Your Life – On Faith – Part 5 (Hebrews 11:30-40)

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Your Life – On Faith – Part 5 (Hebrews 11:30-40)

The Bible provides practical wisdom as it addresses complex moral dilemmas with clarity.

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your life on faith ongoing series here in Hebrews chapter 11 and it’s amazing right now isn’t it cool though kind of confusing for me we’re in Romans 11 on Sunday and Hebrews 11 on Wednesday and uh it’s it’s wild because we we started these two books so long ago but your life on faith and um I’ll begin in verse 30 if you read nice and Loud verse 31 if you would by faith the walls of Jericho fell down after after they were encircled for seven days did not believe she Reed SP with peace and what more shall I say for the
time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barack and Samson jeepa also of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued Kingdom worked righteousness obtained promises sto the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong became Valiant in battle turn to flight the armies of the aliens women reive their dead raised to life again others were tortured not accepting Deliverance that they might obtain a better Resurrection wow wow verse 36 still others had trial of
mockings and scourgings yes and of chains and imprisonment they were stoned they were saw in two were tempted were slain with the sword they wandered about in sheep skins and goat skins being destitute Afflicted tormented of whom I love verse 38 of whom the world was not worthy they wandered in deserts and mountains in dens and caves of the earth and all these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise God verse 40 God having provided something better for us that they should not be made complete or perfect apart
from us father we could say amen and go home tonight with that remarkable testimony of scripture and you speak Lord of us we your people made of dust but within us we have the word of God and the Holy Spirit lives in us who believe thus we’ve become the Temple of the Living God and for you to say to us that even if we were to be imprisoned mocked beat reduced to having to wear animal skins the world is not worthy of our presence because of one name because of Jesus Hallelujah Lord God Almighty we praise you speak to us
tonight from your word we pray and all God’s people said amen you may be seated church so we’ll dive into this tonight and if you didn’t uh uh be if you weren’t with us last time you can um you can catch up online uh with us but we left off regarding Joshua you remember that Joshua was told by God this is how you’re going to take down uh well that’s not true God didn’t say this is how you’re going to take down the walls of Jericho God said get up walk around the walls uh six times once six
times or six days one time each day six times and then on the seventh day walk around seven times and shout and blow the trumpet the Ram’s Horn and the walls will come down and it’s absolutely insane and yet the Bible says it happened and for those of you who struggle with what the Bible says in those insane things we look a little bit at how archaeology there in the city or the town I should say of Jericho today the archaeological discoveries are not kind of sort of they are absolutely 100% confirmed the
ancient brick that that was of the time period of Joshua all found Unearthed Museum pieces and all of those outer and inner walls had fallen from the inside out proving that it was not by an earthquake we looked at that as well and so we left off with this church and it’s that it’s that point in verses 30 to 31 and we’ll move on tonight but it’s here right now we finish your life on faith and that was we’ll face impossible situations if you’re a Christian tonight will you write this down your life will experience encounter
impossible situations you have to I have to it’s the way it is Jack can it be easy now that I’m a Christian I’ve really had a rough life now that I’m a Christian can it be easy answer no well then why should I become a Christian because when you’re not a Christian you go through all the rough stuff alone with no direction and no hope but when you go through life with the rough stuff with God it has purpose meaning he holds your hand you can sense him and he takes you through it and then you get on the other side of it and
we’re the only ones in the world that when we’re on the other side of it we can say that was the best thing that ever ever happened in my life I would never sign up for that again because it hurts so bad but I’m a thousand times stronger because of it only the believer can say that and so when the Bible told us in chapter 11:30 by faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were in circle for seven days the scripture says that’s exactly what happened and so this is Bible 101 if you think about it and
that is us moving on into the relationship of disciple making and being a disciple this entire situation about you and I growing the impossible things cause us to be Disciples of Christ to follow him Matthew chap 28:1 16 you guys know this very very well then the 11 disciples you see I thought there was 12 well there was 12 but one of them was possessed by Satan went out and hung himself his name is Judas and so this is right after that so there’s only 11 of them Matias has not yet been selected to fill in the
blank and so then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them and when they saw him they worshiped him I love that but some doubted and I love that too it’s very human of them and Jesus came and spoke to them saying and here we go all authority has been given to me in heaven and on Earth that’s a lot lot go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe
all things that I’ve have commanded you and behold I Am With You Always even to the end of the age and Jesus gives us the commissioning and Matthew writes in amen so let it be done so let that be true that is true this is the marching order this is the this is the Christian Life go out into the world wherever you go wherever I send you oh by the way I’m going to send you uh in all kinds of infinite different of ways uh in a UPS truck I’ll send you uh as an Uber driver I will send you as an engineer I will send you uh as a
as a dad as a father as a wife as a mom as a as a youth P Group whatever it doesn’t matter do you know me yes I’m G to send you and sometimes at first as being a Christian we think oh my goodness I just signed up to follow Jesus what does that mean where’s he going to send me and and some people get a little nervous about that I remember being nervous about that until somebody set me straight and I was a I don’t know why I thought this but um I I had this thought where oh my goodness if God if God tell what if God tells me
that he wants me to go to Detroit I don’t know why it was Detroit I’d never been to Detroit I was 19 years old and I thought what if God calls me to Detroit and I got all nervous about it and uh I remember this guy precious man at Calvary Costa Mesa he told me he said listen if God calls you to Detroit uh angel or demon won’t be able to keep you from going I go what do you mean he said you’ll fall in love with Detroit I feel bad for people listening right now from Detroit but um when God calls you he puts a love in
your heart for that thing so it’s like I don’t know if I should be a Christian because what if he sends me to Africa listen if he sends you to Africa it’s going to be because you love and he can’t wait to get there he’ll change your heart he’ll prepare you how does he prepare us discipl making making disciples and that is a very very rare thing in this day and age for a church or a Ministry to be making disciples that’s what we’ve been commissioned to do and uh I love this church write this
down if you would uh Daniel 11:32 says but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits do you believe that verse in the Bible I don’t care if you believe it or not I do and it has a Major Impact Upon My Life by the way those two words great exploits one Hebrew word and it means this in fact look at on the screen it’s incredible to be being as an Advan or an advancing forward growing firmer becoming stronger becoming more courageous more Mighty the Bible says that those who know their God
will become more resilient more effective to grasp in hand the victory that’s what it means that those of us who grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus become able to grab the victory here’s what’s fun about being a Christian if you read your Bible carefully the war has already been determined the war is over according to the Bible I know it doesn’t feel like it but the war is over Christ regarding the war he won it’s over the war is over so well why what’s going on these are called battles the Bible says you and I
go through battles we go through battles the war has been determined and Christ did that technically he did it in the Garden of Gethsemane but if you were to answer the cross and the empty tomb that’s the right answer also I would put the Trinity together as to how was Christ Our Victor number one The Garden of Gethsemane from that moment on after he is speaking with the father and says nevertheless not my will but thy will be done then Jesus Takes command if you know notice he takes command he goes down to the Kidron
Valley it’s there that Judas comes and meets him and betrays him in Judas Jesus is in total control so much so that Peter pulls out his knife to try to defend Jesus and cuts off the right ear of malchus one of the assistants to the guards the Bible tells us that Peter and you know people people say well Peter cut Peter cut malus’s ear off uh if you were to ask Peter Peter probably said I I know can you believe I missed Peter was going to kill the guy to defend Jesus and uh wasn’t it you know he he
missed and cut cut the guy’s ear off Jesus he’s being arrested he’s going to be taken off and crucified after being beaten and what does Jesus do when the ear Falls onto the ground can you imagine he he the guy not naturally your ear gets your ear gets cut off or shot at a rally and you go you go down but in this case in this case it it doesn’t tell us that the guy picked up the ear it it implies that Jesus himself picked up the ear can you imagine what did he do with this I would love to have seen this the
guy’s like oh and Jesus picks up the ear and it says it put it back it says Jesus put his ear back on how awesome is that the Bible tells us in Romans 8 verse 31 What then shall we say to these things if God is for us exactly who by the way the The Who meaning uh all ranks of uh people and human authorities who can be against us okay that’s that’s amazing verse 32 he who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with all with him also freely give us all things verse 33 who shall bring
any charge against God’s elect it is God who justifies I love that who is he who condemns it is Christ who died and furthermore is risen from or or is risen who is even at the right hand of God who also makes intercession for us verse 35 who shall separate is from the love of Christ shall tribulation sh or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or Peril or sword as it is written and by the way uh here in Romans verse 8 Paul is quoting psalm 44:2 for your sake we are killed all day long we are accounted
as sheep for the slaughter that is that should be uh out in front of every Christian Seminary when you when you show up that’s what the that’s what minister is all about verse 37 yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am persuaded I love this Paul’s just says I’m absolutely convinced Beyond any possibility of being talked out of it I know what I know is a fact for I am persuaded that neither death nor life church you need that I need that you need we need that
absolute same assurance and we can have it if we hang on to the word of God like Paul did Paul listen Paul doesn’t get extra verses because he’s a straight A student this power this truth is yours it’s mine he’s been completely persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities or Powers Spirit entities nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing and put my name by the way under any other created thing I believe I fall under the category of any
other created thing I’m a I’m a bozo but I’m not messing up God’s plan he’s going to see to it that he pulls it off in my life and I am so happy that he’s so committed to that and I need him to be committed to that shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our lord that’s a good time to say Amen people absolutely amazing absolutely awesome so real Biblical Faith as we’re studying here requires of us to be disciples okay I think we’re we’re
settling that as we go through here and part of being a disciple is that word that we hate and it’s the word wait to wait on the Lord but take notice regarding Joshua six days as we advance into the study tonight every one of these characters that we’ll see in the Bible had an element of waiting that you might find quite interesting to discover for example are you seeking God tonight have you been seeking the Lord asking him to speak to you about a direction in your life a purpose for your life is God saying to you I want
you to do this I want you to um go out of the career or the vocation I’ve called you because I’m calling you into Ministry well that’s a big one or are you in Ministry and God is calling you out of the ministry in a different area of service to him for his glory that’s a big deal every true follower of Christ tonight no matter how seasoned you might be has a longing in your heart God what’s next Lord what’s next do you want to do something next and listen to what happened with Paul I
love this and I by the way what I’m going to read to you pastors will often young pastors will often ask how did you know that you were called Pastor Jack I want to know if I’m called here it is for me Galatians chapter 1 beginning at verse 15 when it pleased God who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through his grace to reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the Gentiles this is Paul speaking I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood you guys hear this is God calling you to
do something don’t talk to people about it number one discipline wait on God not on people unless you’re a waiter at the restaurant then you can do it apart from that listen this is if if if this was a pastor’s conference right now I would say this exact same thing if somebody has told you that you should go into the ministry you’ve made the wrong decision if you’re here today at this pastor conference and you’re here because your dad was a pastor and your grandpa was a pastor so you automatically assume that you must be a
pastor also you made a big mistake if you’re here because you’ve got the Gift of Gab you can tell a joke or you can talk up a storm or you can sell a ice cream to a a what is that joke a munchkin or what is Eskimo ice to a what you know basketball to an Eskimo something like this if you could sell if you’re and then whoa I was such a I was a number I was top salesman at the company and now I’m a Christian I think God wants me to be a pastor I’ve never seen such a thing ever happen don’t confuse natural abilities
with Supernatural callings God often calls donkeys and he’ll Inspire them to speak it’s amazing so by the way we’re still going on with this is incredible so Galatians so don’t confer with flesh and blood I want I I I encourage you to follow Paul’s example don’t talk to people because you know listen people will say oh you’re the man and then six months later they’re going to say uh we don’t think so verse 17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who Apostles before me you don’t need to make any
appointments with anybody wow I’m reliving I’m having flashbacks right now but I went to Arabia and returned again to Damascus that’s Syria then after three years three years I went up to Jerusalem to to see Peter and remained with him 15 days Paul does he sound like he’s in a hurry he’s being led by God whenever you’re in a hurry it’s not going to be good I got to have this now God told me now listen if God told you you don’t need to tell anybody then do it but listen if God told you and you’re
not really sure if it was God we will know because this is what will happen hey Pastor Jack can I share something with you um God told us to to move to the South Pole and uh we want to know what you think about that you know what I do look I may be ugly but I’m not stupid there’s no way that I’m going to insert myself into that listen why are you asking me well we we’d like we’ just like to get your opinion about that there is no opinion excuse me you just said to me God told you to go to Detroit why are you asking
me do you hear what I’m saying people we’ve got to break loose from this emotionalism based theology how do you feel how do you feel about that forget about how you feel about about that what did God say let’s be honest God says this and you go really it’s kind of a Quench and it’s exactly what you need to stay alive it’s exactly what you and I need oh he’s so good wait and in Paul’s case it’s kind of an act of waiting he goes from Damascus he goes all the way down to Arabia and then 3
years later and by the way we find out from other script that it’s during those three years the spirit of God is teaching him Paul said even Christ taught him and you say I I don’t know that’s a big statement have you read Paul’s letters it’s obvious the insights that the lord gave him Psalm 27:14 wait on the Lord be of good courage you want courage wait on the Lord I want courage but I don’t want to wait ain’t going to have courage and he shall strengthen your heart wait I say on the Lord I love that
Lamentations 3: 25 the Lord is good to those who wait for him to the soul who seeks him it is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the Salvation of the Lord I know we don’t want to hear this tonight we’ve we’ve got quick and easy this and drive-thru that and oh man can you imagine can you imagine starting a church and it’s all lit up with neon lights with like fingers like this and it kind of looks like an In-N-Out or maybe like a Taco Bell or something and it’s it’s like it’s it’s the U
Christianity in in three and a half minutes driveth through driveth through church order the verse you want by the time you come around we’ll have that verse all laminated for you we’ll hand it hand it to you and Away you go and you’re done Church no nope doesn’t work that way wait God wants us to wait that’s how we grow can you imagine putting a seed in the ground or a bulb you know a bulb is a seed I love bulbs because they’re so ugly you know PL you know bulbs bulbs that make beautiful plants they’re
so ugly they’re so homely looking if you didn’t know if it wasn’t in the wrapper you’d say what is that wouldn’t you listen have you seen a rular bulb it looks like it’s from some foreign world and it’s like what is that please tell me what it’s a rular bulb it it blooms one of the most beautiful flowers if you put it in the ground you you put it okay really what it will Bloom this yes it’s amazing what it can do just PL plant it okay and you put it in the ground you go nothing’s happening
can you imagine hurry up it’s not going to work that way what does it need soil water Sun heat exposure growth so does the Christian we want Faith biblical faith in this day and age where there’s a drought in the world for biblical Faith this is how it happens there’s no shortcut just abide in Christ John tells us just Jesus says it over and over again in John’s gospel just abide hang out with me stick with me let’s do this together it’s awesome Isaiah 30:18 Isaiah 3018 says therefore the Lord will wait that he may
be gracious to you and therefore he will be exalted that he may have mercy on you for the Lord is a god of Justice blessed are all those who wait for him now look at that verse at the top it says therefore the Lord will wait and then at the bottom it says all those who wait for him to wait for him is to wait upon him and he waits for us meaning that he will surround us and provide us with every moment and every beneficial thing for us to grow and he’s patient as we grow aren’t you glad he’s patient as we grow oh my
goodness I am and then it says in verse 31 by faith the Harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe when she received the spies with peace I love this part you ready hang on Rahab was a hooker she’s a harlot she’s in the city of Jericho she’s in the city that’s condemned it’s going to go down guess what she’s not worried about it Joshua chapter 2 verse one I’ll read it fast you can see it on the screens or you can mark it in your Bibles now Joshua the son of noon sent
men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly saying go view the land especially Jericho so they went and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab and lodged there that’s pretty smart of these Israeli Commandos because men are going in and out all the time they would expect that that’s pretty covert pretty slick watch this and it was told the king of Jericho saying behold men have come here tonight from the children of Israel to search out the country so the king of Jericho sent to Rahab saying bring out the men


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