When The Judgment Of God Comes – A | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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When The Judgment Of God Comes – A

Revelation 8:1-13

Whatever is about to happen on earth, it causes complete silence in Heaven. A silence that you can feel because Heaven is about to witness the wrath of God against a Christ rejecting world.

here’s pastor and bible teacher, Jack Hibbs Father,
As we come before you this morning, Lord, we pray that you would set our hearts to know thy word and Lord, as we look to your word this morning, we are absolutely convinced that without you magnifying your grace and mercy to the text that it’s before us, Lord, we would be overcome With what is revealed here.
We pray now that you would touch and open our hearts and minds.
Those of us who are Christians to the wonderful fact that we’re not going to see this stuff that’s coming in Chapter eight of the book of revelation to those who do not yet personally know you that in a very serious way this could be uh their demise.
This could be their future unless Lord today, they yield their hearts to you.
So father, we come and we approach this Holy word with a lot of reverence and Lord, quite frankly, in a sense, with fear and trembling as we consider God’s judgment that comes to the earth.
As we looked at the Book of Revelation, chapter eight this morning in jesus name and all God’s people said amen, grab your bibles and turn if you would to the Book of Revelation, chapter eight and we are looking at when the judgment of God comes and we’ve been looking at the seven sealed scroll that we’ve been studying about for so many months now, the bible tells us that jesus was there before the throne of God and God had in his hand a scroll written on the outside and on the inside and sealed with seven seals.
And we’ve all learned and studied how that seven sealed scroll is a testament, It is a will and it is also, we know a title, deed is illegal documents that God holds in heaven.
And we remember that as we look at the scriptures there, the announcement was made by the angel and john began to weep bitterly that when the angel called out and looked for someone who was worthy to open and loose the scroll and open the seals thereof, nobody was found in heaven worthy.
And for that the apostle john and his grand vision began to weep.
And as he wept, the bible tells us that an angel approached john and says, weep not for the Lion of the tribe of Judah, that is, jesus has prevailed.

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And so the bible says that jesus went to the right hand of God, the father and pulled that scroll out of his hand and began to open those seals and there’s seven of them.
And so this morning we come to the 7th seal.
Now I don’t know how I wish I had a prop, if I would have been thinking I could have put one together.
But each of these seals as you look at us as a rolled up scroll.
If I were to take this bulletin and roll it up, it’s like so and out of each of it or seven seals.
When jesus opened the first seal, it revealed certain requirements.
That first seal when it was opened, lead you out into the next seal, which was the second seal.
When jesus opened the second seal, it gave more and more information when he came to the third seal, it yet gave more information and so on.
Until now we come to the seventh seal in Revelation chapter eight when he opens the seventh seal, the seventh seal unveils, note takers market down the seventh seal unveils the seven trumpet judgment of God.
So watch me. We’ve got seven seals.
When the seventh seal is open, we’ve got seven trumpets and when we come to the end of the seventh trumpet, the seventh trumpet will open up the seven bowl judgments of God.
So in a very technical way, it is a scroll wound up with unveiling or unraveling judgments and these are very serious things.
And so we look at the title of this morning when the judgment of God comes now, those of you who might be new.
I don’t know what to tell you. I’m glad you’re here.
But boy, do you have a lot of catching up to do because of the fact of the matter is if you believe in jesus christ as Lord and savior by now in the revelation chapter eight you don’t live on the earth anymore.
You will have gone home to be with jesus by rapture.
The bible says that the church will have been caught up and taken away, then the bible says that the Antichrist is going to be revealed.
He’s gonna come out of a unification of ancient europe or the old roman empire.
The book of Daniel, the Book of Revelation tells us that this man of sin, the Antichrist will be a political global leader arising out of the ancient roman empire and he will begin or attempt to rule the world and you all know his trademark by the bible, it says that he will engineer a seven year peace treaty with the nation of anyone.
Israel says the bible not Canada not America Israel and his platform will be a unified european union.
I want you to write this down, I want you to not believe what I’m about to tell you because I couldn’t believe it when I heard it.
But as you know, I am a news junkie, I am hooked on news and I scan the channels and I look all the time for news that applies to scripture and lo and behold yesterday at around 4 to 4 15 on channel 366 on direct tv that is news world international Yesterday was a grand day for the unification of Europe, did you know that anybody, anybody you know?
Yeah, a few of us, 10 more nations joined the European Union.
Now putting down and overcoming the United States and Asia in its gross national product and its ability to purchase it became the largest economy in the world yesterday and now the european union.
If you look on a map and by the way, go home, go online and look at the european union, it is now closer to the roman empire now than ever before in human history since the time of christ, since yesterday.
And I kid you not test, go look and see if you can find it in print, the reporter said, and I quote now with the addition of these 10 nations, The symbolic flag of the 12 stars simply represents The beginning.
Nations of the Union, much like the United States and its 13 stars regarding the original 13 colonies.
Now today on May one the European Union has become a huge beast with many heads. Yeah.
When I heard that I said, Lord come quickly. If you know your bible.
The bible says in the last days the ancient roman empire will be reassembled and it will be a beast with many heads rising up out of it.
This guy either a had to know his bible or b didn’t know it at all because he never would have said such a thing unless he knew his bible, which was a God is moving.
I’m excited. The book of revelation, Chapter eight You need not be concerned with it.
If your trusted in jesus christ, you say, well why study it? Because we don’t want to be stupid.
God gave us the bible. We want to know it from chapter to chapter.
From verse by verse book two books.
So we look at it together when the judgment of God comes revelation, Chapter eight, verse one, when he that is jesus christ opened the seventh seal.
There was silence in heaven for about a half an hour and I saw the seven angels who stand before God and to them were given seven trumpets.
Then another angel, that’s an eighth angel by the way, it’s an angel of the same kind, but it’s in addition to an an eighth one, number eight, having a golden sensor came and stood at the altar, which was given much incense that he should offer it with prayers of all the saints upon the altar.
The golden altar, which was before the throne verse four and the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints ascended before God from the angels hand then the angel took the sensor and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it to the earth and there were noises and thundering and lightnings and an earthquake verse six.
So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound and verse seven down to verse 13 is hell on earth.

The first Angel sounded in hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.
And the second angel sounded, and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the seal into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood, and the third living creatures of the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed, verse 10.
Then a third Angel sounded in a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.
The name of the star is wormwood! A third of the waters became wormwood men.
Many men died from the water because it was made bitter.
Then the fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon and a third of the stars so that a third of them were darkened, and a third of the day did not shine.
And likewise the night and I looked and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, whoa, whoa, whoa!
He’s not riding a horse. By the way he’s declaring danger danger! Danger or damnation, damnation!
Damnation to the inhabitants of the earth because of the remaining blast of the trumpet, and of the three angels who were about to sound.
It doesn’t take the bible reader, my friend very long.
When you begin to open the bible, you begin to quickly find if you’re a bible reader, you open up the new testament or old testament for that matter.
And you begin to understand it to conclude that the bible says that he is a god of love, he’s the God of grace and he’s a god of forgiveness.
When we come to chapters like this in the bible, I gotta confess as a pastor teacher, I want to hurry right through it.
I want to pass it up.
These are not the chapters that cause prolific church growth, church people believers and non believers do not want to hear about judgment unless listen, unless we understand the scripture and why it’s given, we will hear answered prayer.
We will see God answer prayer and the prayer that God answers will be his vengeance upon the earth.
And for many of us in the west, that’s hard for us to understand because we don’t quite understand it.
Maybe those who live closer to new york the city can understand a little bit of what is called impact a Torrey prayer.
Remember when King David parade, you know God loved King David, King David loved God.
You know that before we think ourselves to be so high and mighty.
Keep something in mind before we judge David, you say, well, I don’t agree with all of David’s prayers.
Well God does. And there is a type of prayer that is a holy righteous type of prayer.
I am not saying that we should pray it, but I am saying that we should that we often feel it.
We just have to make sure that our uh will is yielded to the will of God and that God is the one who exercises judgment, not us.
Are you hearing me? It’s got to be of God. David prayed prayers like this.
Lord, I hate my enemies with perfect hatred.
Therefore break their teeth off in their mouth and all God’s men said Amen.
I mean, that’s like a war prayer for those of you who have seen the movie saving private Ryan.
Um, there’s that one christian who is portrayed in the movie and he’s the sniper and he’s quoting over and over again psalms the psalms of David before he pulls on the trigger.
You might say brother, I don’t even like the way I don’t want to think like that because I’m a christian.
I pluck flowers. I hug birds and look, I’m with you on that. Okay, I understand that.
But my friend, listen, there is a fact and it is a truth and we don’t want to agree with it, that God will someday bring judgment.
We’re living in an age of grace right now and we can be thankful for that.
There’s gonna come a time when God consummates his grace and then the time of judgment will come and God will answer the prayers of those who have asked God to avenge their blood.
That’s what the bible teaches, you may disagree with that. Um, I understand that and my emotions agree with you.
But nonetheless, uh God is a loving god. He is a holy God.
He’s a just God and it is God who in perfect love and holiness and righteousness is the only one who can exercise judgment.
Did you know that? Keep that in mind?
Psalm 86 verse five says for you, O Lord are good and you are ready to forgive and you are abounding in mercy to all those who call upon you.
So don’t get any mistaken view of God this morning.
He’s a holy God loving God, but a just God Jeremiah 31 3, Yes, I have loved you.
God says with an everlasting love. Therefore, with loving kindness have I drawn you to me hebrews 7 25.
Therefore, he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through christ revelation 15 for it is jesus christ who is the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his blood.
God loves us. And so when we hear about judgment, we’re tempted in our mind’s eye to see this old man right with a long beard wearing a white robe, he’s got a sandwich board on and he’s walking and it says, you know, repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.
You know, judgment’s coming. We get this view in our mind, but the truth of the matter is God is righteous and holy and he brings judgment.
Sometimes we mistakenly think that God is judging right now in the age in which we live in.
He is not John 1633 says these things, Jesus spoken to them saying that in me you will have peace in the world.
You will have difficulty or tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.
There’s gonna come a time in the Great Tribulation period when God will give power to the world in evil, it will run its course.
But then God will bring judgment.
And so we need to be careful Those of you who are note takers before we dive into our points this morning.
This is exactly what Jesus was warning about in Matthew chapter 24 verse 21 Jesus said concerning revelation, Chapter eight All the way out to verse 19.
For then there will be great tribulation.
Such has never been seen since the beginning of the world even until this day, nor shall ever be and unless those days will be shortened, no flesh will remain, but for the elect sake, those days shall be shortened.
And so now we see jesus who has the scroll and he opens now the seventh seal and we come to our first point this morning, it is found in verse one.
When the judgment of God comes, there will be a silent pause in heaven. A silent pause in heaven.
This section is of great preparation.
When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about a half an hour.
What’s interesting about this is in eternity? The very nature of eternity, There’s no time.
But the bible says, there’s silence for about a half an hour.
How can we reconcile the fact that where God dwells is eternal? But john says a half an hour.
Easy john is seeing a vision, john is being revealed.
The things of heaven to come and the things of earth to come and it is announced to john, it is shown to john that there is a pause of a time for about a half an hour and it is by the way, the word in the greek for silence, it is a silence that can be felt.
Have you ever felt the silence like that? You may be tempted to say no.
But if you’ve ever been anybody ever been on a jury, have you raised your hand?
I don’t know what it is. I think I need to commit a crime.
I get called for every jury that I can’t believe it, I get called and I’ve been a jury forum and I’ve been on juries.
I’ve been on murder cases. I you know you and you know when you commit a crime, you don’t have to be on the jury.
I’ve been tempted. I mean every time I go to the mailbox there seems to be and I know some of you, police officers, I’ve contacted you say get me out of this way.
I have no time to be a pastor of the church. If I keep responding to the jury notices.
Well you’ve ever been in court, not so much for me because I wasn’t the one on trial, but man, when you are called there and you come into that room after your deliberation and you’re seated there and then the judge turns and he says, have you reached a verdict if you’ve ever been there?
It is an ominous moment. It is dead silence.
It’s a silence that can be felt why a verdict is about to be given. The defendant stands.
Have you reached your verdict? We have your honor, we find the accused and you read it and there’s silence until it begins, so to speak, until his sentencing or whatever it might be, the verdict is given.
Then people either weep or however it goes.
But there’s a silence that you can feel there’s a time of silence before all of this judgment comes and what does that mean to us understand this, especially those of you who may be visiting this morning and or you’re not sure about God’s goodness, God is in this moment of silence announcing that God does not delight in judgment.
Did you know that the bible says that God has created hell for the devil and his angels, not for humans.
God doesn’t want people to go there. This is an ominous moment. So there’s a pause. There’s a silence Dr.
J. Vernon McGee, the highly respected Bible teacher says that it’s from this verse, that we know that there will be no women in heaven by the fact that the silence for a time of 30 minutes.
Yes, I better keep going until now.
We’ve been reading in the Book of Revelation from chapter one to chapter seven, Great noise, great worship, great praise, great adoration.
And now there’s a great moment of silence. Why? Because God does not delight in judgment, but judgment must come.
And so there’s a pause verse one, we consider a few things and then we move on.
The first point is that there will be a silent pause in heaven because of what jesus christ is about to do, jesus is the one who will preside over the judgment of God.
It’s jesus who opens the seventh seal. And there is that silence, listen to this luke.
Chapter four, beginning at verse 14 says then jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit to galilee and the news of him went out throughout all the surrounding regions and he taught in the synagogues being glorified by all.
So, he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as it was his custom, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and jesus stood up and it was handed to him the book of the prophet Isaiah.
This is jesus first public sermon. Listen carefully.
It’s in direct connection to chapter eight and when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written.
That’s Isaiah chapter 61 by the way and jesus said verse 18 luke 4 18.
The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.
Did jesus do that everybody? Yes, he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted. Did jesus do that? Yes.
To proclaim liberty to the captives. Did he do that? Yes. The recovery of sight to the blind.
Did he do that? Yes. And to set at liberty those that are oppressed. Yes, he did. That.
Pastor and bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio in his message called when the judgment of God comes.
So glad you took the time to spend with us today here as we study the Book of revelation when the judgment of God comes, is part of Pastor Jack series called the Book of Revelation.
It’s a series on the final book of the bible and the unveiling of future events for us and for the world and will continue on the next edition of Real Life Radio.
All right, this is David J. And I have Pastor Jack in the studio with me. How you doing?
My friend? I’m doing good, David, good to see you. So, um our Book of the Month. It’s incredible.
It really is. But man, is that a title and a half? Right, okay.
The book of the Month is incredible. And the title is incredible, incredible.
In fact, listen, everybody, I don’t want to scare you away by the title. So, listen, here goes, it’s socialism.
That’s the title of the book.
The subtitle is the real history from Plato to the present, how the deep state capitalizes on crisis to consolidate control.
And that’s by William Federer and I know that’s a whopper everybody.
And you’re thinking already I’m tired from reading the title.
Please please get this book number one, I have to tell you all if you’re gonna buy any book on socialism, this is the one to buy because he is a researcher and he does his homework.
And it is exhaustive. It is encouraging because he’s going to let you in on how to identify and really find out what in the world your kids are being taught in their public school system.
So this is a must for our book of the month Friends.
So Pastor, my friends that might not understand the concept of socialism or how dangerous it can be.
Would you see this might be a book to refer them to or something?
I can use to equip myself in order to respond to that?
There is no doubt that this is the book for that very thing.
Number one, his credibility as an author, just stands alone. Everything’s footnoted. So you can check and see.
But absolutely yes, socialism is here. It’s in America.
If we don’t stop it in the next 5 to 10 years, it will be the new politics of America.
So it’s not only a great thing to know. Yes, it’s a great thing to pass on to others socialism.
The real history, from Plato to the present. Written by William J. Federer.
It’s available at Jack Hibbs dot com for a gift of any amount. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
This program is made possible by the generous contributions of you.
Our listeners visit us at Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com. Until next time.
Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life radio.
Wish for you solid and steady growth in christ and in his word, we’ll see you next time here on real Life radio


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