What’s Filling You? – A | Jack Hibbs

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What’s Filling You? – A

Luke 5:36-39

Today, Pastor Jack shares with us the parable about how a new patch of garment is not fit for an old garment. Jesus is instructing the people on the purpose of the law, that the law cannot renew us compared to a new spiritual life made available only through God’s mercy, compassion, and grace.

Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

Hips, father bless. Now the going forth of your word to our hearts.
We ask you Lord in Jesus name and all God’s people said, amen, grab your bibles this morning and turn to Luke’s Gospel chapter five.
If you don’t have a Bible, raise your hand, the ushers will love to give you a bible.
We want you to follow along with us in our verse by verse. Study.
Anybody need a Bible hands up if you need a bible this morning’s message is entitled What’s filling you?
What’s filling you? And it’s found in Luke’s Gospel chapter five verses 36 to 39.
And God is going to be speaking to us.
Jesus is going to be challenging us today about what’s inside must come out.
What’s inside of us really tells who and what we are.
So the title of the message is what’s filling you in Luke chapter five, beginning in verse 36 it says, then he Jesus spoke a parable to them.
No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one.
Otherwise the new makes a tear and also the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old and no one puts new wine into old wine skins or else the new wine will burst the wine skins and be spilled and the wine skins will be ruined.
But new wine must be put into new wine skins and both are preserved and no one having drunk old wine immediately desires new for.
He says the old is better. My friend in your note taking this morning, jot it down.
I got to tell you, I’m excited about this.
I’m I’m more anxious about this message today than I have about messages most recently.
Here’s the reason why I was so blessed in putting this message together. I was so excited.
I had to get up. I had to just kind of thank you God and pray and say, God just make sure that this does happen in my life or make sure that this other thing doesn’t happen in my life.
I was moved. But I, so a lot of this is now personal to me and I hope that God affects your heart maybe like that or maybe even more.
And so the challenge is filling you. And so I want you to jot these down.
The first thing that we notice here about what’s filling us is this question that we’re going to ask, whatever is filling us, whatever is filling you.
Is it spiritual life? This is the point that Jesus is going to be driving.
How so is it spiritual life.
When you jot that down, when he says to them, then he spoke a parable to them.
And here’s what he says, no one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one.
What he’s talking about is regarding spiritual life that it’s available.
Is it spiritual life in your life and what we want to consider under this? Because spiritual life is available.
That’s what Jesus is saying. Church, spiritual life is available.
Note this, who is he announcing this wonderful news to remember in our previous study, we’re still in that setting.
The Pharisees were attacking Jesus, they were attacking his disciples.
They were questioned about what they believe and how they believe it and eating and rather than fasting, they should have been mourning rather than rejoicing.
And the Pharisees wanted to quench what God was doing.
Note this, wherever there’s true spiritual life, there is going to be uh vitality and newness.
And they were watching Jesus’s disciples in their new life.
And so what Jesus was inviting them to understand is that new life is available and it’s just listen, it’s just as available today as it was back then.
New life. It’s available. Jesus is introducing them by this parabolic teaching that there’s a great difference between that which is old and that, which is new, that which is done away and that which has come.
And so when it says he spoke to them, he’s speaking to the scribes and the Pharisees.
Now, the word parable here, you might want to jot it down.
It’s a word that you easily understand Perra like a Perra shoot is something that is alongside you or over you when it says Jesus taught them this parable.
It’s a very, very wonderful term. It is a fishing term and all of you fishermen can understand it.
Perra along side. Paralos, that’s the Greek word to cast alongside truth, to cast alongside instruction.
Meaning so Jesus spoke to them, casting alongside their head, their hearts, truth. Just like a fisherman.
Do you remember a little while ago? He told the disciples, I’m going to make you fishers of men.
This is how it’s done. This is exactly how it’s done. Jesus is going to deposit truth.
Imagine as we talked about last time casting that rod out into the water, it goes down and the, the bait goes right alongside the fish’s head and the fish is looking at it, the fish is considering it.
But up until that point, it’s just parabolic. It’s just there.
The fish will either take it or not. The outcome is up to the fish, not the fishermen church.
Do you understand that the outcome? Will the fish take the bait is up to the fish?
Will you take the bait of God’s love, so to speak? Will you eat of what he offers you?
God dangles and displays his witness right alongside you by parabolic teaching examples and stories and images, insights that if you are willing to consider what he’s offering, you may very well be taking the bait.
You may very well take the truth.
If you are not interested, parabolic teaching, you’ll look at it and say, I don’t need that.
I don’t need anything to do with it and you won’t bite.
Jesus doesn’t force anyone into the kingdom of God.
But listen, heaven is available and spiritual life is available. That’s what he’s teaching.
And this is a tremendous spiritual truth.
Matthew 13 3 says, Matthew 13 3 and Jesus spoke many things to the people in parables.
Matthew 13, 10 to 15. Matthew 13, 10 to 15 says, and the disciples came ask Jesus, why do you speak to the people in parables?
And Jesus answered and said to them because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.
But to them, it is not given for whoever has to Him, it shall be given and he shall have more abundance, but whoever does not have to him, what he does have shall be taken away from him.
Opportunity, this availability of truth. Watch this verse 13.
Therefore, I speak to the people in parables because seeing they see, not in hearing, they hear, not neither do they understand and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which says, by hearing, you shall hear and shall not understand and see and you shall see and not perceive for these people’s hearts have waxed, gross or cold and their ears have become dull of hearing and their eyes have been closed shut lest at any time listen to this lest at any time they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears and that they should understand with their hearts and should be converted and that I should heal them.
A parable goes alongside a heart and a mind And if someone is open to the gospel, they’re going to take it.
If they’re closed to the gospel, they’re going to reject it.
You need to know that as a foundational truth in our study, spiritual life is available to all people.
But are you willing? And are you open to say, God, I want you to speak to me and this is going to become more vividly clear as we look into the study.
So a parable is like a key.
Look at it this way, a parable is like a key that fits into a lock that has been designed for that key.
What good would it be if you go to Home Depot and you bought a lock and key set and the key is the wrong key for the set.
A parable is cast alongside a heart that like a key fits into that heart. Are you with me?
Everybody? And it unlocks the heart and there you go.
It’s a wonderful, amazing form of teaching and by teaching this parable, Jesus is instructing those that are listening, that the law and that the grace of God, the gospel of God and the demands of the law cannot save a man.
It doesn’t mean that the law is unrighteous. No, the law is righteous.
It doesn’t mean that God’s grace is weak. No, God’s grace is gloriously strong. They are completely different.
One is designed to convict you of your sins. That’s all.
And you’ll hear a lot more about that in a moment.
The other one is designed to save you from your sins. Are you with me? One is not bad.
One is not, you know, good in the way of comparing that way, both are necessary but only one can save you.
And it’s not the law. The law is firm, it’s rigid, it’s unmovable.
Yes, it’s wholly and pure and perfect, but it has no mercy, mercy. The law has no compassion.
It has no grace because it’s made out of stone. It’s very important.
So Jesus taught them about that, which was to come and that is the gospel of God.
And so what about this old garment he says right here uh very interesting regarding this opportunity for us.
And for this being available when he says in verse 36 no one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one.
Ladies, you might get this better than us guys. We had to read about it to figure it out.
I guess when you have something that’s old, an old shirt, you know, we all have our old, favorite, whatever it is.
If you got a tear in it, guys like it better. Um, women want to patch it up.
If you patch it up with a fresh garment with a fresh patch, I should say something that has not seen, uh, age or the, the washer or dryer.
If you sew it on there, uh, when it shrinks, it’s going to destroy the fabric, it’s gonna destroy whatever you’re trying to save.
And in this, Jesus is talking about a comparison and it’s incumbent upon the Hearers to understand he’s making a distinction here.
This is a very important thing. So he teaches them about an old garment.
No one he says, puts a piece from a new garment on an old one.
It’s gonna rip it, it’s gonna tear it up in Romans chapter eight verse three.
Romans 83 says for what the law could not do and that it was weak through the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful man on account of sin.
He condemned sin in the flesh church. This is a great verse.
Romans 83 tells us exactly in correlation with Luke chapter five verses 36 to 39. Do you understand that?
It’s great? The law can do this but it’s weak, it can’t save you.
Grace has to come in and deliver you and there could be no harmony between the two. Boy.
I gotta tell you, keep this in mind.
Those of you in, in a, in a church this size, I’m sure somebody is here where there’s a great battle going on on the inside of you to, to uh try to live the best life.
You can listen, very careful. I’m gonna try to live the best life I can.
I’m gonna do all that God requires of me. Yes, I love Jesus.
I believe he died on the cross for my sins. He rose again from the dead.
But I’m gonna do, I’m gonna pray longer. I’m gonna give more money. I’m going to do more things.
I’m gonna do this. I’m gonna do that.
I want to ask you, why are you going to do those things? Why? What’s your motive?
Well, because I believe in Jesus, I’m gonna, you know, I trust him, but also uh I need to do these good works.
Why? Well, you know, it’d be better between God and I, if I do well, in what way?
Well, I’ll, I’ll be saved. Doesn’t James say that you’ll know that I’m a Christian by my good works.
Yeah, because you’re a Christian. You do do the good works.
You cannot do the good works to become a Christian.
You cannot do the good works to impress God.
You cannot do the good thing and all the wonderful things that you and I would say are you sure pastor?
That’s a real moral, a real Godly thing to do.
Those things should come out of a real life with Christ, not being the reason or the drive of how you obtain Christ.
You cannot mix the requirements of ordinances and rules with being saved in the grace of God because you are saved.
The fruit of your salvation comes out in what is called works, James and the book of Romans are in perfect harmony.
This is a very vital thing. And if you understand it, it will set you free.
You cannot do things to impress God and you can’t mix these two things together, let the fruit flow.
But the law can never be rightly met correctly met because it demands absolute perfection.
Look at the next part of verse 36 is it spiritual life? Because spiritual life is dynamic.
That’s what Jesus is teaching dynamic.
He says, otherwise the new makes a terror that fabric, so to speak is so alive. It’s got to move.
That fabric is so full of vitality. It’s got to do something.
And as it’s exposed to the elements, it’s going to move, it’s going to change.
And when it begins to shrink up and mold and shape, it will rend the garment.
So Jesus Christ, the gospel message causes the terror.
You know, I don’t uh this is not so much in my notes and I didn’t really write it down.
But you know, Jesus said in Matthew’s Gospel.
Those of you who give your heart to him, um, you’re gonna go home and you tell your mom and dad or your husband and wife or your brother and sister.
Do they always receive it gladly? No, the, the new patch can cause the garment to terror.
There’s a mix and it’s not mixing at all.
It’s oil and water and this little statement Jesus lets, lets us in on a powerful unchanging theological truth.
And it’s this, you can raise a man from the dead, give him new physical life.
You can cleanse a leper. Uh you can heal somebody of their sickness.
But what Jesus is teaching is you cannot make dead religion live again.
He was speaking to the scribes and Pharisees.
He has zoomed in on those guys and Jesus is hoping, expecting them to respond to this parable.
And with that, there’s a huge responsibility to listen to him.
You can’t reform something that has no life.
It’s either dead or it’s not reformation is only for which those things that need recovery.
Jesus is saying that the law served its purpose to appoint he’s come to save, but the law cannot save you.
Jesus came to save but the law cannot redeem you godless religion.
The Bible says is twice dead.
Jude chapter one verse 12 says there, this religion that’s dead and those that hold to it, they are like spots in your love feast while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves because it’s prideful and arrogant.
They are like clouds without water carried about by the winds.
They are late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled out by the roots, like raging waves of the sea.
They fill up their shame, wandering stars for whom has reserved the blackness of darkness forever. How is that?
Because legalism will never get you to heaven. The old garment here is a garment of dead religion.
If you want to write that down in your notes or in your margins, I think you ought to do that.
The old garment is dead religion.
A system long lost from God, a system or a work that has long gone bad.
And so when Jesus is challenging them, he’s challenging them to think a new and when a new work comes along as it did in their eyes, they’re not willing to open it, they’re all shut up against it.
The dead will protest and criticize and then slip right back into their coma. They will always fight vitality.
In fact, the dangerous thing is when you see an old crusty once in love with God so called believer, look at a new believer and I don’t mean new as in young of age, I mean new believer at any age, trusting Jesus.
Oh, praise God. Oh, let’s raise our hands or let’s get involved.
And that old crusty professing believers says now just calmed down. That is a dangerous statement.
Hey, let’s, let’s go to church and then let’s go to that concert and then let’s go see the, the those that, that are in the hospital.
Let’s go visit the homeless. Now you don’t want, now, Sonny just calm on down, calm yourself.
Now, you don’t want to just, you know, save everybody in one moment.
Well, why not stay away from that?
Anybody telling you that run would the God that the church was filled with more vitality?
Jesus never, never would want to mix the two of a dead religion with the vitality of a new work.
Jesus did not come to repair the old system.
Some scholars believe that this is what the Pharisees were hoping is that Jesus who they could not deny would somehow acquiesce or somehow blend in to their ancient old established belief system, Jesus look, just join us.
Remember when Nicodemus came in John chapter three, he said, we know that thou art a man come from heaven or from God for no man can do the things you do.
Nicodemus is representing the religious hierarchy.
Well, we all agree on this, Jesus, here’s something you can really draw a crowd.
So join us. Did you hear that?
Hey, we recognize that you are really being led by God and being moved and drawing a crowd and people’s lives are being changed and your message is biblical.
So why don’t you join us?
Cults do that at your door, they knock and they say we’re being used by God. We’re amazing.
That sounds like a, you know, a motivational commercial. Oh, look at those. Join our church.
What’s the fruit of it? What’s the message in it? Jesus is preaching.
They don’t believe the message, but they want his attention. Just join us. Jesus.
And Jesus is saying, you can’t mix the two. In other words, allow me to say this.
What I’m speaking. What I’m saying, Jesus would be teaching is alive and vibrant to your ears. It’s new.
You, you’re caught up in traditions. You’re bound by legalism.
You’ve got the this and you can’t do this and thou shalt not this and, and everything is a big no, no, no, no to you.
And I’ve come along and I say, yes, yes, yes.
For all the promises of God in Christ are, yes, this is the difference.
And you and I don’t, don’t sit here for a moment and say, well, boy, that person next to me really needs to hear this.
I’ve been convicted about how much in my life is, is prone to tradition. You too.
Well, it’s the way we’ve always done it. Watch out. Maybe God wants to shake things up.
It’s the way it’s always been then maybe it’s time for a change.
Well, we’ve always had this way or that way.
It’s always been that tall or this small shake it up says the Lord.
And so he did not come to restore an old system to fix it.
He came to replace it. Luke 22 20.
Luke 22 20 says likewise, he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new, what is it?
The new covenant? The new Testament, which is in my blood which is shed for you.
New, the old Testament had its place.
Yes, it’s holy and yes, it even speaks in the future.
But that future is Christ, that future that it spoke of as Jesus and his blood Hebrews chapter eight verse 13.
Are you guys? Ok. I’m so excited. Am I yelling?
I’m sorry, I’m I love, I’m so free. I just need to Hebrews eight verse 13.
In that he says a new covenant, he has made the first obsolete.
Now, what has become obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. It’s the Old Testament.
What’s that? Thank you, Cathy Joe. I needed that.
Hebrews 8 13 to 24. He says, listen, a new covenant. This is ancient, old scripture here.
A new covenant. He has made the first obsolete. Now, that’s the Old Testament.
Now, what is becoming obsolete, is growing old and is ready to vanish away to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of the sprinkling that sprinkles or speaks of, I should say of better things.
The old covenant was vanishing away when as Christ was bringing the new and bringing his blood is it a spiritual life?
Look at finally, verse 36 at the end, because spiritual life is different, make no mistake about it.
And also the piece that was taken out of the new does not the old, I love this.
The new doesn’t mate, it doesn’t connect with the old, it’s obviously different. Do you realize church?
Do you realize how incredibly obviously different the new covenant in the blood of Jesus Christ is compared to the old covenant of the blood of animals, of the blood of sacrifices over and over and over and over again.
When Jesus Christ came, the book of Hebrews says that this Christ, Jesus offered himself up once and for what all never to be offered up again.
Beautiful pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs here on real life radio with his message called What’s Filling you?
Thanks for being with us today.
What’s filling you as part of Pastor Jack’s new series called The Gospel of Luke.
It’s a series on the New Testament Book of Luke and the unveiling of Jesus Christ to this world.
And we’ll continue on the next edition of Real Life radio.
Hey, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, do you know the real story surrounding the founding of America?
Amazing story behind the pilgrims will shock you and is truly a 55 year epic that began in peril on the high seas and ended in war.
Get the detail of America’s extraordinary journey that helped shape our country.
When you order Pastor Jack’s Book of the Month, it’s called Mayflower Voyage Community War.
It’s by best selling author Nathaniel Philbrick.
It’s yours for a gift of any amount at our website Jack Hibbs dot com. That’s Jack Hibbs dot com.
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Until next time, Pastor Jack Hibbs and all of us here at Real Life Radio.
Wish for you solid and steady growth in Christ and in his word, we’ll see you next time here on Real Life Radio.

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