You Won’t Fail – No Fear
You Won’t Fail – No Fear
Doctors. Bill and veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life, contact us by phone at 18775439443.
Or submit your prayer request online. And Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
The believer’s walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners and viewers, you’ve got to be free of fear.
You are connected to a God who has the unlimited power.
That if you could ever get rid of fear, then you have just connected with unlimited power.
No fear. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. And basically you either in fear or faith.
But if you won’t fear, you won’t fail. Say I have no fear. I have great faith.
Fear tolerated. Is faith contaminated contaminated.
Faith doesn’t have this kind of power.
I wonder why that didn’t work because your faith is contaminated. Say fearless.
Let’s take Daniel Chapter six. What is happening?
Daniel goes against the law of this Persian kingdom in this sector.
And what did he do?
They said don’t pray, I’m talking about the church now because they told you to take them bibles out of schools and you said yes the boss and took them out and took them out.
Now I’m telling you what we’re gonna have to come back with, we’re gonna have to get the fear out.
But here’s Daniel and Daniel instead of bowing to the law that they made that nobody can pray to any other god except the god of heaven and earth.
I mean except their false god Daniel went up in his room.
Now he didn’t need to do this, but he opened the window and begin to pray to his God.
Now it seems to me in my day we’ll call that picking a fight because you know, let me tell you this.
I just wrote it up in my partner letter.
So when I was a kid in high school we would go to the university campus.
Sometimes we’d play basketball and that would be on saturday sometimes they have an open gym and they had a lot of gold posts and I mean basketball courts and so is much bigger and so forth and very nice and so we’d meet but guys would meet from both sides of town and usually some side didn’t like the other side too much and so forth.
And there was this guy named herman and Herman was a bully.
Now if your name is Herman, I’m not talking about you, this is not this is not your moment, I’m telling you what happened.

Uh that’s on this deal here, so here and so you try to check or guard Hermann.
Hermann would elbow you and and then going for the shot, see now you elbow you you’re grabbing yourself and he’s gone and made the shot and Herman would do that when we come up and pretty soon I didn’t like it.
Now you you gotta understand I wasn’t the biggest ball player on the team, but I thought I was am I right and lion is not the biggest animal in that jungle, but he thinks he is and you can’t talk him out of it and they respect him for what he thinks.
So I told him I said let me check it man, let me check it.
And I you know, start checking Herman, boom!
Starting, okay, I said okay let’s go outside now on my way out, you know, I used to think I was superman anyway, you know that, but on my way out now I am not advocating violence.
Say this, he is not advocating violence in the name of jesus, he’s just telling a story when he was unsaved, Okay, so what happened was he elbowed me, I say let’s come outside because I was fed up, yes, I was fed up and nobody would face him Mhm and I don’t know what happened to me, I just it just came over me and I said let’s go outside and on the way out the boy said oh man how about Winston man?
Well he can hit pretty hard man, you know, I’m hearing all these, you know, just like just like it’s Muhammad ali and joe Frazier, you know?
And on the way out, this is what I said, I’m gonna hit him once, come on, not gonna hit him twice.
I said I’m gonna hit him once now I’m working a principle, yeah David hit him once and I knew that story, I said I’m gonna hit him once and that’s gonna be the end of it now.
I was infuriated because nobody would stand up to him.
See the devil is a bully Really?
That’s why he tried to show you all the things on tv and try to, it’s in the suggestion that you got that too, can’t you feel it in your side or so forth and so on and and I mean it’s one thing after another so I said y’all wanna hear the rest of this and so what happened?
So what did I do?
I said okay I got out there and the guys were all around you know and I said okay I’m gonna hit him once.
I don’t know where that power came from.
Listen I wrote it up in my partner letter for this month, I don’t know where that power came from, but it came.
Yeah, it hit him so hard. Blood popped out over his nose and so forth.
That’s alright. That’s alright, man, That’s all right. You know, faith and confession.
David said, okay, this day the Lord is gonna deliver you into my hands.
It’s done. The church has to rise up.
You have got a bully making laws for your little Children with books that are so filthy as porno and and and and saying nothing about it.
No outrage. Just being elbow.
Well, let me tell you, Yeah, whole church.
Well, they’re glad to come up in here.
But God is training you up in here to face that bully.
Yeah, enough is enough. Lord have mercy.

Right? Don’t you know, I was the talk of the town and that’s not what I was looking for.
I was just outraged that nobody would say a thing because they didn’t want to face Herman.
I don’t know where he is now. He may be saved. And maybe a pope somewhere.
But my point she is is that during that time these people made up in their mind that fear was not going to be a part of their program.
And I believe that enemy is using fear today, all over the place, You name it.
And they said even over in uh hebrews chapter two verses 14 and 15 through fear of death.
They were all their lifetime enslaved, scared to die, scared they’re gonna die, You’re not gonna die.
We’ve canceled all premature deaths in the ministry.
How about one man now this this is this is one woman changed all the laws don’t want without fear.
Now somebody that didn’t have fear. Somebody who was fearless.
Fearless because you’d be surprised all the little areas satan tried to make fear come in your life because he needs to get fear there so he can get a grip.
But if you won’t fear, you won’t fail. So you won’t fail.
I mean, I’ve gone places. I’m being transparent.
I’ve gone places and preach for big thing and and that night I’m studying And in the 1/2 hour my throat closed up.
I called my wife said baby, I don’t know what care hardly even talk.
I said it’s hurting, it’s close. And it wasn’t until sometime later I said, God, what was that?
He said that was fear.
See how the enemy can do something with your body if you fear, jesus no, down at lake and pulaski.
I remember I was teaching them all how to teach sunday school and so forth. We had a main service.
We had a kind of a sunday school because you know, they had come from that and we had some and I had different people because we had taught them and different people would take a sunday school less lead.
And I told somebody and said, Hey, uh, you got it next sunday. No, I can’t take that.
I said no, no, it’ll be all right.
I said I’ll help you work it out and it’s just a little lesson and you just teach it.
I can’t do it pastor, I can’t do it. I said how do you know you can’t do it?
I just know I can’t do it.
And I’m telling you, I said no you’re gonna do this because we need to get you and get you in a place where you you know you can teach the word of God so forth.
The middle of the week went into the hospital with heart palpitations.
Men’s hearts will fail them because of fright with fear. Why?
Because what’s happening to the earth?
I feel I’m just saying no fear, say no fear First Kings chapter six Okay and verse I think 16 through 18 or something.
Okay. And this is one man. Now just listen to me now.
One man, he got surrounded by a Syrian army. Am I right about that?
And the servant came out and the servants of master, what are we gonna do?
Panic, That’s that’s fear. Gotta watch that one.
Did you hear that noise in the kitchen now? You follow what I’m saying?
Whatever it is, rebuke it in, jesus name, Rebuke it until what happened next is the servant came out and saw him and panic said Master Alaska, what are we gonna do now?
He said cool it man, I’m gonna use my words just cool out he said fear not there be more with us than be with them.
Now see what fear could do. Cut off your spiritual sight. You can’t see your help.
I got to stay out of fear.
I said I gotta stay out of fear. Yes. Now uh there’s some more in mary.
How about mary mary had to not only carry that baby but she she received this thing and when the angel came to her and told her she was gonna have a child and so forth she said she said and and the child shall be the son of God mary said well go be it onto me praise God and watch this was expected you know and people knew she wasn’t married yet.
Now I’m not saying do that. I’m just saying that’s what happened to mary. All right.
My point is she had no fear of receiving because he said it’s gonna be the son of God mary didn’t know what she was receiving, what she had received was gonna save her life.
Yo hallelujah. So I think you got it don’t you? No, no.
Now notice whether it’s a woman or whether it’s a man the same power can flow through.
But fear is there to block that power he says over in Matthew 24 verse seven come on read that with me let’s start for our nation to rise up against nation.
Come on, Kingdom against kingdom And what else?
Hold on there shall be what famines. Come on here.
What else earthquake? Come on. What else?
See because there is no rain has nothing to do with a green deal.
It has something to do with the curse that is on this earth that a windmill can’t do nothing about well fossil fuel.
It can’t do nothing about it. It can’t do anything about it.
You you you trying to cut back on this and so forth and oh no no no no this is much bigger than that.
This is the kind of thing that only the church can do something about it because they got something called a blessing that can make any place on earth like the garden of Eden in the last days they’re gonna be famine, there’s gonna be no rain.
There’s gonna but the church can be like Elijah, he said it stops when I tell it to stop and it’ll start when I tell it to start for that powerful stuff can make it rain whenever he wanted to.
Isn’t that what the song says, I can make it rain whenever I want it to.
Alright, don’t don’t be saying y’all stay saved.
So here’s what he says Mark, chapter 11 In verse 23 Read it with me everything.
Mhm. To this house into the sea and shall not Dallas but shall believe that those things that is safe shall come to pass if you will what faith is satan’s greatest nightmare.
Don’t ever forget that he will do all kinds of things to keep you from developing your faith.
He’ll even give you stuff to keep you from developing your faith. Mhm.
He knows if you don’t develop your faith, he can take it back.
I told him sunday and I’ll say it again because it was told to me one of the worst places you can be in life as a believer is in a place where you don’t have to use any faith.
Keep faith working on something all the time.
So here the enemy worst place can be is a place.
He said. You’ve got you can’t let you develop your faith. He’s got to keep you from developing.
Stop reading the word of God. Stop confessing the word of God so forth and so on.
Now in that hold on, I got a couple of things here I just had on this sheet, praise God.
Are you getting something out of this?
So I just want to make sure that I’m giving you what you need to fight with.
And the biggest thing you need to fight with is knowledge, he said.
My people are what the story for the lack of knowledge.
Faith is a servant is a servant. Faith is a servant. Now, how do I know that?
Over in luke chapter 17 In verse five, he said, Lord increase our faith.
And then as I look at the next one, he said, well, if you had faith, as you say, the cinnamon tree be thou plucked up by the so forth and so on.
And then he says, uh which of you having a servant plowing?
And he goes on, talks about the servant, not only serving you, but he comes in and he finishes something and he said, don’t let him sit down.
Let him serve you until you have finished all you’re supposed to do.
Then let him take a rest. Don’t let your faith stop.
Once you get one thing come in, put it on another.
Isn’t that powerful? Yeah, Faith will always do the job.
I said, Faith will always do the job. Same into that.
And also have faith in your faith, have faith in your faith.
And the last thing I have down here, we’re coming into a time where faith is no longer going to be an option.
Mhm. Mhm. It’s gonna be a requirement.
He said over and Luke chapter 18, I think it’s verse eight when he comes back, will he find faith on the earth God said, I want you to teach faith all over the world.
He knew what was coming.
And I’m telling you if you have faith, whatever the world is subject to, we’ll just go right past you.
If you got the right faith, I believe you can transfer funds.
Do you hear what I’m telling you?
You can make it so that they put your name on the grant, Watch this.
They have a dream about you that night and wake up.
You follow what I’m saying, but this is what faith can do.
So I’ll start where I’ll come back to where I started. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated.
Now as we have finished this lesson tonight, God’s gonna be showing you little places where fear has been in your life, I sought the Lord, he heard me and delivered me from all my fears.
Father, we pray in the name of jesus that every place that satan has come into our lives and planted unbelief, doubt and fear, we pray that it be rigid out Lord, just like you rooted out that tree rip that tree out of us.
That’s carrying that fear and doubt and unbelievable.
Let us walk strong in faith giving glory to God and fully persuaded that what you have promised, you’re able to perform well, I trust that you enjoyed that teaching now, that’s called No fear.
It means just that No fear. Fear should be off limits. For a believer, I’m talking about you.
Fear things come on television, whatever have you is trying to get you in fear because when fear is present, faith doesn’t work.
You gotta get fear out. No fear, not a little bit of fear, no fear.
Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. You don’t want that just shall live by faith.
God has made it so you can’t you don’t need to fear death.
the sickness going broke, anything, just make up your mind right now repeat after me.
No fear in jesus name, praise God. It is a powerful teacher order it today.
You will not be disappointed. Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
You got to be free of fear. Fear of everything. Get rid of all fear.
You should have no fear.
You are connected to a God who has the unlimited power that if you can ever get rid of fear, then you have just connected with unlimited power.
No fear. Fear tolerated. Is faith contaminated and basically you either in fear or faith.
But if you won’t fear you won’t fail. Say I have no fear.
I have great faith, blessed by today’s message order.
No fear in its entirety to receive the full teaching.
This two part series is available on Cd or MP three on DVD or MP four.
To order contact us at 1 807 119327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
Bill and veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
Our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you.
We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life, contact us by phone at 18775439443 or submit your prayer request online and Bill Winston dot org forward slash prayer.
We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
We love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston ministry partners and friends.
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This is Bill Winston, I love you and keep walking by faith.