Your Right Time Is Coming | Joel Osteen
Your Right Time Is Coming
God has prepared a set time for His promises to come to pass in your life. While you wait, you can trust that behind the scenes, He is working all things in your favor.
It’s not where you start; it’s how you finish. Where you are now is not your destiny. There’s still time to come out from the fear, the doubt, the guilt, and step into who you were created to be: a mighty hero, a history maker. Now do your part. Quit believing those lies that you’ve reached your limits, you’ll always struggle, you’ve been through too much, it will never work out. Come out from under that shade. That’s limited you long enough. God is ready to show out in your life, to do things that are unusual, uncommon, out of the ordinary, to take you where no one in your family has gone.
Don’t get talked out of your dream. Don’t let doubt what you don’t see happening.
How unlikely it is, keep you from believing for what God promised.
When thoughts tell you there’s no way it’s been too long. Just say no thanks.
I know my right times are coming. Father. Thank you.
That what you promise is already on the schedule that I don’t have to figure it out, but you’re going to make it happen and it’s not going to be one second late.
God bless you.
It’s great to be with you today and I hope you’ll stay connected with us during the week through our daily podcast, our youtube channel, social media.
We’ll keep you encouraged and inspired. But I’d like to start with something funny.
And I heard about this lady that died and she was standing at the pearly gates and Saint Peter said, you can’t come in yet.
You have to correctly spell a word. She said what word? He said any word.
So she spelled the word love L O V E Peter said, welcome to heaven.
Didn’t Peter ask if she would take his place for a moment and he instructed her that if anyone came to just follow the same procedure in a few moments, she sees her ex husband walking up.
She can’t believe it. She said, what are you doing here? He said I just had a heart attack.
Did I really make it to heaven? She said not yet. You have to correctly spell a word.
He said what word? It was a long pause.
She said, Czechoslovakia say it like you mean it, this is my bible. I am what it says.
I am. I have what it says. I have. I can do what it says I can do today.
I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess, my mind is alert, my heart is receptive.
I will never be the same in jesus’ name. God bless you.
I wanna talk to you today about your right time is coming.
We’re all waiting for something, waiting for a dream to come to pass or to meet the right person for our health to turn around when it’s been a long time.
And we don’t see any sign of it.
It’s easy to get discouraged and think that it’s never going to work out.
But God said in Isaiah when the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen when God put the promise in your heart.
When He gave you that dream, he determined the right time to bring it to pass.
He’s already scheduled your healing, your breakthrough, your promotion there are right time moments in your future where things will fall into place, the right people will show up, the opportunity will find you and what you’re believing for may not have happened yet.
But when you understand that God has a right time that it’s already been scheduled by the creator of the universe, you won’t live worried, frustrated.
When is it ever going to happen? You’ll stay in peace knowing that your right time is coming.
Now, the right time is the best time. God can see the big picture.
He knows not only when you’re ready, but when other people are ready while you’re waiting, it may seem like nothing is happening.
But behind the scenes, God is working, moving the wrong people out of the way, lining up the favor, arranging the breaks that you need.
It’s important to not only trust God but trust his timing, thoughts will tell it’s never gonna happen.
You’ll never meet the right person. It’s been too long. You’ll never get.
Well, the odds are against you don’t believe those lies.
When you come into your right time, all the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has planned at the right time.
Your healing will come at the right time. The person of your dreams will show up at the right time.
Your business will take off at the right time.
You’ll come out of that addiction, that depression, that trouble at work and live in freedom, wholeness victory.
Don’t get discouraged because it hasn’t happened yet. Your right time is coming.
God said when the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen.
The beauty is we don’t have to make it happen.
You don’t have to manipulate things, force a door to open, make yourself get well, God is going to make it happen.
You may have obstacles that are too big for you.
You don’t see how you can get out of debt, how you can have a baby, how you can accomplish a dream.
The good news is you’re not on your own. At the right time, God will open the doors.
He’ll cause you to conceive. He’ll turn your child around. At the right time.
God changed a city council member’s mind and we got the compact center at the right time.
God stepped in and healed my mother of terminal cancer.
At the right time, David took a slingshot and defeated a giant at the right time.
Prison doors flung open for Paul and Silas, you may not see how this can happen.
The odds are against you. You’re looking at it in the natural. God is supernatural.
He’s not limited by what limits us.
He has these right time moments in your future where he’s going to make things happen that you could never make happen.
Now, here’s the key. If there’s a right time, that means any other time is the wrong time.
It takes faith and patience to see the promises we live in a microwave society. I like everything fast.
God do it. Now, the longer I live, the more I’ve learned to trust God’s timing.
God knows what he’s doing. He can see the big picture if it hasn’t happened yet.
It hasn’t been the right time. You have to trust him doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen.
God is not forgotten about you. Your right time is already scheduled.
If it would have happened sooner, it wouldn’t have been a blessing in the waiting process.
God’s doing a work in us, getting us stronger, developing our character, preparing us to carry the weight of glory.
If the situation is not changing, maybe God is using the situation to change you.
If it’s not working out yet, maybe he’s working out something in you.
The test is, will you trust Him while you’re waiting for the right time?
Will you keep a good attitude? Will you stay in faith when you don’t see anything happening?
This is when it’s easy to get discouraged, live stressed. God, when are you gonna do something?
When am I gonna meet the right person? When is my business gonna grow?
When are these people at work gonna start treating me better?
Why don’t you relax and come back to a place of peace. God sees what you’re going through.
He knows what you need. He knows your dreams, your goals.
He’s the one that put them in you and what He has purpose for your life will come to pass.
One scripture says it won’t be one second. Late thoughts will tell you how you’re falling behind.
You’re missing out. Everyone’s getting ahead of you. No, you’re right on schedule. God is ordering your steps.
You keep honoring Him doing the right thing.
You’re going to come into these right time, moments, moments where he’s gonna thrust you ahead was a long time waiting.
But when you see what God does, you’ll say it was worth the wait, what God is going to do is going to be bigger, better, more rewarding than what you had in mind.
When Abraham was 80 years old, his wife. Sarah was 70.
God gave them a promise that they would have a baby in the natural. This was impossible.
No one had ever had a baby at that age and Sarah had been bearing her whole life, never had any Children.
When they first heard this promise, it was so far out. They laughed.
They thought God that’s a good one. You must have the wrong couple.
There’s no way we can have a child.
If God would have given them this promise when they were in their twenties, thirties.
When it was a normal time to have Children, they would have believed.
But sometimes God will wait on purpose to when the odds are against us. Seems like it’s too late.
We’re too old or we don’t have the training the medical report is not good.
We don’t come from an influential family. We have plenty of excuses to not believe.
But when God gives the promise, he sets the time to bring it to pass.
He doesn’t give you the dream and then say, well, I’m gonna think about it a few months.
Let me ponder that for a while.
The moment he gives it to you, he puts the promise on the schedule.
He marks the right time like Abraham and Sarah, what God has spoken to you may seem impossible like it could never happen.
Don’t get talked out of your dream. Don’t let doubt what you don’t see happening.
How unlikely it is, keep you from believing for what God promised.
When thoughts tell you, there’s no way it’s been too long. Just say no thanks.
I know my right times are coming. Father. Thank you.
That what you promise is already on the schedule that I don’t have to figure it out, but you’re going to make it happen and it’s not going to be one second late.
We’re all going to wait but learn to wait the right way. Wait in faith, wait with expectancy.
Wait with praise, thanking God in advance. That is on the way.
See Abraham and Sarah at first they didn’t believe they could have a baby. They were filled with doubt.
How can this happen? God said in Genesis 18, is there anything too hard for the Lord at the appointed time.
I will return and give Sarah a son.
God said, in effect, you may be doubting you don’t see how, but I have already set the right time at the appointed time.
She will give birth notice. God set the time when He gave the promise, whatever God has promised you, he’s already set the right time.
It’s already in your future. The question is, what do we do when it’s taking longer than we thought God’s timing is not our timing.
On the way to your promise being fulfilled, there will be opportunities to get discouraged, give up on what you’re believing for.
It’s gonna happen would have happened by now. Just accept it.
That’s when you have to dig down deep and say God, I trust you.
I know you wouldn’t have promised me this if you didn’t have a right time on my schedule, don’t live with it.
It’s never going to happen. Mentality, live with a right time mentality.
If you knew one of your right times was October 16th at 2 30 in the afternoon, you were going to meet the person of your dreams.
The medical report was going to say cancer free, an opportunity to expand your business was going to come to you.
If you knew that right time was coming, you would relax, you wouldn’t live worried, you wouldn’t waste time trying to figure it out, not able to sleep at night.
God doesn’t tell us when, but he does promise when the time is right, he’s going to make it happen.
Year went by and Abraham and Sarah didn’t see a baby.
Two years, no child, three years, she was still bearing. They made some mistakes. They tried to help God out.
Sarah told Abraham to sleep with her maid that way they could have a child.
Abraham said, let me pray about it and he prayed for four seconds and said, ok, I’m good with that.
He slept with the maid. They had a son, but it wasn’t the promised child that baby cause all kinds of strife and division.
You don’t have to help God out. You don’t have to manipulate force.
Strive may not happen as fast as you would like.
But you have to trust God’s timing trying to force things to happen.
The scripture calls that works of the flesh that’s not going to change the right time.
It’s just going to bring frustration. It’s much better to wait and for God to do it his way.
Abraham and Sarah eventually learned this principle.
Romans four says, even though Abraham was 100 years old, Sarah was 90 and had been barren.
Abraham never wavered in believing that the promise would come to pass.
They quit being frustrated, they quit trying to force it to happen and they started believing that their right time was in their future instead of living sour God.
When is it gonna happen? We’re too old. It’s been too long. I can hear him all through the day.
Lord, thank you. That the right time is coming.
We don’t see how we don’t know when, but we do know you are a faithful God that when you promise us the child, you put the right time on our schedule.
What’s interesting is Sarah wanted a baby, but God wanted a nation.
She would have been thrilled to give birth to a son, but God was setting up something much bigger, much better.
God said in Genesis 17, I will bless Sarah with a son. She will be the mother of nations.
Kings of people will come out of her.
She not only had a son at 90 years old, but she gave birth to nations.
Kings of people came out of her.
Maybe the reason your dream is taken longer, the reason that promise hasn’t come to pass yet is because what God is going to do is going to be so much bigger, so much more fulfilling than what you have in mind.
You’re not gonna give birth to a son, but to nation. So to speak.
The scripture says, Sarah laughed when she had that son. She even named him Isaac which means laughter.
The first time when she heard the promise, she laughed in unbelief thinking there’s no way this time when she saw the promise, she laughed in amazement thinking, wow, God, I never dreamed this could happen.
I love how merciful God is. He could have said fine, Sarah. If you think it’s impossible.
If you think it’ll never happen, then I’ll find someone else.
But God doesn’t hold our lack of faith, our doubt, our unbelief against us.
You may have laughed in unbelief thinking you could never get, well, never get out of debt, never break that addiction.
But I believe the second laugh is coming. You’re going to laugh in amazement over joy full of wonder thinking.
Wow, God, you’ve shown out in my life. Some of your right times, God has already scheduled.
Wow, moments, things you never dream would happen, favor like you’ve never seen new levels for your family opportunities, healing the right people abundance.
Your right times are coming and they’re going to be better than you thought.
Now, the key is to trust Him while you’re waiting, trust him, while his plan is unfolding.
Don’t get discouraged by what you don’t see happening. Don’t live frustrated because it’s taken longer than you thought.
The right time is the best time. God controls the universe. He can see things that we can’t see.
He can open doors, no person can shut. Sometimes he’ll keep a door closed.
David said, God, my times are in your hands.
He was saying, God, I trust you where I am not discouraged because I’m in the shepherd’s fields being overlooked.
I’m not frustrated because King Saul is chasing me, not stressed out because people are slandering me saying things that are not true.
God, I believe my right times are coming.
I believe you’ve already scheduled the promotion, the vindication, the breakthroughs that you will make things happen, that I can’t make happen, that you will get me to my destiny.
Genesis 21 says Sarah conceived and gave birth to a son at the very time, God had set, it’s significant that when God gave them the promise, he said she would give birth at the appointed time when the promise was fulfilled.
He said it again. She had this baby at the set time. God was showing us.
He doesn’t give you a promise without setting the right time. He puts it on the calendar.
Now, how we wait is up to us. We can wait, discouraged. When is it going to happen? God?
I thought you said I was gonna meet someone. It’s been so long.
I thought you said I was gonna have a bountiful year. I’m in a pandemic.
The only thing bountiful is my bills switch over into faith. Be a believer and not a Doubter. God.
You said as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord.
My child may be off course, but I thank you that the right time is coming, that you will turn things around, that He will honor you and fulfill his destiny or God.
You said I would be the happy mother of Children. Haven’t been able to conceive yet.
But I believe that the right time is coming.
That there is a baby that already has my name on it.
When you understand that God is going to make it happen, takes the pressure off.
You can relax, you can live in peace.
You just keep honoring God and he’ll take you places that you’ve never dreamed.
I was in my early twenties and I had never really dated anyone.
I grew up playing sports and I was always busy.
Even after college, I was playing softball practically every night and tournaments on the weekend, I got tired of hanging out with all the guys.
And I said, God, I wanna meet someone. Few years went by and nothing changed.
I just kept believing that God had the right person already lined up.
I didn’t try to force it to happen.
I just kept honoring God doing the right thing knowing that he was ordering my steps.
One day, the battery from my watch died.
My friend Johnny and I were going up to work out and I saw this jewelry store on the way and I pulled in to get a battery out.
Walked the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen to wait on me. It was Victoria.
I didn’t tell her, but I thought God, you just answered my prayer.
I didn’t have to pray about it anymore. I wasn’t walking by faith. I was walking by sight.
She looked good. We started talking and I found out she was a good Christian girl.
She went to a church like ours across town and I thought that’s great because if she wasn’t, I was about to convert her.
I went in to buy a battery for my watch.
She ended up selling me a whole new watch. She’s been taking my money ever since then.
What happened? I came in to a right time. God had already put that on my schedule.
He had already lined everything up. Think about all that had to fall into place.
There are hundreds of jewelry stores in Houston, but I chose that one. I lost jewelers.
Her mom’s jewelry store, Victoria could have been off that day. She could have been with another customer.
She could have been out to lunch. But there she was waiting for me.
We started dating and the funniest thing happened, she couldn’t keep her hands off of me.
I said, God slow her down. I’m a Christian man, but that’s my side of the story.
Here’s what I’m saying, God has some of these right times in your future.
The right people are going to show up the healing. You’re believing for the promotion, the baby.
You keep honoring God. You’re going to come into these moments of favor where things happen, that only God could make happen.
I talked to a man in the lobby.
He was diagnosed with cancer of the kidney and they were able to remove the kidney.
But when they tested his lymph nodes, it came back positive, the cancer had spread all through his body.
The doctors gave him less than two years to live. That was one report.
But God has another report and sometimes medical science comes to the end of what they can do.
They run out of options. There was no more treatment they could give him the scripture talks about.
Whose report are you going to believe? I’m not saying to deny the problem act like it doesn’t exist.
But you do have to choose to believe what God says about you and not what people say, people can talk you out of your miracle.
And this man was very respectful, but he told his doctors that he didn’t believe he was finished that he had more to do that.
He was going to defy the odds. His main doctor said, sir, you’re in denial.
You need to accept it and deal with it.
Well, he came to MD Anderson, the cancer hospital here in Houston to get a second opinion stop by the service and ask us to pray.
I told him what I tell you all the time that God has the final say that he can do what medicine cannot do that.
When you believe all things are possible that there are some right times in your future, the experts studied all of the records and they agreed with the first diagnosis.
The man asked if they would take some new test. They didn’t see any need for.
It hadn’t been that long, but they went ahead and ran all new tests. They came back a week later.
The main doctor said in all my years of practicing, I’ve never seen this, but we can’t find any cancer in your body.
One X ray. It showed all the cancer, the new one, it was completely gone when it’s your right time.
God says I the Lord will make it happen, may seem impossible.
The experts say no way like Sarah God is asking you, is there anything too hard for the Lord?
You don’t know what God is up to.
There are right times that are not just ordinary, not just a good break, but they are supernatural.
It’s the hand of God that defies the odds that thrust you into places that you can’t go on your own.
That makes ways where there was no way what you’re up against may look bigger, stronger, more powerful, but it’s no match for our God.
Stay in peace. You have the most powerful force in the universe on your side.
Jesus was at a wedding in Galilee and one point during the festivities, they ran out of wine.
His mother Mary came up to him and told him about the problem, said, they don’t have any more wine.
Can you do something about it? Jesus said I can’t do anything.
My time has not yet come up to then he’d never done a miracle. Never healed.
A person never walked on water, never multiplied food.
Yet his mother could sense that he was close to stepping into new levels of his destiny down deep.
She knew he was going to impact the world.
She just didn’t know when and when Jesus told her it wasn’t the right time yet, Mary heard it.
She understood what he was saying, but in faith she told the assistants just do whatever he asked you to do.
She was saying his time may not have come yet, but it’s close. There’s about to be a shift.
He’s on the verge of his right time where he stepped into his ministry where a new level of favor and power and miracles are released.
And just a few minutes after he said, my time has not yet come.
He told the assistants to go fill the empty pots with water as they were bringing them back.
Suddenly the water was turned into wine.
He went from my time has not yet come to the right time is here.
That was his first miracle from then on. He went out and impacted the world.
When you look at your circumstances and the obstacles you’re up against how long you’ve been trying to accomplish your goals.
You could say like Jesus, my time has not yet come Joel.
I can’t do anything about this challenge, but like Mary could sense something new was about to happen with Jesus.
I can sense that God is about to do something greater in your life.
You wouldn’t be hearing this if you weren’t about to come out of my time has not yet come into my right time is here.
You’re on the verge of stepping into a new season.
A season of greater favor, promotion and healing things that have held you back in the past barriers that have limited your family.
Those powers are being broken. You’re gonna see influence resources, talent coming out in ways you’ve never dreamed problems that look permanent are about to suddenly turn around family members.
It wouldn’t have anything to do with you that strife and division is coming down.
You don’t have to make this happen. It’s going to be the hand of God.
You came in to your right time like Mary said to those assistants, the key is to just do whatever God asks you to do, just keep being faithful even though you don’t see anything happening.
Keep believing for your healing. Keep declaring that you’re blessed. Keep thanking God that it will be a bountiful year.
Your time may not have come yet, but it’s closer than you think.
There’s about to be a shift from struggling to ease, from barely making it to abundance, from fighting that addiction to freedom from dealing with that sickness to health and wholeness from nothing, working out closed doors to things falling into place, the right people, the contracts, the resources, what God promised already has the set time.
It’s not gonna be one second, late friends.
There’s no reason to live frustrated, no reason to live worried, trust his timing.
If you’ll do this, I believe and declare you’re about to come in to one of your right time moments like Abraham and Sarah dreams that seem impossible are about to come to pass, healing promotion, divine connections.
It’s going to be better than you think in Jesus name.
And if you receive it, can you say amen today?
And I’d like to give you an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins, come into my heart.
I make you my Lord and savior.
If you prayed that simple prayer, we believe you got born again.
We’d love to give you some new information on your new walk with the Lord free of charge.
Just text the number on the screen. Go to the website.
I hope you’ll get into a good Bible based church and keep God first place.
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We also want to take a moment and thank you for all you do to support the ministry with your donations and offerings.
You help keep the ministry going. When you give, I believe God will open the windows of heaven.
You’ll see his favor in new ways in your life.
I know our best days are still up in front of us.
We love you and we’ll see you next time.
- WHEN HELL MEETS EARTH -1A | Jack Hibbs SpecialTháng 3 2, 2023