Who Are Those Who Can Never Be Saved: Part 3 | Jack Hibbs Special
Let’s stand and turn in our Bibles to Hebrews chapter six. Hebrews chapter six.
We’re in part three of a pretty controversial portion of scripture by design.
Uh It’s here in the Bible, the book of Hebrews chapter six.
And we’ll read versus one through six, but we are in the third part of this message and predominantly verses four through six will be our study.
I’ll start in verse one if you guys pick it up together.
Therefore, leaving the discussions of the elementary principles of Christ.
In other words, the basics, the author of the book of Hebrews says, let us go on to perfection or completion, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God Verse three.
And this, we will do if God permits and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come.
Wow, father, we pray for the beautiful manifestation of your holy spirit who’s here tonight.
Wherever your people are gathered, the word of God is open, Lord in a beautiful way as it were.
The the deck is stacked in our favor tonight, the word is open.
We seek to know Jesus and we have the revealed will of God before us.
And we pray Lord that you would teach us out of your word, what you want us to know and how beautiful it is that it’s your will that we do know your word.
So father tonight, we pray that your spirit would move in such a way that before we leave this building tonight, people would know exactly where they stand with you.
So father, we praise you now in Jesus name and all God’s people said, amen, you may be seated.
So I mentioned that were in part three and it is part three of the message titled, who are those who can never be saved?
We’re in part three of a pretty controversial portion of scripture by design.
Uh It’s here in the Bible, the book of Hebrews chapter six.
And we’ll read versus one through six, but we are in the third part of this message and predominantly verses four through six will be our study.
I’ll start in verse one if you guys pick it up together.
Therefore, leaving the discussions of the elementary principles of Christ.
In other words, the basics, the author of the book of Hebrews says, let us go on to perfection or completion, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God Verse three.
And this, we will do if God permits and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come.
Wow, father, we pray for the beautiful manifestation of your holy spirit who’s here tonight.
Wherever your people are gathered, the word of God is open, Lord in a beautiful way as it were.
The the deck is stacked in our favor tonight, the word is open.
We seek to know Jesus and we have the revealed will of God before us.
And we pray Lord that you would teach us out of your word, what you want us to know and how beautiful it is that it’s your will that we do know your word.
So father tonight, we pray that your spirit would move in such a way that before we leave this building tonight, people would know exactly where they stand with you.
So father, we praise you now in Jesus name and all God’s people said, amen, you may be seated.
So I mentioned that were in part three and it is part three of the message titled, who are those who can never be saved?

Now, that title has generated some conversations I have found out but look at it carefully.
Who are those who can never be saved? You see what kind of title is that? It’s pretty terrifying.
It’s supposed to be terrifying. There is right here found in this portion of scripture and in others, the clear revelation from the Bible that there are those who can never be saved.
He subject that’s not encouraging. It’s to this point. This is the reason why they refuse.
He said, well, I don’t like that. I want everybody to go to heaven.
You don’t want that more than God does.
He says, I’m not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to eternal life.
Listen, you and I didn’t die on a cross.
He did, he died for the sins of the world.
And uh and yet the Bible is very clear.
There are those who will not be going and God doesn’t send them.
By the way, I read your Bible carefully will be coming up on in the book of Romans that we’re gonna come up again later on in the book of Hebrews.
God literally technically sends nobody the hell.
Somebody has once said that eventually every single person will have at least one prayer answered.
You see, is that true? It’s true. For example, the atheist, you say, what is the atheist doesn’t pray?
Well, the atheist says, he doesn’t want anything to do with God.
He doesn’t want anything to do with God. He doesn’t want to talk about God.
He doesn’t believe God exists. And in his mind, he has ruled everything that is as a total accident by the evolutionary theory.
And he doesn’t want anything to do with God and think about it.
He gets one prayer answered in all of his atheistic life.
I don’t want anything to do with God and God will answer that prayer.
He’ll have nothing to do with God. Think about it. It’s a very tragic thing.
The Bible tells us that hell itself was created by God for the devil and his angels, isn’t it?
This is, in fact, the Bible suggests that it’s an odd thing that unbelieving man would even go there.
But it’s real and it’s there. And that’s why Jesus came.
You know, there’s a lot of talk these days about hell being a myth and it’s just an uh what am I trying to say, an allegory to get people to listen up or whatever?
Do you think Jesus would have gone to the cross if hell wasn’t for real?
So, we look at this portion of scripture and what is going on here?
Remember now it’s the book of Hebrews.
If it is Paul the Apostle speaking, we don’t know if it is for sure. I think it is.
There’s reasons because there’s what is known as Pauline uh gestures.
There’s Pauline syntax and structure in the book of Hebrews.
It sounds like Paul, but it doesn’t matter for whatever reason.
He didn’t reveal the authorship, but whoever’s writing that knows everything about being a Hebrew in Judaism and being born again and watch, not so much coming out of what he was taught, but coming into what he was taught.
Does that make sense? If you are an Old Testament scholar or if you’re an Old Testament reader student, it is native and natural for you to come to the natural supernatural conclusion of the New Testament Gospel.
Everybody listen up. Don’t think that the New Testament is gentile and the Old Testament is Jewish.
The whole thing is written by God through people and what was promised in the Old is fulfilled in the New?
You hear that over and over again at this church.
The reason why you study the old is that’s how you learn the new and what was promised in the old is recorded fulfilled in the new and they both perfectly dovetailed together.
That’s why you have an old and new Testament. We mentioned that on Sunday.
But this is very, very, very, very important to understanding this thing about can a person lose their salvation?
And what about all of these things? Church? We’re gonna go real quick on this.
We’re gonna, by the way, you guys ready for real. I’m gonna ask you to write small.
We got a lot of verses tonight, right? Small and right quick. Are you ready? Here we go.
Mark this down if you would, who are those who can never be saved?
In first John 5 11, it starts there by saying, and this is the testimony that God has given us eternal life, mark this down God has given us eternal life and this life is in his son.
He who has the son has life. He who does not have the son does not have life.
These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.
Is everybody hearing this and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.
That verse, that portion of scripture announces that salvation is assured to those who have it, please, please.
I beg with you don’t think because you’re a Methodist, Lutheran Calvary Chapel Baptist, whatever your association that you got baptized, that you got sprinkled, that you got.
What divorce yourself from all of that. According to the Bible, God’s Children know who they are.
These things have been written that you might know you have eternal life.
It is God’s will that you not be in doubt about your relationship with God.
By the way, if that were the case of Christianity, I would walk off this platform right now.
I would have nothing to do with it.
I would never follow a God or worship of God that held you in some sort of suspense that you could never know if you’re in the family or not.
That is called an abusive dysfunctional relationship. It may happen in human families, but it doesn’t happen with God.
God knows his kids, his kids know him.
Jesus said my sheep, know my voice and they follow me. What a beautiful truth that is.
I love it. So church, this is what we looked at last time together very quickly.
Verse four, we looked at this.
They are those who put themselves in an impossible situation who are those who can never be saved.
They placed themselves in an impossible situation here in the book of Hebrews chapter six, they depart from the shadows and the customs of the Old Testament model that spoke of greater things to come and they came over to the side of fulfillment.
But then eventually gravitated or they were thinking about gravitating back to the shadows to the customs.
In other words, all of these beautiful iconic things speak about the God that I can know.
And now I come over and learn about this God and experience this God that I was told about.
But then after a while, my relationship with him grows cold and I gravitate back to the simple things that I can touch and feel.
Please listen, don’t be offended by this.
But your connection is more with physical things than actually getting alone with Him in a personal way.
You might say if that’s you, you might say something to the effect of I need more.
I need more than just being alone with God. I need this, this setting. I need these icons.
I need these candles. I need these statues. I need these people.
I need these men or these women around me in their religious garb, I’ve got to touch something so that it’s real to me.
And what a tragic thing that is because being with Jesus and knowing Jesus is no longer enough, you go back to things that have got to be physical.
We saw it in these four different ways that they are those who return back to the past.
They go back eventually, over time, they go back.
Secondly, we saw that there are those who know of the difference. They’ve heard the gospel.
They went to church maybe for weeks or for years.
If they were asked on the street, do you have a religion? They would say yes.
And if asked, what is it?
They would say Christian, they would have all of the associations of being near.
But look at the third argument is they were familiar with church life. Very, very common.
Fourthly, they were content to almost be a Christian.
In other words, that there was a part about them that just held back from going all in.
And as C S Lewis points out that there’s the voice of Wormwood.
You ever word ever read Screwtape letters? Uh Doctor are Screwtape and Wormwood conversing with each other.
And one of the goals is in that demon realm is to get the person who’s thinking religious thoughts uh to not go all in because then you’ll be a fanatic.
You know, Satan is completely cool with you and I being a fanatic about filling the blank, I don’t know what NASCAR.
I don’t know why I said that. But uh you know what I mean?
Something golfing, surfing all in, go for it all in by the way.
Listen notice Satan is all for you being all in on sin.
You know, he’ll say things like this. Go ahead and do it. God’s gracious and merciful.
Everybody does it and then you can ask him for forgiveness.
Go ahead and do it and then as soon as you cross the line, what does he say?
How could you do that? You’re condemned. You’re going straight to hell.
In fact, I’m just gonna get ready to eat you alive right now at any moment.
Now, he’s such a great devil. He’s the best devil that there’s that they’ll ever be.
He’s wicked, mean, hate your guts. And if you’re a Christian, he wants to sterilize you.
So you don’t go all in.
But if you’re not a Christian, he wants to keep you right on the edge where you’re almost a Christian, he’s fine with that.
Pretty terrifying. Secondly, and this was our study last week together is that there are those that just sample the influence of the Holy Spirit.
You read that a few times here in our reading, there are those who never move on further with Jesus because to do that, to be led by the spirit, the spirit of God.
Jesus said, I’m gonna go away and the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit is gonna come and he’s gonna teach you everything I have commanded you.
Jesus even said to the disciples because you’re so sad about the words I’ve spoken to you.
I’m gonna go away because you can’t handle it. And when the spirit of God comes, he will teach you.
He’ll lead you into, guide you into all truth.
And then secondly, we saw last time that there are those who neglect to heat. The words of Jesus.
Jesus said for you to get to heaven, you must be born again.
Jesus said, listen to this.
Jesus said for you and I to go to heaven, we, we must become like a little child.
I love that. He said that he didn’t say for us to go to heaven.
You got to be childish. He didn’t say that.
He said for you and I to go to heaven when we must become like a child.
And by the way, that’s only a result of being born and new born again, you want to become a, you want to become a child of God.
Said Jack. But how does that happen? You know, I’m 65 years old. How did you become a kid again?
Only in the spirit that is when you’re born again. The Bible uses in the English version.
Born again. The actual meaning in the Greek is born from above.
I love that it uh it’s a contrast from being born of this earth.
Every single one of us looking at each other right now have been born of this earth.
We came through, our mothers were born into this world, but to be born from above is to be birthed by the spirit of God and he gives us new life and a new start.
And it’s thrilling. It’s, it’s awesome. Jesus said this, but they’re not interested in that.
They’ll neglect his words. And then finally, we saw last time.
There are those who take their eyes off the finish line in Jesus.
That is they, they start out with us. The Bible says that they began with us.
They started with this but they didn’t continue on with us.
The Bible says that they didn’t continue on with us.
They went away from us because they were not of us. Isn’t that a haunting statement?
What a powerful word that is. So here we pick it up. Church is the third installment.
And that’s this. Who are those who can never be saved?
Are those who ultimately come to the end of life To the end of life?
They come verse six, if they fall away, that is if they go back to whatever they came out of religion in this context, Judaism, They go back to thinking I can keep the 10 commandments and the 613 Jewish laws.
I’m gonna go back to those to renew them again, to repentance, which the Bible said here earlier in this chapter.
That’s impossible. Since why?
Since they crucify again for themselves, the Son of God and put him to an open shame.
And we’ll look at this together tonight.
This is very, very powerful and Lord willing will end this and be moving on uh into verse seven next time together, mark this down if you would.
It’s to those who ultimately come to the end of life and this is what I mean.
There are those who reject the hope of eternal life. When I say hope, church, are you guys? Okay?
When I say hope, I’m not talking about, oh, I hope so. That’s not what the Bible teaches.
The Bible doesn’t teach a hope so. Confidence. Aren’t you glad?
The Bible teaches and assured hope. It’s not hope that I hope.
I hope so. It is a hope that is immovable hope. That is certain man. Aren’t you glad?
Here’s an example. I pray all of us who are believers and followers of Christ tonight have our hope in Jesus, which means that no matter what goes on in this world, we have him.
And that’s just not a sweet thing to say.
I’m talking about if this earth shook or our nation or our world collapsed.
In fact, the Old Testament put it this way.
If the mountains were to be removed and cast into the sea, yet I will trust in you.
That’s what I’m talking about when your world is shook. Yeah, you’re crying, you’re weeping.
You don’t know what you’re gonna do next. But you’ve got a foundation that’s immovable.
You know, in the midst of all of the turmoil, Christ loves me. God has made a commitment to me.
Listen, don’t listen. We naturally because it’s commanded in scripture like last Sunday.
If you’re gonna make a commitment to Christ, you know, raise your hand, pray repeat this, believe it.
Give your life to Christ and you make that commitment.
But listen, we don’t often talk about because it’s so often implied.
And I gotta tell you, I take it for granted is this God has made a profound, eternal commitment to you.
He brought you into this world.
Remember a long time ago, we’re not supposed to talk about him anymore, but there’s a guy by the name of Bill Cosby, you’re not supposed to the way back back when, when we didn’t know anything about him.
Way back, Bill Cosby used to joke around in a stand up comic presentation or whatever that skit thing is called.
And he would say about his kids rebellion and he would say, listen, he would say, listen to me, I brought you into this world and it’s certain I can take you out.
Well, God’s the only one who can technically say that He brought us into this world And he can take us out.
But listen to this. He brought you into this world.
And according to the Bible, he’s 100% committed until the day you die.
God will not give up if you’re not a follower of Christ tonight, God has not given up on you.
You’ve given up on God, but He’s not given up on you and by His grace and mercy, he will pursue you until your dying breath.
And the Bible says that God weeps over the death of the wicked.
You see, I’m not wicked if you’re rejecting Christ, you fall into the category of those who could never be saved.
If you die in that condition, there’s no hope. There’s no second chance.
Well, pastor, I come from a church and they say that I have a second chance after I die, you’ve been lied to.
There is no such doctrine in the Bible.
The Bible says Hebrews chapter nine verse 27 28 that is appointed unto every man wants to die and then comes the judgment.
There’s no second chance, there’s no place where you go and wait it out, do some penance or do some push ups and then you get out that that was created by man.
Now is the time the Bible says now is the acceptable time.
Today is the day of salvation.
You never want to come to the end of your life without Jesus Christ.
And so here it is, it’s that they reject the hope of eternal life.
It says in verse six, if they fall away some of your Bibles, rightly, justly, both words are fine.
The Greek word means if or since some of your Bibles say since they fall away, some of your Bibles say if they fall away, the Greek word means both, both of your Bibles are exactly accurate and fine.
The thing is this, if they fall away, what does that mean?
If they go back to where they came from, they give up on Christ, they don’t want anything to do with Jesus.
They say he’s not enough or I don’t need him. I’m gonna go back to this stuff. My religious conduct.
If they turn away from that, the Bible tells us here that they’re in grave danger.
Are you ready to write down? Versus? You write them down? You got the easy part. You write them down.
I’ll read them to you. You ready? Luke chapter eight verse 11. Now, Jesus spoke this parable.
The seed is the word of God. Those who by the wayside are the ones who here.
Then the devil comes. So this is every time the words preached or taught, it’s the devil’s desire to come watch this.
Then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved.
But the ones on the rock are those who when they hear, receive the word with joy and these have no root.
Why? Because the seed hits the rock.
It’s, it’s not soil, it’s a rock who believed for a while.
And in time of temptation fall away, they believe for a while. That’s a terrifying verse.
Listen up everybody this verse, I’m saying this to cheer you up. I really mean it okay. You guys listen.
Um This scripture announces that there are those who can believe for a while.
And then when life gets rough in this case, temptation comes, they fall away.
You say, oh, so you can’t lose your salvation.
In this parable belief has nothing to do with faith.
Listen, tonight, as a Christian you believe in Jesus Christ? Yes, of course.
But you have faith in him. Look, I believe in George Washington. I believe in Thomas Jefferson.
I read last night for hours. A guy who I just believe in, I love him.
I love, I can’t wait to meet him. Samuel Adams. You ever read about?
Have you ever read the letters of Sam Adams? Samuel Adams? You guys know what I’m talking about?
Look at me like you don’t even know I’m talking.
Oh man, he loved God, his incredible.
But here’s the thing I believe in Him, but I don’t have faith in Him.
I don’t have faith in George Washington. Do you hear me?
There’s a big difference.
Do you believe in Jesus or do you have faith in Jesus? How about this?
Has your belief taken you to faith?
There’s only one way to find out trials, testing and when the devil comes member, God will never tempt you.
God will God will send you trials.
I’d rather be in a trial sent to me by God than get near one of Satan’s temptations. Why?
Because He’s really good at it. All right.
Listen, it’s my, in the, in the short term, Satan’s temptations seem to go down easier in the short term, but it’s a lie in the long term.
It’s way better to throw yourself upon the mercy of God.
And obey him in a time of trial or testing. So remember this trials and testings come from God.
Temptation comes from Satan in his world, in his realm. Don’t confuse the two.
I don’t know what God is doing to me, man. I don’t what it is.
I just, I just can’t break away from smoking pot, man. I just don’t get it.
And then, you know, I went over to my friend’s house and I don’t know, I don’t know why God just doing this.
Why, what happened? I just, I got loaded again and you saw your friend smokes pot. Yeah. Yeah.
And you went to his house. Yeah. I don’t know why God’s doing this.
I tell people because listen, I tell them straight up.
I said, just will you stop talking like that and knock it off? Seriously? Stop talking like that.
God had nothing to do with this. Yeah. You’re hooked on pot.
You drove by his house. You knew exactly.
The only spirit was saying, keep going and you went, I don’t know what’s happening.
That’s, listen, if you have a problem drinking, okay, don’t go to a bar to get a cup of water.
Does that make sense?
Matthew chapter 7: verse 13.
Hey, we need to keep a track on time. The screen blew up.
I saw it just so does anybody have a watch? Hey, can you at 8:30?
Can you go like this? Will you okay? Good.
Because if you don’t go like this, then the children’s ministry people will never show up next week.
It’s okay. So, Matthew 7 13, Jesus is speaking, entering by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction.
And there are many who go in by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and few there be that, find it.
He’s not setting up obstacles. What’s he really is announcing there is that it’s human nature to love the things of the world.
And he said, listen, my kids, they love me and they’re gonna joy, they’re gonna have joy.
Staying close to me.
Matthew 7 19, every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
Therefore, by their fruits, you will know them.
Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but who does the will of my father in heaven?
Many listen to this and think of Judas by the way, when we read this, many will say to me in that day, Lord Lord, have we not prophesy in your name?
Preached Judas preached. Did you know that? Did you read the book the Gospels?
Matthew Mark Luke and John, when Jesus sent out the 12, he sent them out to preach the gospel and to raise the dead and to heal the sick and to cleanse the lepers that implies Judas did all of that stuff.
I’m sure. Listen, all 12 of them go. Can you imagine if judas wasn’t doing that?
By the time they got back there going Jesus, it was amazing. Judas was a little off.
No, they all did it. That’s kind of sobering, right?
Many will say to me in that day, Lord Lord, have we not prophesized in your name?
Cast out demons in your name and done many wonders or miracles in your name.
And then I will declare to them says Jesus, I never knew you depart from me.
You who practice lawlessness, how could they be doing lawlessness?
Because they did things in his name, but they didn’t know him.
Watch out just because it’s on Christian TV, or you see it at a gathering or it’s some rally where look what’s happening, doesn’t make it Christian or Christ centered could be very man centered.
So listen, Philippians 16, here comes the night.
This is gonna be like a wave of nice, cool water.
Philippians 16 being confident of this very thing that he was begun.
That’s past tense at work in you will complete it until the day of Christ, Jesus or Jesus Christ.
That’s awesome. In other words, he’s committed to you, Romans 8 38.
For I am persuaded past tense that neither death nor life nor angels nor Principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth.
Wow, nor any other created thing including me, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Wow, Romans 8 29 for whom, for whom he four new past tense, the knowledge of God, he also predestined past tense to be conformed again, past tense to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn.
Among many brothers. In other words, Jesus was the first one to be resurrected from the dead.
And all those who put their faith in him will follow in his footsteps. Think of that.
How beautiful is that? Moreover, whom he predestined?
He also called whom he called, he also justified and whom he justified these, he also glorified.
Notice every one of those descriptions of you, the believer, the follower of Christ is in the past tense, it’s done.
The Bible is saying I’m so committed to you. God is saying that this glorious news is done.
We should walk like it. We should act like it.
We should stop being like this silly world that’s so sick and messed up.
I don’t know about you guys.
Look, it seems to me that well, it’s not that it seems to me.
I think this is a true statement. Sin has no self control because self control is a virtue of goodness.
So when since gets going, it’s got no, it has no self control.
In other words, when sin starts playing its hand it always overplays its hand and you and I have been watching our world around us and sin has been rampant and it’s overplayed its hand.
People are waking up to it and pushing back. That’s a good thing.
People are standing up and people are fighting against what is evil.
And we live in such a dangerous age right now.
And it’s unlike any other thing ever in the history of man that what you stand for.
Now, if the, if your credit card company finds out about it, they may drop you.
Look, I’m so old. I’ve, I’ve got credit card companies I’ve been with since 1978 or 1878, But now you know what, now the E S G grade is being applied and that they monitor, you know, when you get your statement, you guys at the end of the month and it has a little wheel, there’s a little, there’s a pie graph and it says how much money was spent on utilities, how much was spent on travel, how much was spent on gas or whatever restaurant or entertainment.
It breaks it all down. The computer does listen, that used to be innocent. Not anymore.
It’s not, go look at your E S G performance.
It’s a global scale and you’re spending, put you in a category and it’s listed A B C D different times.
Where was I first?
Peter chapter one verse three. Thank you. Blessed. Be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who according, listen to this, to his abundant mercy has begotten us as past tense again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
From the dead to an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God.
Are you a follower of Christ tonight? You’re gonna be kept by the power of God?
Oh, I hope I make it to heaven. Are you born again?
Yes, you’ll make it, you’ll make it the question for us now.
You know that is how are we making it? I don’t mean like how it’s Jesus’s blood. That’s how.
But I mean, are we gonna, are we gonna squeak in?
Are we gonna go in with, you know, with horns blazing so to speak?
We said, what do you mean by that? That means just be reckless for Jesus?
Just go be reckless, right? You can, can you see how about this?
You shouldn’t, you never want to hear this word in, in religious settings?
But I think we should use it as Christians. We should be radicalized.
So what do you mean with that?
I think we should love people like they’ve never been loved before.
I hate you guys. I love you. Think about it.
You say, well, if somebody’s radicalized, that’s really bad.
Oh, it all depends on in whose image are you being radicalized? Like, that’s right.
If you’re radicalized, like Mao or Bin Laden, that’s a problem.
But if you’re radicalized, like Jesus, who’s gonna go around and love enemies and do good to people who hate them.
That’s what this world needs to see. We’re not gonna win people by beating them up.
That’s God’s business. He’ll beat him up. We’ll just show them a better way.
Truthful. Absolutely honest, straight up. But loving, you know what?
I love this word, the Christian should be Winsome. Winston. When’s the last time you heard that word?
Winsome, winsome means I’m not sure if I like you.
I had somebody tell me once was I thought was one of the greatest compliment I’ve ever received.
And plus it was coming from a cop. He said to me, you know what your problem is?
I go out, what do you?
He said you’re hard to hate and I thought I liked that.
He didn’t like what I was saying, but he knew it was true.
We need to be like that, I guess. Right?
Mm Ephesians 1 13 in him.
You also trusted after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed you were sealed, sealed past tense with the Holy Spirit of promise.
That’s awesome. That means you’re going to heaven, Christian, get ready and get used to it.
Hebrews 7 25. Therefore he is able, he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him.
Are you kidding me? Can we read that again? You all with me?
Therefore, he is also able to save to the what uttermost those who come to God through Him since he always lives to make intercession for them?
See what does that mean? It means Jesus is talking to the Father about you constantly and the context is you being utterly saved to the uttermost.
Wow, Matthew 24, Now this is in the tribulation period to come.
That’s in the future. Imagine that the church is in heaven. Matthew 24. It’s the Olivet discourse.
The church has already been raptured into heaven. It’s Matthew 24, Israel’s back in the land.
The anti Christ has been running around. God’s been working with the Jewish people.
He’s been calling his Jewish brethren to faith during the tribulation period.
That’s why it has to happen.
By the way, you guys, that’s why it has to be, it has to be seven years.
The book of Daniel says it has to be seven years long. Did you know that?
Well, I think no, it’s not Because the 483 years that’s bound up in that 490 year prophecy was anything but an allegory.
It was real. Jesus said for false Christ and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible, even the elect, that’s not the church.
The Old Testament is the elect. The church, the bride of Christ is the elect.
And the tribulation saints are the elect and the Jewish believers, the tribulation saints who come to Christ.
Remember what the Bible says in the Book of Revelation that once God pours out his spirit upon Israel, There’ll be 144,000.
You ever read about these guys in the book of revelation? Do it tonight? It’s awesome.
You know, there used to be a cult that knocked on your door and said, you want to join our group?
There’s 100 and 44,000. That’s gonna make up our group someday.
And that’s gonna be, that would be the group that’s going to heaven.
And then they’re, then they’re membership went past 244,000, which is hilarious, but they, but they said, yo and so join our group and you can be in heaven with us.
And if you are on your, if you’re on your toes, you would have asked them, where do you get that number from?
Book of Revelation? God seals 100 and 44,000 with his name. Yeah.
What else does it say about them? That they would happen? What else?
Uh That they get beheaded? True. What else?
Uh that there’s 12,000 from each tribe of Israel. So which tribe are you from?
And did you read it carefully? Yes. It’s only men.
They’re all males. 144,000 men that says, who are Jews, who have never been with a woman?
They’re virgins Who are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Can you imagine having 144,000 Billy Graham’s turn loose on the planet that happens during the tribulation period.
And John said, the author of the book of Revelation, John said from their preaching, I saw a number coming out of the world that gave their hearts to Christ that no one could count.
Wow, I was right. Amazing, thrilling.
But when it says that there’s gonna be these signs and wonders of Matthew 24, that if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived.
You want to know how incredibly comforting that statement is by Jesus.
It means that during the tribulation period when all of these things are going on and we don’t have a clue.
I mean, we don’t even know about that level of deception and thank God, we won’t see it.
We’re gonna see some for sure. We’re seeing it now. It’s gonna get worse.
But during the tribulation period, the Bible says hell is opened up and spirits come out of the abyss onto the earth.
The Bible says that people will be so deceived.
Are people being deceived today? Our parents being deceived right now.
Our parents deceiving people right now. Yes, it’s going all kinds of ways.
And thats listen, is there deception among leaders just turn on C SPAN right now.
I don’t know if you have to work tomorrow, but if you have tomorrow off, turn on C SPAN, watch what’s happening in Washington D C.
I’ll tell you what with, what’s going on this week.
Nobody should ever say again.
Voting doesn’t matter, doesn’t matter if you vote.
If, listen, if California wouldn’t have voted correctly, these hearings wouldn’t have happened. Union.
Do you guys even know what I’m talking about? Yeah. Isn’t it amazing to realize that right now?
Probably tonight, Anthony Fauci is probably taking pills to calm his stomach down because he’s gonna have to testify.
And already people who worked with him have turned him in.
There’s, there are interviews and investigations going on and the United States of America was a big, big part of the manufacturing process of COVID.
What are we gonna say to the world? Sorry.
So maybe you should just take tomorrow off and watch C SPAN, get some big thing of popcorn and watch it.
Do you kid? It’s better than any show you’ve ever seen? I have to stop.
I’ve got pages. Let’s pray have to mark where I stopped right here.
Church told me to stop. Yeah. Mhm.
Father, we want to thank you tonight that your salvation is all through from because of Jesus Christ.
We bow our hearts and knees our lives before you and how awesome you are that even the evils of the world testify to your grandeur.
Your Bible tells us in the Old Testament that the wrath of man will praise your name just the way the world is treating one another proves by their actions because your, your Bible told us in advance, this is what’s gonna happen when people are godless.
Everything that’s happening. We see it and as strange as it is the rise of satanism and in America coming up the, in Boston, the biggest satanic conference in the history of this planet.
It’s going to take place what an announcement regarding this country.
But we can turn as individuals back to you, God.
We pray tonight that we would, in fact church, we stand. Lord, we dedicate our lives to you tonight.
Father. If there’s anything in our lives that comes against us to sway us, is it money?
Is it power? Is it authority?
Is there, is there, what is the hook that Satan can let out the lure that can get us?
What is it? Lord? You know, you know more than we do.
We think we know what our weak points are. You know what they are. God.
We tonight give you our lives. We ask you to wash us clean of our sins.
Lord, we ask you to transform our lives to move inside of us.
God take control. But an amazing thing that is Satan is seeking to possess people.
Satan is seeking to control people. Why, why, what, what’s with Him?
Ah Because what he forces you simply ask of us.
You will never force us because that’s how you love and you invite us in.
You’re the one that knocks on the door and says, are you willing to let me in?
My dear friend with heads bowed and eyes closed right now at this moment, I pray right now that you would give your heart to Jesus Christ right now, right where you’re at, you can do it right now right now.
And you would simply say something to this effect, God.
If you are the Lord and you know everything, then you know everything about my life, you know my unbelief, you know God that I was so angry at you for so long, but I denied your existence.
But I found myself a contradiction because I was upset with you and I would say you didn’t exist.
So how could I be upset with you if you don’t exist?
So I ask you to forgive me of that.
Maybe you’re saying tonight, God, I tried all this stuff.
I just tried to always have the last word.
I had to be that one that landed on my feet.
I had to be the at the front of the line. I had to get the star.
I’ve been so proud and self serving. God. Please forgive me.
Maybe you’re here tonight on a, on a more tender side, but it’s equally as damning and that is in your life.
You have let men or women fill a void.
You’ve given yourself to people and tonight you’re broken, you’re tired, you’re worn out, you’re bruised and battered and it didn’t work, did it.
And you’re, you think you’re damaged goods.
Well, in this world, you know, I guess, I guess in this world you are, I guess in this world we are but not to the world that he’s extending your hand, his hand to reach your hand right now.
Well, you may be safe to him.
Jesus, will you let me into your family and that I might know your love and forgiveness, whatever it is, my friend, the Bible says, all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God and we need Him.
You need him tonight. I need him tonight.
This building simply exists to bring us in, out of the heat or out of the rain so that we might have a setting to proclaim the truth.
And when you leave this building, you just leave a building. Google calls it a church.
I guess, you know, the yellow pages might say it’s a church.
Apple maps might call it a church, but you’re the church. It’s not glass and steel.
But maybe today tonight, you’re saying, Jack, I want to follow Jesus.
I want to be a Jesus follower.
Then you give your heart to Him right now and you tell him, Lord, I know you died on the cross for me.
I believe that by faith, the Bible tells me I received God that gift that you purchased for me at the cross.
I asked you to wash me clean.
I pray God that you put a spine in my back of spiritual steel God that you’d opened up my eyes to the darkness that’s going on in this world around me.
Not to be afraid, but to realize.
Wow, your word is so true that in every direction I look, there’s an answer from the Bible about this deceptive act or this rhetoric or this movement or this thing or that.
And Jesus that you not only died for me, but you rose again from the dead.
Jesus is alive. He’s the risen Christ.
And you’re saying tonight, come into my life, write my name in your book of Life and I follow you from this moment forward.
So help me God in jesus’ name, we pray and all God’s people said, amen.
God bless you church. Let’s close in the sun. God bless you.