You will Understand This in the Last Days | Jonathan Cahn Special

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You will Understand This in the Last Days

“One heartbeat,” he replied, “one heartbeat. That’s it. That’s all. You’re only one heartbeat away from eternity. Everything you have—your life, your breath, this moment, it’s all borrowed, it’s all a gift. And at any moment it all ends with a heartbeat…just one heartbeat, and there’s no more time. One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone. One heartbeat and there’s no more choosing—it’s all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

The question remains, is there a significance in all this? Are we linked to the end of days?
A lot of things that people say about prophecy and much of it is, is nothing much of it is nonsense.
What people say, a lot of misconceptions of what people say, the Bible says about prophecy.
A lot of things are taken as biblical that are not.
So tonight, since in a sense, it is the end of days.
It’s the end of the days of the 19 hundreds. Tonight.
It’s sort of a, a foreshadow of the end of days and we’re gonna do it in a way that’s very end of days.
I and so this is sort of the dawn of that.
The, what does the Bible actually say about the end of days? The last days?
Wanna open up the Bible tonight before the time runs out on this millennium or in this time and see what exactly does the Bible say about the end of days?
Once and for all. And the last days, we’re gonna look at exactly those passages that say end of days or last days and there’s only some of them, there’s only a certain amount of them we’re gonna look at at the key ones tonight.
Get ready to turn, quick turn to Daniel 12, Daniel 12 1st, the very end of Daniel.
In fact, the phrase, the movie, the phrase comes from this right here comes from Daniel, the very last verse, the last words.
But as for you go your way, then you will enter into rest and rise again for your allotted portion in the end at the end of the age.
Well, your translation might say that but in the original, it says literally Kates, Haim Kates Ha the end of days, the end of the days, what do we know about the end of Daniel?
What what are the end of days? What does the Bible say?
It’s gonna be like, well, verse one of that same chapter says at that time, Michael, the Archangel will guard over the sons of your people.
He will arise. There will be distress as never before.
It says in the same chapter, there will be distress for the Jewish people as never before. What will happen.
At the end of days, the Jewish people have to survive to the end of days and in the end of days, they will be central in distress.
There will be trouble centered on Israel the end of days. Shaking.
It says in verse 10 of that same chapter, many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand those who insight will understand.
What are the end times. The Bible says will be a time of purging separation, separation.
The evil will get more evil, the good will get more good. The graze will disappear.
You will, we will be forced to take a stand all out one way or the other.
That’s what happens in the end days.
Not only is this, it says the end of days is another term in the Bible speaks about the same thing.
It says it’s a the last days, the latter days, the last days, same thing.
It is first found, not in Daniel, but in Moses from the Torah turn to Deuteronomy four verse 30.
See when Moses actually speaks about the latter days, see what Moses says, Moses is talking to Israel.
It’s his farewell address. They’re gathered by the Jordan.
He’s saying goodbye to them and he tells them not only what’s going to happen to them then, but what’s going to happen to them at the end of the age, the end of days, verse 30 when you are in distress and all these things have come upon you in the la latter or the last days, you will return to the Lord, your God and listen to his voice.
Notice two things, key distress, tribulation, same thing as in Daniel and how consistent and you will return Jewish people in the end times distress, you will return verse 27.
He gives another prophecy. The Lord will scatter you to all the nations. You’ll be left few in number.
The Lord shall drive you. And then it says verse 29 you will seek the Lord.
In the latter days, the Jewish people will seek the Lord.
They’ll be distressed tribulation, but they will turn back to the Lord turn to Jeremiah 30 and you should know these or mark these.
These are key last days where it says last days, Jeremiah 30 verse 24 the the Jeremiah speaking about the end.
Well, that’s what he says. The fierce anger of the Lord will not turn back until he’s performed until he’s accomplished the intent of his heart.
In the last days, you will understand this in the last days, you will understand what is it saying?
The judgment of God will come and do its thing in the latter days.
You will understand in Israel and then it goes on. It speaks about a day when Israel is wounded.
Then it speaks about a day when Jeremiah 31. When God is bringing them back to the land of Israel.
Israel will become a nation. This is all last days goes all together.
It says in verse 10 of that same chapter 30 hear the word of God declare in the nations proclaim to the world.
He who scattered Israel will gather him and keep him as a shepherd, keeps his flock.
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