What To Do After A Miracle (Holiday Message) | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
What To Do After A Miracle (Holiday Message) | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
“One heartbeat,” he replied, “one heartbeat. That’s it. That’s all. You’re only one heartbeat away from eternity. Everything you have—your life, your breath, this moment, it’s all borrowed, it’s all a gift. And at any moment it all ends with a heartbeat…just one heartbeat, and there’s no more time. One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone. One heartbeat and there’s no more choosing—it’s all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
And they’re not home, they’re homeless, they gotta find a way to survive.
They have to get food shelter, they, for them, it’s surviving and with their newborn, not the kind of thing you ever see on a Christmas card or in a Christmas play.
But it’s crucial because without this, there’s no story, there’s no salvation.
This is the most universal birthday celebration on planet Earth.
It’s celebrated in every land in one way or another.
And yet there’s one people that, that are, have been known for not celebrating.
And yet it’s so ironic because it’s its own family.
2000 years ago, he came to a Jewish town, a Jewish family.
They have to get food shelter, they, for them, it’s surviving and with their newborn, not the kind of thing you ever see on a Christmas card or in a Christmas play.
But it’s crucial because without this, there’s no story, there’s no salvation.
This is the most universal birthday celebration on planet Earth.
It’s celebrated in every land in one way or another.
And yet there’s one people that, that are, have been known for not celebrating.
And yet it’s so ironic because it’s its own family.
2000 years ago, he came to a Jewish town, a Jewish family.

It’s the most Jewish thing in the world. What is this all about? It’s not about Santa Claus.
It’s not about, it’s not about presence, it’s about the birth of the Messiah of Israel in the light of the world.
The Hebrew prophet said that this one would be born. Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
That’s not when I first saw that in the Bible said, what’s this Catholic? What, what is it?
I don’t know. How did that get into the Hebrew Scriptures? Well, it’s for all it is born in Bethlehem.
He become the light of the world that is also what it says.
So he has think about it every moment in this world is dated by the birth of this Jewish child, from the stock market and Wall Street to the communist government in Beijing.
They have to date everything by the birth of this Jewish child.
Every moment, think about it every moment of your life is dated by that, every day, every moment of your life you date by what its relation is to the birth of this Jewish.
It doesn’t matter who you are and it happens to be. I mean, think about it.
Here is the central life of this, the life that has divided history, that is the central life on this planet.
Also happened to fulfill these prophecies that the Jewish Messiah had to fulfill and he’s become the light to the world.

Your life has already related to him no matter who you are.
The key is when you enter into a real relationship relating to him and who the one who was born into the world is actually born into you.
And so we’re going to do something that goes back that he would have recognized, that goes back to the time and the flavor.
This is not frosty, the snowman, this is not elves, this is what in the time of Messiah him being born, I want to lower the lights.
We’re going to give a little flavor of that.
And that is, you see over there that is the, that’s not the Hanukkah menorah.
That’s the temple menorah. That’s what it’s all based on.
This is seven lights and that represents the light that’s shining in the darkness, the light of God.
And it’s no accident that both Hanukkah and Christmas are about this theme of light shining in the darkness.
And so what we’re gonna do, I’ve reminded you that the rabbis said that, well, don’t ever like this until Messiah has come.
So every year we make a point of lighting this one because Messiah has come.
This is the sign of it. This is the seven branch menorah, the light of the world.
And here are the actual prophecies from Israel.
The prophets of Israel said, Messiah will be this Isaiah, behold, the virgin shall conceive and be with child and the name of the child shall be Emmanuel Emmanuel God is with us.
Isaiah said in Isaiah nine. For to us, a child is born, a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be wonderful counselor you.
It’s everlasting father L Gabor the mighty God Hacer, Shalom, the prince of peace and there shall be no end of his government or on the throne of David for the Lord himself will establish this.
And then the prophet Micah said this of the Messiah, listen, whoever the Jewish Messiah Messiah the light of the world.
This has to be. He said this.
Well, I’m gonna, I’m gonna actually, I’m actually gonna say it, I’m gonna do it in the original Hebrew and then, then in English ve gotta bait him to Leo Motion.
Israel. Me, me, me.
Oh. Oh. Mhm.
But as for you, Bethlehem. Bethlehem from you, will he go forth who is to be ruler in Israel?
From the smallest of clans Bethlehem.
Though you be his goings forth, his origins are from the ancient days, even from the days of eternity.
Lord, we praise you and thank you this morning, this day. Lord, we thank you.
You brought you bring light where there was darkness. Lord and you bring hope where there wasn’t hope.
You blessed father. We thank you so much.
We have you and you have come and we bless you in the name above every name, the name of Yeshua Jesus or in the light of the world, both Israel and the glory of Israel in his holy name.
And all the people say now Joseph Joseph, who also went up from the Galilee in Israel, the Galilee from the city called or Nazareth to Yehuda, Judah to the ear, David, the city of David, the king which is called Bethlehem.
Bethlehem because he was of the house and family of David in order to register with his wife, whose name was Miriam Mary, who was patrolled to him and was pregnant while they were there, the time came to give birth and she gave birth to her first born son.
She wrapped him in cloths, laid him in a manger because there wasn’t any room for them in the, in, in the same region.
There were some shepherds, staying out in the fields, watching their flocks at night.
And um ala an angel um Malek Adonai, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared to them.
The glory of Adonai. The Lord shone around them and they were very afraid and the angel said to them, don’t be afraid.
Behold, I bring you good news of great joy.
That will be for all the people for today in the year.
David, the city of David, there has been born for you a mo Shia savior redeemer who is Mascia Messiah, the anointed one, don’t I the Lord miraculous night in Bethlehem.
Imagine if you were with you were Joseph or Mary. And imagine if we don’t know.
But imagine if they discovered the actual scriptures, the prophecies of this event in Isaiah, the child will be born, the son will be given Isaiah seven.
The virgin will conceive and the child will be called God with us. Micah 52.
You Bethlehem will be the place. Imagine they’re talking to each other and say, look what’s here.
We’re part of this. This is all that. It was a prophecy for centuries and centuries and it’s being fulfilled.
Now, it would have been so overwhelming And now here they are in Bethlehem and they’re overwhelmed, the shepherds, shepherds out of nowhere, find them.
And so you won’t believe what happened. We had this, the disappearance of the vision of angels, angels appearing.
And they said the Messiah is born today.
Here it’s him, this baby is him wrapped up and they’re overwhelmed, Joseph and Mary that night, an obscure part of the earth outdoors in an animal feeding station.
All these prophecies of the Hebrew scriptures of the Jewish Messiah of the light of the world are fulfilled in their midst and their behold as they’re looking at this newborn life, Miriam, the chosen woman of all women, Joseph Joseph, the chosen man, this miraculous night, the nativity.
And then what We’ve had 2000 years of celebrations of this and cards and gifts and parties and songs and, but for Joseph and Mary, it wasn’t all that.
It was just one event. Once we don’t know they ever celebrated, it didn’t have any idea.
Did they have any idea that this little, this intimate private event would become the biggest event on the planet?
But what happened for them? It was just one night of their life.
The shepherds ultimately didn’t think about a holiday. It was their night. It was what happened.
The shepherds ultimately had to call it a night.
They’d go back to their flocks, the angels sang, they finished the song, went back, it all faded, the night faded.
The stars faded, the moon faded. It was over the night of miracles.
And Joseph and Mary are left there in a town.
It’s not their home and say now, what do we do? There’s no nativity set there.
There’s no, we don’t have any nativity set that talks about the next day, the day after or the day after that.
No Christmas play about that. But the day after was crucial because without the day after, there’s nothing at the, the story stops, there’s no gospel, there’s no salvation.
The next, you know, you know what would have been there, there would have been maybe some animals, that’s it.
And they’re not home, they’re homeless.
They gotta find a way to survive, they have to get food, shelter, they, for them, it’s surviving and with their newborn, not the kind of thing you ever see on a Christmas card or in a Christmas play.
But it’s crucial because without this, there’s no story, there is no salvation.
So the days go by and the miracle becomes increasingly something of a memory from the past and, and it’s obscured every day.
There’s new events that kind of push that out daily life. Joseph, what’s he doing? He’s making a living.
Mary is taking care of the house, taking care of the, of the child washing, cleaning, preparing food.
The night of miracles gets farther and farther away.
We think of miracles, but we don’t think of the day after, you know, that what happened in Egypt, you know, the, the Hebrews were led out of Egypt.
What happened, changed their lives. But there’s the miracle of the Red Sea, but not long after that, they forgot it.
They set up the golden calf. They were ready to rise up against Moses. They forgot the miracle.
Think of the day maniac. The guy who’s possessed, he’s dwelling in tombs. He’s terrorizing everybody who’s coming near.
And one day this Messiah appears on his shore and he, he delivers him and, but, but then now he’s, now he’s saved.
He’s in his right mind now. But then his life has to go on. Now. He’s gotta make a living.
See when you’re running around naked and screaming like a maniac, you don’t have to make a living you.
No one expects you to. But now he’s gotta go job hunting. Imagine being interviewed if that was you.
Have you ever had any mental instability ever ever run around like a maniac naked?
Well, I sort of, you know, he’s no longer than a maniac.
He’s just, he’s just Joe Smith, the ex to maniac. He not have a wife and kids.
Imagine his kids saying daddy, can you tell a story when you used to know it’s okay?
They will forget about that. But, but if the miracle gets, gets, you know, the miracles one day and then comes life, we have this idea in the Bible and the miracles are all the time they’re regular.
Well, if they were regularly, wouldn’t be miracles. You see, that’s what a miracle is.
And so, you know, for Mary, you know, there’s, there’s two miracles at that time, there’s a miracle of the appearance of the angel and then there’s the miracle of the event, the fulfillment.
And that’s it. As far as we know, there’s no record of anything else for 30 years, Mary’s life, 30 years of regular life, cleaning the, cleaning the house, starting the fire.
Miracles are of heaven. It’s an event from heaven that comes into earth.
It’s like it’s like uh God is inserting something into the blind. See the lame walk, the possessed deliver this.
He opens the mountain quakes and the essence of the miracle is heavenly, but it’s coming to earth.
It’s like God throwing a stone into the water of life and the it ripples.
But then it kind of fades because see the, the miracle becomes the day before and the day before that the miracles eternal.
But, but it coming on earth, the manifestation gets, gets older.
Even Elijah who prayed for fire to come down and it happened and the heavens opened up and the drought ends and in the following days, he’s trembling.
It’s like he forgot everything and he’s ready to die, ready to give up. He forgot everything God did.
He didn’t keep the miracle that he himself was part of in a strange way. That’s what Christmas is.
Like it parallels it because Christmas for again, there are people who celebrate people who don’t, but Christmas, all their decorations go up, celebrations, get togethers, services, gives party songs, people, food, relatives, the nativity scenes and then the day ends and then it’s over and yet yet yet in that sense, it actually replays what happened 2000 years ago because Joseph and Mary left the manger was empty.
Nobody has, nobody puts up an empty major.
But after that, they left, the rest of life is just as crucial as the day of the miracle.
What they experienced that night wasn’t just an experience.
The real essence of the miracle isn’t the experience of a miracle. It’s the miracle of the experience.
It’s the reality, Miriam and Joseph to them, Christmas wasn’t an event.
It was a reality that changed their life as a baby.
The point wasn’t to experience at that point was the reality, the life.
So with the others, you know, there’s a crippled man, he gets healed suddenly, he can walk years later.
That event that healed him when he saw Messiah, he said get up and walk that, that that was a distant event.
But the effect of it changed his life.
The blind man, same thing man born blind Messiah comes to him And he’s healed. He can see.
And that story is so real because that guy is taken for interrogation and he’s sarcastic, which would only have you read that event.
It’s an amazing thing. It happened.
He was healed and, and, and, but that the day would become an old day last year, year before 10 years ago.
But the reality changed his life. Now, did the blind man live a miraculous life? We don’t know.
I mean that was a miracle that we don’t know. Even though he had a miracle come to him.
You see it’s human nature to get used to what you have, especially if it’s good, even if it’s a miracle, you know that you know, cause I know I’ve seen miracles.
I know people see miracles and yet days go on and then you kind of live like the regular thing like as if it didn’t, if you worked in Disney World in Magic Kingdom, after a while, it wouldn’t be the magic kingdom would be your job and, and it would, you would be all gone.
You see, we have people in this area who come, we have people who come from to come to the services almost every week from around the country.
And we have people who come and say wow, you live, you live near in New York City.
I’ve always dreamed of going there. And you think why we tried to get away from there?
You know the Israelites had, had manna from heaven. Manna from heaven. Imagine food.
You don’t have to go out, you don’t have to order it. You don’t have to pay for it.
You just set up the table in the wilderness, Manna from heaven. You got dinner, dinner served.
But after a while it happened every day, they got used to it.
I mean, how much variety they might they filet of Mana Kentucky fried Manna. General Chow’s manner.
Manicotti, Alaskan King, mana mana ball soup with some Manischewitz wine.
You know, Manna from heaven, an awesome miracle.
But after a while they’re complaining about the accommodations, even though the miracle was there, they lost it in their heart.
When you take a miracle for granted, you lose it, even if you have it.
God gives experiences and that’s good. It’s good.
You know, feelings are part of our life in God and so our experiences, but that’s not the heart of it.
The heart isn’t experiences, it’s the truth, it’s reality.
So many believers want experiences but that, but experiences go up and down, you get up, you get the down, but the truth doesn’t go up and down.
The truth is steadfast. That’s why if you live by experiences and feelings, you go up and down.
But if you live by the truth, you become strong, you become steadfast.
See, it’s not about the worship of the Lord.
That’s good, but it’s about the Lord of the worship, regardless of the worship. It’s about the Lord.
It’s not about the holiday of the Lord. It’s about the Lord of the holiday.
If you got the holiday, do all your celebrating but you don’t have the center of it. It’s nothing.
The holiday ends, the service ends, but the God of the service doesn’t end.
He’s not the God of just Sundays, the God of Monday morning.
So, what did Joseph and Mary do after the nativity? Did they pose for holiday cards?
For Wall for, for Hallmark? I said almost at Walmart. Hallmark.
Now they went to Jerusalem for the circumcision or circumcision.
They went to Jerusalem to fulfill what the law said because they had obligations.
You see God’s life and God’s miracles and God’s touching your life doesn’t exempt you from daily life or problems.
It’s just the opposite gives you the power to deal with them and overcome them.
What did Joseph and Mary do after Christmas? What did they do?
They did the laundry, they took out the garbage, they raised a family when the Hebrews left Egypt and there was a delusion of miracles.
Yet God didn’t leave it that way. He said from now on keep this day every, keep this every day.
He said, keep this. So you never forget what I did for you.
You never forget the miracle and where you went, where you were from, where you are and how you got there.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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