What Jonathan Cahn Said of 2023 Before It Happened | New Year’s Eve Message | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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What Jonathan Cahn Said of 2023 Before It Happened | New Year’s Eve Message | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

On New Year’s Eve, at the dawn of 2023, Jonathan Cahn spoke of where things were heading, including Intifida, an Uprising Against Israel, War, & Prime Minister Netanyahu.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Many believers don’t realize this, but there has been more persecution of believers in modern times in our day than in all the rest of the church age.
So I’m gonna give you a a kind of overview of key things that happened this year that are prophetically important, important for the future.
And so this is gonna this year was very prophetic to begin with. Let’s start with Israel.
The Bible says that in the last days, the Jewish people will be gathered back from the nations.
Israel will again be a nation on the earth. And the Jewish people will return to Jerusalem.
This has all been fulfilled. But it also says that the temple of Jerusalem will be rebuilt.
What happened in Israel this year?
Well, in 2022, just recently, Benjamin Netanyahu came back into office as the nation’s prime minister.
It’s amazing. You know, in Israel, it’s like 5050, but among believers, it’s all Netanyahu. You know?
Well, he’s already the longest serving prime minister of Israel.
Came back into office in what the media described as the most right wing government in Israel’s history.
Now prophetically, that could mean that Israel will take more steps with regard to the Jewish people being able to pray on the temple mount and steps in the direction that will ultimately lead to the building of the 2nd temple, as the Bible says.
At the same time, it could also raise the possibility of uprising into fathers and even the possibility of war.
I spoke to a brother in the lord who gave a prophecy to Netanyahu.
During his first term as prime minister.
And he told him, as from the lord, Netanyahu didn’t know what to make of it, but he said, I have put you in the position you’re in.
Do not give up my land or you will I will remove you from power.
Netanyahu kind of laughed it off, but then he was pressured by the Clinton administration in the nineties to give up the land than he did and he was removed from power.
Years later, that same brother saw Netanyahu again, gave him a second prophecy And this time Netanyahu was not laughing.
He said, I removed you. In effect, I removed you, but I I’m going to give you another chance.
I will bring you back only this time do not compromise, do not give up my land.
For I’ve called you for this moment, Listen, for the restoring of the tabernacle of David.
I was speaking the other day with a very famous man, a believer who’s Name is known to virtually every American has been for about half a century, a great brother in the lord who told me he was with Netanyahu, and he told him of Rabbi Kadoi.
Rabbi Kadoi is one of the the, you know, kind of grand rabbis of Israel of the orthodox with thou had thousands and thousands of followers in Israel and around the world.
He died a few years back, and at the age, reckon to be between a 103a108.
Before he died, he wrote down what he believed was the name of Messiah.
He wrote a sentence in Hebrew.
If you take the first letter of every word of that sentence, it spells out yahushua or yahshua.
When he told Netanyahu, Netanyahu responded you mean Jesus.
The brother then called the author of a book who had written a book on the Rabbi Kedori’s revelation of a lever, He wanted to send it to Netanyahu, but when he called them up, the man told him that Netanyahu’s office had already called them up and ordered 30 copies.
This year also saw the return of the red heifer.
The red heifer is a red cow that’s needed for a special purification in the temple.
But Rev heifers pretty much don’t exist, but they were found this year in Texas, not 1, but several of them.
And the rabbis came to Texas to verify that it was a red heifer.
If they find one like I’ve heard they find one hair that’s not red, it’s disqualified.
It turned out that some of those who were keeping the red heifer were from Beth Israel.
I didn’t know until they told me.
And this year, the red heifers were sent to Israel with regard to the future rebuilding of the temple. Yes.
Now the man who gave Netanyahu the prophecy returned to him later when he was prime minister again, along with a well known pastor.
And at one point Netanyahu was in his office, he took out a picture from his desk and said it’s all about this, isn’t it?
It was a picture of the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem.
The Bible says that in the last days, there will be great persecution of believers.
Many believers don’t realize this, but there has been more persecution of believers in modern times in our day than in all the rest of the church age.
This year, stories of persecution of believers came from all over the world.
Persecution of Christians in India, in North Korea, in the lands of Islam, in Africa, in the Muslim regions of Nigeria.
And, of course, in China, where the government, the communist government has been trying to eradicate the faith.
It’s warring against our brothers and sisters in China, closing down churches, arresting pastors, and other believers, actually rewriting.
They rewrote the Bible to confuse believers They’re demanding that pastors preach messages giving glory to the communist government.
We have to pray for our brothers and sisters all over the world who are in the midst of fiery persecution.
The Bible also says in the last days, there will be wars and rumors of wars.
There remains the continual danger of another place called Iran, which continually moved toward acquiring the capacity to wage nuclear war and they support terrorists.
At the same time, this year saw a revolt. I don’t know if you caught it.
In China, there was a revolt against the government. And there was also a revolt.
There is a revolt in Iran against the Islamic government.
The Bible says that in the last days, all nations will come against Israel.
An attack that will lead to Armageddon.
This year, just recently, the UN General Assembly voted to adopt a resolution to commemorate what it called Nakba Day.
What is that? Nakba is Arabic, it means the catastrophe.
What was the catastrophe that the UN adopted? The birth of Israel.
The UN voted to declare Israel’s birth a catastrophe.
The nations of the world can you imagine that?
Saying that the birth of a nation was a catastrophe for the world.
The vote was 90 nations 4 30 against. 47 didn’t have anything to say about it.
Now Israel is surrounded not only by a world that hates it, but by nations, neighbors that wanna destroy it.
So it protects itself with an army and with weapons and nuclear weapons to say if you try to destroy us, we have means to stop it.
It’s been called the Samson option. That’s a deterrent.
This year, the the UN voted recently to demand that Israel give up its nuclear weapons.
The UN has never voted for the most dangerous of nations like China to give up its nuclear weapons or Pakistan, which become which I which is a haven for terrorists, Just one nation, they wanna disarm.
You know what the vote was? A 152 nations against 5.
When it gets to 0, then it’s Armageddon.
The Bible says that in the last days, there will be a great apostasy.
2nd, thessalonians 23 says, let no one deceive you.
That day will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction.
Talking about the antichrist. A great falling away will come before the day of the lord. Amazing.
Because when this was written, when Paul said this, the faith was just beginning.
The prophecy, though, presumes that it’s gonna be all over the world to say that the world’s gonna fall away from a faith that had not even spread to the world but it has now, and the great apostasy is here.
2022 I don’t know if you noticed it, but 2022 was filled with apostasy.
And it even accelerated. The lord said do not cause one of these little ones do not cause a child to stumble.
One of the themes of this year was the increasing focus on children on the apacity, the stumbling of children.
There’s a reason for this. Children are the most open. They’re the most moldable, bendable. And they’re the future.
If you can change them, you change the future.
If you can have the children, you have America, you have the world.
It’s been part of Western culture for around 2000 years that children are to be kept away from sexuality.
That’s just common sense. Children are never to be sexualized.
And the issue of alternate sexuality has always been kept far away from children.
But that safeguard began to break around the turn of the century. And now the dam has broken.
In place of it is a deluge For the first time ever, there was found historical proof outside of the written account, archaeological proof of the events of Hanukkah.
Was found in a cave used by people who resisted their nation’s apostasy and the persecution who had not be forced to go against the word of god.
It was dated to those exact years. There’s a message, I believe, in that.
God’s people will be tested by such things. When such things come, they must not give in.
They must stand for god. You must stand for god. No matter what.
See, in times such as these, you have to choose not to be defiled.
Not to give in, but to stand, to resist, stand for god. Do not be silent.
Take your stand. No matter what, no matter what it costs, god will bless you. God will anoint you.
You can look at what’s happening in this year, you know, what happened in the world, and see it as bad times.
But in god, there’s no real bad times because god is will use all times for good.
There are dark times, but god uses the dark times to manifest the light, even to his people.
These are the days of the great people of god, like Elijah, Jeremiah, the Macabees, the apostles, the first believers, they all dealt with what we are just beginning to deal with.
This is our chance. It’s a privilege and an honor to be able to stand for the lord.
What it means so much? You know, you know, that you we there is no darkness that the light of god cannot pierce.
There’s no darkness that the that by contrast will not magnify the light if the light will shine.
If the darkness is increasing, let’s increase the light.
You know, we just heard before from the the an artist here, recording artists who said, listen, I just put this out.
He, you know, Jesus is the reason. Anything you can do, put it out. That’s the light.
With all the darkness going on this year, god gave us an opportunity to sound the trumpet in movie theaters across America.
Gave us the grace to make it number 2 after Doctor Strange. God is amazing.
He will he’s never finished. He will honor what we do for him.
He’ll honor you standing for him this year. This year, let’s go all out.
1st in our personal life and our walk with god.
All out in victory, all out impurity, all out in single mindedness, put out the thing that’s wavering you, put it out, all out in his presence, all out in the spirit, all out in his calling, that we might go all out in the world for the world and for America.
Let’s make it a year to answer the darkness with lights.
If the darkness has become greater, let’s turn up the lights. Don’t be don’t be timid.
Be more bold because it means it needs you more.
That the light you know, that whatever happens, the light is greater still.
You see, no matter what the world does this year, that’s not gonna determine your year or your future if you don’t let it.
The darkness is not the story of your life. It was, but it’s not anymore.
The light is the story of your life. The world cannot stop you from shining this year.
The world cannot stop you from living all out this year.
The world cannot stop you from overcoming sin this year or that habit this year.
The world cannot stop you from living victoriously or rejoicing in the lord.
They couldn’t stop Paul no matter what they did. He still lived victoriously so too with you.
Let’s make this year count a year of victory of choosing victory before it even comes.
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