Fearless Faith – Living the Higher Life
Fearless Faith – Living the Higher Life
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s wonk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers up next on the believers block of faith.
Everything was made, the world was made before he put Adam in it.
Everything was made that you’ll ever come in contact with that.
You’ll ever need that you’ll ever want from God that you’ll ever desire.
Everything was made and put in the spirit.
What is the reason why I shouldn’t learn about faith?
One is that faith is needed to release the blessing or the anointing of God for the supernatural.
If you recall, the Bible says are over in Genesis chapter one verse 28 God bless them.
And God said to them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have Dominion over the fish of the sea, over the foul of the air and over all every living thing that move upon the earth.
So this blessing was what God used to create the universe.
And now he’s placing it on a man. God bless them.
Adam and Eve number two, faith takes the struggle, the failure and the toil out of our lives.
God planned for you to live a long time. Amen.
And he planned for you to live by faith and you know, yourself, people who sit up worry all night.
That’s hard on your system.
You know, one of the things I saw that Satan is after in terms of trying to control mankind is he’s after your immune system.
No, because your immune system does a whole lot of work for you.
It does a whole lot of work for you.
It’s when you’re asleep at night, your system is working cells are being discharged and renewed.
He meant for you to sleep.
And when you get up in the morning and rise, it’s almost like Jesus raised, being raised from the dead.
It’s, it’s like you, you went into a state were you didn’t consciously know what was happening, but God took care of you and while you were asleep, he was cleansing your body.
Now, when the immune system is not working properly, things don’t get cleaned.
You know, there is not a system working that would repair things, um keep the arteries flowing freely.
It, it’s, it’s not there. And so I just have seen how Satan comes after the immune system, both spiritual and natural, the spiritual immune system.
I think it is found in Psalm chapter 34 in verse seven and he says in the angel of the Lord and camp around about them that fear him and what do they do to deliver him?
So you got a spiritual wall of protection. Look at Job. Job chapter one verse eight.
Now faith keeps it in place. The Lord said unto Satan, have you considered my servant job?
That there is none like him in all the earth, perfect and upright man, one that fears God and to choose evil.
And Satan Anson said, do you do job fear God for not?
Have you not made of what around you? See, that’s that spiritual protection.
Now, how did that protection get down? Ok.
Get jobs fear and his words. And it tore that thing down.
And the next thing you know, he had sores from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet or they put it in the reverse way, but he was all over his body.
But what kept that hedge?
That blessing hedge up faith, kept it up and it’ll keep it up in your life.
See, an enemy wants to get through and he’ll try to do things, ignorance, unbelief, fear, doubt, shame, whatever.
So that, that hedge won’t protect you.
And I call it uh you know, spiritual, spiritual immune system.
But when you’re dealing with the kingdom, he made it so that you have diplomatic immunity and that immunity that you have like that, that’s part of the immune system is angels around you.
Psalm 91 verse five.
He says, thou shalt not be afraid of the terrible by night, nor the arrow that flies by day.
So you got to get the fear out nor for the pestilence at worketh in darkness nor for the destruction of the.
Now we told you that Satan does business at night and what he sends out is curses and spells and he sends those out.
And he said, nor of the pestilence that walk where in darkness?
See next verse 4000 shall fall at thy side and 10,000 at thy right hand.
But it shall not what come.
Now, you only with your eyes shall you behold to see the reward of the wicked. Why?
Because you’ve made the Lord, which is your refuge.
Even the most high your habit, their show no evil before you.
Neither shall any plague come. Now, every virus and, and, and disease in germ that touches your body is supposed to die instantly because of your immune system.
But that immune system is kept in place by what?
And we’ve done a lot of things naturally trying to build that and do things and you know, eat right foods and beets, iron and you know, so forth and so on and that’s fine, that’s fine.
But there is a spiritual immune system that needs to be kept in place.
The third thing, faith is the ability of God in us to superimpose the invisible over the visible in this earth.
The moment something manifest. I no longer need faith.
Let me give you another.
Another part of that faith sees what hasn’t been manifested yet. Ok.
So let’s put these two together. Now, faith sees what hasn’t been manifested yet.
It deals with what exists but what is not visible.
Faith deals with what exists but what is not visible.
Now, I’m still riding off of this third piece that I gave you.
So faith deals with what exists but what is not manifest.
Let’s look at Hebrews chapter 11 and verse uh verse one.
Now faith is the what substance of things hoped for? It is a what evidence of things not seen.
Now put it up there in the amplified, please.
Now faith is the assurance, the confirmation, the title deed of the things we what hope for being the proof of things we do not want.
See and the what conviction of their what reality. Now you are convinced of something you can’t see.
That’s what that’s saying so far.
Faith perceiving as real fact, what is not revealed to your senses.
And if you develop faith, what is not real will be more real to you that what you can see.
And that’s why people think people with faith are crazy.
They think they’re fanatics, they think they’re this or think they’re that why?
Because they can see something that the natural senses cannot see or detect, watch this and it is more real than what you can see and detect come in.
Yeah. Now the Bible talks about presumptuous sins and presumptuous sins.
I think they’re, what they’re talking about is person moving on something that they can’t see, see they’re faking it and it wasn’t ever meant for you to move where you can’t see.
This is, this is, this is a spiritual truth.
Let me, let me, let me uh deal with something here. John chapter 20 please. John chapter 20.
This is a principle. I’m about to show you and then we’re gonna do Romans chapter four.
We just read that but we’ll, we’ll do it again. John chapter 20.
Now in John chapter 20 what happened is Jesus showed up and the disciples are, you know, and, and all of a sudden, Jesus said, well, put your hand and uh fingers in my holes in my hands and put your hand in my side.
And they said, oh my Lord, my God, why? Because they had felt and touched him.
It says verse 24. But Thomas one of the 12 called he was not with them when Jesus came and the other disciples therefore said unto him, we’ve seen the Lord, but he said unto them except I shall see in his hand, the the print of nails and put my finger into the print of nails and thrust my hand into his side.
I what will not believe? And after eight days, again, his disciples were within and Thomas with them and then came Jesus, the doors being shut and stood in the mist and said, peace be unto you and then said, he unto Thomas, reach hither thy finger and behold thy hand and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless.
But what believing? And Thomas answered and said unto Him, my Lord and my God.
And Jesus said to him, Thomas because you have seen me, you have believed, yes, but blessed are they that have not seen yet?
They believe. Whoa whoa whoa, whoa whoa whoa. Now believing is seeing.
Now, keep up with me on this.
Now, Jesus said to him because you have seen me.
You believe I’m saying to you that that’s the way you believe that you see it but you believe with your natural mind.
But if you’re in faith, you can believe with your heart.
See, and when you do believe in your heart, something happens.
Look at Luke and Luke chapter one and look at Amen.
Look at Luke chapter one and let’s go down here to Mary for with God.
Nothing shall be what impossible. And Mary said, be uh behold the handmaiden of the Lord.
Be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed. Come on down to verse 44 right?
He’s going down to Mary to Elizabeth’s house.
Now for as soon as the voice of your salutation sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb.
Who’s this talking? Now, this is Elizabeth. The babe leaped. She’s six months pregnant.
The babe leaped in her womb next verse and blessed is she that what believe for there shall be what a performance of those things come on, which were told her from the Lord.
So if you believe you release the virtue of God for performance, see and, and this is why the enemy doesn’t want you to get to that level.
Because what with God, all things are, what possible.
So when you believe you release God’s power, God’s virtue to perform whatever promise he has given you say, believing is seeing now in the natural.
It’s the same way. I know he’s in a courtroom now.
I know it happened because I saw him myself. He’s a witness. I saw it myself.
But in courtroom, you can’t prove faith because you’re seeing something that other people can’t see, then you’re trying to convince them of something existing that they have no way of contacting.
But if you believe it, there will be a performance and you will see that promise manifested in your.
So notice we’re in a world full of unbelief.
So you’re going to have to believe something in the middle of all the unbelief.
All right, let’s go to Romans chapter four verse 17.
Again, as it is written, I have made the a father of many nations before whom he believed, even God who quickened the dead and called it those things that what be not as what as though they were who against hope, believed in hope that He might become the father of many nations according to that, which is spoken.
So shall I see be and being not what weakened faith?
He considered what not his own body now dead neither.
Uh when he was about 100 years old, neither at the deadness of Sarah’s womb, he staggered not at the what promise of God through what unbelief, but was what strong in faith.
What giving glory to God? What this He was, what fully persuaded that what God had, what promised, what was He?
What he’s able to do? All I gotta do is believe it.
Whatever he promised me in this book, that wealth and riches shall be in my house.
I’ve got to get myself to a place where I believe that.
And when you sit up here and say, hey man, that is not believing yet, now you may but that is a one in a billion.
Probably I’m saying most people when they first read it, it’s not there yet.
So what you have to do is take it and read it again, take it and what we call meditate it.
That means what I’m I wanna do is I’m gonna transform what I believe by declaring it, by saying it, by thinking about it, by pondering it, by reading it over and over.
Say amen to this and put it soon. It’ll drop from my head down into my heart.
Now it becomes more real to me. Than my present circumstances.
Now, my present circumstances may be that in my house, it’s a drought but in my heart, I’m rich and I’ve got the rea thing and it shall be a step up.
Faith sees what has not been manifested.
Say that with me, faith sees what has not been manifested.
It deals with what exists but what is invisible.
It deals with what exists but with what is invisible.
Just look at it. Second Kings chapter six, hi verse 14. All right.
So here the king sent a group of people to get Elisha to profit because he’s, he was a seer.
He could see which way the enemy was gonna come.
Therefore said he, they’re the horses and chariots and a great host and they came by night and can pass the city about and when the servants of the man of God was risen early and gone forth, behold a host can pass the city about with horses and chariots.
And his servant said unto him, alas master, my master, how shall we do?
In other words, we can give up, we just move to give up this, this is it.
We’re sunk and he answered and said, fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.
Fear will not let you see.
The invisible.
Its job is to keep you down in human uh condition.
Its job is to blind the spirit.
Its job is to not let you faith can penetrate and let you see. Fear keeps you down.
So if I got a fear based world, then people are down.
And when I come in with faith, they wonder what I’m talking about.
Alright, let’s look at this again and Elijah prayed and said, Lord, I pray the what?
Open his eyes that he may what see.
And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and Cher of fire round about Elijah.
And when they, they came down unto him, Elijah prayed unto the Lord and said, smite this people with what people I pray thee with what blindness.
And he smoked them with blindness according to the word of Elijah.
When did the angels get there there there, I heard it over there.
See everything He’s done for you is in the book. And when did he do it?
W when, when were you chosen?
See he, he made, he made everything before he made you.
Everything was made, the world was made before he put Adam in it.
Everything was made that you will ever come in contact with that you’ll ever need that you’ll ever want from God, that you will ever desire.
Everything was made and put in the spirit.
Well, praise God, I trust that you enjoy that teaching, living the higher life.
Praise God. You know, there is a low life. God wants us to live the higher life.
Once He comes into your life, you get born again, you’re capable of living on a whole another level.
Now, it talks about faith and faith is the ability to superimpose the invisible over the visible.
You see when God saw darkness, he didn’t say anything about darkness.
He said, let there be light and notice what’s happened. The light was superimposed over that darkness. Praise God.
Well, that’s the same way He wants you to act.
You get his word, what his word says about your finances and super impose that invisible over the visible, that’s called faith.
Also one point to remember a second point to remember believing is seeing, you know, believing and seeing when, when the Bible tells us to believe something.
He is saying, I want you to see something and believing is seeing whenever you believe it’s because you can see it.
Now, it’s not physical, it’s not manifested out there.
So you can physically see it, but it’s manifested in your mind in your heart.
And you can see it when God called me to leave my company and go full time in ministry.
I tell you I was struggling with that. But I meditated Mark chapter 10 verse 29 30.
No man does have house mother, father, sister, brother and I put job in there for your sake in the gospel.
But he shall receive 100 fold now. Well, I meditated it until I could see it now, I’m believing it.
And if thou can believe all things are possible, that’s all it is. It’s called living the higher life.
You gotta get this, this, this, this will change you. I’m telling you this will make every crooked road straight.
He’s the Lord. It is a powerful teaching. We taught it. God gave it to me.
I spoke it and people are really, really getting the benefit of it. I want you to order it today.
You will not be disappointed. Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you.
And until next time, keep walking by faith.
Today’s series Living The Higher Life is available in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP four to order in the US call 807 119327 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada, call us at 844298 29 100 or contact us online at Bill Winston dot C A.
In this transformational message, Dr Winston teaches that living on a higher level of faith is a spiritual process that takes the struggle and toil out of our lives and delivers supernatural results that no devil can delay or deny.
It’s time to stop living below your potential. Why? Because you are designed to live the higher life order.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
- God the Holy Spirit – Our Helper – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng tư 19, 2023