.
We gotta stop listening to them.
They don’t know if they ain’t been in here and been hearing the word of confession.
They just been singing. Please don’t pass me by. And Jesus said, I’ll never leave you all for sake anyway.
So that song is unbelief. Yeah.
What we need to do is say what God says, speak the word only.
He said he’ll never leave me nor forsake me.
That means he’ll never depart from you and he’ll never let you down any time you need him.
He’s right there to deliver you coming over to job, job chapter six, please glory to God.
Say, I’ll have another, I’ll never have another down day.
I’ll never be broke another day in my life. Let’s go further.
I’ll never be sick another day in my life in Jesus name.
Oh, that’s the Bible. I don’t care what they taught you. And what said grandma said?
Big mama said, I’m telling you what the Lord said and speak his word.
Only let’s run up all that other stuff that ain’t got nothing to do with God.
Look at Job chapter six and verse 23 oh, deliver me from the enemy’s hand his job.
Now he’s waking up now. Or redeem me.
Come on from the hand of the mighty Job chapter six verse 24 teach me, keep going and I will hold my what tongue?
Keep going. Cause me to understand where I have error coming over to James James chapter one, please.
So you can put words in motion or people can put them in motion in your life if you allow it.
See when David was coming, I’m preaching out of the Holy ghost. Now, I’m feeling it in my spirit.
I’m flowing out of a river.
And when David came up to the Liath, notice the Liath cursed David by his gods but notice David came right back with what thus sayeth the Lord.
You know what that did with that curse. Cut it off. What? Cause no weapon formed against you.
Come on now he’s made himself a shield.
He called David names.
He called him a uh what am I dog? You little runt that you think you can come here.
Don’t fuck the song. See, they might have called you names, but you don’t need to answer, answer with the word of God.
Say yeah. OK. I’m on top. I’m not beneath and I, I, I reverse that curse.
Y’all still with me.
David said this day he didn’t say next Tuesday.
See, you don’t need to stay with a problem more than a day that came out of the holy ghost that came out of the holy ghost that came out of the holy goat.
You don’t need to stay with a problem more than 24 hours man that came out of the holy ghost.
I told you I’m flowing out of the river.
Now, boy that y’all better write that down.
Don’t let the devil steal level. You don’t have to stay with any problem.
More than 24 hours this day.
Shall the Lord deliver you into my hands?
I’m gonna cut your head off and I’m going to feed your army to the foul of the air, you with me.
Now let me show you why David could say that.
Come on over to First Peter if you will.
Now put something right there, first James, first James because because I’m going, I’m still dealing with with this, this word that’s that you can put things in motion and because you put them in motion, uh, they’re, they’re trying to come to be come on over the first Peter and chapter four, please.
Are you with me?
I said, are you with me now?
Where, where, where is God? Where is God? He’s in me? See, he’s in me.
Is he the same? Come on yesterday today and forever.
Well, if he’s in me and he’s the same what he did yesterday he doing today, but he’s doing it through me.
So if I want him to move, I got to talk like him.
Are you follow what I’m saying? Look what it says here. First Peter chapter four.
Have you got it? Verse 11. I’m just gonna read that verse.
If any man what speak, let him speak.
Keep going as the calls of God, Rick Brenner, a Jewish uh uh a uh Greek.
He’s a Jewish, he’s Greek. He knows Jewish. Uh He, he knows Hebrew, but he’s a Greek scholar.
Rick said this interpretation is if any man, any man speak, let him speak like God.
And that’s why he said that. He said, hey, wait a second.
He said, I’m gonna cut your head off, then I’m gonna feed your army to the buzzards.
Now, if that ain’t talking like God, I don’t know what’s talking like God.
See, he’s not saying something he will do. He’s saying something inside of Him will do.
See God can do that. God can stop a whole army with one man’s mouth.
Come on, folks. Come on do me right now.
You don’t follow what I’m saying.
I’m saying, don’t be so quick to try to live out of your own ability.
Here’s what the scripture says in Psalms chapter 27. Verse one, the Lord is my light and my salvation.
Come on whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
What is it saying? It’s saying that whatever belongs to Him, he’s sharing it with you.
So he’s saying he’s giving you his ability. So watch this.
I’m gonna say it and you don’t argue with me until you revelate it.
Whatever he can do, I can do it. Praise God. I’m uh you follow what I’m saying.
I didn’t say I’m, I didn’t say I was at, I said he’s the king of who kings.
He’s the Lord of who Lord. He’s acting. He wants me to act just like him.
The Bible says that he teaches 51 B e imitators of God as dear Children. You got a father.
You wanna imitate a good father who he’s our father. Well, let’s imitate him. Well, where is he in us?
Well, why don’t we let him show out?
Why don’t we let him come on out of us now, stop looking at the situation and thinking you got to solve it.
All you’ve got to do is speak to it. Don’t be asking God to move the mountain.
He said for you to move the mountain. Praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoy that teaching. Now, let me tell you, I enjoy teaching on speaking the word only.
You know, because this is a key teaching for many Christians to get beyond where they are right now.
You see, unless you change your tongue, your your speech, you can’t change your direction.
You’ve got to say something different.
I mean, it’s kind of foolish just plant the same seed and expect a different harvest. Words are seeds.
If you speak them, you’re gonna get the harvest off of them.
Well, if you don’t like what you’re receiving change what you’re planting.
Praise God, you see the very finest of God can be yours and you’ll believe it and just speak it.
Now as a believer, we’re under a biblical mandate to save what God says.
Now, I don’t care how it looks. I don’t care what the report you just got.
I don’t care what just happened and circumstances we must speak the word only and when we do, you’ll see the impossible done in your life.
This is a powerful teaching. Now, the address and phone number again are on your screen.
You need to get into it right away.
You see, because part of our problem has been one inch below our nose, it’s been our mouth and we’ve got to change it.
So this teaching gives you a revelation of the words that we speak and the value of those words so that you’ll know and understand how to change your speech.
I tell you, change your speech, you’ll change your life.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying that’s all we have for this time. We’ll see you next time until then.
Keep walking by faith. How should you handle the challenges in your relationship?
Insufficiencies in your finances or even attacks against your health?
Your victory is guaranteed when you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe and speak it.
In this third installment of the law confession series entitled to speak the word only.
Doctor Winston provides a road map to victory for every situation in your life.
There is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Order, speak the word only today.
And Doctor Winston will explain what God does to perform His word, how to activate God’s participation in your circumstances.
Why there’s nothing more powerful than the word of God and much, much more promise it, I believe it and do it to order your copy of this powerful message, speak the word only on CD or MP three on DVD or P four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
No matter how difficult the circumstance, victory is yours.
When you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word. Only.
Order your copy of speak the word only today. Hello, Bill Winston here.
Now, I trust that you’ve been blessed by the day’s message.
I’d like to take a moment to share a couple of testimonies with you that they have come from our prayer call center.
We have a call center that’s set up to pray with people who would call in.
We created this center for you, the partners, the viewers, those who would call in need prayer for any matter, it doesn’t make any difference.
We want to pray with you, stand and agree with you whatever we need to believe God for you, for the thing that you need God to do in your life.
Now, here is a testimony that was given to me. This came in from Florida.
This particular person had a family member that was in a coma.
They had been in a coma for two weeks and that this family member was, the family was being challenged as to whether to take the person off of life support or just leave them on.
Well, this one person decided to call the prayer center here at Bill Winston ministries and that prayer minister prayed with them and believe God for that person’s deliverance or that person to come out of that coma.
Well, shortly after the family called this person and reported that the sister, the dear sister that was in a coma, opened her eyes and woke up and then ask for a drink of water.
Now they ask what time that this sister called the person? What time did they pray for?
This dear sister in the hospital? They prayed at 11 16 AM in the morning.
And that is the exact time the sister woke up from a coma that she had been in for two weeks.
Praise God, let me give you another one.
This type of testimony comes from Illinois, this particular person called for prayer, uh for their godmother.
Now, she had stage four cancer and was going to have surgery.
Now, after they had, he had received prayer from the prayer call center, the doctor started the surgery but could not any longer find cancer in this person’s body.
Now, these are actual testimonies that have been coming in.
So I’m just saying here that if you need prayer, if you need somebody to agree with you, we’ve got people that know how to get hold of God.
I’m totally, you see God’s plan is that we all be healed God’s plan that we all be delivered.
God’s plan that we all have enough abundance or whatever have you.
So if you’re going through something that isn’t God’s plan.
In other words, there’s something in your situation there that you know is not God’s will for your life, call that prayer center.
They’re standing by these folk, know how to pray and as you pray with them and they agree with you, we gonna believe God that every need of your life is gonna be met.
Well, remember we’re here for you and the prayer call center is available. We love you.
And this is Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life, contact us by phone at 18775439443 or submit your prayer request online at Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
Thank you, Bill Winston Ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast.
Now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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