Win The Battle Over Temptation (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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Win The Battle Over Temptation (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Struggling with temptation? Tired of failing in your walk as a Christian? Discover the key to victory in this powerful message!

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About this episode You are watching the sermon, Win The Battle Over Temptation, preached on Aug 4, 2024 by Joseph Prince.

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Now I’m going to bring you to the question on how not to sin. “Pastor Prince, we see all these things in” “ourselves, but what do we do, Pastor? “What do we do with this uprising of the flesh?” Have you noticed that trying doesn’t work? You can’t suppress it. You can’t use willpower.
Our answer must be based on the gospel. Now, every sin is evil and destructive. I know you experience it in your experience. I know you experience it in your feelings, but God’s established fact is that you are dead to sin. Why fight an enemy that doesn’t exist? With the temptation, with the problem, God makes a way of escape? The answer is found in the temptation.
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Amen. It happens. Healings are happening so regularly now that chances are we forget to give God our heartfelt thanksgiving and praise. Amen. So altogether now, for all that we have heard, not just today, but for the past weeks and even in your personal life when God has healed you or done something along those lines, are you ready? Lift your voice and give him praise and thanksgiving from our hearts in Jesus name. Thank you, father.
Thank you Lord. We know it’s you, Lord, we know it’s you. Lord, we know it’s you. So we give you all the praise. All the glory, yes, father, all the praise, all the glory belongs to you. And we glorify the name of Jesus, the only name, amen, name above every name. We are not here for any other name. Name represents the person.
We are here for one name. We are gathered in that name and in that name, we have seen healings and miracles, time and time again, even for the prayers that have come up from this pulpit here, you’ll find me saying, in the name of Jesus, growth be gone. Amen. Amen. You don’t find me saying just growth be gone.
The power is not in any name in anyone. The power is in the name of Jesus. Amen. And Jesus has authorized the church to use his name. He has given the church the power of attorney. A man of God wants us a lawyer. What is exactly the power of attorney? He says, well, it all depends on the person that you are representing.
The power of attorney is limited to the wealth and the resources of the person you represent. If the person is wealthier, you represent the richest person on earth. Then you’re able to do more as a lawyer to execute on his behalf the businesses that he has asked you to do. Amen. So we are here to execute the business, not of the one, only powerful or rich over one planet, but the entire universe.
Amen? And the Bible says, we are joined as with Jesus Christ and have a good amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. Thank you Lord. Hallelujah. Amen. So we say in the name of Jesus, it’s no more you. The sickness is no more dealing with you. The devil is no more dealing with you regardless. It’s nothing to do with you.
It’s not how good you are, how strong your faith is. It’s not a matter of like, are you worthy or are you not worthy? It’s a matter of the name that you are representing. Amen. I’ve said before that if you have a small size police officer, which you seldom get to see, but if he stops a large truck on the road, he just have to lift his hand.
But we know in terms of capacity, in terms of power, there’s inherent power. The truck has more. Amen. It can knock down the policeman, but the policeman has authority. Authority is more than power. Amen. Are you listening? Behind him is the entire government of Singapore or the police force, and then the military force. Amen.
He only has to leave one hand to execute all that power, right? In essence, he’s saying in the name of the law, stop. Right? We say to the nonsense that the devil is trying to do and execute in the lives of the people that we come across, stop in the name of Jesus, and we recommend that destruction to cease its destructive work.
Whether it’s a disease that’s causing destruction incrementally as the days go by, we say cease in the name of Jesus. Amen. And I speak to your body in the name of Jesus. Let health spring off speedily. Amen. Amen. Let every destructive work that has begun cease in the name of the Lord Jesus. Do you receive that in the name of Jesus? Amen.
Amen. Let every cell organ function of your bodies be blessed right now with wholeness and wellbeing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and with long life God satisfies you. Amen. Remember that that verse says, with long life, God satisfies you, not himself. He puts that little criteria there on you. Are you satisfied with this age? If not, you can choose to go on.
Amen. And that’s what we see in the Bible. We see in the Bible that are things that we do that can prolong our lives. And there are things that we do that can shorten our lives. And we know we see in the Bible that there are people, and the Bible tells us clearly by the way the teaching is started, I endeavor to do a bit more teaching today and to take more time to do a bit more teaching.
But I have something from the Lord in my heart for you. And it’s important that we are always in line with what God is saying to us. Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. When it comes to what the Lord wants us to know and what we are doing, it’s important that we are flowing with him.
Are you listening people? Amen. When people say things like that thing happen, are you sure? Is God doing that? Or is the devil behind it? Is God behind it? It still confuses us. It’s not like every bad thing that happens to us is the devil. It’s not. Sometimes the Lord allows you to go through some bad stuff to build your character, but the bad stuff is not initiated by him, but he allows it in the life of Joseph.
He allows him to go through all kinds of difficult situations, all kinds of trials. He was thrown into the pit. He was betrayed by his brothers, and all the while he was the favorite one. God had mocked him for a great destiny where he would influence not just hundreds, but literally hundreds of thousands of lives all over the Dan known world, millions even.
You talk about the Dan known world and the capacity of what God has put in Joseph to impact and influence them. But before he can reach that place of safety, God had to allow him to go to the school of hot knocks. And perhaps you’re going through that something as small, like driving down the road. You always find that the slowest driver is in front of you, or you find someone who’s really, he has no sense of considerateness when he drives, like he’s driving the whole road belongs to him, right? He spits right in front of you, or he doesn’t indicate that he’s going to turn change lanes or
whatever, and something small like that, you can get very angry, right? We’ve heard all kinds of testimonies in this pulpit of man of God, a man of faith in power that felt like jumping up the car, amen. And turned the forth the gospel of Jesus Christ. No, no, no.
It’s like we all have these fantasies, right? When the flesh rises up and all the people said, we have this, but because we are either afraid of the consequence or we realize we are Christians, we don’t allow it to manifest, but it’s still there. But if we don’t see the love of God in all this situation, we are earthly minded.
We are kept within the scope of our flesh. You know what I’m saying? What I mean by the love of God, God loves you so much that you are not like any other children. You see, I don’t discipline children that belongs to other people. They pass by if they are misbehaving. I don’t discipline them. Why? When I say discipline, I don’t mean beating.
I mean correction, loving correction. If you love someone, you will correct the person in a loving way because the person is too precious to let the person just go on in his ignorance on a road to destruction. If you love the person, you will correct the person. Amen. So I don’t correct other children. I correct my children.
So when God corrects his children, you ought to feel love. In fact, the word of God says home. He loves he disciplines. So you ought to feel a sense of you’re being loved, you are too precious, and your destiny in God is too great for him to just let you go by. But pastor, this is a matter of rot behavior.
Yeah, it is training for princes to become kings because the world that we are going to lift in, we’re literally going to rule. Join us with Jesus Christ. See, we don’t understand yet. And most of the preachings are confined to things that’s on earth. And we have a vague idea about heaven. But heaven, listen.
It’s not just a place. You go up there, you play hops. We are ruling with our Lord Jesus Christ, and we start to rule when he comes down here again for a 1000 year millennial rule, then after that, there’ll be another war. The Bible talks about that. All that is in the book of Revelation, as well as also you find interations of that in Daniel’s prophecies.
But we are going to rule after that forever. We’re going to rule with him. Amen. The destiny of this world is all mocked up already. Your place in Christ, your calling is a high calling. I was once at a palace where Queen Victoria of the past in United Kingdom where she grew up and they open up for visitors to visit.
So I went to visit and it was interesting. They bring you to the rooms and all the apartments. And then there was a little caption that it said that it was at this point that little Victoria, who was a princess, then when her father passed away, realized that she’ll be queen. And from then on, she said, I’ll be the queen of England.
I shall behave myself from now on. Because she was known to be very precocious and sometimes mischievous just like any other young girl. But she was a young girl when her father passed away and she became queen, queen of England ushering in one of the most prosperous era of the United Kingdom, the golden era.
Many still referred to a fondness the Victorian age, where you have some great classical authors like Charles Deacons and all that that came out of there. She was the queen during that time. And you know what? She was a believer. She honors the Bible. Amen. And God made her rule during that time the golden era. Amen.
Now, it doesn’t matter. A lot of people, they want to rewrite history and talk about Apostle. I don’t agree with that. It doesn’t matter. Facts affects history is history. We cannot rewrite history now. And when it comes to ourselves, we can be playing dolls for those of you are girls and all that, right? Or you can be playing things that are toy stuff.
Like Paul says, when I became a man, I put away childish things. When God looks down and God sees our behavior on the road, for example, that’s a childish thing. Amen. Who goes first? I must reach there first. No, I cannot be behind this person. It’s only two cars. No, I got to be the one on the right. Amen. Yeah.
You know who I’m talking about, right? Because you were in front of me just now when I was driving down here, right when I was driving down here, you cut in front of me and there were two cars in front. This is true story. There were two cars on this lane, but there was this lane on my lane. But you came to my lane and you never say no.
I was looking out for this car, and I realized I think most likely it turned into this star performing arts center. So whoever you are, you better repent. Amen. You didn’t realize that I was behind. Amen. Finding fault. Amen. I had a little splinter in my eye that grew bigger and bigger because of you. No. Doesn’t justify the one that looks at the fault of the other one because all of us are guilty of this. Amen.
When we think about it, it’s childish isn’t it? Doesn’t look childish in heaven’s capacity. You are caught to rule and you are little things throw you off, upsets your emotional equilibrium, your normal more cool when you think about it. So one of the signs of royalty used to be, and I hope that today is the same, but one of the characteristics of royalty is that they are above the fray.
They appear calm. They’re not affected by people. They don’t even answer their critics. Now, what they try to do in terms of earthly royalty here is but a reflection of God. Who is the king? Jesus is the king of kings and the Lord of lords. Now, when you think of king of kings, I used to think that king of kings of the earth, but it’s referring to king of kings, all of you, because you are a royal priesthood.
If you’re born of God, you are literally born a prince. Amen. And if you are one with Jesus, Jesus is the king of kings. Therefore, he’s the king of kings and Lord of lords. So I should be calling you my Lord, pastor Mark, my Lord. Right? You’re called to rule. Amen. So sometimes power remind them, Hey guys, one day we’ll be judging angels, not God’s angels, not fallen angels. One day we’ll be judging angels.
What is this? You have a small legal problem in church and you’re not able to handle it. Then he speaks this. He literally say, I speak this to your shame. Is there no wise man among you? Is there someone who can go beyond all this childishness and something that childish is so sad to the point that people back grudges to the point of death, which they’ll not forgive the person, and they could be siblings, they could be father and son, but sometimes it happens when there’s a lot of wealth or pastor because of
poverty and all that, it drives them. No. Sometimes it’s because there’s too much wealth and the son is bearing a grudge against the father because he didn’t give me enough. He gave my brother this, and the two brothers is not talking and refused to talk to the father until the father passed away until death do us part already.
And they still have that bitterness in their heart. 70 years old, 75 years old, 80 years old. But the bitterness is still alive while they’re dying. Life is listen compared to what the life is to come the life here. Listen, we should live above the fray. Amen. We find ourselves getting a bit irritable with people and all that.
Ask yourself, why are you like that? Amen. Don’t blame the person for a while. Don’t blame the car just now you’ve been exonerated. Okay, I got to ask myself, why am I like that, right? If I feel bitterness, if I feel angry or whatever, I must ask, okay, Joseph Prince, why are you like that? You’ll do wonders for your marriage if you’re always pointing finger at your spouse.
Okay? Why are you looking at me, pastor Prince? There’s a lot of people down there, okay? So don’t, don’t be personal. Amen. If you can always look at your wife and say, let’s turn the tables for a while. Why am I so irritated with that? Why am I always finding fault with that? Just because that’s the way I was brought up doesn’t mean it’s right.
Just because it’s comfortable for me doesn’t mean she’s got to be like me. Thank God she’s not like you. Can you say amen, sisters? Okay. Is your happy here? Amen. Are you all with me so far? Amen. So Pastor Prince, we see all these things in ourselves, but what do we do, pastor? What do we do with this uprising of the flesh? You see fears rising up.
It’s a sin, right? Worry, anxiety, a sins. The Bible calls it that. So what happens with all these pastor Prince? Aren’t you glad that you are the righteousness of God in Christ? When God looks at you, God sees you without blame. Amen. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin. Does that mean that we have no sin? You see, even the one that is strongly saying, well, we got to push holiness.
We got to have holy lives and all that. Actually, when you understand grace, it produces a holy life, but it’s a holy life without self occupation. It’s like, I hope they see how humble I am. I hope they see how holy I am. It’s not that kind of thing that’s based on the law that’s produced out of the law.
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